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V ol. 28,No. 5Sept. 2019


doi :10.3969/j.issn.1008–6145.2019.05.010




青海省有色矿产资源工程技术研究中心,西宁 810006)

摘要 建立硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定低品位石煤钒矿中五氧化二钒含量的方法。将石煤钒矿样品在920℃下灼烧20 min 进行预处理,以驱除石煤钒矿石中的含碳化合物和有机物,通过酸度调节,实现滴定终点的突跃。用硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定样品中五氧化二钒的含量。测定结果的相对标准偏差为0.43%(n =10),用该法测定国家标准物质和实验室内控样品,测定值与参考值一致。该方法具有较高的准确度和良好的精密度,适宜于低品位石煤钒矿中五氧化二钒含量为0.5%以上样品的测定。

关键词 低品位石煤钒矿;五氧化二钒;硫酸亚铁铵滴定法

中图分类号:O652 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008–6145(2019)05–0041–04

Determination of vanadium pentoxide in low content stone coal vanadium ore

by ammonium ferrous sulfate titration

LONG Yinglan , WANG Jingfeng , HAN Junli , MA Yueru

(Technology Development of Western Mining Group Co., Ltd., The Engineering and Technology Research of Qinghai Western Mining Co.,

Ltd., Qing hai Key Laboratory Plateau Comprehensive Utilization and Mineral Processing Engineering , Qinghai Nonferrous Mineral Resources Engineering Technology Research Center ,

Xining 810006, China)Abstract The method for determination of vanadium pentoxide in low content stone coal vanadium ore by ammonium ferrous sulfate titration was established. Stone coal vanadium ore sample was cauterized for 20 min at 920℃ for pretreatment, so as to remove carbonaceous compounds and organic compounds in stone coal vanadium ore. By adjusting acidity, a sudden jump of titration end point was achieved. The content of vanadium pentoxide was determined by ammonium ferrous sulfate titration. The relative standard deviation of determination results was 0.43%(n =10). The determination values of national standard substance and laboratory controlled sample by this method were consistent with the reference value. The method has high accuracy and precision, which is suitable for the determination of vanadium pentoxide content of more than 0.5% in low-grade quartic vanadium ore.

Keywords low content stone coal vanadium ore; vanadium pentoxide; ammonium ferrous sulfate titration


应用于航空航天、核工业、钢铁、石油化工、电子、能源等领域[1],主要用于催化剂和优质合金刚的制 造[2–4]。我国是钒资源大国,已探明钒资源储量约占世界的45%[5],钒主要以V(Ⅲ)和V(Ⅳ)的形式赋存于石煤中[6],伴有生矾的石煤中可提取五氧化二钒。石煤钒矿作为我国主要的钒矿资源之一,总

储量超过了世界各国钒的总储量[7]。含钒石煤遍布我国20余个省区,仅浙江至广西一条长约1 600多公里的石煤矿,就蕴含着1亿吨以上的五氧化二钒。


基金项目 青海省重大科技专项(2018–GX–A7);青海省科技计划项目(2018–ZJ–782)

通讯作者 隆英兰,助理工程师,从事有色金属行业分析方法的研究,E-mail: 1350581890@ ;收稿日期 2019–06–26

引用格式 隆英兰,王景凤,韩俊丽,等.硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定低品位石煤钒矿中的五氧化二钒[J ].化学分析计量,2019,28(5): 41–44.

LONG Y L ,WANG J F ,HAN J L ,et al. Determination of vanadium pentoxide in low content stone coal vanadium ore by ammonium ferrous sulfate titration [J ]. Chemical analysis and meterage ,2019,28(5): 41–44.
