



我一向认为他这个人工于心计又维利是图,所以总是尽力 设法避开他。 很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。 他虽然很年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。 这个犟男孩不肯听父母的忠告。 侵略者遭到了当地人民顽强的抵抗。

My mother is in her seventies. You think she will come if it is fine tomorrow. But I don’t think so. A dozen and a half planes poured into the airport during that five minutes. It took them two decades to do the job. You say he works hard, so he does. Her father is a famous professor, but I can’t find any scholarly pretense in him.
例如:One boy a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 这才是“一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚担水吃,三个和尚没水 吃” I sure want to put in my two cents’ worth. 句中的 two cents’ worth是一种谦虚说法,来自美国。以前, 写 信给报纸专栏发表看法的邮费. 就是两分钱. 以后大家说完一 大堆, 后面都习惯加句 that's my two cents' worth (以上是我的 意见, 两分的价值)。有点像汉语的“一孔之见”(不成熟的 意见)



• 1、名词转化为动词



The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed us

2)他的画的特点是笔力沉着,色彩鲜艳。His paintings
are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.
enthusiasm of his hospitality.


She is physically weak but mentally sound.


(动2词)的操转作译机器需要懂得机名器词的的一转些译性能。 形容词或副词的转译

The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its function(动词转


He went to the shop for a bottle of sauce.(动词转译介词)


during my childhood. • 我非常感激父亲,因为在小时候他总是不断地鼓励我。 • (原文中以 for 为引导介词词组在译文中被转译成以“因为”为引
导的状语从句。因此,原文中 for 这个介词在译文中被处理成连接 词“因为”,定语 his 转译成了主语“他”,定语 continuous 转译 成了状语“不断地”,名词 encouragement 转译成了动词“鼓 励”,定语 during my childhood 转译成了状语“在我小时候“。) • Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. • 千百万山区人民终于摆脱了贫穷。(介词转为动词) • He came to my home for help. • 他来到我家,请求帮助。(介词转为动词)
a walk. • 每天早上,她都要到湖区去散步。(名词转为动
• My suggestion is that he should quit smoking at once. • 我建议他立刻戒烟。(由于原文中的主语转译成了谓语,原文主语
前的定语也相应地转译成主语。) • I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement
• Her hatred for them grew more. • 她对他们越来越憎恨。(动词转为名词) • He is an ardent lover of classic music. • 他酷爱古典音乐。(动词转为名词) • He is a commander of a regiment. • 他指挥着一个团。(动词转为名词) • He is the murder of his boss. • 他谋杀了他的老板。(动词转为名词) • He had been the ruler of that region for as long as twenty years. • 他统治那个地区长达二十年之久。(动词转为名词) • He was between sheets by eleven. • 十一点时,他已准在被窝里。(动词转为名词) • He wrote down his own name on the wall with his finger. • 他用手指在墙上写下了自己的名字。(动词转为名词)



第三章词法翻译(Translation of words)七、转性译法(Conversion)词性转换(E-C)名词动词介词动词形容词名词形容词副词副词名词形容词名词副词副词形容词一、转换成动词(一)名词转换成动词1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.火箭已经用来探索宇宙。

2. The sight of such a big plane filled the little boy with great curiosity.看到这么大的飞机,那个小男孩充满了好奇。

3. A glance through his office window offers a panorama of the Washington Monument.从他的办公室窗口一眼可以看到华盛顿纪念碑的全景。

4. The government called for the establishment of more technical schools.5. My suggestion is that he quit smoking at once.6. He is a keen lover of classic music.7. Some of my classmates are good singers.8. My admiration for him grew more.9. Last week he declared his discovery of a new planet.10. This novel defies classification.11. The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert countries. (国际粮食短缺直接影响了科威特等贫瘠的沙漠国家。



Chinese character: not inflective in form not definite in part of speech when taken separately
Classification of Parts of Speech
Sameness nouns; verbs; modifiers as adjectives or adverbs; forewords as prepositions and conjunctions; Differences articles(冠词),relative pronouns(关系代 词),relative adverbs(关系副词), participles(分词),gerunds (动名词)and infinitives(不定式) don’t exist in Chinese.
transformation of adjective into verb
Definition: "By transformation,we mean that in translation a word in one language belonging to a certain part of speech is not necessarily to be turned into one of the same part of speech in another language." (Eugene A.Nida language, Culture and Translating) Aim: aimed at seeking equivalence and achieving the maximal expressiveness


一去就是五年没有音讯。五年后,卓文君 等来的只是丈夫的一封写着“一二三四五 六七八九十百千万”的数字家书。
• 聪颖过人的卓文君,当然明白丈夫的意思, 数字中没有“亿”,表明丈夫已对自己无 “意”、“忆”了。
• 卓文君当即就利用这些数字,给司马相如写下这 首数字诗。全文如下:
• 一别之后,二地相悬,只说三四月,谁知五六年!七弦琴无心弹,八行书无可 传,九连环从中折断,十里长亭望眼欲穿。百思想,千系念,万般无奈把郎 怨。
• 在汉语里,数字后总是跟随着名词,意思很清楚。 而英语中的数字却常常单独出现,这些数字到底 指什么,对中国学生有时是一个谜。
• 数字在其发展过程中形成大量的数字习语,即数 词习语。数词习语中的数字,往往是表示虚数, 并非实指,其意义往往会超出文本本身固有含义。
• When three know it,all know it. • 三人知,天下晓 • The wounded soldiers crawled on all fours to a
during my childhood. • 我非常感激父亲,因为在小时候他总是不断地鼓励我。 • (原文中以 for 为引导介词词组在译文中被转译成以“因为”为引
导的状语从句。因此,原文中 for 这个介词在译文中被处理成连接 词“因为”,定语 his 转译成了主语“他”,定语 continuous 转译 成了状语“不断地”,名词 encouragement 转译成了动词“鼓 励”,定语 during my childhood 转译成了状语“在我小时候“。) • Millions of the people in the mountainous areas are finally off poverty. • 千百万山区人民终于摆脱了贫穷。(介词转为动词) • He came to my home for help. • 他来到我家,请求帮助。(介词转为动词)


4:The judge in this case is very fair.
2译:发言人一个接一个地表示要打倒帝国 主义,消灭人剥削人的制度,解放全世界 被压迫的人民。 4译:处理这个案子的法官很公正。
5:His poor health forced him away from England. 6:The calculations will serve as an illustrative application of the theory of semi-conductor. 7:The crowd waited for a sight of the queen passing by. 8:We drove home a bit after midnight, over the river and through the lovely old sleeping town.
15:She hurried through the novel and returned it to the library. 16: “This is grasping at straw, I know,” said the helpless man. 15译:她匆匆看完了那本小说,便还给了 图书馆。 16译:“我知道,这是在抓救命稻草”, 那人无可奈何地说。
21. Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pinewoods and distant hills lend it a pleasant and restful atmosphere. 译:这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵, 自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。
5译:健康状况不佳迫使他离开英国。 6译:这些计算可用来说明半导体理论的实 际应用。 8译:时过午夜,我们驱车回家。先过了河, 又穿过了这个酣睡中的古老而可爱的城市。


还是进去一下吧,他想,看看有没有什么人 留言;也看看有没有什么人打过电话。
英语中加后缀-er, -or 的名词,在句中并不表身份和职业,而 是含有较强的动作意义,往往可译为动词。
But as he (Abraham Lincoln) grew older he studied law in his spare time and became a lawyer. He was a good speaker and student of political philosophy.
保护某些稀有动物的生存问题,进来已引起了世 界范围的广泛注意。
They taught us the value of a dollar, took us to church, made us mind.
他们教导我们要珍惜每一块美元,带我们上教堂做 礼拜,还教导我们要听话。
The pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was; why bother concentrating on pace when she was such a nice pacesetter for me?
With unemployment high, the dollar low and the stork market in distress, the economy will be the President’s sternest trial.
昨日,由四川外语学院和联合某网站举办的 “2011Chinglish(中式英语)大发现”活动颁奖典礼 在川外举行,参加活动的上百名大学生共找出200多 处“洋茬”,这些“洋茬”主要集中在公共场所、景 区和服务机构三大区域。



• 我们知道,汉语中有些形容词在它前面加上定冠词 the就变成名词了,表示一类人。因此,在翻译汉语句子 时,有时可以采用这样的方法。这类形容词有rich, poor, old, young, weak, sick, evil, true, false等以及一些名词化的 形容词,如former, latter。 1)富人剥削穷人。 The rich exploited the poor. 2)年轻人迟早要取代老年人。 Sooner or later the young will replace the old.
• 转性译法是指在翻译过程中,根据译语的规范,把原 句中某种词类的词转换成另一种词类的词,也就是 我们通常所说的词类转换。 • 英语和汉语的词类大部分重合,但是在汉语中一 个词可以充当的的句子成分比英语中一个词能充 当的句子成分多。例如,英语中充当主语的只有 代词、名词或相当于名词的动名词或不定式,充 当谓语的大多为动词;而汉语中,名词、动词、 形容词都可以做主语、谓语、宾语以及表语。因 此,为了保证译文忠实于原文并合乎表达,可以 改变词类。
• • • • • • • • • • • • 一、动词的转译 : 汉语的一个显著特点是大量使用动词,有时,一个句子会出现多个动词。而 英语中,一个句子通常只有一个主动词;汉语中动词使用比较频繁,当翻译 成英语时,常用名词、形容词、介词、副词等词来译 (1)医生建议我多锻炼一些。 The doctor gave me some advice of doing more exercise.(动词转译名词) ( 2)操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。 动词的转译 形容词或副词的转译 名词的转译 The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its function(动词转 译名词) (3)他到商店去买酱油。 He went to the shop for a bottle of sauce.(动词转译介词) (4)一座跨越杭州湾的大桥已经开始建设。 A bridge has been under construction, which will span the Hangzhou Bay. (动词转译名词) (5)获悉贵国遭受地震,我们极为关切。 We are deeply concerned at the news that your county has been stru词)



• The flowing of current first in one direction and then in another makes an alternating current. 电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动,形成 交流电 ②.含有动作意味的名词往往可转译成动词。 A view of Mt. Fuji can be obtained from here. 从这里可以看到富士山。 ③.英语中有些后缀-er或-or的名词,如smoker, thinker, translator, teacher, farmer等,有时在句中并意在指出 其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味,往往可译为动 词。 These rustic lassies are good singers. 这些乡下小姑娘歌唱得很好。 ④.英语中有些动词的意义有时不容易用中文的动词来表 达,或用中文的动词表达引起译文生硬、文气不畅时,可 把英语的动词转译成中文的名词。这类动词如aim, act, affect, behave, direct, furnish, characterize, run, work等。
二:转性译法的具体分类 英语名词的转换
• 英语名词转译为动词:英语名词转译为动词在英译汉中十 分普遍。主要分为下列三种情况: ①.按照英语句法,每个句子中只能有一个谓语动词(包 括并列谓语动词的情况),因此动词名词化和动名词的使 用是很普遍的。而在汉语中就没有一个句子中只能使用一 个动词的限制,因此在汉语中动词出现的频率要高于英语。 之中客观情况决定了英语中的一部分名词要翻译为动词。 此种情况在科技文章和政论文章的翻译中最为普遍。 One after another, speakers called for the downfall of imperialism, abolition of exploitation of man by man, liberation of the oppressed of the world. 发言人相继表示要打倒帝国主义,消灭人剥削人的制度, 解放全世界被压迫的人民。 His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph. 无论什么事情,只要他一露面,就算是成功了。


Seagulls are good flyers. 海鸥很善于飞行。 Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man’s past wrong doings. 在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了年青人过去所干的坏事。 他这个人最爱说话了。 He is a great talker.
Adjectives expressing a person's emotions are more expressive when translated into verbs in Chinese.
They are not content with their present achievements. 他们不满足于自己现有的成就。 The author is grateful to his readers for valuable suggestion. 作者感谢读者提出的宝贵意见。
2)Some English nouns, which possess the property of verbs, we often transform the nouns to verbs in Chinese.
The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听见隆隆的机声,令我特别神 往。 A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. 从他的办公室窗口可以一眼看到华盛顿纪念碑和林肯 纪念馆的全景。


5). Differences between the social systems of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation 各国社会制度的不同,不应妨碍彼此接近和相互合作。
6). Britain has no such natural protection from a flood of Hollywood products. 英国没有这种天然的保护来阻挡好莱坞影片长驱直 入。
1.Conversion to Chinese Verbs (转化为汉语动词)
(1). N. Converted into V.(名—动)
Nouns and noun forms, especially action nouns and other abstract nouns, find their wider use in forms are much preferred in Chinese.
前提下,根据语言的习惯进行词性转换,以确保 译文通顺流畅。
2. Types of Conversion
1). Parts of speech 2). Sentence elements
A. Conversion in E-C Translation I. Conversion of parts of speech 词类转换
1). His very appearance at any affair proclaims it a triumph.
2). Rockets have found wide application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经广泛用于探索宇宙



汉翻英转性译法总结一、V→Noun 动词转为名词徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。

Xu Beihong’s drawing s of horses are exceptionally good.林则徐认为,要成功地制止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片焚毁。

Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium must be preceded by the destruction of the drug itself.绝对不许违反这个原则。

No violation of the principle can be tolerated.二、V→Adj 动词转为形容词我越来越思念我的故乡,也越来越尊敬我的故乡。

I got more and more homesick and more and more respectful of my hometown.三、V→Prep 动词转为介词或介词短语收音机开着。

The radio is on.我再向外看时,他已抱了朱红的橘子往回走。

When I next looked out, he was on his way back with some ruddy tangerines.四、Noun→V 名词转为动词该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。

The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fineworkmanship and durability.五、Adv→Noun 副词转为名词她惊讶地看着我。

She looked at me in amazement.六、Adv→Adj 副词转为形容词他结结巴巴地用英语同那个外国人交谈。

He talked to the foreigner in hesitant English.。


英语翻译中,将原文中的某一词类转换为译文的另一词类,如在英译汉中, 将英语的名词译成汉语的动词,英语的形容词译成汉语的副词等等,这种 翻译方法就叫做转性译法(conversion)。英汉两种语言中词类不尽相 翻译方法就叫做转性译法(conversion)。英汉两种语言中词类不尽相 同,各词类的使用频率、使用方式也不尽相同,因此,原来英语中属于某 种词类的词,在译成汉语时可以转为或必须专为另一种不同的词类。在英 译汉时有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则不能机械地把原文词类“ 译汉时有些句子可以逐词对译,有些句子则不能机械地把原文词类“对号 入座” 入座”,否则会使译文佶屈聱牙,甚至逻辑混乱。具体来讲,英汉两种语 言在词的分类、词的兼类、词类的句法功能以及使用频率等方面都有所不 同。有些词类英语中有而汉语中没有,如冠词、引导词、关系代词、名词 性物主代词、关系副词、分词、动词不定式、动名词等等。有些词类在汉 语中有而在英语词汇中却没有,如助词。词类划分的差异必然导致词类转 换法的广泛使用。例如:英语中倾向多用代词,特别是人称代词,汉语则 倾向于重复名称、人名或称谓。朱光潜先生曾说过:“ 倾向于重复名称、人名或称谓。朱光潜先生曾说过:“中外文在用词方面 各有特点,例如中文球明确,一般不轻易使用代词,《红楼梦》 各有特点,例如中文球明确,一般不轻易使用代词,《红楼梦》里黛玉总 是黛玉,从来不用‘ 是黛玉,从来不用‘她’,在中文里轻易用代词常导致误解。” ,在中文里轻易用代词常导致误解。”
• 英语副词的转换 英语副词转译为动词:英语中作表语或宾语补足语的副词 在表示动作趋向时可转译为汉语动词,这类副词常见的有 in, out, over, past, through, above, across, away, to, into等。 Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over. 尼克松先生屡次声言,美国在印度支那的战争即将结束。 英语副词转译为形容词:当英语动词或形容词转译为汉语 名词时,修饰该动词或形容词的副词也常常相应地转译为 汉语形容词。 The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and quick computations. 电子计算机的主要特点是计算迅速准确。(该译文中包括 了副词转译为形容词,也包括了形容词转译为副词。) 英语中作状语的副词有时可译成汉语名词 It was officially announced that Paris is invited to the meeting. 官方宣布,巴黎应邀出席会议。



• 在翻译之前,要熟悉汉语和英语各自的特色,要将整个句 子的结构、表达方式和句语句之间的内在联系都考虑在内。 这样才能灵活恰当地运用汉英语言中的不同词性转换,才 能使译文更流畅,才能与原文在风格表现上保持一致,甚 至更胜一筹。

• The rich exploited the poor.

• Sooner or later the young will replace the old.


Thank you 期末必过
enthusiasm of his hospitality.


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
She is physically weak but mentally sound.

• ) (动2词)的操转作译机器需要懂得机名器词的的一转些译性能。 形容词或副词的转译

The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its function(动词转


He went to the shop for a bottle of sauce.(动词转译介词)



• ) (动2词)的操转作译机器需要懂得机名器词的的一转些译性能。 形容词或副词的转译

The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its function(动词转


He went to the shop for a bottle of sauce.(动词转译介词)




The kitchen was in a mess.


The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed us

2)他的画的特点是笔力沉着,色彩鲜艳。His paintings
are characterized by steady strokes and bright colors.


A bridge has been under construction, which will span the Hangzhou Bay.(



1). Talking with his son, the old man was the “forgiver” of the young man’s past wrong doings. 在和儿子谈话时,老人宽恕了儿子过去做的错事。
1). No violation of this principle can be tolerated. 绝不允许违反这个原则。
10). If extremely low-cost power were ever to become available from large nuclear power plants, electrolytic hydrogen would become competitive.
There are 3 types of English nouns which can be turned into Chinese verbs in translation
A. Nouns derived from verbs: construction, application, appearance, etc.
8). Every state is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security. 每个国家最清楚应怎样维护自己的国家安全。
(2). Adjectives Converted into V. (形—动)
9). A socially mature person gets along well with all types of people in all types of situations. He does not necessarily like or respect all people, but he is tolerant and understanding and does not intentionally hurt anyone’s feelings. 在社交方面成熟的人能在各个场合之下,与 三教九流的人相处得很好。他不一定要喜欢或



还有一些形容词短语,在句子中作表语或定 语,也常译为动词。如: Absent from, inferior to, superior to, fraught from(充满), free from, adjacent to(靠近), analogous to(类似于), empty of 我们缺乏原材料。 We are short of raw material.

(二)转译为名词 1.动词转译为名词 英语中有很多由名词派生出来的动词以及由名词转 化的动词,当翻译时,若不易找到对应的词,也可 转译为名词。 The film Hero impressed me deeply. 《英雄》这部电影给我留下深刻的印象。 The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball. 我们居住的地球,形状像个球。

⑤Blending(拼缀法):1%-5%,一般是由一个或两个单词的部分 +另一个单词的某个部分。head+tail, head+head, head+word,word+tail 如: cremains (cremate +remains)骨灰 Comsat (communications + satellite) 通信卫星 Sitcom (situation + comedy) 情景喜剧 Medicare (medical +care) 医疗保险 lunarnaut (lunar + astronaut) 登月宇航员 workfare (work + welfare) 慈善事业 ⑥back formation (逆生法) :是后缀的反过程,如greed (n)来源 于greedy (adj.)
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• 要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。 It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. C-E: Verbs in Chinese → Nouns in English
• 说说笑笑,跑跑跳跳,孩子们过得十分愉快 (Talking and laughing, running and jumping, the children had a good time.) • 学问,学问,要学要问,边学边问,才有学问。 (Acquisition of knowledge entails learning and seeking for explanation.)。
• 英语:名词优势(代替动词、形容词)、 名词优势造就介词优势 • 汉语:动词优势(动词连用、重叠)
• He is a good eater and a good sleeper. (他 能吃能睡。) • He is a young and rapid writer. (他是个笔头 快的年轻人。) • He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaller. (他 既不抽烟,也不喝酒。) • That boy is a master complicator. (那男孩 可真会捣乱。) • He used to be a bit of a fancier himself. ( 过去他也常常有点喜欢胡思乱想。) E-C: Nouns in English→Verbs in Chinese
• Adjectives that describe opinion typically preceded adjectives that describe color, size, shape; • In addition, adjectives are usually arranged in a sentence from those that are more general in scope to those that are more specific.
3.7.2 Verbs and Nouns
• O. Jespersen: It seems possible to express ideas with greater precision and adequacy by means of nouns than by means of the more pictorial verbs … When we express by means of nouns what is generally expressed by finite verbs, our language becomes not only more abstract, but more abstruse, owing among other things to the fact that in the verbal substantive (be) some of the life-giving elements of the verb (time, mood, person) disappear. While the nominal style may therefore serve the purposes of philosophy, where, however, it now and then does nothing but disguise simple thoughts in the garb of profound wisdom, it does not lend itself so well to the purposes of everyday life.
第三章 词法翻译
3.7 转性译法
3.7 转性译法
• 英汉语中的形容词 • 英汉语中的动词和名词
• 3.7.1 Adjectives

(形容词位置: positions)
• Predicative: This information is useful. • Attributive: useful information • Postpositive: something useful (a reduced relative clause)
– Functions of descriptive adjectives
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Heavy attribute, small predicate in English • Small attribute, heavy predicate in Chinese
• Keith: A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar. (John Galsworthy) (基思:一个讨饭的,身材矮小,面色苍黄,衣衫褴褛, 瘸腿,满脸胡子。) • She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own. (W. M. Thackeray: Vanity Fair) (她心地厚道,为人乐观,性情温柔,待人和蔼,器量 又大。) • She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington. (她是哈丁顿一位富裕医生的女儿,有才华,又迷人, 但有点脾气。)
(汉语中的动词重叠,句式排比或对偶,增加动态感 <dynamic>和韵律感。)
• 英语中的介词优势
– He is at his books. (在读书) – He has someone behind him. (有人撑腰)
– Order of multiple descriptive adjectives in English
(In several institutionalized expressions, the adjective is postpositive.) the president elect heir apparent court martial postmaster general attorney general notary public from time immemorial body politic Poet Laureate company limited (当选总统;法定继承人;军事法庭/审判;邮政部长;检察长;公证人;自 古;<根据某种政体组成国家的>人民;桂冠诗人;有限公司 )