chapter 2 phonetics 语音学(2012)

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Speech existed much early than writing had invented, some languages in the world still do not have writing system. The study of speech sound may help save the languages.

See The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 2nd edition, 2002: 155
2.2 Speech organs (Air goes through 3 areas )
nose— nasal cavity
oral cavity
Acoustic phonetics
Auditory or perceptual phonetics
Phonetics & Phonology
• Definition of Phonetics: It is the study of the characteristics of speech sounds. Speech organs and functions.
Speech sounds and transcriptions.

Definition of Phonology: it is the study of sound system of language.
Pattern of sounds. Principles that govern sounds. relation between sound and meaning.
the study of speech sounds and their patterns can promote a scientific theory and method, in describing how speech organs work to convey meaning in a detailed way.
How many segments /sounds in a word?
cough, bough, dough ? Meat, great, threat, Sea, bead, dead ?
do the transcriptions by looking up in dictionary.)
Theories of speech perception
are active Listeners are passive Compromise
Study of the stages in humanmachine speech interaction
Vocal cords
Adam’s apple (喉头)
oral cavity (口腔)
tongue, uvula(小舌), soft palate (or velum 软腭),
hard palate (硬腭), teeth ridge (or alveolar 齿龈),
teeth, lips.
Sounds in oral cavity: [t], [d], [θ], [δ] ......
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 2nd edition, 2002: 15
Articulatory Phonetics (发声语音学)
(Linguists’ interest)
studies from the speaker’s point of view, how speaker uses his organs to articulate sounds. Articulatory Phonetic description generally makes reference to six main factors: Air stream – vocal folds – soft palate – place of articulation – manner of articulation – lips Or two major factors: speech organs + articulation (place + manner)

Speech recognition: Acoustic air pressure waveform into microphone – Analysis of waveform into frequency – Relevant features of patterns (phonemes, etc.)— Recognition of sequences (words, phrases) Analysis of syntactic structure, -Analysis of semantic structure – action
throat— pharyngeal cavity(咽腔)
pharyngeal cavity(咽腔)
Air from lungs -- into windpipe – to glottis (声门)(part of larynx) – across vocal cords(声带)+ vibrate with: 2 vocal cords /folds: Apart: Voiced sound: /g/, /e/ Closed: Voiceless sound: /k/, /h/
Classification of the field of studying speech sounds Articulatory Definition of phonetics
Phonetics 语音学 Study of speech sounds
Speech organs Sound classifications Sound transcription Stress
2.1 The study of speech sounds

Why study speech sounds? 4 reasons:
Language is a ‘system of vocal symbols’, and the study of speech sound is the major part of language study.
Chapter 2 Phonetics语音学
study of speech sounds Speech organs (organs to make sounds) Segments(音段) , divergences(分化) and phonetic transcription(标音法) Consonants Vowels Syllables-suprasegmental features (超音段特
3) Sounds of spoken English do not match with letters of written English.
thorough, lough, through [‘hikΛf], [θΛr ә], [lok], [θru:]
Sound waves.
Processing of sounds by listener.
Phonetics and its 3 areas
Articulatory Phonetics(发声语音学): studies from the speaker’s point of view, how speaker uses his organs to articulate sounds. Acoustic Phonetics(声学语音学): studies from the speaker’s point of view: studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sounds waves. Auditory Phonetics(听觉语音学): studies from the hearer’s point of view, how sounds are perceived by the hearer.
Theories of hearing (in the field of
Auditory Phonetics 听觉语音学)
perception (音高感觉理论) Resonance theory(共振理论) frequency theory (频率理论) Travelling wave theory (声波传播理论) Etc.
2) Human beings can make all kinds of sounds ([a:]—[u:], [p]—[m]), but only some of the sounds become units in the language system. And there are varieties in different parts of world. E.g. bottom [bΛtm] in dictionary, but in a variety of English, people pronounced it as [bΛәm]. And different language has different sound system: e.g. English: [ςu], [yin] cf. Chinese: [shu], [yun]).

Acoustic/ Auditory Phonetics (声学/听觉语 音学): Modern investigations of speech
sounds Instruments are used to record speech signals on a computer and displayed in visual form on a paper chart or computer printout.

Synthesis: Goal/intension — Semantic construction of the message – Syntactic construction of the message – Orthographic form of the words – Phonological specification – Sounds analysed into acoustic parameters – Electrical waveform using speech synthesizer – Audible pressure waveform using loudspeaker

A speech recording room with absorbing sound walls and ceiling.
Displaying the acoustics of speech
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Sun w a s
s t r
n ger th a n
h e w a
Electrolaryngograph(电子咽腔图) shows: two falling-rising pitch patterns on the first four words, a a falling pitch at the end. The breaks in the trace are due to the occurrence of the sounds [st] and [h], where no vocal fold vibrates.