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朱湘茹1 张慧君1 刘畅2 李丁川2 罗跃嘉1@


2解放军305医院,北京100017 @通信作者E mail:luoyj@bnu1edu1cn)

【摘 要】目的:考察新兵人格特征与心理健康的关系及述情障碍和无聊倾向性在人格特征与心理健康的中介作用。方法:通过使用艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版、自评抑郁量表、状态和特质焦虑量表、述情障碍量表和无聊倾向性量表对314名新兵进行调查。结果:神经质、述情障碍、无聊倾向性与抑郁、状态焦虑、特质焦虑均呈正相关(r=0138~0152,Ps<0101)。述情障碍在神经质对抑郁、状态焦虑和特质焦虑的预测中介效应分别为01375、01467、01377(Ps<0101)。无聊倾向性在神经质对抑郁、状态焦虑和特质焦虑的中介作用分别为01359、01546、01565(Ps<0101)。结论:述情障碍和无聊倾向性是影响神经质类型人格心理健康水平的重要因素,士兵的心理健康防治工作可以从这两个方面开展。

【关键词】 分成心理卫生;新兵;述情障碍;无聊倾向性;中介效应;神经质;焦虑;抑郁 中图分类号:R74914,B84216 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6729(2009)005-0345-04


M ed i a ti n g Effects of A lex ithy m i a and Boredo m Proneness on the L i n ks between Neuroti c is m,

Anx i ety and D epressi on

ZHU Xiang2Ru1,ZHANG Hui2Jun1,L I U Chang2,L ID ing2Chuan2,LUO Yue2J ia1@

1The State Key Laborat ory of Cognitive Neur oscience and Learning,Beijing100875

2No1305Hos p ital of P LA,Beijing100017 @Corres ponding author,E mail:luoyj@bnu1edu1cn

【Abstract】O bjecti ve:To exp l ore the mediating effects of alexithy m ia and boredom p r oneness on the relati onshi p bet w een pers onality and mental health1M ethods:A t otal of314ne w recruits were selected and surveyed with the Ey2 senck Pers onality Questi onnaire Short Scale for Chinese(EP Q2RSC),Self2rating Dep ressi on Scale,State2Trait Anxiety

I nvent ory,Chinese versi on of the Tor ont o A lexithy m ia Scale(T AS)220and Boredom Pr oneness Scale1Results:Re2

sults indicated that the scores in neur oticis m,alexithy m ia and boredom p r oneness were positively correlated with anxie2 ty and dep ressi on tendency,res pectively(r=0138~0152,Ps<0101)1Thr ough the mediating effect of alexithy m ia, neur oticis m could have a negative effect on dep ressi on,state anxiety and trait anxiety[mediating effects(ME)= 01375,01467,01377,res pectively,Ps<0101],and the mediating effects of boredom p r oneness were als o significant excep t on dep ressi on(ME=01359,P>0105;M E=01546,P<0101;ME=01565,P<01001,res pectively)1 Conclusi on:A lexithy m ia and boredom p r oneness are i m portant related fact ors of the mental health in pers ons with neu2 r oticis m,and the interventi on of ne w recruits’mental health should f ocus on these variables1

【Key words】 mental health;ne w recruit;alexithy m ia;boredom p r oneness;mediating effect;neur oticis m;

anxiety;dep ressi on


3基金项目:教育部创新团队(I RT0710)、自然科学基金(30670698)、教育部重点项目(106025)、国家863计划重点项目(2008AA021204)
