








三、日本的食品安全监管体系1. 食品安全监管机构日本食品安全监管机构包括厚生劳动省、农林水产省、经济产业省等。


2. 食品安全监管职责日本食品安全监管机构各司其职,相互配合,形成合力。




1. 《食品卫生法》:规定了食品生产、加工、流通、销售等环节的卫生要求,明确了食品安全责任。

2. 《食品安全基本法》:明确了食品安全监管的基本原则、监管机构、监管职责等,是日本食品安全监管的最高法律。

3. 《农产品卫生法》:规定了农产品生产、流通、加工等环节的卫生要求,确保农产品质量安全。







1. 食品安全法规日本拥有完善的食品安全法规体系,主要包括《食品安全法》、《食品卫生法》、《农药化肥使用卫生法》等。


2. 食品安全标准日本食品安全标准分为国家标准和行业标准两个层次。



3. 食品安全监管日本食品安全监管采用分段管理、协同配合的原则。



4. 食品安全教育日本非常重视食品安全教育,从小学、中学到大学,都有食品安全课程设置。


5. 食品安全应急日本建立了完善的食品安全应急机制,包括食品安全事故的监测、预警、调查、处理和信息发布等环节。


三、日本餐饮食品安全管理具体措施1. 食品原料管理日本对食品原料实行严格的管理制度,要求食品生产企业在采购原料时,必须向供应商索取原料检验报告,确保原料符合食品安全标准。



食品衛生法Food Sanitation Act(昭和二十二年十二月二十四日法律第二百三十三号)(Act No. 233 of December 24, 1947)第一章総則Chapter I General Provisions第二章食品及び添加物Chapter II Food and Additives第三章器具及び容器包装Chapter III Apparatus and Containers and Packaging第四章表示及び広告Chapter IV Labeling and Advertising第五章食品添加物公定書Chapter V Japanese Standards of Food Additives第六章監視指導指針及び計画Chapter VI Guidelines and Plans for Monitoring and Guidance第七章検査Chapter VII Inspections第八章登録検査機関Chapter VIII Registered Conformity Assessment Bodies第九章営業Chapter IX Business第十章雑則Chapter X Miscellaneous Provisions第十一章罰則Chapter XI Penal Provisions附則Supplementary Provisions第一章総則Chapter I General Provisions第一条この法律は、食品の安全性の確保のために公衆衛生の見地から必要な規制その他の措置を講ずることにより、飲食に起因する衛生上の危害の発生を防止し、もつて国民の健康の保護を図ることを目的とする。

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to prevent the sanitation hazards resulting from eating and drinking by enforcing the regulations and other measures necessary, from the viewpoint of public health, to ensure foodsafety and thereby to protect citizens' good health.第二条国、都道府県、地域保健法(昭和二十二年法律第百一号)第五条第一項の規定に基づく政令で定める市(以下「保健所を設置する市」という。







二、食品安全法律1. 《食品安全基本法》(食品安全法)《食品安全基本法》是日本食品安全法律体系的核心,于2003年6月1日实施。


2. 《食品安全卫生法》(食品卫生法)《食品安全卫生法》于1962年颁布,2004年进行了修订。


3. 《食品质量表示法》(食品标识法)《食品质量表示法》于2001年颁布,2004年进行了修订。


4. 《农产品安全法》(农产品安全法)《农产品安全法》于2003年颁布,旨在保障农产品质量安全,防止农药、兽药残留等对消费者健康造成危害。

三、餐饮服务法律1. 《餐饮业法》(餐饮业法)《餐饮业法》于2001年颁布,规定了餐饮业的经营许可、卫生管理、食品采购、加工、销售等环节的规范,旨在保障餐饮服务的质量和安全。

2. 《消费者合同法》(消费者合同法)《消费者合同法》于2000年颁布,旨在保护消费者权益,规范餐饮业与消费者之间的合同关系。

四、酒类销售法律1. 《酒类销售法》(酒类销售法)《酒类销售法》于2004年颁布,规定了酒类销售的基本要求,包括销售许可、销售区域、销售时间等,旨在保障酒类市场的秩序和消费者权益。

2. 《酒类消费促进法》(酒类消费促进法)《酒类消费促进法》于2005年颁布,旨在推广健康饮酒,减少酒类消费带来的社会问题。

五、其他饮食法律1. 《烟草制品控制法》(烟草制品控制法)《烟草制品控制法》于2009年颁布,旨在控制烟草制品的销售、广告和消费,保障公众健康。


➢ 《食品卫生法》历年来修改的原则
• 增加限制项目、提高农药残留限量标准、强化进口检查制度
➢ 内容:
• 明确了厚生劳动省负责制定食品及添加剂的生产、加工、使用、 烹饪、存储的标准,以及添加剂的质量规格标准
• 辐照、冷冻等特殊食品加工处理方法的禁忌事项 • 食品和添加剂等的基准、表示、检查原则对食品用器具、烹饪
设备、容器、包装,婴幼儿用玩具等相关物品都做出了规制 • 明确了对国内流通及进口食品质量监督管理的程序及处罚 • 在附录里简单规定了理化检验、微生物检验、动物性检验使用
➢ 日本还出台了《食品卫生法实施条例》:
• 规定了《食品卫生法》实施的具体要求与步骤 • 列出指定食品添加剂名单,并对食品添加剂的标签要求、
➢ 《食品安全基本法》其他内容:
• 完善应对食品安全紧急事态的体制 • 确保标识制度的适当运用 • 强调相关行政机关之间的密切合作 • 整合试验研究体制,推进研究开发,普及研究成果,培养
研究人员 • 加大对消费食品安全知识的传播,增强国民对食品安全知
识的理解,从多个角度依靠多元主体的综合努力,共同打 造安全放心的食品消费环境
➢ 覆盖了食品从种植、养殖、生产、加工、销售到餐桌的整个食物 链,体系完整、层次清晰,体现出系统性、结构性和可追溯性
➢ 国会制定
➢ 由内阁成员自行制定 ➢ 同时以相应的国家元首令的形式发布执行
➢ 由制定部门长官以令的形式发布,如省令、政令
➢ 一、日本食品安全法律法规 ➢ 二、日本食品安全标准




















论日本《食品安全法》制度变迁及对完善我国食品安全法的借鉴意义汪江连 日本现行的《食品安全法》(2003年)前身是1947年的《食品卫生法》,该法共经过11次修订,2003年的变化最大,其主要背景为:第一,日本近年食品安全事故频发是修法的客观原因。




















三、日本食品安全基本法1. 食品安全基本法(食品卫生法)日本食品安全基本法,即《食品卫生法》,是日本食品安全法律体系的核心。



2. 食品安全基本法的主要特点(1)明确食品安全责任:食品生产经营者、进口商、出口商等各方承担食品安全责任。




四、日本食品安全相关法律法规1. 食品相关法律法规日本食品安全法律体系还包括《食品标识法》、《食品添加剂法》、《农药残留法》、《兽药法》等法律法规,对食品生产、加工、流通、销售等环节进行规范。

2. 食品安全相关法律法规的特点(1)明确食品生产经营者的责任:要求食品生产经营者严格遵守法律法规,确保食品安全。



五、日本食品安全监管体制1. 食品安全委员会日本食品安全委员会是负责制定食品安全政策和法规的机构,由首相任命,由专家组成。






二、日本饮食安全处罚制度规定1. 立法基础日本饮食安全处罚制度的主要法律依据为《食品卫生法》(以下简称《法》)。


2. 处罚种类根据《法》及相关法规,日本饮食安全处罚制度主要包括以下几种处罚:(1)行政处分:包括警告、罚款、停业整顿、吊销许可证等。



3. 处罚标准(1)行政处分:根据违法行为的性质、情节及危害程度,罚款金额从5万日元至5000万日元不等。




4. 处罚程序(1)调查取证:行政机关接到举报或发现违法行为后,应当进行调查取证,收集证据。




三、日本饮食安全处罚制度实施1. 行政执法部门日本饮食安全处罚制度主要由厚生劳动省、农林水产省等相关部门负责实施。

2. 执法程序(1)日常巡查:执法部门对食品生产经营企业进行日常巡查,发现问题及时处理。























eastsea01的博客:日本保障食品安全的法律法规体系a{color: #000000;text-decoration : none;font-size: 10pt;}a:hover {color: red;text-decoration : underline;} 日本保障食品安全的法律法规体系发布时间:2008-04-10标签:日本食品法律日本保障食品安全的法律法规体系由基本法律和一系列专业、专门法律法规组成。











日本法律大全:/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%AE%E6%B3%95%E5%BE %8B%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7日本容器包装相关法规:/wiki/%E5%AE%B9%E5%99%A8%E5%8C%85%E8%A3%85%E3%81% AB%E4%BF%82%E3%82%8B%E5%88%86%E5%88%A5%E5%8F%8E%E9%9B%86%E5%8 F%8A%E3%81%B3%E5%86%8D%E5%95%86%E5%93%81%E5%8C%96%E3%81%AE%E4 %BF%83%E9%80%B2%E7%AD%89%E3%81%AB%E9%96%A2%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B %E6%B3%95%E5%BE%8B#.E5.AF.BE.E8.B1.A1.E3.81.A8.E3.81.AA.E3.82.8B.E5.AE.B9.E5.99.A8.E5.8C.85.E8.A3.85食品安全法(2003年5月23日)(法律第48号)第156次例行国会小泉内阁食品安全基本法的颁布目录第一章总则(第1条至第10条)第二章关于筹划制定本法的基本方针(第11条至第21条)第三章食品安全委员会附则第一章总则(目的)第一条制定本法律的目的是为了适应科学技术的发展;国际化的进展及其适应与国民饮食生活密切相关的环境变化的迫切性;确保食品的安全;进一步规范国家、公共团体;食品关连企业;消费者的责、权、力的同时,筹划制定了基本方针,全面推进此法;以此来确保食品的安全性。






The Food Safety Basic Law (Tentative Translation)Law No. 48, May 23, 2003Last amendment : No. 50. Jun 2 . 2006ContentsChapter I General Provisions (Articles 1-10)Chapter II Basic Direction for Policy Formulation (Articles 11-21)Chapter III Food Safety Commission (Articles 22-38)Chapter I General Provisions(Purpose)Article 1In consideration of the vital importance of precise responses to the development of science and technology, and to the progress of internationalization and other changes in the environment surrounding Japan’s dietary habits, the purpose of this Law is to comprehensively promote policies to ensure food safety by establishing basic principles, by clarifying the responsibilities of the state, local governments, and food-related business operators and the roles of consumers, and establishing a basic direction for policy formulation, in order to ensure food safety.(Definition)Article 2“Food” as used in this Law shall mean all food and drink (excluding drugs and quasi-drugs provided by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (Law No. 145 of 1960)).(Basic recognition in taking measures for ensuring food safety)Article 3Food safety shall be ensured by taking the necessary measures based on the simple recognition that the protection of the health of our citizens is a top priority.(Appropriate measures at each stage of the food supply process)Article 4Food safety may be affected by every element in a series of internal and external food supply processes, from the production of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products to food sales (hereinafter referred to as “food supply process”); it thus shall be ensured by taking the necessary measures appropriately at each stage of the food supply process.(Prevention of adverse effects on the health of citizens)Food safety shall be ensured by taking the necessary measures on the basis of scientific knowledge and in sufficient consideration of international trends and the opinions of citizens with respect to ensuring food safety, for the purpose of preventing adverse effects on the health of citizens due caused by food.(Responsibilities of the state)Article 6The state shall be responsible for comprehensively formulating and implementing policies to ensure food safety on the code of basic principles for ensuring food safety, provided in the preceding three articles (hereinafter referred to as the “basic principles”).(Responsibilities of the local governments)Article 7Local governments shall be responsible for formulating and implementing policies to ensure food safety that corresponds to the natural, economic, and social conditions of the area under their jurisdiction, on the code of the basic principles and on the basis of an appropriate sharing of roles with the state.(Responsibility of food-related business operators)Article 8Business operators that produce, import, sell, or conduct other business for fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, feed, feed additives, veterinary medicines and other production materials for agriculture, forestry, or fishery that may have an effect on food safety, food (including agricultural, forestry, and fishery products used as raw materials or materials), additives (those provided in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Food Sanitation Law (Law No. 233 of 1947)), apparatuses (those provided in Article 2, paragraph 4 of the said Law) or containers and packages (those provided in Article 2, paragraph 5 of the said Law) (hereinafter referred to as “food-related business operators”) shall be responsible for appropriately taking the necessary measures to ensure food safety at each stage of the food supply process. This will be done according to the code of the basic principles and on the basis of the recognition that they bear the primary responsibility for ensuring food safety when conducting their business activities.2. In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, food-related business operators shall, in conducting their business activities, make efforts to provide accurate and appropriate information concerning food and other articles related to their own business activities on the code of the basic principles.3. In addition to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, food-related business operators shall be responsible for cooperating in policies that are implemented by the state or the local governments, on the code of the basic principles, to ensure food safety.(Roles of consumers)Article 9Consumers shall play an active role in ensuring food safety by endeavoring to improve their own knowledge and understanding of food safety and by making efforts to express their opinions about policies to ensure food(Legislative measures, etc.)Article 10The government shall take legislative or financial measures and other necessary measures to implement policies to ensure food safety.Chapter II Basic Directions for Policy Formulation(Implementation of assessment of the effect of food on health)Article 11In formulating policies to ensure food safety, assessment (hereinafter referred to as the “assessment of the effect of food on health) shall be made for each policy on the effects that potentially harmful biological, chemical, or physical agents in food or the condition of food have on human health, through the ingestion of the food, provided that this shall not apply to the following cases:(1) where the assessment of the effect of food on health is explicitly unnecessary in consideration of the contents of the measure;(2) where the contents and degree of adverse effects on human health are clear;(3) where there is no time to conduct an assessment of the effects of food on health in advance in cases where the measure is urgently necessary to prevent or control an adverse effect on human health.2. In cases as cited in (3) of the preceding paragraph, the assessment of the effect of food on health shall be conducted subsequently and without delay.3. The assessment of the effect of food on health provided in the preceding two paragraphs shall be conducted in an objective, neutral, and fair manner on the basis of the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge of the time.(Formulation of policies on the basis of the results of the assessment of the effect of food on health in consideration of the conditions of nationals’dietary habits and other circumstances )Article 12In formulating policies to ensure food safety, it shall be conducted for the purpose of preventing and restraining the adverse effect of food ingestion on human health, in consideration of the dietary habits of citizens and other circumstances, and on the basis of the results of the assessment of effect of food on health if conducted in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 or 2 of the preceding article.(Promotion of exchanges of information and opinions)Article 13In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures for promoting the mutual exchange of information and opinions among persons or parties concerned, such as provision of information concerning the policies and the granting of opportunities to comment on those policies, shall be taken to reflect public opinion in the formulation of the policies and to ensure the transparency and fairness of the process.Article 14In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures, such as establishment of a system to cope with or prevent emergency situations that cause or are liable to cause serious damage to human health by food ingestion, shall be taken to prevent such damage.(Close and mutual cooperation among related administrative bodies)Article 15In formulating policies to ensure food safety, close and mutual cooperation among related administrative bodies shall be made to create the necessary measures for ensuring food safety to be appropriately taken at each stage of the food supply process.(Establishment of research and other systems)Article 16In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures, such as establishment of research systems, promotion of research and development, dissemination of results thereof and training of researchers, shall be taken in consideration that efforts to improve scientific knowledge are important for ensuring food safety.(Collection, arrangement, and utilization of internal and external information)Article 17In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures such as the collection, arrangement, and utilization of internal and external information about ensuring food safety, shall be taken to appropriately and effectively implement the necessary measures for ensuring food safety in response to changes in the environment surrounding Japanese dietary habits.(Ensuring appropriate labeling)Article 18In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures for accurately conveying the information on food, such as ensuring the appropriate operation of a food labeling system, shall be taken in consideration that food labeling plays an important role in ensuring food safety.(Education and learning regarding ensuring food safety)Article 19In formulating policies to ensure food safety, necessary measures for improving knowledge and understanding of ensuring food safety among citizens shall be taken by promoting education and learning and improving public relations activities on ensuring food safety.(Consideration for effects on the environment)Article 20In formulating policies to ensure food safety, the effects of policies on the environment shall be considered.(Determination and publication of Basic Matters concerning implementation of measures)Article 21The government shall determine basic matters concerning implementation of measures (hereinafter referred to as “Basic Matters”) that are to be taken in accordance with the provisions of Articles 11 to 20.2. The Prime Minister shall formulate a draft of Basic Matters after hearing the opinions of the Food Safety Commission and ask the Cabinet for its decision.3. The Prime Minister shall promulgate the Basic Matters without delay once the Cabinet has made its decision in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph.4. The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the changes of the Basic Matters.Chapter III Food Safety Commission(Establishment)Article 22The Food Safety Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) shall be established in the Cabinet Office.(Office duties under the jurisdiction of the Commission)Article 23The Commission shall take charge of the following office duties:(1) to offer opinions to the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of Article 21, paragraph 2;(2) to conduct an assessment of the effects of food on health in accordance with the provisions of the following article or at its direction;(3) to make recommendations to related ministers through the Prime Minister about policies to be implemented for ensuring food safety on the basis of the results of the assessment of the effect of food on health, which was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the preceding item;(4) to monitor the implementation conditions of policies that are implemented on the basis of the results of the assessment of the effect of food on health, which was conducted in accordance with the provisions of item (2), and to make recommendations to related ministers through the Prime Minister if necessary;(5) to examine and deliberate on important matters regarding policies to be implemented for ensuring food safety, and to give opinions to the heads of related administrative bodies if necessary;(6) to conduct scientific research and study necessary to perform office duties cited in items (2) to (5);(7) to plan and implement the mutual exchange of information and opinions among persons or parties concerned with respect of office duties cited in items (2) to (6); and(8) to coordinate office duties conducted by related administrative bodies regarding the mutual exchange of information and opinions among persons or parties concerned with respect to ensuring food safety.2. When the Commission conducts the assessment of the effect of food on health in accordance with the provisions of (2) of the preceding paragraph, it shall notify related ministers of the results of the assessment3. When the Commission has given notification in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph or made a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of (3) or (4) of paragraph 1, it shall publish the contents of the notification or the recommendation without delay.4. Related ministers shall report to the Commission on policies that they have implemented on the basis of a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of (3) or (4) of paragraph 1.(Hearing of the Commission’s opinions)Article 24In any of the following cases, related ministers shall hear the Commission’s opinions, provided that this shall not apply to cases that the Commission recognizes as falling under Article 11, paragraph 1 (1) or that the related minister recognizes as falling under (3) of the same paragraph:(1) when intending to prescribe cases that are not injurious to human health as provided in the proviso of Article 6 (2) of the Food Sanitation Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 62, paragraph 2 of the said Law), when intending to prohibit sales in accordance with the provisions cited in paragraphs (1) to (3) of Article 7 of the said Law or to dissolve the prohibition in accordance with Article 4 of the said Law partially or entirely, when intending to enact, amend or abolish the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance provided in Article 9, paragraph 1 of the said Law, when intending to prescribe cases that are not injurious to human health as provided in Article 10 of the said Law, when intending to establish standards or specifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 11, paragraph 1 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 62, paragraph 2 of the said Law) or Article 18, paragraph 1 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 62, paragraph 3 of the said Law), or when intending to establish standards in accordance with the provisions of Article 50, paragraph 1 of the said Law;(2) when intending to set, change, or abolish official specifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 1-3 of the Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law (Law No. 82 of 1948), when intending to designate or change the designation of specified agricultural chemicals in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 1 of the said Law, or when intending to establish or change the standards (excluding standards for determining whether falling under cases cited in Article 3, paragraph 1 (6) or (7) of the said Law) provided in Article 3, paragraph 2 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 15-2, paragraph 6 of the said Law);(3) when intending to set, change, or abolish official specifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Fertilizer Control Law (Law No. 127 of 1950), when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Cabinet Order provided in Article 4, paragraph 1 (4) of the said Law, when intending to register or register provisionally specified normal fertilizers in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1 or Article 8, paragraph 3 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article33-2, paragraph 6 of the said Law), when intending to register or register provisionally changes of specified normal fertilizers in accordance with the provisions of Article 13-2, paragraph 2 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 33-2, paragraph 6 of the said Law), or when intending to register or register provisionally changes of specified normal fertilizers, or to abolish registrations or(including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 33-2, paragraph 6 in the said Law)(4) when intending to form a plan for enactment, amendment, or abolishment of the Cabinet Order provided in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Domestic Animal Infectious Disease Control Law (Law No. 166 of 1951), when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance, which prescribes reported communicable diseases referred to in Article 4, paragraph 1 of the said Law, or when intending to form a plan for enactment, amendment, or abolishment of the Cabinet Order provided in Article 62, paragraph 1 of the said Law;(5) when intending to designate feed additives in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Law Concerning Safety Assurance and Quality Improvement of Feed (Law No. 35 of 1953), when intending to establish, amend, or abolish standards or specifications in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 1 of the said Law, or when intending to prohibit manufacture, import, sales, or use in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the said Law;(6) when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance provided in Article 6, Article 9, Article 13, paragraph 1 (3), or Article 14, paragraph6 (2) or (3) of the Abattoirs Law (Law No. 114 of 1953), or when intending to form a plan for enactment, amendment, or abolishment of the Cabinet Order provided in Article 14, paragraph 7 of the said Law;(7) when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance provided in Article 4, paragraph 2 (limited to the part pertaining to the provisions of paragraph 1 (1) to (3) of the said article) of the Waterworks Law (Law No. 177 of 1957);(8) when intending to give approval for drugs, quasi-drugs, or medical instruments for the purpose of use for animals (hereinafter referred to as “veterinary medicine, etc.”) in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law or the provisions of the said paragraph applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph 1 of the said Law, when intending to give approval for veterinary medicine, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 14-3, paragraph 1 of the said law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 20, paragraph 1 of the said Law; the same shall apply hereunder) or the provisions of the said paragraph applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph1 of the said Law, when intending to conduct a re-examination of veterinary medicine, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 14-4, paragraph 1 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 19-4, the same shall apply hereunder) or the provisions of the said paragraph applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph 1 of the said Law, when intending to conduct re-assessment of veterinary medicine, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 14-6, paragraph 1 of the said Law (including cases where it applies mutatis mutandis in Article 19-4 of the said Law; the same shall apply hereunder) or the provisions of the said paragraph applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph 1 of the said Law, when intending to give approval for veterinary medicine, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Article 19-2, paragraph 1 of the said Law or the provisions of the said paragraph applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph 1 of the said Law, or when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ordinance provided in Article 83-5, paragraph 1 of the said Law or the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 2 (3) of the said Law applied in accordance with the provisions of Article 83, paragraph 1 of the(9) when intending to form a plan for the enactment, amendment, or abolishment of the Cabinet Order (limited to those that designate substances contained in agricultural land soil, which are feared to become the source of the production of agricultural crops, and livestock that are feared to be harmful to human health) provided in Article 2, paragraph 3 of the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law (Law No. 139 of 1970) or the Cabinet Order provided in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the said Law (limited to those that prescribe conditions for areas where the agricultural lands are understood to be used for the production of agricultural crops and livestock that are feared to be harmful to human health or where the fear thereof is understood to be conspicuous);(10) when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance provided in Article 11, Article 15, paragraph 4 (2) or (3), paragraph (6) or Article 19 of the Poultry Slaughtering Business Control and Poultry Meat Inspection Law (Law No. 70 of 1990);(11) when intending to erase or exclude the name of additives in accordance with the provisions of Article 2-2, paragraph 1 of Supplementary Provisions of The Law Concerning Amendments to the Food Sanitation Law and the Nutrition Improvement Law (Law No. 101 of 1995).(12) when intending to form a plan for enactment, amendment, or abolishment of the Cabinet Order provided in Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Law Concerning Special Measures against Dioxins (Law No. 105 of 1999);(13) when intending to enact, amend, or abolish the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Ordinance provided in Article 7, paragraph 1 or 2 of the Law concerning Special Measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Law No. 70 of 2002); and(14) in addition to those cited in the preceding items, cases provided by the Cabinet Order.2. In cases falling under the proviso of the preceding paragraph (limited to cases recognized by the related ministers as falling under Article 11, paragraph 1 (3)), related ministers shall report such fact to the Commission and hear its opinions within a certain period of time after the formulation of policies to ensure the safety of the food,.3. In addition to cases provided in paragraph 1, related ministers may hear the Commission’s opinions if they are recognized as necessary for formulating policies to ensure food safety.(Request for submission of materials, etc.)Article 25The Commission may request that the heads of related administrative bodies submit materials, opinions, and explanations and provide other necessary cooperation, if it is recognized to be necessary for performing office duties under its jurisdiction.(Entrustment of investigation)Article 26The Commission may entrust necessary investigations to incorporated administrative agencies, juristic persons incorporated in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of the Civil Code of Japan (Law No. 89 of 1896), enterprises and other private bodies, prefectural experimental and research institutes, or persons of(Request in an emergency)Article 27The Commission may request that the research institutes of related national administrative bodies conduct an investigation, analysis, or examination necessary for the assessment of the effect of food on health if it is recognized to be necessary for coping with emergency situations that cause or are liable to cause serious damage concerning ensuring food safety.2. If the research institutes of related national administrative bodies receive a request from the Commission in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they shall promptly implement the requested research, analysis, or examination.3. The Commission may request that related ministers make a demand in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Incorporated Administrative Agency, National Institute of Health and Nutrition Law (Law No. 180 of 1999) or a request in accordance with the provisions of Article 12, paragraph 1 of the Incorporated Administrative Agency, Center for Food Quality, Labeling and Consumer Services Law (Law No. 183 of 1999), Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Incorporated Administrative Agency, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization Law (Law No. 192 of 1999), Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Incorporated Administrative Agency, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences Law (Law No. 194 of 1999), or Article 15, paragraph 1 of the Incorporated Administrative Agency, Fisheries Research Agency Law (Law No. 199 of 1999), if it is recognized to be necessary for coping with emergency situations that cause or are liable to cause serious damage to the ensuring of food safety.(Organization)Article 28The Commission shall be organized by seven commission members.2. Three out of the seven Commission Members shall be part-time members.(Appointment of Commission Members)Article 29With approval from both Houses, the Prime Minister shall appoint Commission Members who have superior insight into ensuring food safety.2. In spite of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Prime Minister may appoint Commission Members who have qualifications as provided in the preceding paragraph, if he/she cannot obtain approval on the appointment from both Houses due to the Diet’s closing or the dissolution of the House of Representatives in cases where the term of the Commission Members has expired or a vacancy for a Commission Member arises.3. In cases falling under the preceding paragraph, the Prime Minister shall obtain subsequent approval from both Houses at the first Diet session after the relevant appointment. If the Prime Minister cannot obtain subsequent approval from both Houses in such a case, the Prime Minister shall immediately dismiss the Commission Member.(Term of the Commission Member)Article 30The term of the Commission Member shall be three years, provided that the term of a substitute Commission Member shall be the remaining term of his/her predecessor.2. The Commission Member may be reappointed.3. If the term of the Commission Member has expired, the relevant Commission Member shall perform his/her duties until a successor is appointed.(Dismissal of the Commission Member)Article 31With approval from both Houses, the Prime Minister may dismiss the Commission Member if the Commission member is recognized as being incapable of performing his/her duties due to physical or mental disability or if recognized as constituting a violation of his/her official obligations or other delinquency inappropriate for a Commission Member.(Service of the Commission Member)Article 32The Commission Member shall not disclose secrets that he/she has come to know through his/her duties. The same shall apply even after he/she leaves the office.2. The Commission Member, while in office, shall not serve as an officer of a political party or other political association or actively take part in political movements.3. The full-time Commission Member, while in office, shall not engage in another job for remuneration, run a commercial enterprise, or conduct any other business for the purpose of financially gain except where he/she has received permission from the Prime Minister.(Allowance of the Commission Member)Article 33The salary of the Commission Member shall be provided by a separate law.(Chairperson)Article 34The position of Chairperson shall be established in the Commission and the Chairperson shall be appointed by full-time Commission Members by a mutual vote among the Commission Members.2. The Chairman shall administrate the duties of the Commission and shall represent the Commission.3. In the event that the Chairperson has an accident, the full-time Commission Member who has been designated in advance by the Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.(Meeting)Article 35。




















• 立法机构:国会(由众议院和参议院组成) • 管理机构:食品安全委员会 、厚生劳动省、 农林水产省 • 监管机构:中央管理部门、地方政府、业 者、民间机构和消费者(形成了政府风险 管理机构、地方、业者、公众“四位一体” 的管理协调机制。 )
《农药取缔法》 农药取缔法》
• 《农药取缔法》是1948年公布 农药取缔法》 年公布 的,该法规定了农药的活性成 分,并对农药的使用以及可以 使用农药的农作物进行规范。 使用农药的农作物进行规范。 该法规定只有登记过的农药才 可以出售和使用, 可以出售和使用,禁止销售那 些未经日本农林水产省登记的 农药,认定这些生产、进口、 农药,认定这些生产、进口、 使用未经登记的农药的行为为 非法行为。 非法行为。目的是在设置农药 登记制度的同时, 登记制度的同时,通过限制出 售和使用, 售和使用,正确制定农药的质 量和安全性以及使用量, 量和安全性以及使用量,来保 障农业生产的稳定和国民健康。 障农业生产的稳定和国民健康。 其主要事项由农林水产省管辖。 其主要事项由农林水产省管辖。
《日本农业标准法》 日本农业标准法》
• 也称《农林物质标准化及质量标志管理法》(简称JAS 也称《农林物质标准化及质量标志管理法》 简称 ),该法是 该法是1950年制定,1970年修订,2000年全面推 年制定, 年修订, 法),该法是 年制定 年修订 年全面推 广实施的。 法中确立了两种规范, 广实施的。JAS法中确立了两种规范,分别为:JAS标识 法中确立了两种规范 分别为: 标识 制度(日本农产品标识制度)和食品品质标识标准。 制度(日本农产品标识制度)和食品品质标识标准。依据 JAS法,市售的农渔产品皆须标示 法 市售的农渔产品皆须标示JAS标识及原产地等信 标识及原产地等信 法在内容上, 息。JAS法在内容上,不仅确保了农林产品与食品的安全 法在内容上 性,还为消费者能够简单明了地掌握食品的有关质量等信 息提供了方便。日本在JAS法的基础上推行了食品追踪系 息提供了方便。日本在 法的基础上推行了食品追踪系 该系统给农林产品与食品标明生产产地、使用农药、 统,该系统给农林产品与食品标明生产产地、使用农药、 加工厂家、原材料、 加工厂家、原材料、经过流通环节与其所有阶段的日期等 信息。借助该系统可以迅速查到食品在生产、加工、 信息。借助该系统可以迅速查到食品在生产、加工、流通 等各个阶段使用原料的来源、 等各个阶段使用原料的来源、制造厂家以及销售商店等记 同时也能够追踪掌握到食品的所在阶段, 录,同时也能够追踪掌握到食品的所在阶段,这不仅使食 品的安全性和质量等能够得到保障, 品的安全性和质量等能够得到保障,在发生食品安全事故 时也能够及时查出事故的原因、 时也能够及时查出事故的原因、追踪问题的根源并及时进 行食品召回。 行食品召回。





二、日本食品法律法规体系概述日本食品法律法规体系主要包括以下几部分:1. 基础法律:《食品安全基本法》是日本食品安全法律法规体系的核心,旨在确保食品的安全性、真实性、质量与卫生。

2. 食品安全标准:《食品安全基本法》规定了食品安全标准的基本要求,包括食品添加剂、污染物、农药残留、食品添加剂残留等。

3. 食品生产、加工、流通和销售管理:《食品安全基本法》规定了食品生产、加工、流通和销售的基本要求,包括生产者责任、产品追溯、标签和广告等。

4. 食品安全监管:日本食品安全监管体系包括中央和地方两个层级,分别由厚生劳动省和都道府县卫生部门负责。

5. 食品事故处理:日本食品安全法律法规对食品事故的处理有明确规定,包括事故报告、调查、处理和赔偿等。

三、日本食品法律法规案例分析1. 案例一:三聚氰胺事件2008年,中国爆发三聚氰胺奶粉事件,导致多名婴幼儿患上肾结石。



2. 案例二:日本福岛核事故后的食品安全问题2011年,日本福岛核事故导致大量放射性物质泄漏,引发全球对日本食品安全的担忧。



3. 案例三:日本食品添加剂违规使用事件2015年,日本东京一家食品公司被曝出在生产面包时违规使用禁用添加剂。



4. 案例四:日本食品标签虚假宣传事件2016年,日本一家食品公司因在产品标签上虚假宣传而受到处罚。













首先是HACCP管理体系,即危害分析与关键控制点(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)体系。







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