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Part C Learning Strategies

Below there are some strategies that people use when learning a foreign language. Please read each statement and write down the number that best describes you in the bracket at the end of each statement. Please indicate what you really do, not what you think you should do, or what other people do. Remember there are no right or wrong answers. The numbers stand for the following responses:

1= This statement is never or almost never true of me

2= This statement is usually not true of me

3= This statement is somewhat true of me

= This statement is usually true of me

5= This statement is completely or almost completely true of me

C32 To have enough time to learn English, I plan my study time carefully.

C33 I have definite goals to improve my English.

C34 I evaluate my progress in English learning so that I can find out my weak points and take some measures to improve them.

C35 I evaluate my learning strategies so that I can discover the existing problems in English learning and find solutions to them.

C36 I choose different learning strategies according to the characteristics of learning tasks.

C37 I choose the learning materials which are best suitable for me.

C38 I memorize texts.

C39 I memorize the new words and phrases in texts.

C40 I memorize news words by repeating many times.

C41 when memorizing new words, I always associate them with some relevant synonyms and antonyms.

C42 When meeting new words in listening, I try to memorize their pronunciations and look them up in the dictionaries according to their pronunciations.

C43 When learning new grammar knowledge, I do pattern drills.

C44 I read English newspapers, magazines and novels outside of class.

C45 When meeting new words in texts, I guess the meaning from the context.

C46 To improve my listening, I listen to English broadcast and tapes outside of class. C47 When listening to a new word, I will skip it over and continue to listen.

C48 I try my best to speak English with my classmates and teachers outside of class. C49 I write diaries, notes, letters and messages in English.

C50 If I do not know how to correctly express my own ideas in English, I just try to avoid it.

C51 I pay more attention to the correct forms of English in communication.

C52 After finishing the English writing, I check it carefully and try to avoid the mistakes.

C53 I try my best to use the correct forms of English in writing and speaking.

C54 In English writing, I concentrate on expressing my own ideas and don’t care about the grammar mistakes.

C55 If I can exp ress what I want to say in English, I don’t care about whether the language forms are right or wrong.

C56 I try to express my ideas fluently in English and don’t care about making some mistakes.

C57 I pay more attention to the English fluency in communication.

C58 To understand a text well, I translate it into Chinese.

C59 When listening to English, I memorize what I’ve heard in Chinese.

C60 When speaking English, I first think what I want to write in

Chinese and then translate it into English.

C61 When writing English compositions, I first think what I want to write in Chinese and then translate it into English.

C62 Using mother tongue to learn English is very helpful to me.
