第6单元 口译中的跨文化交际(上)

根据口译任务的主题和领域,提前准备相关的词汇和表达方式,确 保在口译进程中能够准确转达信息。
在口译进程中,保持冷静和专心,避免受到外界干扰 和压力的影响。
在听到原文后,快速理解其含义和要点,以便能够准 确地进行口译。
通过参与跨文化交流活动、实 地考察等方式,积累实践经验 。
深入了解目标语言的表达方式 和文化内涵,提高语言和文化 素养。
在口译进程中遇到问题时,能 够灵活运用沟通技能和应变能
• 俄语口译基础 • 俄语听力训练 • 俄语口语表达训练 • 俄语口译实战演练 • 俄语口译中的跨文化交际
跨文化交际-Unit 6

Some likely interpretations
7. Grandma is afraid her children would put her in a rest-home if she moved in with them, and she would rather live alone in her own home. Projected cultural similarity: We often tend to interpret based on our own cultural norms.
Ethnocentrism and Projected Cultural Similarity
They are closely related, but describe somewhat different phenomena. Ethnocentrism is taking one’s own cultural norms as the standard by which to judge people of other cultures. Projected cultural similarity is assuming that people of other cultures view things the same way we do.
What will Bill’s first thought be when he hears that the American teacher’s grandma lives alone? Why do you think the grandmother lives alone?
Love and marriage

【关键词】:口译; 文化差异; 跨文化交际1. 口译和跨文化之间的关系交际可分为同一文化内部成员间的交际和不同文化背景的人进行交际, 即跨文化交际, 它指的是不同文化的交际双方以语言为媒介, 通过信息源--编码--信息传递--解码--反馈等环节所构成的一个双向信息交换的动态连续过程。
在此过程中, 信息在一种文化背景下进行编码, 而在另一种文化背景下进行解码。
译者作为跨文化意识的载体, 在跨文化交际中起着桥梁作用, 旨在传递信息, 促进交际的成功实现。
2. 言语交际中的文化差异对口译的影响每个民族都有自己不同于其它民族的语言和文化。
”We happen to live in a land which has the capacity to supply you with food, and we will. We are not going to play funny buggers.”其中”play funny buggers”是澳大利亚的俚语,意思是”开玩笑”、”骗人”。

文化是人类智慧 的结 晶 , 每种语 言都 有其 独特 的文化 。
键环节 , 接收与理 解 的好 坏往 往 决定 了记 忆 的好 坏。可 以
口译是一种以传递信息和表达意图为 目的的跨语言、 跨文化
交际活动 。因 此 , 口译活 动 与文化 因素 密切 相关 。S a m o v a r
说, 对 源语 的正 确理解 是译 入语编码和表达的基础 。在 口译 活 动中 , 译 员应主动理解 、 分 析源语信 息 , 并梳 理逻辑关 系 。 从狭义上讲 , 口译 是不 同语 言 之 间所进 行 的相互 转换 的活
动, 口译 离不开语 言 , 要理解语言 , 就必须充分考虑到文化 因 素, 深入细致地在源语 与译语之间进行文化对 比。跨文化意
( 萨莫 瓦) 和P o r t e r ( 波特 ) 在谈 到语 言与翻译 的关 系时 , 认 为
译员在翻译作 品时 不仅应 该搭 建语 言 的桥梁 ,更应 建起 一 座文化的桥梁 ; 译员不 仅要跨 越语 言的 界限 , 更要 反映 出另
2 0 1 3年 8月 第3 2卷第 8期
J o u na r l o f H e i l o n g j i a n g C o l l e g e o f E d u c a t i o n
Aug . 2 01 3
V0 1 . 3 2 No . 8
维过程基本没有 差别 , 文化差异有可能导致人们所思考 的对 象有所 差异 。然 而 , 美 国社 会心 理学 家伊斯 贝特博 士研究 发现 , 人们的思维习惯之所 以不 同是 由文化背景的差异造成 的。翻译是运用 一种语 言把 另一种语 言所 表达 的思维 内容 准确而完整地重新 表达 出来 的语 言活 动 J 。口译 活动不仅

所谓跨文化交际指 的是跨越语 言文字 、跨越文化从 而实现信 息交
流的过程 。口译是把一种语言 承载的文化通过 口头形式用另一 种语言 来 表达的复杂的文化信息交换过 程 ,必然涉及到与语言有关 的方 方面 面 和 各 种 文 化 因 素 。因此 对 译 员 来 讲 , 该 在 跨 文 化 交 际 过 程 中 , 应 自觉 或 不 自觉地 增强对文化因素 的敏感性 。而译员的跨文化交际 能力是从 口 译 教学不断培养的 。 跨文化交际能力的培养关系到 口译活动的成败。 因 此 , 口译教学中 , 在 教师应该采用各种各 样方 法增强学生 的跨文化 差异 的 敏 感 性 , 养 学 生 的 文 化 意 识 , 高 学 生 学 习 文 化 的兴 趣 , 极 主 动 培 提 积 地吸收并融入新的文化环境中 。
跨 文 化 交 际 理 论
跨 文化 交 际 学 是 一 门 新 兴 的 交 叉 学科 。 门 学 科 兴 起 于 2 这 O世 纪 6 O 年 代 中 期 的 美 国。 我 国研 究 跨 文 化 交 际 学 起 步 比较 晚 , 至 2 直 O世 纪 8 O
已经获得 的语言交 际能力 增强译员的跨文化交 际能力以及各种 口译技 能。 因此 在 口译 教 学 中应 该 加 强 培 养 学 生 文 化 认 知 能 力 。 言与 文 化 相 语 互影 响, 相互依存 。 要增强译员 的文化认知能力就应该重视那些影 响语 言 学 习和 运 用 的 因素 , 当 向 学 生 揭 示 语 言 的特 定 文 化 因 素 的 内涵 , 应 积 极 地 引 导 学 生 了解 和 积 累 目标 语 的 言 语 表 达 规 律 、 式 及 特 征 , 他 们 模 使 在两种不 同文化 的转换 中做到游 刃有余 、 顺利完成 口译任务 。 增 强 学 生 跨 文 化 差 异 的敏 感 性 。 口译 教 学 中 , 增 强 学 生 的文 化 在 要 差 异 意 识 , 仅 要 正 确 理 解 异 国 文 化 , 要 首 先 理 解 本 民族 的 文 化 。同 不 还 时 译 员 还 要 以积 极 和宽 容 的 态度 去 消 除 由于 文 化 背 景不 同 而 产 生 的误 解 和 冲突 。 因此 增 强 文 化 差 异 意 识 是 双 向 的 。 只有 在 正 确 理 解 本 民族 文 化 的基础 上 , 不断 学习异 国文化 , 才能不 断缩小两种 文化之间 的差 异 。 才能提高译员理解文化差异的能力 。 充分利用 电影 、 电视 、 录像 、 网络等有声实物 资源, 扩展学生 了解和 掌握异 国文化知识 的途径 。 电影 、 电视 、 录像 、 网络等多媒体教学手段, 可 以 弥 补 文 字 教 材 粗 糙 、 味 、 调 等 方 面 的不 足 。因为 图 像 、 物 更 能 吸 乏 单 实 引 学 生 的 眼 球 , 好 地 集 中学 生 在 课 堂 上 的注 意 力 。 而 更 好 地 激 发 的 更 从 学生的学习兴趣 加深学生学习 的印象 。 同时通过 电影 、 电视 、 录像 、 网络 等多媒体教学手段 , 学生可 以更好地 了解异国不 同社会 、 同阶层 人民 不 的生活习惯和社会文化知识 。

The advices for the Chinese in foreign company
pay less attention to status and hierarchy than in other groups;
Western groups usually prefer smaller power distances between leaders and members, so deferring to the leader too much will make a poor impression;
Why ?
Individualists think groups can accomplish things a person cannot do alone, so forming a group is a way to achieve personal goals. What are the Chinese attitudes towards joining groups ?
A Chinese family worries about their child's safety, because the child has to cross a dangerous intersection on the way to school. They solve the problem by having one of the parents or grandparents accompany the child to school.
The lifecycle of a group Stage one: Forming
When a group is forming, members expect the new group to be like their previous group experiences.
第6单元 口译中的跨文化交际(上)

• 中文指令和禁语往往表达得直截了当,显 得非常严肃,也因此缺乏回旋感。英语则 比较注意婉转,避免给人生硬的感觉。 • 导游先生每到一个地方,都向客人叮嘱 • You must come back here at 5 o’clock. • You must get together at the lobby at 7 • 一个外国客人调侃导游说--• What must we do when we check out the hotel, Mr. Must?”
• 西班牙人姓名常有三、四节,前一、二节为本人 名字,倒数第二节为父姓,最后一节为母姓。如: Diego Rodrigueez de Silva y Velasquez译为迭 戈· 罗德里格斯· 德席尔瓦—贝拉斯克斯 • 葡萄牙人姓名也多由三、四节组成,前一、二节 是个人名字,接着是母姓,最后为父姓。
• 美国人的思维模式偏向于直线式,信息会 直截了当地从一方传达到另一方。美国是 “低语境”(low context)国家,信息靠语言 就可以得到阐述; • 中国人的思维模式则偏向于迂回式,往往 需要借助隐含的表达方式来透露内心的想 法。中国是“高语境” (high context)国家, 如果不借助相应的语境,单凭语言本身难 以理解说话人的意图。
• 在西方,一般见面时先说“早安”、“晚 安”、“你好”、“身体好吗?”“最近 如何?”“一切都顺利吗?”“好久不见 了,你好吗?”“夫人(丈夫)好 吗?”“孩子们都好吗?”“最近休假去 了吗?”对新结识的人常问:“你这是第 一次来我国吗?”
• 又如,在接待远道而来、刚刚抵达的外宾 时,中国主人会关切地询问: “您一定很 累吧?”如果直译过来, “You must feel very tired.”,不但起不到问候的作用, 反而会使外国客人(特别是年龄较大的客 人)感到沮丧,认为自己一定看起来状态 很差。所以应该灵活地译为“I hope you have had a pleasant trip/ flight/一种口头交际活动,需要遵循一套 严格的语用规则,或者叫“讲话规则” • 不同文化有不同的习惯性用词和词义。
英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 6 Diplomatic Exchange[精]
![英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 6 Diplomatic Exchange[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/008d4373a8114431b90dd8ee.png)
Unit 6 Diplomatic Exchange
A. Individual Work: Presentation
Topic: If I were the Ambassador to….
Brainstorming clues: embassy, diplomat, independent foreign policy of peace, communication, exchange, dialogue, hegemonism, international political and economic order…
参加六方会谈的中国和韩国的谈判者于周五在 北京会面,讨论了如何推进朝鲜半岛无核化的 问题。
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
Text Two Difficult Sentences
我们应该就此加强沟通和协调,开展互惠互利的双边和多边合作,共同应 对不利因素,保持经济较快发展的势头和活力,继续为世界经济发展作出 贡献。
D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text one Note-taking
Both sides reached broad consensus on further expanding exchanges and cooperation in all areas and deepening China-Greece comprehensive strategic partnerseading and Discussion
1. What’s the purpose of making the independent foreign policy of peace?

1 Translation纵观历史,我们可以清楚地看到,人们由于彼此所处地域、意识形态、容貌服饰和行为举止上存在的差异,而长久无法互相理解、无法和睦相处。
2 Translation文化有时候被称为我们的心智程序,我们“头脑的软件”。


A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.

Interpreter’s awareness of and competence for cross-cultural communication
1. Warm-up
Part I English-Chinese Interpretation
Good morning. This past week I traveled to Austria and Hungary, where I had productive meetings with our European allies. //We discussed the challenges and opportunities we share, including the importance of spreading prosperity at home and around the world. //It's good to be back to America, and I'm pleased to report that our economy is strong, growing, and delivering prosperity to more of our people.
语用失误 1.语用语言失误(pragmatic-linguistic)
2.社交语用失误(sociopragmatic failure)
语用语言失误指的是当说话人在某一表述中使用的语 用方式系统性地不同于将语言作为母语使用的说话人 在这一表述中经常使用的语用方式时,而产生的失误。 (1)汉英词语一一对应,忽视了两者间的及时地积极地从国外引进技 术 , 并且认真组织科学技术人员和广大职工做好消化和 推广工作。 译员:We should further simplify procedures and take prompt and vigorous actions to import urgently needed technologies and earnestly organize scientists , technicians and the mass of workers to assimilate and popularize imported technologies.

2 1 第6期 00年
论 口译 中 的跨 文 化 交 际 能 力
。詹 成
( 广东 外语外 贸大学 高级翻译 学院 , 广东 广州 5 0 2 ) 14 0
[ 摘 要 ] 口 从根本上说是一种语言交际活动, 译, 而且是不同文化之间的沟通和交流。合格的译员应该
是信息 的被动传递者 , 也是 信息 的主 动沟通者 , 还是文化 的
常 进 行 的一 种 活 动 , 大 到 政 治 人 物 与 外 国领 导 人 的 谈 判 , 它 小 到 观看 和 欣 赏 外 国 电 影 、 说 等 。 简 而 言 之 , 文 化 交 际 小 跨 就是 具 有 不 同文 化 背 景 的 人 从 事 交 际 的过 程 ”。对 于跨 文
话语互动范式更是将译员 在跨文化交 际 中发挥 的作用上升
化交际 中“ 文化” 的理解 , 比较受到广泛接受 的定义来 自萨摩 瓦等人 , 在其著作 中, 文化被认 为是 “ 一群人通过个人或群体 世代努力所获得 的一切 的沉淀物 , 括知识 、 验、 包 经 信仰 、 价 值观 、 行动 、 、 态度 意义 、 等级制度 、 教、 间概念 、 色、 宗 时 角 空 间关 系 、 宙观 、 宇 制造 物 等 ”36 [3。 1
的三元关系 , 并对译员的推理行 为以及 明示行为对 口译工作
的影 响 作 出理 论 阐释 J 。 在 口译 工 作 中 , 际 双 方 来 自 4 交 不 同文 化 背景 , 因此 译 员 作 为 交 际 中 的一 元 , 推 理 行 为 必 其 须 建 立 在对 讲 话 人 某 一 文 化 背 景 中 的话 语 作 出准 确 的 判 断 和 理 解 ; 明示 行 为 则 又必 须 基 于 对 于 听 话 人 所 在 的 目标 语 其 文 化 的充 分 把握 和运 用 。从 这 个 意 义 来 说 , 口译 中 的 译 员 既

关键词:口译者;跨文化交际;跨文化交际能力中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)33-0082-02一、跨文化交际与跨文化交际能力(一)跨文化交际的概念跨文化交际是来自不同文化背景的人之间传递信息,交流思想的一种社会行为。
unit 6 跨文化交际

Reference 上午好。上周我访问了奥地利和匈牙利,与我们的欧 洲盟友进行了卓有成效的会谈。我们讨论了共同面对 的挑战和机遇,其中包括实现国家和世界繁荣的重要 性。很高兴能回到美国,而且我也高兴地告诉大家, 美国经济依然繁荣,不断增长,并让更多的人民过上 富裕的生活。
1. Warm-up
Part II Chinese-English Interpretation
① 滑稽 ② humorous ③ funny/ witty/ amusing/ entertaining
① 欺骗 ② to cheat ③ to trick/to play a joke on/to con/to deceive/to rip off ① 车门 ② the door of the car ③ the car's door / car door ① 怎么拼? ② how to spell? ③ how do you spell?
在口译工作中,影响译员工作质量的文化 因素,主要有以下几个方面:
一、语用原则 二、思维模式
口译不同于笔译,它是一种口头交际活动。在交际过 程中,除了遵循由语音、语法词汇等因素构成的语言 规则外,还需要遵循一套严格的语用规则。
语用失误 1.语用语言失误(pragmatic-linguistic)
2.社交语用失误(sociopragmatic failure)
语用语言失误指的是当说话人在某一表述中使用的语 用方式系统性地不同于将语言作为母语使用的说话人 在这一表述中经常使用的语用方式时,而产生的失误。 (1)汉英词语一一对应,忽视了两者间的差别 (2) 套用汉语的表达结构

跨文化交际:商务谈判口译场景模拟出场人物:A公司李经理1 胡经理2 A翻译小刘B公司黄经理1 吕经理2 B翻译小陈A总1:黄小姐,上午好!首先,衷心感谢您对我们公司一直以来的关注和支持,也期望这次的谈判能取得双赢的结果。
B翻译: Good morning, Miss. Huang, first of all, sincerely appreciates your concern and support for our company. We are looking forward to achieving a win-win deal for this negotiation.B总1:We have had much happy collaboration with your company over these years. And I hope that we can develop a more lasting relationship.A翻译: 之前和贵公司的合作都很愉快,我也希望我们之间能发展一个更为持久的合作关系A总1:是的,这也是我们今天要商讨的一件重大事项。
B翻译: Yes, it’s also one of the most important events we are going to negotiate. As you know, our company has always put the electronic products on the research and development.A总1:目前经济竞争激烈,即使是向来胸有成竹的我们也不得不开始寻求新的市场定位,进行一场大改革。
B翻译员: At present, the economy competition is so fierce that we have no other choice but to reform. Even though we are confident all the time, we must begin to seek new market positioning.B总1:I can’t agree with you more. As the saying goes, “Be prepared for danger in times of peace.” We cannot improve ourselves if we don’t challenge change.A翻译:我很赞同您的观点,正所谓“居安思危”,不思变就不能进步。

Becoming ethnocentric:
“We begin to consciously and unconsciously learn our culture in our early life through the process of socialization or enculturation. Interaction with family members and friends is the most common way for us to learn about culture. Other sources for learning our culture are schools, church, media, folk tales, and arts. The process of learning our own culture will inevitably foster a phenomenon called ethnocentrism.” (Chen and Starosta 2005:27)
Unit 6 Ethnocentrism种族中心主义
Teaching Objectives: 1) Students grasp the reasons why Americans like to pay for themselves; 2) Students know the main concept of ethnocentrism; 3) Students comprehend the method to manage ethnocentrism.
Within families, it is also not unusual for parents to pay for their children or vice versa. (Often it is the wealthier person who pays. within families, people generally already know what everyone’s financial situation is, so the topic is somewhat less sensitive than with other people.)

Unit 2 Page 60 Unit 3 Page 96Unit 5 Page 175 Unit 6 Page 215Case 2A common cultural misunderstanding in classes involves conflicts between what is said to be direct communication style and indirect communication style. In American culture, people tend to say what is on their minds and to mean what they say. Therefore, students in class are expected to ask questions when they need clarification. Mexican culture shares this preference of style with American culture in some situations, and that‘s why the students from Mexico readily adopted the techniques of asking questions in class. However, Korean people generally prefer indirect communication style, and therefore they tend to not say what is on their minds and to rely more on implications and inference, so as to be polite and respectful and avoid losing face through any improper verbal behavior. As is mentioned in the case, to many Koreans, numerous questions would show a disrespect for the teacher, and would also reflect that the student has not studied hard enough.Case 3The conflict here is a difference in cultural values and beliefs. In the beginning, Mary didn’t realize that her Dominican sister saw her as a member of the family, literally. In the Dominican view, family possessions are shared by everyone of the family. Luz was acting as most Dominican sisters would do in borrowing without asking every time. Once Mary understood that there was a different way of looking at this, she would become more accepting. However, she might still experience the same frustration when this happened again. She had to find ways to cope with her own emotional cultural reaction as well as her practical problem (the batteries running out).Case 6When a speaker says something to a hearer, there are at least three kinds ofmeanings involved: utterance meaning, speaker’s meaning and hearer’s meaning. In the dialogue, when Litz said ‘How long is she going to stay?’ she meant to say that if she knew how long her mother-in-law was going to stay in Finland, she would be able to make proper arrangements for her, such as taking her out to do some sightseeing. However, her mother-in-law overheard the conversation, and took Litz’s question to mean “Litz does not want me to stay for long”. From the Chinese point of view, it seems to be inappropriate for Litz to ask such a question just two days after her mother-in-law’s arrival. If she feels she has to ask the question, it would be better to ask some time later and she should not let her mother-in-law hear it.Case 7Keiko insists on giving valuable gifts to her college friends, because in countries like Japan, exchanging gifts is a strongly rooted social tradition. Should you receive a gift, and don’t have one to offer in return, you will probably create a crisis. If not as serious as a crisis, one who doesn’t offer a gift in return may be considered rude or impolite. Therefore, in Japan, gifts are a symbolic way to show appreciation, respect, gratitude and further relationship.Keiko obviously has taken those used items from Mary, Ed and Marion as gifts, for she probably doesn’t know that Americans frequently donate their used household items to church or to the community. Mary, Ed and Marion would never consider those used household items given to Keiko as gifts. No wonder they felt very uncomfortable when they received valuable gifts in return.Case 10In Japan, a company is often very much like a big family, in which the manger(s) will take good care of the employees and the employees are expected to devote themselves to the development of the company and, if it is necessary, to sacrifice their own individual interests for the interests of the company, from which, in the long run, the employees will benefit greatly. But for the French, a company is just a loosely- knit social organization wherein individuals are supposed to take care of themselves and their families. Moreover, the way the French make decisions in the family might also be different from the typical Japanese one, which may not often involve females and the power to decide usually lies with the dominating male. As there are such cultural differences between the Japanese and the French, Mr. Legrand’s decision made Mr. Tanaka feel dumbfounded.Case 12In this case, it seems that the Chinese expectations were not fulfilled. First, having two people sharing host responsibilities could be somewhat confusing to the hierarchically minded Chinese. Second, because age is often viewed as an indication of seniority, the Chinese might have considered the youth of their Canadian hosts as slight to their own status. Third, in China, it is traditional for the host to offer a welcome toast at the beginning of the meal, which is the reciprocated by the guests; by not doing so, the Canadian might be thought rude. The abrupt departure of the Chinese following the banquet was probably an indication that they were not pleased with the way they were treated. The Canadians’ lack of understanding of the Chinese culture and the Chinese ways of communication clearly cost them in their business dealings with the visiting delegation.Case 17When these two men separate, they may leave each other with very different impressions.Mr Richardson is very pleased to have made the acquaintance of Mr Chu and feels they have gotten off to a very good start. They have established their relationship on a first-name basis and Mr Chu’s smile seemed to indicate that he will be friendly and easy to do business with. Mr Richardson is particularly pleased that he had treated Mr Chu with respect for his Chinese background by calling him Hon-fai rather than using the western name, David, which seemed to him an unnecessary imposition of western culture.In contrast, Mr Chu feels quite uncomfortable with Mr Richardson. He feels it will be difficult to work with him, and that Mr Richardson might be rather insensitive to cultural differences. He is particularly bothered that, instead of calling him David or Mr Chu, Mr Richardson used his given name, Hon-fai, the name rarely used by anyone, in fact. It was this embarrassment which caused him to smile. He would feel more comfortable if they called each other Mr Chu and Mr Richardson. Nevertheless, when he was away at school in North America he learned that Americans feel uncomfortable calling people Mr for any extended period of time. His solution was to adopt a western name. He chose David for use in such situations.Case 19Talking about what’s wrong is not easy for people in any culture, but people in high-context countries like China put high priority on keeping harmony, preventing anyone from losing face, and nurturing the relationship. It seems that Ron Kelly had to learn a different way of sending message when he was in China. At home in Canada he would have gone directly to the point. But in China, going directly to the problem with someone may suggest that he or she has failed to live up to his or her responsibility and the honor of his or her organization is in question. In high-context cultures like China, such a message is serious and damaging. In low-context cultures, however, the tendency is just to “spit it out”, to get it into words and worry about the result later. Senders of unwelcome messages use objective facts, assuming, as with persuasion, that facts are neutral, instrumental, and impersonal. Indirectness is often the way members of high-context cultures choose to communicate about a problem. Case 21Sometimes our best intentions can lead to breakdowns (故障)in cross-cultural communication. For example, one of the very common manners of touching --- handshaking --- may result in conflict when performed with no consideration of cultural differences. Among middle-class North American men, it is customary to shake hands as a gesture of friendship. When wanting to communicate extra friendliness, a male in the United States may, while shaking hands, grasp with his left hand his friend’s right arm. However, to people of Middle Eastern countries, the left hand is profane (亵渎的) and touching someone with it is highly offensive. Therefore, in Vernon’s eyes, Kenneth was actually an extremely offensive message to him. Case 22In Puerto Rican culture, as in some other Latin American and Eastern cultures, it is not right for a child to keep an eye-contact with an adult who is accusing him or her, while in the United States, failing of meeting other person’s eye accusing him or her would be taken as a sign of guiltiness. As the principal knew little about this cultural difference in using eye-contact, he decided that the girl must be guilty. Generallyspeaking, avoiding eye-contact with the other(s) is often considered as an insult in some cultures, but may signify respect for authority and obedience in other cultures. Case 25For people from the American culture and western European cultures, one’s time should be scheduled into segments or compartments which are to be kept discrete from one another. They prefer to do one thing at a time. They will be annoyed when they have made an appointment with somebody, only to find a lot of other things going on at the same time. They don’t like to interrupt others and be interrupted by other while they are doing something. In contrast, people from many other cultures including the Chinese culture are more likely to operate with several people, ideas, or matters simultaneously. They are more easily distracted and subject to interruptions, which they would not usually mind very much. The miscommunication between Katherine and the director can be ascribed to their lack of knowledge about each other’s way of using time.In this case, to the Chinese director as well as many other Chinese people, it is natural to handle the other things which needed to be dealt with immediately. He may have thought that, in this way, he utilized the time best. But to Katherine and most Westerners, it’s quite different. They tend to do things strictly according to their schedule and appointments with others, which is their concept of using time best.高语境交流和低语境交流(由高到低排列)Japanese, Chinese, Korean, African American, Native American, Arab, Greek, Latin,Italian,English,Frech,Amercian,Scandinavian,German,German-Swiss。

中国人: 今天天气很好, 聚集在这 中国人: 今天天气很好,我们聚集在这 Western:Today,we gather here on a sunny day."
Though the following interpreting cases, the aim is devoted to discuss and analyze the problems brought by thought pattern difference from communicative perspective to reduce the negative influence brought by thought pattern difference and improve communication efficiency.
The difference
China: Tactful thinking West: direct thinking
The first case
(before the dinner)
• 主 人:今天的饭菜不好,请多多包涵。 今天的饭菜不好,请多多包涵。 • Guest:(既然饭菜不好,为什么还来请客。) (既然饭菜不好,为什么还来请客。)
中国人: 中国人: 孩子们跳着、唱着、玩得很高兴。 孩子们跳着、唱着、玩得很高兴。
Western: The children are having a good time,singing and dancing.
The conclusion
• 通过以上案例,大家都能感受到, 维 通过以上案例,大家都能感受到, 同决 多样 因此, 同决 语 达 多样 。因此,口 译译员 仅 同 达 语交 同的 ,更 对中西方 同的 维 加 , 按译入语语言的习惯进行调整、排列组合, 按译入语语言的习惯进行调整、排列组合,这 样才能使译语更自然,使交流更顺利。 样才能使译语更自然,使交流更顺利。
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• 在国际交往中,一般对男子称先生,对女子 称夫人、女士、小姐。 • 对地位高的官方人士,一般为部长以上的高 级官员,按国家情况称“阁下”、职衔或先 生。如“部长阁下”、“总统阁下”、“主 席先生阁下”、“总理阁下”、“总理先生 阁下”、“大使先生阁下” "The King will see you now, your Excellency." "阁下,国王现 在要接见您。"
Ahrned Ben Bella
• 俄罗斯人姓名一般由三节组成。如伊万· 伊万诺维 奇· 伊万诺夫(ИванИвановичИванов),伊万为 本人名字,伊万诺维奇为父名,伊万诺夫为姓
• 匈牙利人的姓名,排列与我国人名相似, 姓在前名在后。都由两节组成。 • 阿拉伯人姓名一般由三或四节组成。第一 节为本人名字,第二节为父名,第三节为 祖父名,第四节为姓,如沙特阿拉伯前国 王费萨尔的姓名是:Faisal ibn Abdul Aziz ibn Abdul Rahman al Saud译为:费萨 尔· 伊本· 阿卜杜勒· 阿齐兹· 伊本· 阿卜杜勒· 拉 赫曼· 沙特。
译员: You are modest. Please give us your valuable opinions. 译员: Your opinions will be appreciated.
外方:Your factory locates in a very nice place. 中方:我们这个经济开发区可是块肥肉呦!
外方:Will the goods be shipped to our country by the end of this year? 中方:当然。您放心。
译员:Of course. (“What a stupid question!”) 译员:Yes
外方:Your products are of high quality. 中方: 客气客气,还请您多提宝贵意见。
• 中方:这个礼物我们送给你 • 外方:It’s really a marvelous present, thank you very much! • 中方:我们送给你的这个礼物和我们送给你们 公司老总的礼物是一样的。
译员: This is the same present we give the head of your company. 译员: Hope you like it.
翻译说话人的身体语言 12
• • • • 重视学习西方文化 留心西方人的文化细节 口译中注意察言观色,切忌望文生义 发挥桥梁(bridge)作用,以沟通为目标
• “女士们先生们,请注意”, • “Ladies and gentlemen,may I have your attention please?”
• “此门不通” • 翻译成“Please use the other door.”
• 客人抵达后,从机场到住地,以及访问结 束,由住地到机场,有的安排主人陪同乘 车,也有不陪同乘车的。如果主人陪车, 应请客人坐在主人的右侧。如是三排座的 轿车,译员坐在主人前面的加座上;如是 二排座,译员坐在司机旁边。
• 十月的天气秋高气爽,今天我们聚集在这 里欢迎史密斯先生莅临我公司。 • On this beautiful day of Oct, we gather here to welcome Mr. Smith to visit our company.
• 今天的晚会上,孩子们跳着、唱着、玩得 很高兴。 • The children have a good time at the party today, singing and dancing.
译员:This economic development zone is really a piece of fat meat. 译员:This economic development zone is very promising.
3.“套话” 忽视文化差异
• 中方:最后我祝愿此次的“经济论坛”取得圆满成 功,并祝与会代表身体健康、家庭幸福! 译员:Finally, I wish the“Economic Forum” a great success ,and wish you good health and a happy family. 译员:Finally, I wish the “Economic Forum” a great success and wish you good health and a happy stay here.
• 君主制国家,按习惯称国王、皇后为“陛下”, 称王子、公主、亲王等为“殿下”。your Majesty, your Highness • 英美人姓名的排列是名在前姓在后。在西方,还 有人沿袭用父名或父辈名,在名后缀以小 (Junior)或罗马数字以示区别。如John Wilson, Junior, 译为小约翰· 维廉,George Smith, Ⅲ, 译 为乔治· 史密斯第三 • 妇女在结婚前都有自己的姓名,结婚后一般是自 己的名加丈夫的姓。如玛丽· 怀特(Marie White) 女士与约翰· 戴维斯(John Davis)先生结婚,婚 后女方姓名为玛丽· 戴维斯(Marie Davis)。
第六单元 口译中的跨文化交际
Cross-Cultural Communication In Interpreting
• 五讲、四美、三热爱 • Five talks ,four beauties ,three loves
• 口译,从根本上说是一种语言交际活动, 而语言交际总是在一定的文化背景中进行 的。 • “文化” 是“一群人通过个人或群体世代 努力所获得的知识,经验、信仰、价值观、 行动、态度、意义、等级制度、宗教、时 间概念、角色、空间关系、宇宙观、制造 物等” • 我们将从一、语用规则,二、思维模式, 三、社会习俗,四、口译的非语言交际, 四个方面来说文化和口译的关系
• 西班牙人姓名常有三、四节,前一、二节为本人 名字,倒数第二节为父姓,最后一节为母姓。如: Diego Rodrigueez de Silva y Velasquez译为迭 戈· 罗德里格斯· 德席尔瓦—贝拉斯克斯 • 葡萄牙人姓名也多由三、四节组成,前一、二节 是个人名字,接着是母姓,最后为父姓。
• 手势 • 说话时可适当做些手势,但动作不要过大, 更不要手舞足蹈,不要用手指指人。与人 谈话时,不宜与对方离得太远,但也不要 离得过近,不要拉拉扯扯,拍拍打打。谈 话时不要唾沫四溅。
பைடு நூலகம்
• 身体姿势 • 动作不要过大,不宜与对方离得太远,但 也不要离得过近,不要拉拉扯扯,拍拍打 打。谈话时不要唾沫四溅。
• 在西方,一般见面时先说“早安”、“晚 安”、“你好”、“身体好吗?”“最近 如何?”“一切都顺利吗?”“好久不见 了,你好吗?”“夫人(丈夫)好 吗?”“孩子们都好吗?”“最近休假去 了吗?”对新结识的人常问:“你这是第 一次来我国吗?”
• 又如,在接待远道而来、刚刚抵达的外宾 时,中国主人会关切地询问: “您一定很 累吧?”如果直译过来, “You must feel very tired.”,不但起不到问候的作用, 反而会使外国客人(特别是年龄较大的客 人)感到沮丧,认为自己一定看起来状态 很差。所以应该灵活地译为“I hope you have had a pleasant trip/ flight/ ride.”。
• 美国人的思维模式偏向于直线式,信息会 直截了当地从一方传达到另一方。美国是 “低语境”(low context)国家,信息靠语言 就可以得到阐述; • 中国人的思维模式则偏向于迂回式,往往 需要借助隐含的表达方式来透露内心的想 法。中国是“高语境” (high context)国家, 如果不借助相应的语境,单凭语言本身难 以理解说话人的意图。
• 1. FTA • 中国文化强调群体,注重谦卑和面子,而 英语文化则正好与之相反,强调个体,注 重客观实际。
• 中方:史密斯先生,欢迎来我市。 • 外方:Nice to meet you. Thank you. • 中方:对于接待的不周我们感到非常抱歉,希 望您能够谅解。
• 在被别人称赞或者感谢的时候, • “没什么,我该做的”, “This is what I should do” • “哪里哪里!”, “It's nothing” • “我做得不够好” “There is still a lot to improve.” • 会让外国客人感到不真诚和过于做作,因此应该 根据英语文化习惯,转译为“Thank you for your kind words.”, “It is my pleasure.”, “I feel flattered.” 等。
• 口译是一种口头交际活动,需要遵循一套 严格的语用规则,或者叫“讲话规则” • 不同文化有不同的习惯性用词和词义。
• 汉语和英语文化中,对于称谓的语用规则就有很 大的差异。除非是非常庄严正式的场合,当代英 美人士越来越趋向于直呼对方的名字,如James, Kate等,但中国人并不习惯直呼其名,而更喜欢 称呼对方为某某先生,或者在对方姓氏后面带上 职务头衔。译员对此可以在口译过程中稍作调整。 • 而对于“同志”、“阿姨”等不符合英语表达习 惯的称谓,万不可直接翻译成Comrade,或Aunt。
• 中文指令和禁语往往表达得直截了当,显 得非常严肃,也因此缺乏回旋感。英语则 比较注意婉转,避免给人生硬的感觉。 • 导游先生每到一个地方,都向客人叮嘱 • You must come back here at 5 o’clock. • You must get together at the lobby at 7 • 一个外国客人调侃导游说--• What must we do when we check out the hotel, Mr. Must?”