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4. The bitter weather drove everyone indoors. 直译:痛苦的天气把每个人都赶到了室内。 意译:天气恶劣,大家都只好呆在室内。
18. 他听到这话,心里一跳,脸色也变了。 硬译:Hearing these words, his heart jumped and the color of his face changed. 正译:At this, his heart missed a beat and his face became pale.
女王的英语 眼睛里的苹果 中国政策 中国龙 英国病 希腊人的礼品 西班牙运动员
标准英语 掌上明珠 对华政策 麒麟 软骨病 害人的礼品 吹牛的人
向钱看 经济作物 拳头产品 黄色电影
looking at money economic crops fist product yellow movies
Literal Translation and Liberal Translation
Literal translation and liberal translation
直译:既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的 翻译方法。
意译:只保持原文内容,不保持原文形式的 翻译方法。
17. Insecurity, unemployment and the “rat race” of the American life place heavy strains on marriage and the family. 死译:不安全、失业和美国生活的“耗子赛跑”给婚 姻和家庭制造紧张局势。 正译:失业和缺乏保障以及美国生活的“激烈竞争” 给婚姻和家庭带来了沉重的压力。
牛眼睛 狗屋 寒冷的波浪 黑羊 黑咖啡 白色的谎言 亲吻婴儿者
靶心 高频高压电源屏幕罩 寒潮 害群之马 不加牛奶的咖啡 善意的谎言 政客
Queen’s English the apple of one’s
eye China policy Chinese dragon English disease Greek gift Spanish athlete
鳄鱼的眼泪 笑柄 火上浇油 混水摸鱼 支柱产业 连锁反应 君子协定
I. 能直译的就直译
经济特区 一国两制 绿色食品 超级市场
special economic zone one country, two systems green food supermarket
II. 直译≠硬译或死译
bull’s eye dog house cold wave a black sheep black coffee a white lie a baby kisser
15. Tom was upsetting the other children, so I showed him the door. 死译:汤姆一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把他带 到门那。 正译:汤姆一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把他撵 了出去。
16. He is a man of family. 死译:他是一个有家室的人。 正译:他出身名门。
无孔不入 to get into every hole to take advantage of every weakness
five lakes four seas
all corners of the country
11. We parted the best friends. 死译:我们告别了最好的朋友。 正译:我们在分别时是极好的朋友。
19. 你在家时,谁敢来放个屁? 硬译:When you were at home, who dared to come and pass his wind? 正译: When you were at home, who dared to come and cause trouble?
III. 直译与意译的选择
money mad cash crops competitive product pornographic movies
大刀阔斧 a great knife and axe in a bold and resolute way 袖手旁观 to look on with hands in sleeves to look on with folded arms 寄人篱下 to live under one’s fence to live under one’s roof
12. That’s all Greek to me. 硬译:那对我来说全是希腊语。 正译:那个我可一窍不通。
13. He is as good as dead. 硬译:他同死一样好。 正译:他几乎死掉。
14. Do you see any green in my eye? 硬译:你从我的眼睛里看到绿色吗? 正译:你以为我是好欺负的吗?
I. 能直译的就直译
acid rain blind zone chain store cold war hot line hot-selling books black market
酸雨 盲区 连锁店 冷战 热线 热销书 黑市
I. 能直译的就直译
crocodilBaidu Nhomakorabea tears a laughing stock pour oil on fire fish in troubled waters pillar industry chain reaction gentlemen’s agreement
1. Wet paint.
湿油漆。 油漆未干。
2. He bent only upon profit.
他只曲身于利润之前。 他唯利是图。
III. 直译与意译的选择
3. Darkness released him from his last restraints. 直译:黑暗把他从最后的束缚中解放出来。 意译:在黑暗中他就无所顾忌了。