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This workplan gives a very rough indicatio n of how long these phases of a project may tTawkoe key driver of the project duration will be the complexi ty of the organiza tion e.g. number of services, number of target market segment s etc the second driver will be the quality of the organiza tions strategy and its level
As part of the support pack there are a project planning template s, to help consulta nts build a task up estimate of the resource s required to complete a project
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T h e p h a s e s ar e n ot s h o w n a s o v er la p pi n
Sampl e Workpl an
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C u st o m er S er vi c e S tr at e g y
Understand the business environment and corporate strategy ?Understand the industry value chain ?Understand customer relationship cycle ?Understand the corporate strategy ?Understand core competitive competencies ?Assess current practices and performance ?Assess competitive offering and determine the basis of competition Understand service requirements of markets and customers ?Determine market segments ?Assess customer needs ?Analyze customer acquisition and retention ?Assess competition ?Analyze service delivery channels Create a customer service focus ?Create a customer service vision ?Create or enhance service strategy ?Design and articulate detailed service concept
Week 1
* *
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C u st o m er S er vi c e O p er at io n s
Design and implement service concepts, operating and delivery processes, and infrastructure BOTTOM UP ?Assess gap between customer needs and service offer ?Assess current processes, technology, behaviors and structures ACTION PLANNING ?Prioritize Initiatives - develop transition plans ?Implement Quick Wins TOP DOWN ?See re-engineering methodology ?Design and implement core processes and technology ?Design and implement employee behaviors, roles, groupings and structures ?Design and implement performance measures
Fra Baidu bibliotek
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This diagram is not intended to indicate that all Custome r service projects will take a year, it is entirely possible to add value in consider ably less time, however to cover every phase even at a high level would generally take a
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If the project involves any significa nt market research , process redesign , impleme ntation and or cultural change the total elapsed time is more likely to be 618month s
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T h e d ar k gr a y b ar s in di c at e a n or m al m in i m Key: u
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T h e * in di c at e th e s e q u e n c e of st e p s
Manage the customer interaction ?Establish a customer service culture ?Manage and improve service response ?Monitor Results ?Manage Customer Information ?Continuously Improve