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Reality Suggests a Synthesis
managers are neither helpless nor all powerful
管理者自由度的悖论 Paradox of Managerial Discretion
管理自由度 企业文化
Organizational Culture
Learning Objectives
Differentiate the symbolic from the omnipotent view of management Define organizational culture Identify the seven dimensions(标准 与尺度) that make up(构成) an organization’s culture and how these dimensions reflect the organization’s personality
Learning Objectives (cont.)
Contrast certain and uncertain environments Identify the various stakeholders(利益 相关者) with whom managers have to deal Clarify how managers manage relationships with external stakeholders
Mary has also been asked, as part of the cultural change, to build on the belief that managers are directly responsible for the organization's success or failure. This would be consistent with an organizational culture that has a (n) ______ view of management.
organizational culture may be derived from seven dimensions
Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Attention to Detail Innovation and Risk-taking Stability Aggressive L/H L/H L/H L/H L/H L/H L/H
Symbolic View of Management
the actual part that managers play in organizational success or failure is minimal managers must create meaning out of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity
How Employees LearnCulture
Stories(故事) - a narrative of significant events or people Rituals(象征) - repetitive sequences of activities Material symbols(有形标识) – essential in creating an organization’s personality. Language(语言) - identifies members of a culture organizations develop unique terminology or jargon
Explain how cultures can be strong (强力) or weak(形式) Describe the various ways that employees leaபைடு நூலகம்n culture Explain how culture constrains(约束) managers Describe the various components in an organization’s specific and general environments
Managerial Discretion
Organization’s Environment
What is Organizational Culture?
A system of shared meaning and beliefs held by organizational members that determines, in large degree, how they act (behave)
Which of the following is not implied by your text's definition of culture?
a. Culture is a perception. b. Individuals tend to describe an organization's culture in dissimilar terms. c. There is a shared aspect of culture. d. Organizational culture is a descriptive term. e. Research suggests seven dimensions to an organization's culture.

Stakeholder partnerships Boundary spanning Stakeholder management Scanning and monitoring the environment
The Role of Manager?
Omnipotent View of Management
Organizations in which the key values are intensely held and widely shared have _________ cultures.
a. b. c. d. e. emerging aggressive weak strong assertive
a. b. c. d. e. traditional omnipotent standard symbolic conservative
Organizational culture is similar to an individual's _________.
a. b. c. d. e. skills personality motivation ability knowledge
The Source of Culture
usually reflects the vision or mission of the founder founders project image of what the organization should be
© Prentice Hall, 2002
managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success(成功) if the organization performs poorly, managers will be held accountable(经营不善,管理者负有 责任)
© Prentice Hall, 2002 3-19
strong cultures are associated with (相联系) high organizational performance(业绩) most organizations have moderate (适中) to strong cultures
The link between organizational values and managerial behavior is ______.
a. uncertain b. fairly straightforward c. loose and difficult to see d. unimportant e. hidden
How Culture Affects(影响) Managers
establishes appropriate managerial behavior(确立合适 的管理行为) constrains decision making in all management functions(约束管理层在履行管理职能中的决策) Planning - degree of risk that plans should contain
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Strong Versus Weak Cultures
in strong cultures, the key values are deeply held and widely shared strong cultures have greater influence on employees than do weak cultures employees more committed to organizations with strong cultures
According to the information presented in “A Manager’s Dilemma,” Vancouver is a city where the environment is fairly stable and the relationship among stakeholders is critically important. Which of the following approaches to managing stakeholder relationships should Catherine Deslauriers, the city of Vancouver’s staff and organizational development coordinator, pursue?
What is the original source of an organization's culture?
a. The organization's industry b. The organization's size c. The organization's age d. The organization's geographic location e. The organization's founder
a common perception(共同的观点) Individuals describe organizational culture in similar terms(使用同样的术语) a descriptive term(描述性术语)