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Type I Irregularities of extrahepatic duct contour, without distant narrowing
Type II Segmental stenosis of extrahepatic duct, with smooth or irregular margin
原发性硬化性胆管炎(primary sclerosing cholangitis):
一种特发性於胆性疾病。胆管弥漫性炎症,广泛 纤维化增厚和狭窄是本病的特征。
胆管病变可为均一性、节段性或不规则性。病变 可累计整个胆道系统,以肝外胆管病变明显。
胆囊一般不受侵犯。 可逐渐发展致胆汁性肝硬化、门脉高压、肝衰竭
病因不明。目前认为与自身免疫性疾病、 慢性肠源性感染、中毒等因素有关。约 50%~70%病人合并有溃疡性结肠炎(BD)。
本病少见,约2/3发生在45岁以下病人,男 女之比约为3:2。
起病缓慢,黄疸初期呈间歇性加重,后期 呈慢性进行性持续性梗阻,伴瘙痒及间歇 性右上腹隐痛、恶心呕吐、乏力、体重减 轻等,偶有畏寒发热等胆管炎表现。
Type III Irregular stenosis and beading of almost entire length of the common duct
Type IV Extremely irregular margin of the extrahepatic duct, diverticulumlike outpoutchings
Type 0 No abnormalities
Type I Multiple strictures with normal caliber of the bile ducts or minimal dilatations
Type II Multiple short, bandlike strictures, saccular dilatations, decreased arborisation
肝内胆管分4型: T0型,肝内胆管未见异常。 I型,肝内胆管多发狭窄,狭窄间胆管正常
或轻度扩张。 II型,肝内胆管多发狭窄,狭窄间胆管似小
囊状扩张,呈串珠样改变。 III型,加压注入对比剂后肝内胆管仅中央
肝外胆管分5型: 0型,肝外胆管未见异常。 I型,胆管无明显狭窄,仅边缘轻度不规则。 II型,胆管呈节段性狭窄,多累及肝总管或
常出现肝硬化、门脉高压症的表现。 病人常死于肝衰竭。
ERCP、MRCP显示胆管普遍性或局限性狭 窄,或呈节僵直,具有诊断价值。PTC常难以 成功。
Cholangiographic classification system for primary sclerosing cholangitis。
ERCP with the corresponding MRCP of two patients with PSC. Patient A presents with multifocal strictures of the intrahepatic bile ducts and with a high-grade stenosis at the cystic duct junction. Patient B features a long-segment filiform stenosis of the common bile duct; the intrahepatic ducts seem to be profoundly narrowed in ERCP while MRCP accentuates the dilated bile ducts in intervening segments.
Type III Despite adequate filling pressure only central branches filled; severe pruning, one or more outpouchings
Type 0 No abnormalities
胆总管近端,范围2~4 cm。 III型,肝外胆管大部或全部受累,呈弥漫
IV型,胆管边缘很不规整,甚至呈憩室样 凸出。
Secondary biliary sclerosis can mimick cholangiographic features of PSC. (A) The cholangiogram of a patient with ischemic-like cholangiopathy and biliary cast formation after prolonged anamnestic polytrauma with sepsis and mechanical ventilation. (B) A biliary cast that had been removed from the hepatic duct in this patient.
PSC早期诊断较困难.随着实验室技术的发展,影像学的 进步,以及临治疗经验的积累,使PSC的诊断与治疗有了 较大的进步。
目前认为,该发病率较低。主要发生在中青年当中,临床 特点可以有以下几方面:①多以间隙性或渐进性阻塞性黄 疽为首发症状。可伴有间隙性发热.如无胆道感染,则无 寒战;②病程中可有纳差、乏力、腹胀,直至胆汁性肝硬 化、门脉高压症的症状;③均无肝、胆道的既往手术史和 胆道感染的既往史;④肝功能异常,转氨酶不同程度的升 高;⑤ERCP或MRCP检查主要表现是肝内胆管的僵硬、狭 窄,甚至呈现枯枝样、串珠样改变;⑥B超或CT检查排除 肿瘤存在,仅提示胆道的狭窄。
Type II Segmental stenosis of extrahepatic duct, with smooth or irregular margin
原发性硬化性胆管炎(primary sclerosing cholangitis):
一种特发性於胆性疾病。胆管弥漫性炎症,广泛 纤维化增厚和狭窄是本病的特征。
胆管病变可为均一性、节段性或不规则性。病变 可累计整个胆道系统,以肝外胆管病变明显。
胆囊一般不受侵犯。 可逐渐发展致胆汁性肝硬化、门脉高压、肝衰竭
病因不明。目前认为与自身免疫性疾病、 慢性肠源性感染、中毒等因素有关。约 50%~70%病人合并有溃疡性结肠炎(BD)。
本病少见,约2/3发生在45岁以下病人,男 女之比约为3:2。
起病缓慢,黄疸初期呈间歇性加重,后期 呈慢性进行性持续性梗阻,伴瘙痒及间歇 性右上腹隐痛、恶心呕吐、乏力、体重减 轻等,偶有畏寒发热等胆管炎表现。
Type III Irregular stenosis and beading of almost entire length of the common duct
Type IV Extremely irregular margin of the extrahepatic duct, diverticulumlike outpoutchings
Type 0 No abnormalities
Type I Multiple strictures with normal caliber of the bile ducts or minimal dilatations
Type II Multiple short, bandlike strictures, saccular dilatations, decreased arborisation
肝内胆管分4型: T0型,肝内胆管未见异常。 I型,肝内胆管多发狭窄,狭窄间胆管正常
或轻度扩张。 II型,肝内胆管多发狭窄,狭窄间胆管似小
囊状扩张,呈串珠样改变。 III型,加压注入对比剂后肝内胆管仅中央
肝外胆管分5型: 0型,肝外胆管未见异常。 I型,胆管无明显狭窄,仅边缘轻度不规则。 II型,胆管呈节段性狭窄,多累及肝总管或
常出现肝硬化、门脉高压症的表现。 病人常死于肝衰竭。
ERCP、MRCP显示胆管普遍性或局限性狭 窄,或呈节僵直,具有诊断价值。PTC常难以 成功。
Cholangiographic classification system for primary sclerosing cholangitis。
ERCP with the corresponding MRCP of two patients with PSC. Patient A presents with multifocal strictures of the intrahepatic bile ducts and with a high-grade stenosis at the cystic duct junction. Patient B features a long-segment filiform stenosis of the common bile duct; the intrahepatic ducts seem to be profoundly narrowed in ERCP while MRCP accentuates the dilated bile ducts in intervening segments.
Type III Despite adequate filling pressure only central branches filled; severe pruning, one or more outpouchings
Type 0 No abnormalities
胆总管近端,范围2~4 cm。 III型,肝外胆管大部或全部受累,呈弥漫
IV型,胆管边缘很不规整,甚至呈憩室样 凸出。
Secondary biliary sclerosis can mimick cholangiographic features of PSC. (A) The cholangiogram of a patient with ischemic-like cholangiopathy and biliary cast formation after prolonged anamnestic polytrauma with sepsis and mechanical ventilation. (B) A biliary cast that had been removed from the hepatic duct in this patient.
PSC早期诊断较困难.随着实验室技术的发展,影像学的 进步,以及临治疗经验的积累,使PSC的诊断与治疗有了 较大的进步。
目前认为,该发病率较低。主要发生在中青年当中,临床 特点可以有以下几方面:①多以间隙性或渐进性阻塞性黄 疽为首发症状。可伴有间隙性发热.如无胆道感染,则无 寒战;②病程中可有纳差、乏力、腹胀,直至胆汁性肝硬 化、门脉高压症的症状;③均无肝、胆道的既往手术史和 胆道感染的既往史;④肝功能异常,转氨酶不同程度的升 高;⑤ERCP或MRCP检查主要表现是肝内胆管的僵硬、狭 窄,甚至呈现枯枝样、串珠样改变;⑥B超或CT检查排除 肿瘤存在,仅提示胆道的狭窄。