
(1)William Cowper - Country MusicMy greenhouse is never so pleasant as when we are just upon the point of being turned out of it. The gentleness of the autumnal suns, and the calmness of this latter season make it a much more agreeable retreat than we ever find it in summer: when, the winds being generally brisk, we cannot cool it by admitting a sufficient quantity of air without being at the same time incommoded by it. But now I sit with all the windows and the door wide open, and am regaled with the scent of every flower in a garden as full of flowers as I have known how to make it. We keep no bees, but if I lived in a hive I should hardly hear more of their music. All the bees in the neighbourhood resort to a bed of mignonette, opposite to the window, and pay me for the honey they get out of it by a hum, which, though rather monotonous, is as agreeable to my ear as the whistling of my linnets. All the sounds that nature utters are delightful, --at least in this country. I should not perhaps find the roaring of lions in Africa, or of bears in Russia, very pleasing; but I know no beast in England whose voice I do not account musical, save and except always the braying of an ass.The notes of all our birds and fowls please me, without an exception. I should not indeed think of keeping a goose in a cage, that I might hang him up in the parlour for the sake of his melody, but a goose upon a common, or in a farm-yard, is no bad performer; and as to insects, if the black beetle, and beetles indeed of all hues, will keep out of my way, I have no objection to any of the rest; on the contrary, in whatever key they sing, from the gnat’s fine treble to the bass of the humble-bee, I admire them all.(2)Roger Ascham - Seeing the WindTo see the wind, with a man his eyes, it is unpossible, the nature of it is so fine, and subtle, yet this experience of the wind had I once myself, and that was in the great snow that fell four years ago: I rode in the highway betwixt Topcliffe-upon-Swale, and Berowe Bridge, the way being somewhat trodden afore, by wayfaring men. The fields on both sides were plain and lay almost yard deep with snow, the night afore had been a little frost, so that the snow was hard and crusted above. That morningthe sun shone bright and clear, the wind was whistling aloft, and sharp according to the time of the year. The snow in the highway lay loose and trodden with horse feet: so as the wind blew, it took the loose snow with it, and made it so slide upon the snow in the field which was hard and crusted by reason of the frost overnight, that thereby I might see very well, the whole nature of the wind as it blew that day. And I had a great delight and pleasure to mark it, which maketh me now far better to remember it. Sometime the wind would be not past two yards broad, and so it would carry the snow as far as I could see. Another time the snow would blow over half the field at once. Sometime the snow would tumble softly, by and by it would fly wonderful fast. And this I perceived also that the wind goeth by streams and not whole together. For I should see one stream within a score on me, then the space of two score no snow would stir, but after so much quantity of ground, another stream of snow at the same very time should be carried likewise, but not equally. For the one would stand still when the other flew apace, and so continue sometime swiftlier, sometime slowlier, sometime broader, sometimenarrower, as far as I could see. Nor it flew not straight, but sometime it crooked this way sometime that way, and sometime it ran about in a compass. And sometime the snow would be lift clean from the ground into the air, and by and by it would be all clapped to the ground as though there had been no wind at all, straightway it would rise and fly again.And that which was the most marvel of all, at one time two drifts of snow flew, the one out of the West into the East, the other out of the North into the East: And I saw two winds by reason of the snow the one cross over the other, as it had been two highways. And again I should hear the wind blow in the air, when nothing was stirred at the ground. And when all was still where I rode, not very far from me the snow would be lifted wonderfully. This experience made me more marvel at the nature of the wind than it made me cunning in the knowledge of the wind: but yet thereby I learned perfectly that it is no marvel at all though men in a wind lose their length in shooting, seeing so many ways the wind is so variable in blowing.(3)Daoism and Leisure1There has been much discussion of Daoism, but most of this has been about the revised version that developed after the Han dynasty and which had two branches. One was the art of Huang Lao, a form of strategy for government that politicized Daoist thought into a way of ruling based on the concept of letting society recover vitality through rest. Another branch was “religious Daoism.”Religious Daoism is quite different form philosophical Daoism, and has its own origins. There can be traced back to the northern coastal culture of China and the practices of medicine men. The constantly changing ocean environment endowed this school of thought with a sense of mystery and magic, closely related to the ancient witchcraft traditions of exorcism and healing. This developed into the Dao of longevity and alchemy, and finally into religious Daoism.The blurring of philosophical Daoism with religious Daoism occurred after the Han dynasty. Most religious in the world tend to downplay, disdain the present world, and focus on the afterworld. Only religious Daoism advocates prolonging the life of the body and tries to directly transform it. This is quite unique.It also drew upon the ancients for backing. We know that early Han-dynasty religious Daoism was very fragmented, but by the end of the Eastern Han it had become fully developed, and referred back to Laozi and Zhuangzi as its predecessors.If we want to talk about the culture of leisure in Chinese tradition, we must turn to these pre-Qin Daoists and not to the religious Daoism that came later.2The sense of leisure constitutes another realm of the self, expressed in Zhuangzi’ s section on “unburdened Roaming” (Xiao Yao You). It is artistic and emotional, and has its theatrical foundation in philosophical Daoism.Its most important explanation can be found in the “Inner Volumes” of Zhuangzi, which describe how everything in this world, including the human body, goes through a natural cycle of birth and destruction. This is what Zhuangzi calls “transformation” (hua), and contains a sense of creativity. To Zhuangzi, knowledge is actually a game we create in which we select a few things, make up theories about them, and finally come up with a world view. Other people might produce a completely different one.On closer inspection, this theory can become very complicated. Its simplest version, however, can be found in Zhuangzi’s “On Ordering Things” (Qi Wu Lun). Here he says that our knowledge about nature, and truth and falsity of opinion is entirely based on criteria that we choose ourselves. Regardless of what people claim, however, the world changes according to its own internal principles.Take human life for example. From nothing you become something, go through your existence, and then finally pass away. This is the natural “Way” of your life.Trying to change things, as proposed by Confucian thinking, is meaningless and unnecessary.(4)Reflecting on the FutureThe word “future” loaded with such associations as “progress”, “beauty” and “expectation” has an irresistible temptation for everybody. Since it is human nature to long for changes of their circumstances and for a better life, they invariably want to calculate and predict the future.Back in the 1980s, the Americans shot a film titled Brave New World, in which the people are exclusively incubated in test tubes. As their thoughts and behavior are pre-designed by their fosterers; they are body and soul dominated by the latter. A scene like that would be horrible indeed, although in that beautiful prospective world they are in want of nothing. Of late, in fact, the aggravating conception of human cloning comes very close to such an “ingenious” terror.Among Westerners, fears towards technological development have existed for a long time. A major proofof this in the West is the famous science freak Frankenstan. Books and films keep coming out, recounting, starkly and crudely, how this morbid science monster by applying his amazing yet ill-used intellectual power threatens the world. Hawkins, awheelchair-stricken paralytic scientist who organizes his thoughts and language by using a computer-programmed device, predicts that there will emerge a computer as complex as the human brain itself. This involves a vision long cherished by thousands of computer researchers—man-machine dialogue. That, too, is full of hazards. With only one transducer, you can strike up a conversation between your own brain and a computer without tapping the keyboard. But has it occurred to you that a computer may catch a virus or be implanted with one so that your thoughts become externally controlled? This may sound s implausible as a cock-and-bull story, yet technically it is unfortunately possible, and it is only a matter of time before such apprehensions become a hard fact. Provided you have the patience to wait, anything once deemed impossible could happen.Cloned humans, the millennium bug, the Internet… all these new phenomena are challenging our long-held beliefs and customs. Whereas we should have the courage to go beyond the limits of human capability, it should also be remembered that not all technological achievements are flawless and impeccable. Unbridled development, just like excessive spending, can be disastrous. This explains why many Western scientists live in latent anxiety. They at once exult and shudder at the prospect of future breakthroughs. Pondering scientific advancement critically has become part and parcel of their daily exploration.Some may argue that for the Chinese, it is nothing short of senseless worrying, for we still have a long way to go before we attain material affluence, while puzzling over the mysteriousness, glamour and virtue of science upon its threshold. We make much of life in this information era, hoping that bio-engineering will bring us good health and longevity. How exhilarating it would be, we marvel, to travel to Mars in a spaceship, enjoying the sight of twinkling stars all the way… But, if courage should fail us to examine science critically before it istoo late, we will have to pay dearly for that negligence someday when we meet the Evil of the Future down a narrow path, facing the Final Judgment as foretold in the Bibles.(5)Sweet Osmanthus Flowers Falling Like Rain DropsThe days just before and just after the Mid-autumn Festival marked the season of the Sweet Osmanthus Flowers back in my hometown. Sweet Osmanthus…the very name brings the fragrance back to me. There are two kinds of Sweet Osmanthus. One comes from the family of plants known as cassia, and it blooms anew every month of the year. Its flowers are a trifle smaller, a delicate yellow in hue. Taiwan ought to have it too. I’ve picked up the aroma while strolling by peoples’ courtyard walls, and the scent alone is enough to give me a pinge of nostalgic sadness. Another variety is called Golden Osmanthus. It only blooms during the autumn of the year, and the flowers are golden in color, and larger. In the middle of our old mansion there was a courtyard with a yard in both front and back, and a great wall thatwound around the outside borders. Golden Osmanthus was planted all along the inside rim. Right there in the courtyard directly in front of the main residence there were a couple of cassia bushes and a pair of what we called hydrangea plants. And in the area beneath the portico of Father’s study there were pots of camellia and sweet-scented osmanthus bushes.Now when I was small, I don’t know why, but I never had much appreciation for flowers, and it didn’t matter a whit what kind they were. Father would have his fingers in the air and point—this is a Chinese Trumpet Creeper, and this one is a Ring-a-Ding-ding-bell Flower, this is a wood-of-Turquoise…Besides remembering those names, what I recall is that the flower I liked the very most was the Sweet Osmanthus. The Sweet Osmanthus bush isn’t nearly as impressive in appearance as the plum tree. When it’s not in bloom it just stands there like a dullard, quite clumsy and stupid looking really, just a bush thickset with leaves is all it is. But then when its time to blossom arrives, you search for these tiny delicate little buds that sprout amidst the leaves of green, and there’s nothing in the whole wide world that can match it inbeauty. But the aroma of Sweet Osmanthus can really put a spell on you. The reason it can put a spell on you is that you can only just smell it, you can eat it too. Eating a flower. For a writer of poetry, isn’t it stooping a bit low to put it that way? How utterly vulgar? But I would rather be vulgar, for that’s what it means to me to be a Sweet Osmanthus lover.Sweet Osmanthus has really thrown a rope around my soul and dreams.My hometown was in a county that was very close to the sea. The month of August was typhoon season, what Mother used to call the time of “the omen of wind and water.” The Sweet Osmanthus would start to blossom, and right away Mother would start into her worrying about the working of wind and water. (That meant a typhoon would soon arrive.) The first thing she fretted over was getting the harvest in from the rice paddies, and the second was harvesting the Sweet Osmanthus. Sweet Osmanthus was like peaches and plums and pears; it had a harvest too. Mother would pace back and forth every day from one courtyard to the other, her lips mouthing an d murmuring the words, “If only a typhoon wouldn’tcome, then I could bring in such a harvest, oh, so many baskets, and I could send over a basket for Good Old Gramps at the Hu household, and a basket too for Second Auntie over at the Maos. Those two families turn out so many cakes.” You could actually use Sweet Osmanthus as a fragrance in cake recipes. When Sweet Osmanthus flowers hit their peak, maybe you couldn’t claim to smell them from ten lis1 away, but the aroma wafted all through the neighborhood air for a string of ten or so households. There wasn’t a corner any place nearby where the fragrance didn’t permeate. Now when the Sweet Osmanthus flowers burst into their fullest glory, there occurred what we called “the great shaking”. What was shaken down were the Sweet Osmanthus flowers, whole and complete and do I mean fresh, and the fragrance all round you would not be quite the same if they withered after their bloom and fluttered to the ground, which happened especially when the rain and wind would ro ar, and they’d be all they’d all sopping wet with the water. “The great shaking of the Sweet Osmanthus” was a magnificent phenomenon as far as I was concerned. And so I’d always be fixing my eyes onMother and asking her, “Ma, how come we haven’t had the g reat shaking yet?” Mother would answer, “It’s still too early, they haven’t blossomed yet. There’s nothing to shake loose.” But as soon as Mother caught sight of great bunches of dark clouds in the sky above, when the clouds formed “sky toes and tail feathers,” then she knew “the wind and water are working,” and quickly she would send the order out for the house workers to get ready for “the great shaking of the Sweet Osmanthus.” When that happened, was I ever happy! I helped with the spreading out of the thick mats beneath the Sweet Osmanthus branches, and then I grabbed at the Osmanthus branches and gave them a gentle tug, and the Osmanthus flowers would shower down upon me, and cover me from the tip of my ears to the end of my toe nails, and I would shout, “Wow! It’s just rain like rain drops, sweet smelling rain drops! Wow!” Mother would wash her hands and then gather up some of the Osmanthus flowers onto a platter of sparkling crystal glass, and then it was off to pay our respects to the Buddha at the family shrine. Father would light the incense at the altar. Slender strands of smoke would rise and vanish into the air above, the twofragrances mixed together, the Buddhist Temple seemed just like the Land of the Immortals. Then Father’s poetic chant would happen. He would just break out into a four line poem he improvised right there on the spot.Slender streams of fragrance and hallowed scentWith holy fumesHands so swift for harvest of OsmanthusForetell a prosperous yearChildren all knowThe joy and mirth ofThe wondrous shakingBlossoms like drops of gentle rain infuse a child’s dreamTender beyond all measureThese poetic verses…well, perhaps they not seem all that spectacular. But in the eyes of my heart, I saw a Father who stood tall with mighty genius, that he could create verse like that!After we were done with the shaking and the gathering of the Osmanthus flowers, everyone in thefamily would lend a hand to tear off the tiny little twiglets and leaves, and spread them out on the mats, and we’d let the sun send down its rays to dry them out for a few days. Then we gathered them all together into steel vats, so they could be mixed with tea leaves for drinks, or be used to make Osmanthus concentrate, or to sweeten cakes at the time of the Chinese New Year. The whole year long, all through our village, we were steeped in the scent of Sweet Osmanthus.I went to Hangchou for middle school. Hangchow hada resort called Man Chueh Lung, a tiny little niche in the mountains. It was covered with Sweet Osmanthus, and when those flowers hit their peak, you could smell them from here to forever. In the autumn we would go hiking, and of course we just had to go to Man Chueh Lung to enjoy the Sweet Osmanthus. “To enjoy the Sweet Osmanthus” was just an excuse t hough, for the important thing was to fill up on a kind of Sweet Osmanthus broth. In addition to Sweet Osmanthus, Man Chueh Lung also had chestnuts. The chestnuts would ripen, and there was this velvety soft peeling on them, and they would mix and blend it with lily pods all the way from famousHis-hu, the West Lake, and on top it they sprinkled Osmanthus petals that gave the concoction an aroma that no matter what you did, there’s no way in the world you could find the words to describe how good it was. Although none of the Sweet Osmanthus flowers were sprinkled into the broth, they still played a part in the aroma, since the chestnuts themselves carried the scent, having nestled amidst the Osmanthus branches.As we hiked along, we reached out and shook the branches. Sweet Osmanthus flowers rang through the air like rain, so much so that you couldn’t even see the dirt on the ground, the path was so blanketed with the flowers. We tramped along right on top of them, soft though they were, and delicate, oh so delicate. Deep inside me I felt a twinge of something alike to sacrilege shoot through me. This was probably what Mother meant when she talked of, “The great grand land, every grain of sand made of gold, the promised land.” Mother had a life of toil allright; no complaint did she make, no groan did she utter. That’s because she carried in her heart a great grand land with sand of gold, a promised land in another world, one crafted in the finest of glazed porcelain.When I came back home, I would carry along in my hands a great sack of Osmanthus flowers just for Mother. But Mother said, “The Sweet Osmanthus of Hangchow smells good, but it just can’t compare with the Golden Osmanthus we once had in our old courtyard back home.”That’s how I still recall the fl ower-shaking-you of my youth when I grew up in my home town…and those Sweet Osmanthus flowers that fell like rain drops.1. A unit of linear measure, about one-third of a mile.(6)The SunWu GuanzhongYesterday, the small park was bathed in sunshine and lots of kids and elderly folks there enjoyed themselves very much. Today, the sun has disappeared. It is a cold and gloomy winter day and looks like snow. The park is deserted except for a solitary walker wrapped in an overcoat with his head bent low. The disappearance ofthe sun does affect his solitary walk at all. It seems that there is no sun in his heart.We are all closely related to the sun. We get up at sunrise and fall into a heavy slumber after sunset until the sun reappears the next day. We all love the sun and long for sunrise. Impression, Sunrise is a world-famous painting. “The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem. The sun endows Mother Nature with color and creates shadows for men. Without shadows, we could be unable to see light. It is by means of shadows that we find the world to be three-dimensional. It is unhealthy to confine ourselves to shadows, nor is it healthy to have no shadows in life. The sun has much to do with our health and determines our life or death, survival or extinction.People look at the sun and admire its glow, light and brilliance. Men invented the lantern in imitation of the sun and continue to love the lantern when they have the electric lamp because the sun will always have the worship of all. It also appears most often in drawings done by children. We see one and only one sun from the earth. The sun is the sole ball of fire in the sky. Anythingthat is the only one of its kind is often held up as great. Louis XIV styled himself Solar King. But he nevertheless died, leaving his potential successors to contend for the Solar-King throne.The sun is the source of heat and the symbol of warmth. Sorrowful people often complain that they have no sun in their hearts. People dread the sun in sweltering summer days. The sun does not always give us blessings. It may be a hypocrite, causing seedlings to wither and plunging people into the depth of misery. While people dread the sun, they admire the moon on summer evenings though, in fact, its enchanting pale light is a reflection from the sun. the sun goes on doing whatever it pleases, always shining on all alike, be they wild grass, fresh flowers, worms, bats, skyscrapers, deserts, wild country….All in all, people can’t live without the all-powerful sun.(7)He Haixia, As I Read HimJia PingwaThe year I moved to Xi’an from the country, He Haixia1moved from Xi’an to Beijing. While Beijing boasts a great artist, the capital city of the ancient Qin dynasty finds itself deserted. Though I had the good fortune to be contemporaries with him, I had regretfully missed making his acquaintance within the city walls of Xi’an.I went up to Mt. Huashan and, drinking up a bottle of Xifeng to the howling of Qin opera by some uncouth fellow by the Chess Pavilion, I had the feeling that Zhao Kuangyin, the Founding Emperor of the ancient Song dynasty, was sitting in the pavilion, playing chess with Chen Tuan, a Taoist hermit. I was wondering whether Zhao Kuangyin was He Haixia, or He Haixia, by simple transposition, was Chen Tuan. I turned up to the sky with a deep sigh: Why on earth did he have to leave Xi’an?As the saying goes, you are prepared to end up anywhere in the land but, since ancient times, Xi’an has not been able to keep people from leaving. He Haixia, too, had left, but since then there have been hosts of legendary stories told about him.Over a long period of time, geniuses and “clowns” have been mixed up on the bustling (or hectic) arena of the art, like rocks and sand mixed and driven by stormy waves along the shore. We have not seen much of He Haixia on the TV or in the newspapers, but as rumor from Beijing has it, he is still around. Around as he is, there has not been much mention of him, because the mere mention of his name makes one feel sad. Ghosts are hideously clamorous while God is silent. He Haixia’s art is the art of conquest; the fact that he is still around is awe-inspiring.I am qualified to comment on any particular aspect of his works, for whatever I say would be short of its professionalism, turning technical terms into frivolities, thus laying bare a layman’s follies. At this point I think of Xiang Yu, the ancient heroic general, who had unusual physical strength and overwhelming will power. It has braced me up from the suffering of ailments, turning what is cowardly in me into courage. In this era characterized by too much pettiness and flightiness, it is really a miracle that we should find such imposing forcefulness and artistic excellence as shown in hisworks. I remember once sitting at home alone, with his album open in front of me, my mind wandering about in the artistic nature created by the artist, feeling as if I were Zhuangzi transformed into a butterfly fluttering around. But the first time I saw a recent photo of his, emaciated and aged, I sensed a lonely soul in him. Ah, but it is the loneliness of his soul that makes his art great.Without the Tao, never is there wonder in poetry. The sea is big, its wide expanses spread out to the horizon where the sun casts its glorious rays. And that, is He Haixia.Of the Chinese landscape painting in its genuine sense, He Haixia is probably the only master that has survived.1. Haixia in Chinese means glorious sun rays on the horizon of the sea.(8)Bugle Music from the Night BarracksEileen ChangTen o’clock at night, and I am reading a book by lamplight when the bugle in the army barracks near myhome starts to play a familiar melody. A few simple musical phrases, slowly rising and then descending, with a purity of heart altogether rare in this vast crucible of a city.I say, “They’re playing the bugle again, Auntie. Didn’t you hear it?” My aunt says, “I wasn’t paying attention.” I am afraid of hearing that bugle every night, because I am the only one who ever listens to it.I say, “Oh, they are playing again.” But for some unknown reason, this time the sound is very soft, as slight as a strand of silk, breaking off several times before once again picking up the thread. This time, I don’t even ask my aunt w hether she has heard it. I begin to doubt whether there really is a bugle at all or if this is merely a memory of something I’ve heard. Above and beyond my sense of desolation, I feel frightened.But then I hear someone outside whistling loud and clear, pi cking up and following the bugle’s melody as he goes along. I jump suddenly to my feet, full of joy and empathy, and rush over to the window. Yet I have no desire to know who it is, whether it’s coming from anapartment upstairs or down below or from a passerby on the street.Andrew F. Jones 译(9) GinggoGuo Mo-ruoGingko, I hold your dear, but I, at a loss as to why you are called Grandpa Tree. However, as to the name White Fruit the average man gives you that is within my easy reach.To my knowledge, the characteristics you show are not confined to the similarity between you and the apricot in your fruit, the pure silver white of the peel and the rich nutrition contained in the core—the characteristics are just self-evident.Nevertheless, it is beyond the knowledge of the average man that you boast the remotest antiquity among flowering plants, and your pollen and ovules are reminiscent of the natural properties of an animal. You are a rare treasure, having defied the passage of time entirely by virtue of human preserving power.Though you are nameless in Nature, you stand upright, in a supercilious manner, with your resonant song of the triumph of the human world echoing in the air.You are an oriental sage and a living monument in Chinese culture. It is in China alone that you exist, which seems unknown to the average man.When I visited Japan, I found you there. But you are definitely an overseas Chinese residing in Japan, and your residence in Japan could have witnessed an equal length of time with that of Chinese culture in Japan.You are entitled to the honor of the national tree in China. I like you, and I dote on you, not because you are a specialty in China, but because you are beautiful, true and benign.You are noted for upright trunks, luxuriant branches and folding-fan-like green leaves, so pure, so exquisite!In summer, you helmet countless temples with lofty canopies and shelter numerous laborers with overhanging cool shade.The parasol tree is not as firm as you, though equally upright.。

更新; 更新;最新消息
(互联)网络;网状系统;人际网. vt. 将……连接成网络;联播. vi.建立工作关系
/dju: tə/
n.网 adj.净得的;纯的

5.He sat thoughtful for a few minutes.
6.He appears to be aware of the fact.
7.After that they rested content.
It is of no use to try further.
The pen is where it was.
This rose smells sweet.
This paper feels rough.
4. The knife cuts well.
5. These hens have begun to lay.
6. I could not see clearly because of the darkness.
7. I could not have lived till today without mu grandmother, and she would not survive in her later days without me. Both my grandmother and I rely on each other so as to exist in this world.
These trees will begin to bear next year.

法律英语_教材汉翻英答案(完整版)《法律英语》课后“汉翻英”答案 (完整版)Lesson One1)Common law is the law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals.2) Equity is a type of law that developed in parallel with common law since the end of the 14th century, which applies to civil cases and is one of the sources of the common-law system.3) In the U.S., one of the functions of the federal courts is to interpret federal statutes and the constitution.4) The civil-law system mainly prevails in continental Europe as well as other countries and regions heavily influenced by continental European countries.5) Before the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure was promulgated in 1938, the federal courts of the United States procedurally separated law and equity. Lesson Two1) Private law regulates the relationship between individuals whiles public law concerns the relationship between person (including natural persons and artificial persons) and the state.2) Codification is not the essential difference between the civil-law system and the common-law system.3) In many civil-law jurisdictions, precedents are not considered as binding.4) Domestic law is different from international law in that domestic law refers to the laws within a given state which regulates the acts of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction.5) Substantial law refers to laws that define and recognize rights and obligations as well as duties and responsibilities whileprocedural law refers to laws that provides for the mechanism for the realization or performance of rights and duties as well as duties and responsibilities.Lesson Three1) In some countries alcoholic beverages are prohibited from being sold to children.2) Since the 1980s, China has set up and improved the employment service system, which includes employment introduction, employment training, unemployment insurance and employment services.3) Various forms of resistance to desegregation were prevailing in those years.4) It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.5) Just as individuals in a democratic country have equal voting rights regardless of whether they are rich or poor, powerful or weak, all countries in the General Assembly have the same voting rights.Lesson Four1) A crime is an act which may lead to the imposition of punishment.2) Some reports accused BP of criminal negligence in the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.3) Modern U.S. criminal law provides that there must be clear definition for all the constituting elements of each and every crime.4) Generally those who provide assistance to people in their criminal act are punishable as accessories or accomplices.5) Failure to act may be punished where the person is undera duty to act. Lesson Five1) Parties to a contract shall fully perform their obligations in accordance with the stipulations of the contract.2) A contract is an agreement between parties which creates, modifies or terminates a civil relationship. A contract established in accordance with law is protected by law.3) A citizen or a legal person shall bear civil liabilities for his failure to fulfill his contractual or other obligations.4) No modification or revocation of a contract may prejudice the parties’claims for damages.5) For a party’s non-performance or his performance unfaithful to the contractual stipulations, the other party to a contract is entitled to demand specific performance or other remedies, and also, compensation for the resulted losses.Lesson Seven1) One who is at fault for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.2) Where a defective product causes any harm to another person, the manufacturer shall assume the tort liability.3) One who shall assume the tort liability for infringing upon the civil right or interest of another person, whether at fault or not, as provided for by law, shall be subject to the legal provisions in the tort law.4) Where a tort endangers the personal or property safety of another person, the victim of the tort may require the tortfeasor to assume the tort liability such as cessation of infringement, removal of obstruction and elimination ofdanger.5) A network user or network service provider who infringes upon the civil right or interest of another person through network shall assume the tort liability.Lesson Seventeen1) Before the judgment what is to be done is to dispose of the case, while after the judgment is rendered, all that remains to be done is to enforce it.2) If the matter involved in the appeal is of great importance, it ought to be submitted for review.3) There are exemptions from jury service for members of the legal profession, the police force, etc.4) Judges often require that the parties agree upon a schedule of issues so as to accelerate the trial process.5) In the High Court an official shorthand note is, unless the judge otherwise directs, taken of any evidence given orally in Court and of the summing up by the judge. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, a transcript can be made available.Lesson Eighteen1) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.2) The dispute shall be submitted for arbitration by a mutually nominated arbitrator.3) Where no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration.4) Each party may also directly apply for arbitration to the Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission.5) Traditionally, our contracts did not contain provisions for arbitration in a third country.。

• 你能为这次聚会做些什么? • What ca you do for the party? • 他想喝些水。 • He would like somo you often play football here? • 你经常在周末听音乐吗? • Do you often listen to music on the weekend? • Lily经常在周末弹琵琶。 • Lily often plays the pipa on the weekend. • 吴一凡经常在周末看电视 • WuYifan often watches TV on the weeekend. • 你想吃什么? • What would you like to eat?
• • • • • • • • • •
1 你认识杨老师吗? Do you know Mr Young? 他是我们的音乐老师. He is our music teacher. 他年轻吗? Is he young? 我喜欢有趣的老师。 I like funny teachers. 谁是你的美术老师? Who is your art teacher?
• 王老师将是我们新的语文老师。 • Miss Wang will be our new Chinese teacher. • 你认识她吗? • Do you know her? • 你的爸爸是什么样子的? • What's your father like? • 她会说英语和语文。 • She can speak English and Chinese. • 他在家非常有用。 • He is very helpful at home.
• 看我的图片。 • Look at my picture. • 你在星期二有什么课? • What do you have on Tuesday? • 我在星期四有一节烹饪课 • I have a cooking class on Thursday. • 今天是星期几? • What day is it today? • 你经常在公园里看书吗? • Do you often read books in the park?

ten_1_0_ eleven_1_1___ twelve__1_2__ thirteen__1_3__ fourteen__1_4___
twenty-five__2_5_ twenty-six__2_6__ twenty-seven_2_7_ twenty-eight_2_8____
汉翻英: 11个足球 14个西红柿 23件衬衫 28只红袜子 35顶帽子 33个乒乓拍 45条短裤 48件毛衣 57个学生 55个闹钟
eleven soccer balls fourteen tomatoes twenty-three shirts twenty-eight red socks. thirty-five hats thirty-three ping-pong bats forty-five pants forty-eight sweaters fifty-seven students fifty-five clocks
thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety
thirty-one … forty-one … fifty-one … sixty-one … seventy-one … eighty-one … ninety-one …
T-shirts green, ¥18 for girls
¥5 for boys

翻译技巧:汉译英最易翻错的100句01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成。
[误] With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.[正] With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.注:“扫帚星”是中国人对“慧星”(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名。
在中国古代,“扫帚星”被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根:(person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck(to sb/sth);curse。
英语的comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即jinx。
例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble. “这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦”。
[误] Some prefer radish but others prefer cabbage.[正] Tastes differ.注:Tastes differ/vary 是句英语谚语,除此以外,原句还可翻译成No dish suits all tastes 或You can never make everyone happy 等。
《新概念英语》第三册第23课的标题是:One man's meat is another man's poison,表达的很生动。
[误] He has always got a hard mouth and never admit a fault.[正] He never says uncle.注:say (cry) uncle: to give up or in; to surrender; to admit defeat. Mainly used by boys, as when fighting。

在此情形下,翻译研究所要解决的问题就 是如何将“信息的丢失”减少到最低程度, 换个角度讲,也就是如何做到译文语篇对 原文语篇意义、信息最大程度地传递。既 然构成语篇总体信息的各信息单元并非等 量齐观,而是存在着主、次与重心和非重 心之层次差别,英汉语篇存在如上所述的 差异,那么在语篇翻译时,译者的最重要 任务就是要保证对原文语篇中承载的主要 信息、中心信息在译文语篇中得到顺畅传 递。
受西方传统哲学“神凡二分”、“科学主 义”、“形式主义”的影响,英吉利等西方 民族在思维方式上具有一种“重理性、重分 析、重形式完备”的鲜明特征。(司显柱, 1999b)这一特征反映在英语语篇构建上, 就是谋篇布局一般总是以一个核心结构为核 心,其他结构或成份都是直接或间接地依附、 服务于这个核心结构,从而形成以核心结构 控 制 各 种 关 系 的 层 次 结 构 ( hierarchical structure)如:
东边闪电出日头,西边闪电必有雨,南边闪电 天气热,北边闪电有雷雨。(如果东边闪电则 出日头,如果西边闪电则必有雨,如果南边闪 电则天气热,如果北边闪电则有雷雨)。
If it lightens in the east, it will be sunny; if it lightens in west, it will be rainy; if it lightens in south, it will be sultry, if it lightens in the north, it will be stormy.
因此,语篇翻译的实质是着眼于整个语篇宏 观题旨的传译(tendering)。为此,译者在翻译 中往往要对原文语篇的构建模式、衔接方式 按译文语篇的构建特征作相应地调整;不仅 如此,在此过程中,遇到由于文化差异较大 而对译文读者构成“阻滞点”的语句还需做 出调整。当然,由于语言、文化间普遍共性 的存在,有些情况下,译者无须对原文语篇 的构建及其表现形式作出更动,这在同语族 内的跨语翻译如英德语之间的翻译较为常见。 在这种情形下,自上而下看,译文语篇实现 了对原文语篇信息的传译;自下而上看,两 者还常常做到了句句对应。


汉翻英翻译技巧汉英翻译技巧的培养(translation competence development)应涉及以下内容:一.要培养对英语的语感和悟性(language intuition – open and alert mind to pick up idioms, specific expressions, etc.);二.要培养对英语的判断能力和鉴赏能力(evaluation capacity –judgment);三.要培养对英语的洞察能力和剖析能力(power of observation –insight);四.要培养对英语细微特征的反应能力(linguistic nuances alertness); -五.要培养对社会文化和跨文化交流的敏感性(social-cultural sensitivity –cross-cultural awareness);六.要培养对英语和汉语之间差别的意识 (sense of differences between Chinese and English);七.要培养对英语和汉语之间的辩证关系的认识 (awareness of the dialectic relationship between Chinese and English);八.要培养对英语“洋为中用”的意识(“use things foreign to serve Chinese purposes”);九.要培养对英语“学以致用” 的意识 (apply what you have learned in your translation);十.要培养对翻译的多层次、多角度的立体思维方式 (a multi-tier approach )。
十一.一名称职的翻译工作者必须懂得什么是翻译的真谛(a clear conception of what translation is)。
十二.一名优秀的翻译人员必须具有高屋建瓴的视角 (great powers of conception)。

中考汉翻英专项训练【专项训练】1、不要在床上看书, 这对你的眼睛有害。
Don't read in bed. bad your eyes.2、电影一开始, 孩子们就不说话了。
The children talking the film began.3、妈妈回来的时候, 我的姐姐正忙着做晚饭。
My sister was supper when my mother came back.4、上个月我太忙了, 没看电视。
I was busy watch TV last month.5、直到雨停了, 他们才回家。
They go home the rain stopped.6、我的手表坏了, 我必须再买一块了。
There is my wath, I had to buy a new me.7、胡先生每天花半小时吃午饭。
It Mr Hu half an hour have lunch every day.8、学好数学对他们来说很有用。
useful them learn English well.9、今天很暖和, 为什么不在户外吃晚饭呢?It's warm today. have supper in the oper air.10、刚才我看见那个女孩在树下跳舞。
I the girl under the tree just now.11、昨天迈克又迟到了, 老师生气了。
Mike was late for school again. The teacher him.12、那个小男孩病得很厉害, 他住院了。
The little boy is badly ill. He hospital.13、我们正在为聚会做准备。
We're the party.14、到上学期末, 我们已经学了20首英文歌。
We learnt 20 English songs the end of last term.15、他的爸爸每天上午去公园散步。

汉译英的几种常用技巧常用的翻译技巧 1. 增译 2. 减译(省译) 3. 重复4. 转译5. 语序(词序/句序)调整(倒置)6. 拆句与合并7. 正说反译, 反说正译8. 语态变换1. 增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。
汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“ There be⋯”结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。
1. I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到2. Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。
3. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing anexact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。
4. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。

the crystallization of the party's collective wisdom 全党集体智慧的结晶all-dimensional 全方位the Chinese people of all nationalities; people of all ethnic groups of the country 全国各族人民deputy to the National People's Congress 全国人大代表the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 全国政协plenary sessions 全会build a well-off society in an all-round way; build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建设小康社会in full swing 全面展开divorce between powers and responsibilities 权责脱节the general public 群众People's Congresses 人大the standing committees 人大常委会NPC (National People's Congress) member 人大代表the spirit of the congress 人大精神put sb. to the best use 人尽其才a full display of advantages in human resources 人力资源优势得到充分发挥material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要the people's democratic dictatorship 人民民主专政upgrade the texture of life for the people 人民生活更加殷实mass organizations 人民团体the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 人民政协the trend of popular sentiment 人心向背personnel exchanges 人员往来treating each other with all sincerity 肝胆相照the high degree of unity and solidarity 高度团结统一a high degree of autonomy 高度自治hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜lofty character 高尚的品格opera highlights 折子戏stilt walk 踩高跷pantomime; mime 哑剧pantomimist 哑剧演员skit 戏剧小品circus show 马戏monologue comic talk, standup comedy 单口相声stunt 特技表演witty dialogue comedy, comic cross talk 相声the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 京韵大鼓shaanxi opera 秦腔sealcutting 篆刻characters cut in intaglio 阴文characters cut in relief 阳文seal 图章graver 刻刀making rubbings from stone inscriptions 拓碑rubbing 拓片workmanship/craftsmanship 工艺,手艺handicraft 手工艺品wood carving 木雕boxwood craft 黄杨木雕carved lacquerware 雕漆stone carving 石雕miniature engraving 微雕ivory carving 象牙雕bamboo engraving 竹雕shell carving 贝雕ice sculpture 冰雕painted sculpture 彩塑enamel 瓷釉embroidery 刺绣scroll 卷轴batik 蜡染clay figure 泥人lacquer painting 漆画lacquer ware 漆器celadon 青瓷色two-sided embroidery 双面绣landscape/ink painting 水墨画Suzhou embroidery 苏绣sandalwood fan 檀香扇trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 唐三彩pottery 陶器Ceramics 制陶业the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study—a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper 文房四宝inkslab engraving 砚刻Yixing pottery 宜兴陶folding fan 折扇Wickerwork 枝编工艺tapestry 织锦,挂毯papier mache 纸工艺品Chinese painting 中国画folklores 民间传说fable 寓言legend 传说mythology 神话God of Heaven 玉皇大帝the Eight Immortals 八仙C hang’e, the Chinese moon goddess 嫦娥Fu Xi, God of Fishery and Husbandry 伏羲god of fortune, god of prosperity, and god of longevity 福禄寿三星god of fortune 财神god of the kitchen 灶神Gonggong, God of Water 公神Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns) 后羿Yellow Emperor 黄帝Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant ) 夸父Nuwa: a goddess who patches up the sky 女娲Pan Gu, creator of the universe 盘古Patron of Agriculture 神农Yu, the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty 禹Zhurong, God of Fire 祝融make the past serve the present and the foreign serve China 古为今用,洋为中用inscribe a poem 赋诗matching an antithetical couplet 对对联solar calendar 阳历gregorian calendar 公历lunar calendar 阴历heavenly stem 天干earthly branch 地支leap year 闰年the twenty-four solar terms 二十四节气zodiac 十二生肖rat 鼠ox 牛tiger 虎hare 兔dragon 龙snake 蛇horse 马sheep 羊monkey 猴rooster 鸡dog 狗pig 猪year of monkey 猴年one’s year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrial Branches 本命年traditional holidays 传统节日Spring Festival 春节pay a New Year visit 拜年firecracker 鞭炮,爆竹Eve of Chinese New Year 除夕Spring couplets 春联ring out the old year and ring in the new 辞旧迎新Jiaozi, boiled dumpling 饺子pot sticker 锅贴temple fair 庙会ring out the old year 鸣钟辞旧岁(traditional) New Year pictures 年画the Eve Feast; family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve 年夜饭year-end household cleaning 年终大扫除stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 守岁family reunion dinner 团圆饭New Year gift-money; money given to children as a New Year gift 压岁钱dragon dance 舞龙Lantern Festival (15th day of the first lunar month) 元宵节sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵festival lantern 花灯lantern riddle 灯谜lion dance 狮子舞stilt walking 踩高跷Pure Brightness Festival/Tomb-sweeping Day (April the 5th) 清明节sweep tomb sites of loved ones 扫墓offer sacrifices to the ancestors 祭祖go for an outing in spring 踏青dragon Boat Festival (5th of the fifth lunar month) 端午节dragon boat race 赛龙舟zongzi (pyramid-shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves) 粽子Departed soul 亡灵loyal minister 忠臣Quyuan the poet 诗人屈原Moon Festival/Mid- Autumn Day (15th of eighth lhunar month) 中秋节mooncake 月饼appreciate the glorious full moon 赏月reunion 团圆sweet osmanthus 桂花Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day 重阳节admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 赏菊climb mountain 登高TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) 中药First Emperor, Emperor Chin 秦始皇帝empress dowager 皇太后founder of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD) 汉高祖刘邦Genghis Khan; Temujin 成吉思汗gifted scholars and beautiful ladies 才子佳人cradle of civilization 文明摇篮Xia Dynasty 夏朝(of) Ming and Qing dynasties 明清两代Chinese civilization 中华文明Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan 四川Shaanxi 陕西Research Center for Ancient Civilizations 古文明研究中心Chinese and overseas scholars 中外学者archaeologists 考古学家anthropologist 人类学家historian 历史学家Tao, ”the way”, the principle of workings of the universe 道humaneness (also mean:humanity, benevolence, goodness, virtue) 仁the Four Books 四书the Great Learning 《大学》the Doctrine of the Mean 《中庸》the Analects of Confucius 《论语》the Mencius 《孟子》five major styles of calligraphy 书法五大书体seal script/seal character篆书official script/clerical script 隶书running script/semi-cursive script 行书cursive script 草书regular script/standard script 楷书traditional Chinese painting 中国画Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 水墨画traditional Chinese realistic painting 工笔six classical arts 六艺rite 礼music 乐archery 射riding 御writing 书arithmetic 数the Art of War 孙子兵法Chinese character 汉字stroke (汉字)笔画radical 偏旁部首writing system 书写体系Sino-Tibetan 汉藏语系Sinologist/Sinologue 汉学家Sinomania 中国热of the same origin 同宗同源the Chinese ancestors 华夏祖先single syllable 单音节Chinese language is “soberly logical” 汉语有“合理的逻辑性” the four tones of Chinese characters 汉语四声调level tone 阴平rising tone 阳平falling-rising tone 上声falling tone 去声martial art 武术Kung fu 中国武术styles or schools of martial art 武术门派practice martial art for fitness 习武健身ancient form of combat 古代格斗术Chinese Martial Art Association 中国武术协会top martial artist 武林高手Qigong; deep breathing exercises 气功judo 柔道karate 空手道tae kwon do 跆拳道boxing 拳击wrestling 摔跤fencing 击剑walk the earth (with a sword) 仗剑走天涯tales of roving knights; kung fu novels 武侠小说Chinese literature 中国文学Three Kingdoms 《三国演义》Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 《西游记》Dream of the Red Mansions 《红楼梦》the Classic of Mountains an Rivers 《山海经》History as a Mirror; Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers 《资治通鉴》the Romance of West Chamber 《西厢记》Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the WaterMargin 《水浒传》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio; Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio 《聊斋志异》Fortress Besieged 《围城》the True Story of Ah Q 《阿Q正传》the Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》Historical Records 《史记》the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes 《诗经》the Book of History 《书经》I Ching; the Book of Changes 《易经》the Book of Rites 《礼记》Book of Filial Piety 《孝经》three-character scripture; three-word chant 《三字经》eight-part essay; stereotyped writing 八股文five-character quatrain 五言绝句seven-character octave 七言律诗Chinese architecture 中国建筑Quadrangle, the traditional Chinese single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides of a courtyard 四合院(Mongolian) yurt 蒙古包inscriptions on a tablet 碑刻,碑文,碑铭the forest of steles, tablet forest 碑林Taoist temple 道观hall 殿beacon tower 烽火台drum tower 鼓楼ornamental column 华表corridor 回廊altar 祭坛rockery 假山watchtower 角楼corridor 廊pailou, decorated archway 牌楼bridge 桥stone boat 石舫grotto 石窟pavilion on the water 水榭pagoda; tower 塔terrace 台altar 坛pavilion 亭阁bell tower 钟楼pillar, column, post 柱emperor's mausoleum/tomb 陵墓major cultural heritage 重要文化遗产outstanding folk arts 优秀民间艺术cultural relics 文物Chinese knot 中国结Cheongsam 旗袍traditional Chinese garments (clothing), Tang suit 中山装cloisonné 景泰蓝royal court envoy 朝廷使者men of letter 文人refined scholar 雅士culture industry 文化产业cultural deposit 文化底蕴cultural undertaking 文化事业cross-cultural communication 文化交流culture shock 文化冲突national culture 民族文化folk culture 民间文化urban culture 城镇文化rural culture 乡村文化native culture 当地文化performing art 表演艺术popular art, pop art 现代流行艺术high art 纯艺术refined art 高雅艺术cinematographic art 电影艺术theatrical art 戏剧艺术male (the positive male role) 生(男性正面角色)female (the positive female role) 旦(女性正面角色)a supporting male role with striking character 净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a clown or a negative role 丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色)painted role 花脸monodrama; one-man show 独角戏musical 歌舞喜剧shtick 滑稽场面,搞笑小噱头skit 滑稽短剧amateur performer of Beijing Opera/Peking Opera fan 京剧票友Peking Opera Mask 京剧人物脸谱ventriloquism 口技puppet show 木偶戏voice over 旁白shadow play; leather-silhouette show 皮影戏story-telling 说书make a human pyramid 叠罗汉colors, primary 红、黄、蓝三原色colors, secondary 合成色,间色composition 构图engraving 雕刻艺术,镌版术;亦指雕版印刷品,版画etching 蚀刻版画,蚀刻术,铜版画foreshortening effect [绘画]通过透视原理表现立体空间fresco [绘画]在灰泥的墙壁上作的水彩画,壁画highlight [绘画]高光high relief 高浮雕impasto [绘画]厚涂颜料的绘画法,厚涂的颜料inlaying 镶嵌landscape 风景画,山水画lithography 石印(平版印刷)术;平版印刷品modeling 建模,造型monochrome 单色画(由一种颜色的不同色度制作出的图片,尤指图画)pastel 浅淡的色调,柔和而悦目的色彩perspective [绘画]透视primary colors 三原色relief 浮雕(效果)sketching 写生,写生画still life 静物tempera 蛋彩画(用蛋清代油调和的鸡蛋水胶养料画法)texture 质地,纹理tone 色调trompe l’oeil 一种给人以摄影作品般真实感觉的绘画风格aria 独唱曲;咏叹调background music 背景音乐band 乐队baritone 男中音bass 低音部;男低音;低音乐器beat 节奏,鼓点brass 铜管乐队;铜管乐器Broadway musical 百老汇音乐剧canon 卡农(一种乐曲形式,其中同样的旋律被一个或者多个声部重复,同一调或者相关调彼此在时间上重合)chord 和弦,和音composer 作家,作曲家concerto 协奏曲conductor 管弦乐队、合唱队指挥contemporary music 当代音乐crescendo 声音渐增,渐强decrescendo 渐弱dissonance 不谐和音,不一致duet 二重奏finale (戏剧的)最后一场,结局;终曲;(电视剧)最后一集flat [音]降半音fox trot 狐步舞,狐步舞曲fugue [音]赋格曲genre 类型,流派acid jazz 酸性爵士alternative music 另类(非主流)音乐,如gay music (同性恋音乐)bluegrass 蓝草音乐—起源于美国南方的民间音乐,特色为音乐轻快和像爵士乐那样即兴演奏blues 布鲁斯歌曲(蓝调音乐)Celtic music 凯尔特音乐(尤指爱尔兰风格)classical music 古典乐country music 乡村音乐dance music 劲爆蹦迪音乐easy listening music 轻音乐electronic music 电子音乐environmental music 环境音乐experimental music 实验音乐folk music 民族音乐fusion music 融合音乐heavy metal; hard rock 重金属摇滚hip-hop music 嘻蹦乐,译嘻哈house music 电子乐的一种Indie-Rock music 独立音乐(属于另类音乐)jazz 爵士乐Jazz Blues 爵士布鲁斯Latin music 拉丁乐musical 音乐剧New Age music 新时代乐风Punk; New wave 朋克;新浪潮R&B 节奏布鲁斯Rap music 说唱Reggae music 雷鬼乐,一种风格独特的牙买加音乐Retro music 怀旧音乐Soft rock 慢摇滚soul music (美国黑人)爵士灵歌,结合了福音唱诗以及节奏布鲁斯音乐的特点soundtrack 电影配乐swing music 摇摆乐Techno music 强烈动感的电子音乐。

we are against it, second, we are not afraid of it.
我们全体赞成他的建议。 We were all in favor of his suggestion. 我们不顾一切困难,挫折,坚持战斗。 They kept on fighting in spite of all
与汉语相比,英语用介词较多,而且有一些英语 介词本是由动词演变而来的,具有动词的特征。 因此在汉译英时,汉语的一些动词常常可用英语 的介词或介词词组来翻译。如:
孩子们都上一个学堂。 The children are in the same school. 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反
记住我永远支持你。 Remember that I am always with you. 那个家伙老是滔滔不绝讲个不停。 That fellow is very talkative. 他读书时不加选择。 He is indiscriminate in reading. 他们迫切地想弄到消息。 They were news-hungry. 你们现在得走了。 You must be off now.
演出已经开始了。 The Performance is on. 她非常漂亮。 She is a real beauty. 那个家伙笨得出奇。 That fellow is a typical fool.
在翻译实践中,要做到既忠实于原文又符 合译文语言规范,有时就需要适当改变一 些词类,即把原文中属于某种词类的词在 译文中转换成另一种词类。这就是翻译上 通常所说的“词类转换”。

与汉语相比,英语用介词较多,而且有一些英语 介词本是由动词演变而来的,具有动词的特征。 因此在汉译英时,汉语的一些动词常常可用英语 的介词或介词词组来翻译。如: 孩子们都上一个学堂。 The children are in the same school. 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反 对;第二,不怕。 Our attitude on the question of world war is , first, we are against it, second, we are not afraid of it.
第一章 词类转换法
第一章 词类转译法
一、汉语的动词转换成英语的名词 二、汉语的动词转换成英语的形容词 三、汉语的动词转换成英语的介词或介词 词组 四、汉语的形容词或副词转换成英语的名 词 五、汉语的名词转换成英语的动词
汉语中动词用得较多,除大量的动宾结构 外,还有连动式、兼语式等两个以上动词 连用的现象。而英语则不然,一句话往往 只用一个谓语动词,而且英语的名词也比 汉语的名词用得多。由于两种语言各自所 具有的这种特点,汉译英时常常需要把汉 语动词转换成英语名词。有时,随着汉语 动词的这种转换,修饰该动词的副词也自 然需要转换。请看下列例句:
他们教导我们要珍惜每一个机会。 They taught us the value of an opportunity. 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定。 He has long been used to last-minute decisions. 她对他们越来越憎恨。 Her hatred for them grew more. 他酷爱古典音乐。 He is an ardent lover of classical music. 他指挥着一个团。 He is a commander of a regiment.

孔子(Confucius)是春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)的大思想家、大教育家和儒家学派(Confucianism)的创始人,是古代中国人心目中的圣人。
孔子的言论和生平活动记录在由他的弟子或再传弟子编成的《论语》(The Analects)一书中。
As a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism during the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius is a sage to the ancient Chinese people. His words and life story were recorded by his disciples and their students in The Analects. As an enduring classic of Chinese culture, The Analects has influenced all thinkers, writers and politicians in the thousand years’ Chinese history after Confucius. No scholar could truly understand this long-standing culture or the inner world ofthe ancient Chinese without this book.2大约在两千多年前,中国就出现了蜡染(wax printing)。

2. 面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢?
How could the team win the game in the face of so many difficulties?
3. 自两年前开业以来,今年年初他的生意最兴隆
His business was at its best at the beginning of this year since it was started two years ago.
4. 他虽然没有直接说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息
Although he didn’t say it directly, we could pick up some messages from his gestures.
Unit 9
1. 我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法
We must figure out how to solve the problem.
The new law does not apply to the joint venture overseas.?????
If you have decided to rent this house, please pay 50 dollars in advance.
4. 她伸手拿起电话,拨了一个朋友的号码
She reached for her telephone and dialed the number of a friend.
Unit 8
1. 这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施
Difficult as the plan sounds, he is determined to put it into practice.

最新新版人教版八年级下翻译(汉翻英)1.艾伦,你昨晚是不是胃痛了?Alan ,did you have _______ _______ last night?2.你刚才吃得太多,现在不应该躺下。
You ate too much just now.You shouldn't _______ _______now.3.你姐姐喜欢冒险吗?Does your sister like _______ _______?4.秋天参观北京最好。
It’s _______ t o _______ Beijing in autumn.5.昨天萨姆就把钱用光了。
Yesterday Sam _______ _______his money6.她把她的大部分钱都捐赠给了慈善事业。
She _______ _______ most of her money to charity.7.把屋子打扫干净后,你可以去看电影。
After you _______ _______ the room ,you can go to a movie.8.莉莉四岁时就能看书。
Lily _______ _______ to read books at the age of four.9.请把这些画贴在墙上。
Please _______ _______ these pictures on the wall.10.吉姆,晚饭后请倒一下垃圾。
Jim ,please _______ _______ the rubbish after dinner.11.午饭我至少吃了三个汉堡包。
I _______ at least three _______ for lunch.12.南希扔下书包进了卧室。
Nancy _______ _______ her schoolbag and went intoher bedroom.13.鲍勃吃惊的看着墙上的画,一句话也没说。
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(impact)Logistics has huge impact on domestic and global economy.2.国际红十字会的工作就像一个活动的仓库。
(mobile)The International Red Cross operates like a mobile warehouse.3.在佐治亚州(Georgia)的亚特兰大(Atlanta)举行的夏季奥运会上﹐物流的费用为2500多元美元。
(logistics)More than USD 25 million was spent on logistics for the summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.4.物流管理的基本概念适用于所有私营企业和公用企业。
(concept)The basic concepts of logistical management are applicable throughout private and public enterprise activities. 5.物流已经变成一种职业﹐注重战略思维﹑分析技朮和采用技朮型工具。
(value) Logistics has become a profession that values strategic thinking, analytical skills, and the use of technology-based tools. 6.外国公司的出现将有助于物流在中国的发展。
(contribute)The appearance of foreign companies will contributes to the development of logistics in China.7.物流对经济的发展起了很大的推动作用。
(promote)Logistics plays a very important role in promoting economic development.8.我喜欢对问题进行详细的分析。
(analysis)I like to carry out detailed analysis of a problem.9.现在从事物流行业的收入高于平均数。
(average)Nowadays, people in logistics business have an income higher than the average.10.为了保证物流的及时性﹐就要求一定的库存存在。
(inventory)To ensure the time lines of logistics, it is important to keep a certain level of inventory.1.在今天的工业社会里﹐物流扮演的角色越来越重要﹐这已有共识。
(acknowledge)In today’s industrial society, it is a universally acknowledged fact that logistics is playing a more and more important role.2.实现顾客的期望值是成功物流的一个核心战略。
(strategy)Realization of customer’s expectation is a core strategy of successful logistics.3.实现物流效率离不开实物运输工具在技朮上的不断改进。
(physical)Achievement of logistics high efficiency can’t be realized without physical vehicles’ continuous improvement in technology.4.物流的最终质量要求就是把每件事都做对并在第一时间做对。
(ultimate)The ultimate in logistics quality is to do everything right and do it right the first time.5.食物是典型的方便性消费品。
(typical)Foodstuffs are typical convenience products.6.汽车﹐房子是人们要经过深思熟虑后才能购买的产品。
(deliberation)Automobiles and houses are products that people can buy after careful deliberation.7.因为市场的不断开拓﹐公司今年年底的效益一定非常可观。
(substantial)By the end of this year, the company’s profits must be very substantial with increasing market expansion.8.许多公司都在努力创造自己的特色品牌以引导消费者偏好。
(preference)Many firms are trying to create their unique brand in order to guide customers’preference.9.产品可以分为工业用品和消费用品两种。
(category)Products can be divided into two categories: industrial products and consumer products.10. 有效的产品配送模式能够给整个物流过程节省大量时间。
(pattern)Effective products distribution patterns can save a great deal of time for the whole logistics process.1.运输是物流系统中设计和管理的一个重要部分﹐可能占整个物流成本的1/3到2/3。
(account for)Transportation is a vital component inthe design and management of logistics systems. It may account for one-third to two-thirds of total logistics costs.2.几个模式的成本的特点各有千秋﹐决定了费率结构有的不同。
(vary, determine) The cost characteristics vary from one mode to another and determine their rate structures.3.费率主要由三方面决定-----运输距离﹑船运货物的大小以及市场竞争。
(be based on)Rates are based primarily on three factors----distance, shipment size and competition.4.成本分配是影响定价的诸多因素之一。
(affect)Cost allocation is one of the many factors that affect pricing.5.虽然这个主要是承运人应当注意的事情﹐但托运人的看法也很重要。
(pay attention to) The shipper’s perspective about it is important, though it is chiefly something that the carriers should pay attention to.6.除例外的情况﹐运输费率至少必须弥补变动成本。
(at least)Aside from exceptional circumstances, transport rates must at least cover variable costs.7.国际运输系统的用户面对越来越厚的文书﹐不同的承运责任﹐不一样的海关手续和外贸区的适用规则感到手足无措。
(be over whelmed)The user of the international transportation system may feel overwhelmed by the increased documentation, by differences in carrier liability, by various customs procedures and the use of foreign trade zones.8.我们得把大宗货物分成小批量。
(divide)We have to divide large shipments into small ones.1.库存被认为是增值的一个手段。
(view……as)Inventory is viewed as playing a role in the value-added process.2.库存过量不仅增加仓储方面的费用﹐也增加其它方面的费用。
(overstock, aspect) Overstock of the inventory will incur expenses not only in warehousing, but also in many aspects.3.一方面本金随着批量大小而改变﹔另一方面﹐利息随着投资在运输存货上的本金的多少而增减。
(on one hand…;on the other…) On (the) one hand, capital cost increases with the lot size. On the other hand, the interest accrues on the capital invested in the carrying inventory.4.在对库存做计划方面﹐我们需要考虑三个基本问题。
(be concerned with)In inventory planning, we should be able to answer three basic questions.5.保险费一般根据预计风险或风险次数直接征收。
(be based on)Insurance cost is a direct levy normally based on estimated risk or exposure over time.1.你们能否改进一下包装﹖Could you improve the packaging?2.你一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。