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二 语言学的分支
• • • • • • 1. 语音学(phonetics) 2. 音系学(phonology) 3. 形态学(morphology) 4. 句法学(syntax) 5. 语义学(semantics) 6. 语用学(pragmatics)
三 语言学中的几对重要的概念
• 1.规定性研究与描述性研究(Prescriptive vs. Descriptive) • 2.共时研究与历时研究(Synchronic vs. Diachronic) • 3.语言与言语(Langue & Parole) • 4. 语言能力与语言应用(Competence & Performance)
一 概述
• 语言的功能 1. 信息功能(informative) 2. 人际功能(interpersonal) 3. 施为功能(performative) 4. 感情功能(emotive) 5. 寒暄功能(phatic) 6. 娱乐功能(recreational) 7. 元语言功能(metalingual)
• 上义词(superordinates):如flower 是 jasmine(茉莉),violet(紫罗兰), peony(牡丹)的上义词。 • 下义词(Hyponyms):对animal而言,bird, fish, insect, tiger 都是下义词。

1. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called A. Hyponymy B. synonymy C. Polysemy D. homonymy 2. The words “kid, child, offspring” are examples of A. Dialectal synonyms B. Stylistic synonyms C. Emotive synonyms D. Collocational synonyms
五 基本构词方法
• 1. 派生法(derivation) • 2.复合法(compound) • 3. 转化法(conversion)
六 词汇变化
• 1.新创词(innovation): Kodak, nylon, coca cola • 2.混成词(blending): smoke+ fog→smog; motor+ hotel→motel • 3.缩写词(abbreviation):也称clipping。如: advertisement→ad, aeroplane→plane, influenza→flu, gasoline→gas, photograph→photo • 4.首字母缩写词(acronym) • 5.逆构词法(back-formation):edit→editor; televise→television • 6.外来词(borrowing):拉丁语(cancer, tumor); 法语 (elite,mortgage)
2. 开放类词和封闭类词 开放类词(open-class words):名词,动词,形 容词和副词 封闭类词(closed-class words):代词,介词, 冠词,连词
词素(morpheme)和词素变体 二. 词素 和词素变体 (allomorph)
1. 词素(morpheme):词素是最小的音义结合 的语言单位,也就是语法分析的最小的单 位。进一步分成更小的单位而不破坏或彻 底改变词汇意义或语法意义。 2. 词素变体(allomorph):指同一词素在不同 构词环境中所呈现的不同形式,是词素的 实际体现。
Baidu Nhomakorabea义关系
• 同义关系(synonymy): flat-apartment, underground-subway, windscreenwindshield • 反义关系(antonymy): 等级反义词(gradable antonymy):其相反词义 并非绝对的而是相对,两级中可插入中间 程度的词。如: hot – cold.
四 词素的种类
1.自由词素和粘着词素 自由词素(free morphemes):指具有完整的 词汇意义,能够独立成词的词素,如: book, wall, dog, bag, egg等。 粘着词素(bound morphemes):指具有一定 意义、但不能独立使用,必须粘附在其他 形式上的词素,如tele-, -tive, -ful等。 2.词根(root)和词缀(affix)
八 语义学
• 指称论(the referential theory) • 词汇的意义(Lexical meaning): 指词语所指 的外部世界的事物,状态,抽象,情感等, 通常指词语的字面意义。 • 内涵意义(connotative meaning):语言使用 者的个人经历,情感,评价,语境等外部 因素意义
• 互补反义词(complementary antonyms): 指 一对反义词中,否定其中一个必意味着另 一个的肯定。如: male-femal, alive-dead, present-absent • 逆向反义词(converse antonyms): doctorpatient, parent-child, employer-employee, 同音异义词(homophones): flower/ flour; mettle/ metal; draught/ draft. 同形异义词(homographs): tear(撕裂)-tear (眼泪);bow(鞠躬)-bow(弓)
音系学(phonology) 二 音系学
• 1. 音素(phone) • 2. 音位变体(allophone) • 3. 最小对立体(minimal pair)
1. If two sounds are in complementary distribution, they are of the same phoneme. A. Allophones B. symbols C. Phones D. signs 2.Which pair of words is not a minimal pair? A. Put/ but B. Rat/ cat C. Lead/ read D. Sit/ bit
七 语义变化
• 1.词义扩大(broadening) • 2.词义缩小(narrowing) • 3.词义的转移(meaning shift):bead (祈祷) →珠子(现)
1. the word “tail” once referred to “the tail of a horse”, but now it is used to mean “the tail of any animal”. This is an example of A. Widening of meaning B. Narrowing of meaning C. Meaning shift D. Loss of meaning 2. The word “motel” comes from “motor+hotel”. This is an example of in morphology. A.Backformation B.conversion C. Blending D.acronym 3. Refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation. A.Phonology B. morphology C. semantics D.Sociolingusitics
三 形态学
• 一 词的分类 1. 实义词和语法词 实义词(Lexical words): 指本身有完整语义的词, 名词,动词,形容词,副词。 语法词(grammatical words): 也叫功能词和虚词。 指无完整词汇意义但有语法功能或意义的词, 包括限定词(determiner),代词(pronoun),介词 (preposition),连词(conjunction),助动词(auxiliary verb)和感叹词(interjection)等。

4. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness B. displacement C. Duality D. diachronicity 5. Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness B. productivity C. Cultural transmission D. Finiteness
四 语言的普遍特征
• • • • • 1. 任意性(arbitrariness) 2. 双重性(duality) 3. 多产性(creativity or productivity) 4. 移位性(displacement) 5. 文化传播性(cultural transmission)
is defined as the study of the relationship between language and mind. A. Semantics B . Pragmatics C. Cognitive linguistics D. Sociolinguistics 2. Language is a tool of communication. The symbol “Highway Closed” on a highway serves A. an expressive function B. an informative function C. a performative function D. a persuasive function 3.The study of the mental processes of language comprehension and production is A. Corpus linguistics B. sociolinguistics C. Theoretical linguistics D. psycholinguistics