Ultra-Wideband Mitigation of




现代电子技术Modern Electronics Technique2023年12月1日第46卷第23期Dec. 2023Vol. 46 No. 230 引 言频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface, FSS )是一种由周期性排列的金属片或任意几何形状的孔径元件组成的周期结构[1⁃2],因其具有独特的频率选择特性而引起研究者们的广泛关注,它广泛应用于空间滤波器[3]、偏振器[4]、隐身天线罩[5⁃6]。

在隐身领域,由于天线通常是强散射源,因此降低整个天线系统的雷达横截面(Radar Scattering Section, RCS )至关重要。

当外部电磁波照射天线系统时,将天线工作波段外的电磁信号反射到某些方向,缩减了天线的单站RCS 。

同时,FSS 天线罩对天线工作频率范围内的信号具有全传输特性,保证了工作频段内天线的正常通信。


近年来形成了一种结合FSS 和吸波器的设计思路,它被称为频率选择性吸波体(FSA )。

FSA 通常能够吸收带外的入射电磁波,并且由一个传输波段来传输通信信号。

FSA 的概念首先在文献[5]中被提到,它一般由两层结构组成,即上层的吸波结构和下层的FSS 结构。

上层的吸波结构通常由金属结构和损耗元件构成,下层的FSS 由孔径元件组成。

根据吸波波段与传输波段位置基于超表面的超宽带隐身天线罩的仿真设计熊 杰, 杨宝平(黄冈师范学院 物理与电信学院, 湖北 黄冈 438000)摘 要: 为了减小飞行器的多基站雷达散射截面,增加天线系统的隐身功能,提出一种基于超表面的超宽带隐身天线罩模型,该模型具有低频吸收、高频传输的特性。


上层由两个π型金属结构与工型金属结构组合而成,中间通过电阻元件连接,下层由“X ”字型周期缝隙结构组成,每个周期结构中一个电阻层结构对应4个“X ”字型FSS 结构。



第 21 卷 第 4 期2023 年 4 月Vol.21,No.4Apr.,2023太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology超宽带太赫兹调频连续波成像技术胡伟东,许志浩*,蒋环宇,刘庆国,檀桢(北京理工大学毫米波与太赫兹技术北京市重点实验室,北京100081)摘要:太赫兹调频连续波成像技术具有高功率、小型化、低成本、三维成像等特点,在太赫兹无损检测领域受到了广泛关注。



因此,聚焦于太赫兹波无损检测领域,提出一种时分频分复用的114~500 GHz超宽带太赫兹信号的产生方式,基于多频段共孔径准光设计,实现超带宽信号的共孔径,频率可扩展至1.1 THz。

提出一种频段融合算法,实现了超宽带信号的有效融合,距离分辨力提升至460 μm,通过人工设计的多层复合材料验证了系统及算法的有效性,并得到封装集成电路(IC)芯片的高分辨三维成像结果。

关键词:太赫兹调频连续波;非线性度校准;多频段融合;准光设计;无损检测中图分类号:TN914.42文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2022225Ultra-wideband terahertz FMCW imaging technologyHU Weidong,XU Zhihao*,JIANG Huanyu,LIU Qingguo,TAN Zhen (Beijing Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)AbstractAbstract::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(THz FMCW) imaging technology has attracted extensive attention in the field of THz Nondestructive Testing(NDT) because of its high power,miniaturization, low cost, three-dimensional imaging and other characteristics. However, due to thelimitation of microwave and terahertz devices, the terahertz signal bandwidth is difficult to expand, whichrestricts the range resolution of imaging. Although high carrier frequency can achieve large broadband,the accompanying low penetrability and low power will limit the application scenario of THz FMCWimaging system. Therefore, focusing on the field of terahertz wave nondestructive testing, this paperproposes a time-division frequency-division multiplexing 114~500 GHz ultra-wideband terahertz signalgeneration method, which is based on the quasi-optical design of multiband common aperture to achievethe common aperture of ultra-wideband signals. In addition, a multiband fusion algorithm is proposed toachieve effective fusion of ultra-wideband signals, and the range resolution is improved to 460 μm. Theeffectiveness of the system and algorithm is verified by artificially designed multilayer compositematerials, and the high-resolution 3D imaging results of Integrated Circuit(IC) chips are obtained.KeywordsKeywords::Terahertz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave;non-linearity calibration;multiband fusion;quasi-optical design;Nondestructive Testing太赫兹波(0.03 mm~3 mm)在电磁波谱中位于微波与红外之间,由于其独特的穿透性与非电离性等特性,太赫兹技术已成功用于艺术品保护、工业产品质量控制、封装集成电路(IC)无损检测等领域[1-3]。



0 引言在日常生活中,以位置为基础的服务(Location-based services,LBS)已经和人类的生活息息相关。

可靠的LBS 服务离不开准确的位置信息。

当前,依赖全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)的室外定位技术[1]已经趋于成熟,甚至在于特定需求下可以达到亚米级的精度。


而室内环境复杂,各种家具、楼房等等都会对定位产生影响,并且室内定位的精度需求远远高于室外,往往需要“厘米级”精度[2]才能满足用户需求,因此利用GNSS 提供位置服务的方案不太合适。

根据数据统计,在实际生活中,人类在室内度过的时间平均可以达到70% - 90%,对于LBS 的需求更迫切,GNSS 服务无法满足用户需求的情况下,需求精准室内位置信息已经成为室内LBS 服务发展的红线。


1 应用前景随着定位技术的发展,基于位置的服务越来越受到人们的关注。

目前,LBS 已经渗透到人们日常生活的方方面面,关于室内定位的需求价值早已远远超出早期学者的预期,精确、实时的位置信息打破了虚拟空间的数据信息与真实世界物理对象的壁垒,掀起零售、制造、物流、急救、大型公共场所导航等行业的革命,真正意义上推动万物互联的进程。

[3]在商场、停车场、机场、火车站、医院等大型公共场所中,LBS 是不可或缺的。

比如,在人们外出旅游时,LBS 可以给人们带来方便,便于人们查询景点、餐厅、酒店宾馆等信息;当发生事故时,LBS 可以更加准确地提供具体信息。

同时,在信息时代的背景下,随着人工智能、机器人技术的发展,一些新型行业的兴起,比如无人医疗护理、智能制造、智能物流等行业也更加需要LBS 提供技术支撑。



通信工程毕业设计论文1 引言超宽带(UWB,Ultra Wide Band)无线技术在无线电通信、雷达、跟踪、精确定位、成像、武器控制等众多领域具有广阔的应用前景,因此被认为是未来几年电信热门技术之一。











关键字:超宽带调制方式 PPM调制 PAM调制 OFDM调制2 概述2.1 总述近几年来,超宽带短距离无线通信引起了全球通信技术领域极大的重视。


FCC(美国通信委员会) 对超宽带系统的最新定义是:相对带宽(在- 10dB 点处) (fH - fL)/fc 20 %(fH ,fL ,fc分别为带宽的高端频率、低端频率和中心频率) 或者总带宽BW 500MHz。

IEEE802.11a WLAN干扰环境下的UWB WBAN系统可靠性研究

IEEE802.11a WLAN干扰环境下的UWB WBAN系统可靠性研究

IEEE802.11a WLAN干扰环境下的UWB WBAN系统可靠性研究王瑞;贺鹏飞;冯现豪【摘要】WBAN (Wireless body area network) has great potential application value in the field of health care. However, the ultra-wideband radio frequency assigned to biological care overlaps with the IEEE802.11a WLAN frequency band. For this reason, the UWB WBAN equipment would be interfered by the IEEE802.11a WLAN signal. Based on existing time hopping pulse position modulation (TH-PPM) and direct sequence pulse amplitude modulation (DS-PAM) UWB system model, the UWB WBAN physical layer interference model is constructed. Via the system reliability analysis and simulation, the bit error rate of DS-PAM UWB WBAN system and the TH-PPM UWB WBAN system are compared under the IEEE802.11a WLAN signal interference environment. The experiment results indicate that the DS-PAM UWB WBAN system has better anti-interference performance than the TH-PPM UWB WBAN system.%无线体域网(WBAN)在医疗保健方面有着巨大的潜在应用价值,但分配给生物医疗的超宽带(UWB)无线频段和IEEE802.11a WLAN的频段部分相重叠,因此UWB WBAN设备将会受到IEEE802.11a WLAN信号的干扰.基于已有的跳时扩频脉冲位置调制(TH-PPM)和直接序列扩频脉冲幅度调制(DS-PAM)超宽带系统模型,构建UWB WBAN物理层干扰模型.通过误比特率仿真,对比分析了DS-PAM UWB WBAN系统与TH-PPM UWB WBAN系统在IEEE802.11a WLAN信号干扰环境下的可靠性.结果表明,DS-PAM UWB WBAN系统较TH-PPM UWB WBAN系统具有更好的抗干扰性能.【期刊名称】《通信技术》【年(卷),期】2017(050)006【总页数】5页(P1193-1197)【关键词】无线体域网;超宽带;无线局域网;干扰;误比特率【作者】王瑞;贺鹏飞;冯现豪【作者单位】烟台大学光电信息科学技术学院,山东烟台 264025;烟台大学光电信息科学技术学院,山东烟台 264025;烟台大学光电信息科学技术学院,山东烟台264025【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393随着社会的日益发展和人们生活水平的提高,工作压力不断加大,健康问题受到人们越来越多地关注。














第45卷第2期热处理技术与装备Vol.45,No.2收稿日期:2023⁃03⁃19作者简介:徐 宁(1987—),女,高级工程师,本科,主要从事铝合金加工领域的研究工作。

联系电话:150********;E⁃mail:lnzwpaper@·性能研究·分流桥对多腔体铝型材挤压融合口断口性能的影响徐 宁,潘 岩,杨 明,陆宏韬,张 岩,刘海燕(辽宁忠旺集团有限公司,辽宁辽阳 111003)摘 要:对融合口断口位置进行化学成分分析、金相组织观察以及力学性能检测,研究表明铸锭在较大挤压力的作用下与分流桥产生摩擦力,较大的摩擦力使得铸锭表面晶粒破碎严重,在后期热处理过程中晶粒长大形成粗大再结晶,导致融合区域断口呈大颗粒状。


关键词:分流桥;铝型材挤压融合口;力学性能;断口中图分类号:TG386 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673⁃4971(2024)02⁃0030⁃04Effect of Diversion Bridge on the Fracture Performance of ExtrusionFusion Joint of Multi Cavity Aluminum ProfileXU Ning,PAN Yan,YANG Ming,LU Hongtao,ZHANG Yan,LIU Haiyan(Liaoning Zhongwang Group Co.,Ltd.,Liaoyang 111003,Liaoning,China)Abstract :The chemical composition analysis,metallographic observation and mechanical property of the fusion joint fracture location was carried out.The research showed that under the action of large extrusion pressure,the ingot generated frictional force with the diversion bridge.The large friction force caused seri⁃ous grain breakage on the surface of the ingot.In the process of later heat treatment,the grains grew and formed coarse recrystallization,resulting in large particle morphology of the fracture in the fusion area.The large granular grains would reduce the mechanical properties of the fusion location,which should be strictlycontrolled in the actual production process.Keywords :diversion bridge;aluminum extrusion fusion joint;mechanical properties;fracture 多腔体铝型材是由铝合金铸锭通过模具分流组合挤压形成。

Ultra WideBand (UWB) 系统介绍

Ultra WideBand (UWB) 系统介绍
Advanced Radar Sensing — through wall radar capability of detection, ranging, motion sensing — effective vehicular anti-collision radar — ground penetrating radar Precision Location and Tracking — PLT(Position, Location, Tracking) systems. Communications — especially for high quality, fully mobile short-range indoor radio systems
~172~Βιβλιοθήκη PPM + THSS
transmitting 0 pulse wtr(t)
Tc Tf Ts : data symbol time
transmitting 1
δ Tc Tf
δ t
codeword C = [1 0 0 2] , N h = 3 code period N p = 4 Ts = N s ⋅ T f i.e. , Ts = 4 ⋅ T f N s : number of pulses per data symbol T f ≥ N h ⋅ Tc i.e., T f = 3 ⋅ Tc
Impulse Radio UWB Techniques (1)
Time-Modulated (Hopping) UWB (TM(H)-UWB) — low duty cycle (Impulse radio) — data modulation by pulse position (time dithering) or signal polarity — multiaccess channelization by time coding (Time- Hopping, TH) — for precise location, tracking, radar sensing (through wall), data communications












四、参考书目录1 Physics 物理学 (1)Introduction to physics (1)Classical and modern physics (2)Research fields (4)V ocabulary (7)2 Classical mechanics 经典力学 (10)Introduction (10)Description of classical mechanics (10)Momentum and collisions (14)Angular momentum (15)V ocabulary (16)3 Thermodynamics 热力学 (18)Introduction (18)Laws of thermodynamics (21)System models (22)Thermodynamic processes (27)Scope of thermodynamics (29)V ocabulary (30)4 Electromagnetism 电磁学 (33)Introduction (33)Electrostatics (33)Magnetostatics (35)Electromagnetic induction (40)V ocabulary (43)5 Optics 光学 (45)Introduction (45)Geometrical optics (45)Physical optics (47)Polarization (50)V ocabulary (51)6 Atomic physics 原子物理 (52)Introduction (52)Electronic configuration (52)Excitation and ionization (56)V ocabulary (59)7 Statistical mechanics 统计力学 (60)Overview (60)Fundamentals (60)Statistical ensembles (63)V ocabulary (65)8 Quantum mechanics 量子力学 (67)Introduction (67)Mathematical formulations (68)Quantization (71)Wave-particle duality (72)Quantum entanglement (75)V ocabulary (77)9 Special relativity 狭义相对论 (79)Introduction (79)Relativity of simultaneity (80)Lorentz transformations (80)Time dilation and length contraction (81)Mass-energy equivalence (82)Relativistic energy-momentum relation (86)V ocabulary (89)正文标记说明:蓝色Arial字体(例如energy):已知的专业词汇蓝色Arial字体加下划线(例如electromagnetism):新学的专业词汇黑色Times New Roman字体加下划线(例如postulate):新学的普通词汇1 Physics 物理学1 Physics 物理学Introduction to physicsPhysics is a part of natural philosophy and a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines, perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennia, physics was a part of natural philosophy along with chemistry, certain branches of mathematics, and biology, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century, the natural sciences emerged as unique research programs in their own right. Physics intersects with many interdisciplinary areas of research, such as biophysics and quantum chemistry,and the boundaries of physics are not rigidly defined. New ideas in physics often explain the fundamental mechanisms of other sciences, while opening new avenues of research in areas such as mathematics and philosophy.Physics also makes significant contributions through advances in new technologies that arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products which have dramatically transformed modern-day society, such as television, computers, domestic appliances, and nuclear weapons; advances in thermodynamics led to the development of industrialization; and advances in mechanics inspired the development of calculus.Core theoriesThough physics deals with a wide variety of systems, certain theories are used by all physicists. Each of these theories were experimentally tested numerous times and found correct as an approximation of nature (within a certain domain of validity).For instance, the theory of classical mechanics accurately describes the motion of objects, provided they are much larger than atoms and moving at much less than the speed of light. These theories continue to be areas of active research, and a remarkable aspect of classical mechanics known as chaos was discovered in the 20th century, three centuries after the original formulation of classical mechanics by Isaac Newton (1642–1727) 【艾萨克·牛顿】.University PhysicsThese central theories are important tools for research into more specialized topics, and any physicist, regardless of his or her specialization, is expected to be literate in them. These include classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, electromagnetism, and special relativity.Classical and modern physicsClassical mechanicsClassical physics includes the traditional branches and topics that were recognized and well-developed before the beginning of the 20th century—classical mechanics, acoustics, optics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism.Classical mechanics is concerned with bodies acted on by forces and bodies in motion and may be divided into statics (study of the forces on a body or bodies at rest), kinematics (study of motion without regard to its causes), and dynamics (study of motion and the forces that affect it); mechanics may also be divided into solid mechanics and fluid mechanics (known together as continuum mechanics), the latter including such branches as hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics, and pneumatics.Acoustics is the study of how sound is produced, controlled, transmitted and received. Important modern branches of acoustics include ultrasonics, the study of sound waves of very high frequency beyond the range of human hearing; bioacoustics the physics of animal calls and hearing, and electroacoustics, the manipulation of audible sound waves using electronics.Optics, the study of light, is concerned not only with visible light but also with infrared and ultraviolet radiation, which exhibit all of the phenomena of visible light except visibility, e.g., reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, dispersion, and polarization of light.Heat is a form of energy, the internal energy possessed by the particles of which a substance is composed; thermodynamics deals with the relationships between heat and other forms of energy.Electricity and magnetism have been studied as a single branch of physics since the intimate connection between them was discovered in the early 19th century; an electric current gives rise to a magnetic field and a changing magnetic field induces an electric current. Electrostatics deals with electric charges at rest, electrodynamics with moving charges, and magnetostatics with magnetic poles at rest.Modern PhysicsClassical physics is generally concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of1 Physics 物理学observation, while much of modern physics is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy under extreme conditions or on the very large or very small scale.For example, atomic and nuclear physics studies matter on the smallest scale at which chemical elements can be identified.The physics of elementary particles is on an even smaller scale, as it is concerned with the most basic units of matter; this branch of physics is also known as high-energy physics because of the extremely high energies necessary to produce many types of particles in large particle accelerators. On this scale, ordinary, commonsense notions of space, time, matter, and energy are no longer valid.The two chief theories of modern physics present a different picture of the concepts of space, time, and matter from that presented by classical physics.Quantum theory is concerned with the discrete, rather than continuous, nature of many phenomena at the atomic and subatomic level, and with the complementary aspects of particles and waves in the description of such phenomena.The theory of relativity is concerned with the description of phenomena that take place in a frame of reference that is in motion with respect to an observer; the special theory of relativity is concerned with relative uniform motion in a straight line and the general theory of relativity with accelerated motion and its connection with gravitation.Both quantum theory and the theory of relativity find applications in all areas of modern physics.Difference between classical and modern physicsWhile physics aims to discover universal laws, its theories lie in explicit domains of applicability. Loosely speaking, the laws of classical physics accurately describe systems whose important length scales are greater than the atomic scale and whose motions are much slower than the speed of light. Outside of this domain, observations do not match their predictions.Albert Einstein【阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦】contributed the framework of special relativity, which replaced notions of absolute time and space with space-time and allowed an accurate description of systems whose components have speeds approaching the speed of light.Max Planck【普朗克】, Erwin Schrödinger【薛定谔】, and others introduced quantum mechanics, a probabilistic notion of particles and interactions that allowed an accurate description of atomic and subatomic scales.Later, quantum field theory unified quantum mechanics and special relativity.General relativity allowed for a dynamical, curved space-time, with which highly massiveUniversity Physicssystems and the large-scale structure of the universe can be well-described. General relativity has not yet been unified with the other fundamental descriptions; several candidate theories of quantum gravity are being developed.Research fieldsContemporary research in physics can be broadly divided into condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular, and optical physics; particle physics; astrophysics; geophysics and biophysics. Some physics departments also support research in Physics education.Since the 20th century, the individual fields of physics have become increasingly specialized, and today most physicists work in a single field for their entire careers. "Universalists" such as Albert Einstein (1879–1955) and Lev Landau (1908–1968)【列夫·朗道】, who worked in multiple fields of physics, are now very rare.Condensed matter physicsCondensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic physical properties of matter. In particular, it is concerned with the "condensed" phases that appear whenever the number of particles in a system is extremely large and the interactions between them are strong.The most familiar examples of condensed phases are solids and liquids, which arise from the bonding by way of the electromagnetic force between atoms. More exotic condensed phases include the super-fluid and the Bose–Einstein condensate found in certain atomic systems at very low temperature, the superconducting phase exhibited by conduction electrons in certain materials,and the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins on atomic lattices.Condensed matter physics is by far the largest field of contemporary physics.Historically, condensed matter physics grew out of solid-state physics, which is now considered one of its main subfields. The term condensed matter physics was apparently coined by Philip Anderson when he renamed his research group—previously solid-state theory—in 1967. In 1978, the Division of Solid State Physics of the American Physical Society was renamed as the Division of Condensed Matter Physics.Condensed matter physics has a large overlap with chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology and engineering.Atomic, molecular and optical physicsAtomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO) is the study of matter–matter and light–matter interactions on the scale of single atoms and molecules.1 Physics 物理学The three areas are grouped together because of their interrelationships, the similarity of methods used, and the commonality of the energy scales that are relevant. All three areas include both classical, semi-classical and quantum treatments; they can treat their subject from a microscopic view (in contrast to a macroscopic view).Atomic physics studies the electron shells of atoms. Current research focuses on activities in quantum control, cooling and trapping of atoms and ions, low-temperature collision dynamics and the effects of electron correlation on structure and dynamics. Atomic physics is influenced by the nucleus (see, e.g., hyperfine splitting), but intra-nuclear phenomena such as fission and fusion are considered part of high-energy physics.Molecular physics focuses on multi-atomic structures and their internal and external interactions with matter and light.Optical physics is distinct from optics in that it tends to focus not on the control of classical light fields by macroscopic objects, but on the fundamental properties of optical fields and their interactions with matter in the microscopic realm.High-energy physics (particle physics) and nuclear physicsParticle physics is the study of the elementary constituents of matter and energy, and the interactions between them.In addition, particle physicists design and develop the high energy accelerators,detectors, and computer programs necessary for this research. The field is also called "high-energy physics" because many elementary particles do not occur naturally, but are created only during high-energy collisions of other particles.Currently, the interactions of elementary particles and fields are described by the Standard Model.●The model accounts for the 12 known particles of matter (quarks and leptons) thatinteract via the strong, weak, and electromagnetic fundamental forces.●Dynamics are described in terms of matter particles exchanging gauge bosons (gluons,W and Z bosons, and photons, respectively).●The Standard Model also predicts a particle known as the Higgs boson. In July 2012CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics, announced the detection of a particle consistent with the Higgs boson.Nuclear Physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most commonly known applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons technology, but the research has provided application in many fields, including those in nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.University PhysicsAstrophysics and Physical CosmologyAstrophysics and astronomy are the application of the theories and methods of physics to the study of stellar structure, stellar evolution, the origin of the solar system, and related problems of cosmology. Because astrophysics is a broad subject, astrophysicists typically apply many disciplines of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, relativity, nuclear and particle physics, and atomic and molecular physics.The discovery by Karl Jansky in 1931 that radio signals were emitted by celestial bodies initiated the science of radio astronomy. Most recently, the frontiers of astronomy have been expanded by space exploration. Perturbations and interference from the earth's atmosphere make space-based observations necessary for infrared, ultraviolet, gamma-ray, and X-ray astronomy.Physical cosmology is the study of the formation and evolution of the universe on its largest scales. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity plays a central role in all modern cosmological theories. In the early 20th century, Hubble's discovery that the universe was expanding, as shown by the Hubble diagram, prompted rival explanations known as the steady state universe and the Big Bang.The Big Bang was confirmed by the success of Big Bang nucleo-synthesis and the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1964. The Big Bang model rests on two theoretical pillars: Albert Einstein's general relativity and the cosmological principle (On a sufficiently large scale, the properties of the Universe are the same for all observers). Cosmologists have recently established the ΛCDM model (the standard model of Big Bang cosmology) of the evolution of the universe, which includes cosmic inflation, dark energy and dark matter.Current research frontiersIn condensed matter physics, an important unsolved theoretical problem is that of high-temperature superconductivity. Many condensed matter experiments are aiming to fabricate workable spintronics and quantum computers.In particle physics, the first pieces of experimental evidence for physics beyond the Standard Model have begun to appear. Foremost among these are indications that neutrinos have non-zero mass. These experimental results appear to have solved the long-standing solar neutrino problem, and the physics of massive neutrinos remains an area of active theoretical and experimental research. Particle accelerators have begun probing energy scales in the TeV range, in which experimentalists are hoping to find evidence for the super-symmetric particles, after discovery of the Higgs boson.Theoretical attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single theory1 Physics 物理学of quantum gravity, a program ongoing for over half a century, have not yet been decisively resolved. The current leading candidates are M-theory, superstring theory and loop quantum gravity.Many astronomical and cosmological phenomena have yet to be satisfactorily explained, including the existence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, the baryon asymmetry, the acceleration of the universe and the anomalous rotation rates of galaxies.Although much progress has been made in high-energy, quantum, and astronomical physics, many everyday phenomena involving complexity, chaos, or turbulence are still poorly understood. Complex problems that seem like they could be solved by a clever application of dynamics and mechanics remain unsolved; examples include the formation of sand-piles, nodes in trickling water, the shape of water droplets, mechanisms of surface tension catastrophes, and self-sorting in shaken heterogeneous collections.These complex phenomena have received growing attention since the 1970s for several reasons, including the availability of modern mathematical methods and computers, which enabled complex systems to be modeled in new ways. Complex physics has become part of increasingly interdisciplinary research, as exemplified by the study of turbulence in aerodynamics and the observation of pattern formation in biological systems.Vocabulary★natural science 自然科学academic disciplines 学科astronomy 天文学in their own right 凭他们本身的实力intersects相交,交叉interdisciplinary交叉学科的,跨学科的★quantum 量子的theoretical breakthroughs 理论突破★electromagnetism 电磁学dramatically显著地★thermodynamics热力学★calculus微积分validity★classical mechanics 经典力学chaos 混沌literate 学者★quantum mechanics量子力学★thermodynamics and statistical mechanics热力学与统计物理★special relativity狭义相对论is concerned with 关注,讨论,考虑acoustics 声学★optics 光学statics静力学at rest 静息kinematics运动学★dynamics动力学ultrasonics超声学manipulation 操作,处理,使用University Physicsinfrared红外ultraviolet紫外radiation辐射reflection 反射refraction 折射★interference 干涉★diffraction 衍射dispersion散射★polarization 极化,偏振internal energy 内能Electricity电性Magnetism 磁性intimate 亲密的induces 诱导,感应scale尺度★elementary particles基本粒子★high-energy physics 高能物理particle accelerators 粒子加速器valid 有效的,正当的★discrete离散的continuous 连续的complementary 互补的★frame of reference 参照系★the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论★general theory of relativity 广义相对论gravitation 重力,万有引力explicit 详细的,清楚的★quantum field theory 量子场论★condensed matter physics凝聚态物理astrophysics天体物理geophysics地球物理Universalist博学多才者★Macroscopic宏观Exotic奇异的★Superconducting 超导Ferromagnetic铁磁质Antiferromagnetic 反铁磁质★Spin自旋Lattice 晶格,点阵,网格★Society社会,学会★microscopic微观的hyperfine splitting超精细分裂fission分裂,裂变fusion熔合,聚变constituents成分,组分accelerators加速器detectors 检测器★quarks夸克lepton 轻子gauge bosons规范玻色子gluons胶子★Higgs boson希格斯玻色子CERN欧洲核子研究中心★Magnetic Resonance Imaging磁共振成像,核磁共振ion implantation 离子注入radiocarbon dating放射性碳年代测定法geology地质学archaeology考古学stellar 恒星cosmology宇宙论celestial bodies 天体Hubble diagram 哈勃图Rival竞争的★Big Bang大爆炸nucleo-synthesis核聚合,核合成pillar支柱cosmological principle宇宙学原理ΛCDM modelΛ-冷暗物质模型cosmic inflation宇宙膨胀1 Physics 物理学fabricate制造,建造spintronics自旋电子元件,自旋电子学★neutrinos 中微子superstring 超弦baryon重子turbulence湍流,扰动,骚动catastrophes突变,灾变,灾难heterogeneous collections异质性集合pattern formation模式形成University Physics2 Classical mechanics 经典力学IntroductionIn physics, classical mechanics is one of the two major sub-fields of mechanics, which is concerned with the set of physical laws describing the motion of bodies under the action of a system of forces. The study of the motion of bodies is an ancient one, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest subjects in science, engineering and technology.Classical mechanics describes the motion of macroscopic objects, from projectiles to parts of machinery, as well as astronomical objects, such as spacecraft, planets, stars, and galaxies. Besides this, many specializations within the subject deal with gases, liquids, solids, and other specific sub-topics.Classical mechanics provides extremely accurate results as long as the domain of study is restricted to large objects and the speeds involved do not approach the speed of light. When the objects being dealt with become sufficiently small, it becomes necessary to introduce the other major sub-field of mechanics, quantum mechanics, which reconciles the macroscopic laws of physics with the atomic nature of matter and handles the wave–particle duality of atoms and molecules. In the case of high velocity objects approaching the speed of light, classical mechanics is enhanced by special relativity. General relativity unifies special relativity with Newton's law of universal gravitation, allowing physicists to handle gravitation at a deeper level.The initial stage in the development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian mechanics, and is associated with the physical concepts employed by and the mathematical methods invented by Newton himself, in parallel with Leibniz【莱布尼兹】, and others.Later, more abstract and general methods were developed, leading to reformulations of classical mechanics known as Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian mechanics. These advances were largely made in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they extend substantially beyond Newton's work, particularly through their use of analytical mechanics. Ultimately, the mathematics developed for these were central to the creation of quantum mechanics.Description of classical mechanicsThe following introduces the basic concepts of classical mechanics. For simplicity, it often2 Classical mechanics 经典力学models real-world objects as point particles, objects with negligible size. The motion of a point particle is characterized by a small number of parameters: its position, mass, and the forces applied to it.In reality, the kind of objects that classical mechanics can describe always have a non-zero size. (The physics of very small particles, such as the electron, is more accurately described by quantum mechanics). Objects with non-zero size have more complicated behavior than hypothetical point particles, because of the additional degrees of freedom—for example, a baseball can spin while it is moving. However, the results for point particles can be used to study such objects by treating them as composite objects, made up of a large number of interacting point particles. The center of mass of a composite object behaves like a point particle.Classical mechanics uses common-sense notions of how matter and forces exist and interact. It assumes that matter and energy have definite, knowable attributes such as where an object is in space and its speed. It also assumes that objects may be directly influenced only by their immediate surroundings, known as the principle of locality.In quantum mechanics objects may have unknowable position or velocity, or instantaneously interact with other objects at a distance.Position and its derivativesThe position of a point particle is defined with respect to an arbitrary fixed reference point, O, in space, usually accompanied by a coordinate system, with the reference point located at the origin of the coordinate system. It is defined as the vector r from O to the particle.In general, the point particle need not be stationary relative to O, so r is a function of t, the time elapsed since an arbitrary initial time.In pre-Einstein relativity (known as Galilean relativity), time is considered an absolute, i.e., the time interval between any given pair of events is the same for all observers. In addition to relying on absolute time, classical mechanics assumes Euclidean geometry for the structure of space.Velocity and speedThe velocity, or the rate of change of position with time, is defined as the derivative of the position with respect to time. In classical mechanics, velocities are directly additive and subtractive as vector quantities; they must be dealt with using vector analysis.When both objects are moving in the same direction, the difference can be given in terms of speed only by ignoring direction.University PhysicsAccelerationThe acceleration , or rate of change of velocity, is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time (the second derivative of the position with respect to time).Acceleration can arise from a change with time of the magnitude of the velocity or of the direction of the velocity or both . If only the magnitude v of the velocity decreases, this is sometimes referred to as deceleration , but generally any change in the velocity with time, including deceleration, is simply referred to as acceleration.Inertial frames of referenceWhile the position and velocity and acceleration of a particle can be referred to any observer in any state of motion, classical mechanics assumes the existence of a special family of reference frames in terms of which the mechanical laws of nature take a comparatively simple form. These special reference frames are called inertial frames .An inertial frame is such that when an object without any force interactions (an idealized situation) is viewed from it, it appears either to be at rest or in a state of uniform motion in a straight line. This is the fundamental definition of an inertial frame. They are characterized by the requirement that all forces entering the observer's physical laws originate in identifiable sources (charges, gravitational bodies, and so forth).A non-inertial reference frame is one accelerating with respect to an inertial one, and in such a non-inertial frame a particle is subject to acceleration by fictitious forces that enter the equations of motion solely as a result of its accelerated motion, and do not originate in identifiable sources. These fictitious forces are in addition to the real forces recognized in an inertial frame.A key concept of inertial frames is the method for identifying them. For practical purposes, reference frames that are un-accelerated with respect to the distant stars are regarded as good approximations to inertial frames.Forces; Newton's second lawNewton was the first to mathematically express the relationship between force and momentum . Some physicists interpret Newton's second law of motion as a definition of force and mass, while others consider it a fundamental postulate, a law of nature. Either interpretation has the same mathematical consequences, historically known as "Newton's Second Law":a m t v m t p F ===d )(d d dThe quantity m v is called the (canonical ) momentum . The net force on a particle is thus equal to rate of change of momentum of the particle with time.So long as the force acting on a particle is known, Newton's second law is sufficient to。

TeraMax TM TurboCell OFDM点对多点系统产品说明书

TeraMax TM TurboCell OFDM点对多点系统产品说明书

Specifications subject to change without noticeTeraMaxTMT URBO C ELL ®OFDM P OINT -TO -M ULTI P OINT S YSTEMNetwork FeaturesDescription(FP)Flat Panel Enclosure (EX)Ruggedized EnclosureTeraMax™ is Terabeam’s flagship broadband wirelessnetworking solution series, offering an optimal combination of throughput, range, suitability for outdoor environments, network scalability and value. A powerful feature set – includingorthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), adaptive dynamic polling, packet aggregation, bandwidth management at the client, and enhanced security including AES – provides TeraMax with much of the functionality of WiMAX today.OFDM: enables communication even without total line of sight.Polling: by actively providing equal time to all clients in the network, the system prevents interference among nodes, and thus maximizes network scalability.Packet aggregration and bandwidth management: ensure optimal distribution of bandwidth throughout the network.TeraMax point-to-multipoint systems are ideally suited forwireless Internet service providers seeking to enhance network performance; cable and DSL operators seeking to extend service into remote areas; municipalities requiring innovative ways to support city services such as utility monitoring or surveillance;and enterprises building metropolitan or regional private data networks. A 4.9 GHz version specifically enables public safety communications in the frequency band dedicated by the FCC for that use in the United States. These systems can be combined with TeraMax point-to-point systems (see separate specification sheet) or products throughout Terabeam’s extensive portfolio to comprehensively address your network requirements.TeraMax point-to-multipoint systems comprise base stations and clients; are available in either 5.8 GHz or 4.9 GHz versions;include mounting equipment, Power over Ethernet andmanagement software; and can be ordered with various external antennas and lengths of cable to complete the turnkey solutions.5.8 GHz clients are provided with flat-panel antennas, either affixed to a ruggedized, carrier-grade enclosure, or integrated into a flat-panel outdoor-rated enclosure.TeraMaxTMP-MP System Includes:•Outdoor radio with mounting hardware •Surge protected Cat 5 DC Power Injector •110/240 VAC to 48 VDC power supply•CD-ROM with Windows-based Terabeam Configurator software •User’s ManualA Terabeam outdoor Ethernet cable must be ordered separately per unit. Available lengths are 50, 100, 200, or 300 feet.Models with external antennas include one 6 ft LMA-600 coax cable per radio.Specifications subject to change without noticeRF FeaturesJul 2005-01Ordering Information。




简单高效的超宽带定位非视距鉴别方法Simple and Efficient NLOS Identification for UWB Based Localization许连杰,李冀,肖岩(郑州联睿电子科技有限公司,河南郑州450000)Xu Lian-jie,Li Ji ,Xiao Yan (Zhengzhou Locaris Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd,Henan Zhengzhou 450000)摘要:近几年,室内无线定位技术发展迅速,在众多无线定位技术中,超宽带(Ultra-Wide Band)有着抗多径干扰能力强,定位精度高等优点,受到学术和产业界的极大关注。


该文提出一种简单有效的超宽带非视距鉴别方法,该方法无需获取完整信道冲击响应信息,并且计算简单,适用于TDOA 定位。


关键词:非视距鉴别;超宽带;TDOA 中图分类号:TN925文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-0107(2021)05-0108-04Abstract:In recent years,indoor wireless positioning technology has developed rapidly,and among many wi-reless positioning technologies,Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)has the advantages of strong resistance to multipath interference and high positioning accuracy,which has received great attention from the academic and industrial communities.However,in some complex industrial environments,such as substations,power plants,etc.,ultra -wideband is still affected by non-visual range,and the positioning deviation can even reach tens of meters in some cases.In this paper,we propose a simple and effective UWB non-line-of-sight identification method,which does not require the acquisition of complete channel impulse response information and is computationally simple for TDOA localization.The experimental results show that the method can effectively identify the raw data with large non-line-of-sight effects.Key words:NLOS Identification;UWB;TDOA CLC number:TN925Document code:AArticle ID :1003-0107(2021)05-0108-040引言在基于位置的服务和应用中,定位信息扮演了非常重要的角色。



Functional code X : Thick film low ohm M : Metal low ohm N : Metal low ohm, high power W : Thick film low TCR P : Thick film low TCR high power ( 2512 size=2 watt, 2010 size=1 watt, 1210 size=0.5 watt, 1206 size=0.5 watt,
Tolerance F : +/- 1% J : +/- 5% P : Jumper
Packaging code P : 4” reel taping T : 7” reel taping A : 7” reel taping 15Kpcs Q : 10” reel taping G : 13” reel taping R : 0603 2mm pitch taping B : Bulk K : Bulkcase
Termination code L = Sn base (Lead free) 5 3E SSP (total)
Type code WW: R< 1ohm MW: R< 1ohm Automotive SW: R< 1ohm Anti-sulfuration
Size code 25 : 2512 (6432) 20 : 2010 (5025) 18 : 1218 (3248) 12 : 1206 (3216) 10 : 1210 (3225) 08 : 0805 (2012) 06 : 0603 (1608) 04 : 0402 (1005)



超宽带天线研究报告一、背景1.1 超宽带(UWB——Ultra Wide Band)介绍超宽带技术[1-3]的最初形式为脉冲无线通信,起源于20世纪40年代,从其出现到20世纪90年代之前,UWB技术主要作为军事技术在雷达和低截获率、低侦侧率等通信设备中使用。

近年来,随着微电子器件的技术和工艺的提高,UWB 技术开始应用于民用领域。

超宽带通信是一种不用载波,而通过对具有很陡上升和下降时间的脉冲进行调制(通常,脉冲宽度在0.20-1.5ns之间)的一种通信,也称为脉冲无线电(Impulse Radio).时域(Time Domain)或无载波(Carrier Free)通信。



图1.1 超宽带频谱图UWB由于占有带宽达到数GHz,即使传送路径特性良好也会产生失真,但其具有以下的优点,使得UWB仍然倍受重视[2]。








private communication

private communication

Practical Approaches to Channel Estimation and Interference Suppression for OFDM based UWB Communications
Ye (Geoffrey) Li, Senior Member, IEEE Georgia Institute of Technology Andreas F. Molisch, Senior Member, IEEE and Jinyun Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs
Abstract— Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication is a potential technique for future high-speed networks. In this paper, we investigate low complexity signal detection approaches for OFDM based UWB systems. In particular, we develop practical approaches for channel estimation and interference suppression. Computer simulation results show that these techniques can be effectively used in OFDM based UWB systems for performance improvement. Key Words: UWB, OFDM, interference suppression, channel estimation.



第38卷第6期 计算机应用与软件Vol 38No.62021年6月 ComputerApplicationsandSoftwareJun.2021基于注意力机制的UWB室内定位算法叶晓桐1 张 裕1 宋俊典21(上海应用技术大学计算机科学与信息工程学院 上海201418)2(上海计算机软件技术开发中心 上海201112)收稿日期:2021-04-23。





摘 要 针对多径效应及非视距环境影响超宽带(UltraWideBand,UWB)室内定位精度的问题,提出基于注意力机制的UWB定位算法。

由SENet注意力模块与卷积神经网络构建一个深度学习模型SE CNN。




关键词 超宽带 室内定位 注意力机制 卷积神经网络 定位模型中图分类号 TP301 文献标志码 A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000 386x.2021.06.032UWBINDOORLOCALIZATIONALGORITHMBASEDONATTENTIONMECHANISMYeXiaotong1 ZhangYu1 SongJundian21(SchoolofComputerScienceandInformationEngineering,ShanghaiInstituteofTechnology,Shanghai201418,China)2(ShanghaiDevelopmentCenterofComputerSoftwareTechnology,Shanghai201112,China)Abstract Inordertosolvetheproblemofmultipatheffectandnon line of sight(NLOS)affectingtheaccuracyofultra wideband(UWB)indoorpositioning,aUWBpositioningalgorithmbasedontheattentionmechanismisproposed.Adeeplearningmodelwasconstructedbyattentionmoduleandconvolutionalneuralnetwork.SENetattentionmodulereducedtheweightofpositioningdataaffectedbydynamicinterferencefactors.Theconvolutionalneuralnetwork(CNN)wasusedtoestablishanon linearrelationshipbetweenpositioningdataandtargetposition.Themodelhasastrongabilitytoreducepositioningerrorscausedbymultipatheffectsandnon line of sightinadynamicenvironment.Theexperimentalresultsshowthatthisalgorithmissuperiortootheralgorithmsinpositioningaccuracy.Keywords UWB Indoorlocalization Attentionmechanism Convolutionalneuralnetwork Localizationmodel0 引 言基于位置的服务具有众多应用领域与重要的市场价值。

CommScope 6-port 4600MHz 65°高功率天线说明书

CommScope 6-port 4600MHz 65°高功率天线说明书

6-port sector antenna, 6x 1710–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, RET compatibleProvides a future-ready antenna solution with flexibility to reassign antenna, for example GSM1800 service to 2.6GHz LTE at a later dateExcellent solution for site sharing and maximizing capacityEmploys state-of-the-art ultra wideband technology providing excellent RF performance in allbandsThis series of single ultra wideband antennas features the new, innovative AccuRET® AISGcompatible actuator fitted to the antenna’s backside reducing the overall wind loadOBSOLETEThis product was discontinued on: March 27, 2020Replaced By:6P-6M-A36-port sector antenna, 6x 1695–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, 3x RETV3-65A-R3V3-65A-R36-port sector antenna, 6x 1695–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, 3x RET with tilt scalesGeneral SpecificationsAntenna Type SectorBand Single bandColor Light Gray (RAL 7035)Grounding Type RF connector inner conductor and body grounded to reflector andmounting bracketPerformance Note Outdoor usageRadome Material Fiberglass, UV resistantRadiator Material Low loss circuit boardRF Connector Interface7-16 DIN FemaleRF Connector Location BottomRF Connector Quantity, high band6RF Connector Quantity, total6Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) InformationModel with Factory Installed AISG 2.0 Actuator MMM65A-3X2Dimensions14Page ofWidth504 mm | 19.843 inDepth118 mm | 4.646 inLength1390 mm | 54.724 inNet Weight, without mounting kit19.6 kg | 43.211 lbElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmOperating Frequency Band1710 – 2690 MHzPolarization±45°Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–21802300–25002500–2690 Gain, dBi17.617.71818.118.5 Beamwidth, Horizontal,degrees64.964.86562.362.5Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees 6.7 6.36 5.25Beam Tilt, degrees0–100–100–100–100–10 USLS (First Lobe), dB1414141718Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°,dB2425262927Isolation, Cross Polarization,dB3030303030 Isolation, Inter-band, dB2830303030VSWR | Return loss, dB 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-153-153-153-153-153Input Power per Port,maximum, watts350350350350350 Electrical Specifications, BASTAFrequency Band, MHz1710–18801850–19901920–21802300–25002500–2690 Gain by all Beam Tilts,average, dBi17.117.317.71818Gain by all Beam TiltsTolerance, dB±0.3±0.4±0.6±0.3±0.4Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi 0 ° | 17.05 ° | 17.210 ° | 17.10 ° | 17.35 ° | 17.410 ° | 17.20 ° | 17.75 ° | 17.810 ° | 17.50 ° | 17.85 ° | 18.110 ° | 18.00 ° | 18.05 ° | 18.110 ° | 17.7Beamwidth, Horizontal ±4.0±3.1±3.8±3.5±5.1Page of24Page of 34Tolerance, degrees Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees±0.3±0.3±0.5±0.2±0.2USLS, beampeak to 20° above beampeak, dB1515161920Front-to-Back Total Power at 180° ± 30°, dB 23.123.724.324.523.3CPR at Boresight, dB 1617161819CPR at Sector, dB141211810Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, frontal 715.0 N @ 150 km/h (160.7 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, lateral 77.0 N @ 150 km/h (17.3 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, rear 908.0 N @ 150 km/h (204.1 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Speed, maximum241 km/h (150 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed 637 mm | 25.079 in Depth, packed 277 mm | 10.906 in Length, packed 1614 mm | 63.543 in Weight, gross31.5 kg | 69.446 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCECompliant with the relevant CE product directivesISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHS Compliant UK-ROHSCompliantIncluded ProductsBSAMNT-3–Wide Profile Antenna Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Kit contains one scissor top bracket set and one bottom bracket set.* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performance44Page of。



适用于超宽带的检测与避让测试平台陈晓晨;吴镝;史斌;杨广贺【摘要】文章首先介绍了超宽带技术的特点,分析了目前超宽带工作环境中的干扰问题,引出了缓和干扰的检测与避让机制:接着对欧洲和中国的检测与避让机制的技术要求进行了说明;然后提出了验证检测与避让机制时的面临难点和挑战并给出了解决方案;最后介绍了两种检测与避让测试平台的设计和实现.【期刊名称】《现代电信科技》【年(卷),期】2010(040)002【总页数】5页(P62-65,110)【关键词】检测与避让;超宽带;测试平台【作者】陈晓晨;吴镝;史斌;杨广贺【作者单位】工业和信息化部通信计量中心;工业和信息化部通信计量中心;五龙电信技术公司;五龙电信技术公司【正文语种】中文超宽带(UWB:Ultra-Wide Band)与其他无线电技术最主要的区别在于有着很大的工作带宽。

全球不同地区对UWB的最小工作带宽有着不同的定义:欧盟要求的限值为50 MHz,美国规定的限值为500 MHz。


在其实现中,UWB的工作频段3.1-10.6 GHz,被分成多个频带组,每个频带组又被分成带宽为2个或3个528 MHz的信道。











关键词:超宽带分配器小型对称耦合功率分配器中图分类号:TN626文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2022)07(a)-0093-04 Design of a New Miniaturized Ultra Wideband Power DistributorREN Jian XU Minchao(The36th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Jiaxing,ZhejiangProvince,314001China)Abstract:The power distributor is an important microwave passive component in wireless communication system.This study will use structure of1/4wavelength,double section cross short-circuit symmetrically coupled microstrip line and three quarter wavelength folded microstrip line in parallel to widen the broadband of each frequency of the double branch transmission line,and design a miniaturized UWB power distributor,the full wave simulation soft-ware is used to simulate and analyze it to verify the accuracy of the design method.The test results show that the size of the structure is only22.00mm×33.45mm,all parameters meet the design requirements.Key Words:UWB distributor;Small;Symmetrical coupling;Power distributor近年来,无线通信技术日新月异,微波通信技术和系统的应用也呈现出飞速发展的态势,进而导致了频率资源日趋进展,微波毫米电路设计逐渐向着高性能、小型化、低成本的方向发展,只有这样,才能够更加有利于微波通信的发展。



·高功率微波技术·分布式阻抗末端加载的TEM 喇叭天线设计*原艳宁1, 冯 强1, 易超龙2, 席晓莉1(1. 西安理工大学 自动化与信息工程学院,西安 710048; 2. 西北核技术研究院 高功率微波技术重点实验室,西安 710024)摘 要: 基于功率容量和口径匹配扩展低频工作带宽两方面的考虑,设计了一种具有分布式阻抗末端加载结构的超宽带TEM 喇叭天线。

首先,对渐变式同轴-平板的巴伦结构进行了优化设计,扩展了馈电结构的工作带宽,提高了馈电效率;其次,对指数型TEM 喇叭天线末端进行了分布式阻抗的匹配设计,其端口特性和辐射特性均得到了明显改善,并采用功率方向图和能量方向图对天线的辐射效果进行评估。

实验结果表明,相对于指数型TEM 喇叭天线,加载分布式阻抗匹配末端结构后,天线低频带宽展宽了330 MHz ,天线主轴辐射电场峰峰值提高了10%,馈电效率提高了17%。

关键词: 超宽带; TEM 喇叭天线; 分布式阻抗; 功率方向图; 能量方向图 中图分类号: TN823 文献标志码: A doi : 10.11884/HPLPB202133.200198Design of TEM horn antenna based on distributed impedance end-loadingYuan Yanning 1, Feng Qiang 1, Yi Chaolong 2, Xi Xiaoli 1(1. School of Automation and Information Engineering , Xi’an University of Technology , Xi’ an 710048, China ;2. Science and Technology on High Power Microwave Laboratory , Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology , Xi’an 710024, China )Abstract : Based on the consideration of power capacity and aperture matching to extend the low-frequency operating bandwidth, an ultra-wideband TEM horn antenna with a distributed impedance end-loading structure was designed. First, the gradual coaxial-flat balun structure was optimized, which expands the working bandwidth of the feed structure and improves the feed efficiency. Secondly, the distributed impedance matching design was performed on the exponential TEM horn antenna, and its port characteristics and radiation characteristics were significantly improved. The power pattern and energy pattern were used to evaluate the radiation effect of the antenna. The experimental results show that, compared with the exponential TEM horn antenna, after the distributed impedance matching structure is loaded, the antenna low-frequency bandwidth is widened by 330 MHz, the peak-to-peak value of the antenna main axis radiated electric field is increased by 10%, and the feed efficiency is increased by 17%.Key words : ultra-wideband ; TEM horn antenna ; distributed impedance matching ; power pattern ; energy patternTEM 喇叭天线是定向型超宽带天线的代表,具有宽带宽、低色散、低交叉极化、结构简单和高功率容量等显著特点,能够广泛应用于超宽带脉冲雷达探测、核电磁脉冲实验、反恐武器、电子战的干扰天线和超宽带通讯等领域[1-3]。

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Ultra-Wideband Mitigation of Simultaneous Switching Noise Using Novel PlanarElectromagnetic Bandgap StructuresJie Qin,Student Member,IEEE,and Omar M.Ramahi,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—A novel design of power/ground plane with planar electromagnetic bandgap(EBG)structures for suppressing simul-taneous switching noise(SSN)is presented.The novel design is based on using meander lines to increase the effective inductance of EBG patches.A super cell EBG structure,comprising two different topologies on the same board,is proposed to extend the lower edge of the band.Both novel designs proposed here are vali-dated experimentally.A028dB suppression bandwidth starting at250MHz and extending to12GHz and beyond is achieved. Index Terms—Electromagnetic bandgap(EBG),power distribu-tion system(PDS),simultaneous switching noise(SSN).I.I NTRODUCTIONW ITH the increasing demand for modern digital cir-cuits with fast edge rates and high clock frequencies, simultaneous switching noise(SSN)has become a major concern.When many active devices switch at the same time, the switching noise generated can causefluctuations or distur-bances in the power distribution system which,in turn,leads to a degradation of the signal integrity(SI).This problem of SSN, also known as delta-I noise or power/ground plane bounce,has been discussed intensively over the last decade and different approaches have been taken to mitigate it.Typical methods include the placement of decoupling capacitors between power and ground planes,the use of embedded capacitance,via stitching,or a combination of any of these techniques.The most common drawback of these methods is the limited frequency bandwidth that they can cover.In fact,except for embedded capacitance,none of the methods is able to go beyond a few hundred megahertz and even embedded capacitance has limita-tions due to multi-modal propagation at higher frequencies. Electromagnetic bandgap(EBG)structures,proposed in re-cent years,have proven effective for noise suppression at fre-quencies above1GHz[1]–[3].The earlier EBG structures pro-posed used three layers where the EBG pattern layer with spe-cially designed via is inserted between the power plane and the ground plane,which make the fabrication more expensive.Re-cently,new planar EBG structures were reported for switching noise mitigation,as in[4]and[5],and for isolation in mixedManuscript received March8,2006;revised May5,2006.J.Qin is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,Univer-sity of Maryland,College Park,MD20742USA(e-mail:cyd@). O.M.Ramahi is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Waterloo,Waterloo,ON,Canada(e-mail:oramahi@ece.uwa-terloo.ca).Color versions of Figs.1–6are available online at . Digital Object Identifier10.1109/LMWC.2006.880713signal boards as in[6].These new structures consist of a two-layer power distribution system(PDS)with one of the layers patterned in a periodic fashion,effectively creating a frequency filtering or EBG effect.These new structures,in sharp contrast to previous multilayer EBG structures,do not have vias.These features make such structures very attractive from the manufac-turing and cost perspectives.In this letter,we present a novel planar EBG patterned two-layer printed circuit board(PCB)used for noise mitigation.The primary thrust behind the conception of these new structures is increasing the noise suppression bandwidth(bandgap)in com-parison to earlier structures.We show that by introducing novel structures with meander lines in conjunction with the concept of a super cell,it is possible to not only extend the bandgap be-yond what was achieved in previous works,but also decrease the lower edge of the bandgap to approximately250MHz without increasing the EBG patch size.The designs presented here can eliminate decoupling capacitors typically used in the sub GHz region.II.EBG S TRUCTURE W ITH M EANDER L INE B RIDGES The underlying principle behind the two-layer EBG-em-bedded power plane structure is tofilter out switching and other noise propagating within the power planes while providing a low-impedance path for dc current on each layer[5].An EBG unit cell can be modeled as an electricalfilter ofparallel resonator.The gap between the two neighboring unit cells induces the fringe capacitance.The bridge connecting the neighboring unit cells,as in[4]and[5],is in effect an inductor. The center frequency of the stopband for the EBG structure can be expressed semi-quantitativelyas12. Consequently,one observes that the lower edge of the stopband moves towards lower frequencies as the length of the bridge increases,corresponding to an increase in inductance.Here, we introduce a meander line as the connecting bridge(dc link)between adjacent patches.Fig.1(a)shows the proposed two-layer power/ground plane with planar EBG structure.The schematics of the unit cell of size30mm30mm and its corresponding parameters are shown in Fig.1(b).To demonstrate the effectiveness of the meander line bridge, we consider a two-layer board measuring90mm150mm and consisting of35unit cells.The substrate used is FR-4with dielectric constant of4.4and layer thickness of1.54mm. Performance of EBG structure can be characterizedusing -parameters.The parameter between two ports lying across several patches is sufficient to show the frequency bandgap of the structure.The location of the ports is shown in1531-1309/$20.00©2006IEEEFig.1.(a)Planar EBG structure with meander-L bridge showing the location of the ports used for S parameter measurements.(b)Unit cell showing the meander line bridge anddimensions.Fig.2.Magnitude of the S parameter measured between two ports across EBG patches having meander line bridge (meander-L ).Comparison is made with a two layer power plane (Ref.).Fig.1.Fig.2shows measured data where an ultra-wideband is observed starting at approximately 450MHz and extending to 12GHz and beyond.The de finition of bandwidth adopted here is the continuous frequency range over which the magnitudeoftheis maintained below 28dB.(There is no standard de finition for suppression bandwidth in the context of switching noise as the degree of suppression is application speci fic.Here,Fig.3.Schematic top view of a supercell.Fig.4.Top view of the board showing the layout of the super cellstructure.Fig.5.Magnitude of the S parameter measured between two ports across EBG patches having super cell patches (super-cell).Comparison is made with a two layer power plane.the 28dB was chosen for convenience as it represents signif-icant suppression in comparison to the reference case.)III.S UPER C ELL EBG S TRUCTUREHere we introduce the concept of a super cell.The super cell is formed by two patches with different topology.The new super cell is cascaded resulting in a new structure that is ex-pected to embody the bandgaps arising from the use of each of the two topologies if they were used separately,in addition to the bandgap arising from the increased periodicity formed byQIN AND RAMAHI:ULTRA-WIDEBAND MITIGATION OF SIMULTANEOUS SWITCHING NOISE489parison between the lower frequency edge of the bandgap for the meander line and super-cell structures.the new super cell.Fig.3shows the super cell structure com-posed of adjacent EBG patches with two different connecting bridge topologies:a straight line and a meander line.The patch is kept at the same size of 30mm 30mm.Fig.4shows a schematic of the entire board with similar overall dimensions as before.Notice that by the introduction of the two separate patch topologies and cascading them as shown in Fig.4,we have in effect,doubled the period of the EBG structure.Based on the transmission line model of periodic structures,the increase in the period leads to a direct decrease in the lower edge of the fre-quency bandgap [7],[8].Fig.5gives the measurements of themagnitude oftheparameter.From Fig.5,we see not just an appreciably wide bandgap,but more importantly,a downward shift,as predicted,to approximately 250MHz,in the lower edge of the bandgap.To highlight the bandwidth improvement at the lower end of the bandgap,we show in Fig.6a comparison be-tween the two cases.The 175-MHz bandwidth improvement re-alized by the super cell can lead to cost reduction by eliminating decoupling capacitors needed to maintain minimal noise in the sub 500-MHz range.The super cell structure was conceived based on the principle of increasing the effective inductance to lower the center fre-quency of the bandgap while not affecting the overall capac-itance in order to maintain wide bandwidth,and on the prin-ciple of increasing the spatial periodicity in order to decrease the lower edge of the bandgap.If a single square patch of 60mm 60mm in conjunction with the meander lines was used instead of the super cell,the lower edge of the bandgap would be close to that of the supercell structure,however,the bandgap wouldbe much narrower (the simulation results are not provided here for brevity).Finally,we note that there is no unique choice for the topology of the connecting bridges between patches.These connecting meander and straight lines can be changed to more complex structures thus enhancing the tunability of the bandgap.Therefore,such structures chosen here represents a generic type of structure with increased degrees of freedom to allow opti-mization for speci fic design needs.IV .C ONCLUSIONNew types of planar EBG structures for suppression of power/ground noise in high speed PCB have been proposed.By using meander line as a dc link between patches,ultra-wideband noise suppression can be achieved.By cascading two different bridge topologies on the same board (referred to above as super-cell structure),lower periodicity can be achieved,thus decreasing the lower frequency edge of the bandgap without sacri ficing the performance elsewhere.The super cell introduced here repre-sents a complex structure that increases the overall inductance and capacitance leading to the enhancement in performance.Overall,using the new planar designs presented here,suppres-sion of switching noise can be possible over a bandwidth ex-tending from 250MHz to 12GHz and beyond.R EFERENCES[1]T.Kamgaing and O.M.Ramahi,“A novel power plane with inte-grated simultaneous switching noise mitigation capability using high impedance surface,”IEEE Microw.Wireless Compon.Lett.,vol.13,no.1,pp.21–23,Jan.2003.[2]R.Abhari and G.V.Eleftheriades,“Metallo-dielectric electromagneticbandgap structures for suppression and isolation of the parallel-plate noise in high-speed circuits,”IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Tech.,vol.51,no.6,pp.1629–1639,Jun.2003.[3]S.Shahparnia and O.M.Ramahi,“Miniaturized electromagneticbandgap structures for broadband switching noise suppression in PCBs,”Electron.Lett.,vol.41,no.9,pp.519–520,Apr.2005.[4]F.R.Yang,K.P.Ma,and T.Itoh,“A uniplanar compact pho-tonic-bandgap (UC-PBG)structure and its applications for microwave circuits,”IEEE Trans.Microw.Theory Tech ,vol.47,no.8,pp.1509–1514,Aug.1999.[5]T.-L.Wu,C.-C.Wang,Y.-H.Lin,T.-K.Wang,and G.Chang,“A novelpower plane with super-wideband elimination of ground bounce noise on high speed circuits,”IEEE 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