polysystem theory 多元系统理论

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By focus on “norms”, scholars may find the “ground for comparison”.
“imported” “domesticated”
Further checking in other European countries.
The very definition of translation becomes dependent upon norms and how they work in any given system/society.
In England and America, Translation scholars (like
Bassnett, Lefevere, David Lloyd, and Maria Tymocako) focus both on institutions of prestige and power within
Kitty Van Leuven-Zwart
范· 路文兹瓦特
“Bottom-up Approach”
A system for the comparison and description of translations that traces shifts on a microstructureal level (words, clauses, and sentences), relates the consequences of the microlevel shifts on the macrostructural level (characters, events, time, and other “meaningful” components), and categorizes them.
“Translation as a Force for Literary Revolution in the Twelfth-Century Shift from Epic to Romance” (1986) Patronage and socia-economic forces to explain How the written literature was responsive to and reflective of ideological as well as poetological forces.
improving methods for describing
literary translation and determining cultural and translational normative
Result: The scholar, by establishing priorities, can find a means of being systematic instead of intuitive. Between the differing literary systems. Reltion

Translations not identified as such by a culture, including extreme cases of translational activity such as film adaptions( 影 片 加 工 ), versions( 改 写 ), imaitations( 拟 作 ), or false translations(误译). Non-translation(不译) within a translation seemed to be much more prevalent than initially anticipated.
Open relationship
Case studies Target-oriented empirical approach Predictions Minimum.
The nature of relation
Dominant norms of the target system The nature of the relation
any given culture and patterns in literary translation.
The inductive and scientific approach analyzes the influence of the extraliterary upon the literary. By “ideology”, Lefevere understands that a set of discourses which wrestle over interests which are relevant to the maintenance or interrogation of power structures central to a whole form of social and historical life. “Refracted text”(texts that have been processed for a certain audience, or adapted to a certain poetics or a certain ideology) to show how the ideological compnent limits literary discources. “Patronage” (individuals or institutions) to his model to investigate such ideological pressures. The term “stochastic” to describe a system whose evoluation involes probability and random variaties. The study of literary systems cannot be isolated to its Euro-American developmnt.
Polysystem theory
Translaion studies in the eighties
Gideon Toury: Descriptive translation studies and beyond
The focus of TS is descriptive
“Les Relations littéraires intnationales comme problè me de réception”(1986) “Twenty Years of Research on Literary Translation at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven” (1988)
------José Lambert and Hendrik van Gorp
Observe translation activity
Two system
The author, text, reader, and literary norms in one literary system to be justaposed to an author, text, reader, and literary norms in another literary system.
Between authors and others writers in the source and target systems
translators' intensions
Between authors, texts, readers, and norms in the two differing systems Relation
“Bottom-up Approach”
2 3
Four shifts(the rule itself) Stylistic shifts; syntactic shifts; semantic shifts; pragmatic shifts; These shifts impact the text at the macrostructural level. Advantages Every word contains shifts Words or clauses translated show multiple shifts. Giving valuable insights not only into the nature of translation, but the nature of language itself.
The Manipulation of Literature(1985)
An approach to literary translation that is descriptive, target-oriented, functional, and systemic.
An interest in the norms and constraints that govern the production and reception of translation.
A view of literature as a complex and dynamic system.
Theo Hermans
(英) 西奥· 赫曼斯
A conviction that there should be a continual interplay between theoretical models and practical case studies.

Discussion: the very definition of a translated text links between society and language
definition of what a society is and the

The Dutch/Flemish group: Translations sometimes “hide” within the foreign model. Borderline cases: peseudo-translation (translations when no original exists) translations via intervening language (secondary translations)

The translational relationships between the source and target text were replaced by networks of relationships and concepts of intertextuality.
What did translation scholars focus on in England and America in the eighties?
The motivation behind text selection and translation policy genre system ( gengre rules and gengre policy). Genre rules and genre policy (central role) translated literature (literary imports)
Relation Relation
Between differing sociological aspects including publishing and distribution
Between pragmatics and reception in source and target systems