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1. 关于

With regard to sth.

Referring to sth.


With respect to

Regarding sth.

With reference to

2. 表示遗憾

We regret that = we feel/are regretful that

3. 收到来信

We are in receipt/possession of your letter

on/upon receipt of 收到后立即干嘛after receipt of 收到后

We confirm receipt of your letter

Thank you for your letter

We have received your letter of

We note/learn from your letter that

4. 开始,缔结关系

Enter into = establish

Enter into business talks

This agreement is made and entered into by A and B

Establish business relations with

Establish new business

Establish a (relative) letter of credit with Bank of China

5. 董事会事先的书面同意

The prior written consent of board of directors

6. Line 行业,(一类)货色

In the chemical line

What is his line of business?

Be a good line of metal

Be lined with 内包装

7. 根据,与…一致

In line with = in compliance with = in accordance with = according to/comply with/conform to

In line with the contract;

be out of line with 不一致

8. 书册

A range of pamphlets/booklets/brochures小册子;leaflet 传单;folder 折叠式印刷品、活页夹

Catalogue 产品目录illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录;

pricelist 价格表;manual 使用手册;bulletin 产品简报

9. 供参考

For your reference=for your information=for your consideration=for your guidance/perusal(精读,细读)

10. Item 项目;商品;条款;账目;细节

Some of the items 部分商品

An export item 出口商品、出口项目

An item of business 营业项目

11. 商品







General merchandise(杂货,日用商品)

12. Meet

Meet one’s interest/wishes/needs/conditions 适合、满足

Meet with a favorable reception 受到欢迎

Our offer will meet your proposal

13. 报价

Make/send/give/cable quotation for goods

14. 传送




Dispatch + sth. to




by mail=by airmail

Forward samples and product brochures

15. Enclose 随附、一并寄上

We are enclosing a copy of our pricelist. = Enclosed are 2 copies of our pricelist. 表语倒装

Please refer to the pricelist enclosed in/with our letter dated August 5. Enclosed in/with

Enclosed please find one copy of the L/C opened by our bank. 宾语补足语前置倒装

We believe you will find the enclosed interesting. The enclosed →n. Under separate cover = by separate mail/post/airmail/parcel = separately 另函寄上

We are sending you the catalog by separate mail.

= we are sending you under separate cover by mail a copy of the latest catalog.

16. 通知

Inform sb. that; inform sb. of sth; be informed that

Please be informed that

17. 达成交易

Close/cut a deal

Conclude a bargain/transaction/contract

18. 从他人处了解到

Have your name and address from

Be recommended/introduced to sb. by sb.

Through the courtesy of(经由…提供;蒙…好意) sb., we have learned that 19. .经营

Specialize in

Be specialized in

Handle + goods 专营某种商品

Trade in

Deal in

In the chemical line; in the line/business of goods

We trade in cotton piece goods.

Trade with sb.

20. 大意、梗概、简介

General idea

General introduction

Brief introduction

21. 以…条件成交

On…basis = on the basis of
