

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案2

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案2

C H A P T E R 2 T h e S h i f t i n g B o u n d a r y B e t w e e nM a r k e t sa n d G o v e r n m e n tCHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPSThis chapter introduces a series of fundamental ideas and concepts that define the essence of the economic problem. They are important because they form the foundation for the analysis of a market economy. The tools and methods that you present to students in this chapter will be carried throughout the text and developed in greater detail as you make your way through the course. Here is a great opportunity for you to give students a broad introduction to “the economic way of thinking.”The chapter begins with an introduction to markets. Because this text is grounded in market analysis, take the time to illustrate the basics concepts of upward-sloping supply, downward-sloping demand, and equilibrium. Later chapters will fill in important details.Section B broadens the students’ view of the economy from a partial equilibrium setting to a more general equilibri- um setting. This allows you to develop the important interactions between agents and markets. Roles for money and capital are established as well as the importance of property rights. All of these components of a market economy are important to its proper functioning.Section C introduces a role for government in an economy. Efficiency and equity are examined as well as macroe- conomic goals like growth and stability.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Describe what is meant by the term market and describe the process of achieving equilibrium in a market economy.2. Use your definition of market equilibrium to address three basic economic problems that confront all societies.3. Explain how the price system works as an invisible hand, allocating goods and services in a market economy.4. Understand the importance of specialization, the division of labor, money, factors of production and capital andproperty rights in the functioning of a modern economy.5. Use a circular-flow diagram to illustrate the relationships between agents and markets in a modern economy.6. Make a case for government intervention in a mixed market economy in order to promote efficiency, equity, andmacroeconomic growth and stability.SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1. In all of these cases, a combination of consumer choice and government directives or incentive plans determine theultimate allocation of resources.2. Auctions are not always practical, ration coupons hold prices artificially low, and first come first served leads tohigh opportunity costs of standing in line. A market “rations” goods to those consumers who can a fford them.3. There are lots of potential government failures. Some would argue that AFDC has been a failure; more children livein poverty in the United States today than in many other industralized countries. Would it be better to live with this market failure? We shall see.4. Pollution limitations: improving efficiency (public bad)Income supplements: equity (redistribution program)Phone regulation: efficiency (prices higher, output lower with monopoly)56 C HAPTER 2: T HE S HIFTING B OUNDARY B ETWEEN M ARKETS AND G OVERNMENT 5. Money goes in the opposite direction, i.e., from businesses to the suppliers of inputs and from households to thesuppliers of outputs. Money functions to make transactions easier and more efficient.6. Division and specialization of labor is obvious in a college or university. Faculty membersteach classes, staff members clean classrooms and deliver mail, and administrators manage budgets and raise funds for the institution. Overspecialization might leave some individuals unemployable if the demand for their type of labor decreases.7. There were arguments that slaves were property. Some argued that because slaves had to be housed and fed frombirth and trained from adolescence, they represented “human” capital—human elements of roundabout production.I am sure that you can find a lot to write about such a dehumanizing thought.8. Social security helps to promote equity in the distribution of income. National defense represents provision ofa public good. Unemployment insurance provides for stability through the business cycle. Interest on the publicdebt might promote stability by allowing government to use fiscal policy more effectively.Administration of justice often deals with imperfect competition and market failure. Pollution control battles a negative externality, while funding for basic science encourages a positive externality.9. Unlike a private good where you must reveal your preferences to receive the good, public goods are provided by thegovernment and are paid for by taxes collected by the government. It is important that the one who is paying for the good have a say in what is provided by the government.a. The best way to voice your concern about defense spending is at the ballot box.b. You can voice your displeasure at the ballot box or move to a jurisdiction where the tax is not being collected.c. Take alternative means of travel to Miami or not travel to Miami.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. What is meant by a “mixed economy?” Is it socialist? Communist?2. It has been said that prices serve a rationing function and a guidepost function. What could this mean?3. Use a market diagram to show how prices coordinate the behavior of buyers and sellers. What if buyers wantto purchase more units of a particular good than sellers want to provide? How will the price system provideincentivesin this situation?4. The how, what, and for whom questions are solved differently in different economic systems. Consider each ofthe following and explain how the three big questions of economic organization are solved (a) within your family,(b) within your college or university, and (c) in the agriculture industry.5. What considerations do you think have caused leaders in Eastern Europe to lessen their hostility toward the valueof the pricing system? What about the people? If market economies work better than other types of economic rationing systems, why is it so difficult for countries like Russia and Poland to chart a new economic course?6. Why do you suppose that history has never seen a period of complete laissez-faire? Do youthink nineteenth century America came reasonably close? What would your Utopia look like?7. “Losses are as important as profits in a pricing system.” Why? What function do losses serve?8. Identify a few economic areas in which the government is currently active. Are these activities directedprimarily toward correcting problems of equity, efficiency, or stability? Are they working? Discuss positive and negative effects of government intervention in the economy.9. The social security system was devised to help Americans during their retirement years. It has grown beyondthat objective. What are the current objectives of the system, and are there side effects that add to or subtract from its ability to meet those objectives?10. Why is the decision whether to consume today or tomorrow so important to society? Who makes this decision inthe United States? In Cuba?11. “A socialist nation and a capitalist nation do not differ in the fundamental economic problems that they face;they differ in the ways they go about solving those problems.” Do you agree? Why or why not? Do they also differ in what they consider to be desirable solutions?12. Do you think society could organize 200 million people on the principles of the kibbutz or cooperative? Why orwhy not?13. “Th e need of U.S. manufacturers to spend large sums on advertising to stimulate artificial wantsindicates that economic scarcity will soon lose its relevance.” Is this true, and if not true no w, is it likely to become so?14. Who loses, or stands to lose, when trade opens? Do they always lose? Can short-term losses turn into long-term gains?C HAPTER 2: T HE S HIFTING B OUNDARY B ETWEEN M ARKETS AND G OVERNMENT 715. What types of stabilization policies can you think of? Are they consistent with the objectives of equity andefficiency?16. Equity and efficiency can run counter to each other. Why?17. Do markets always do a good job of distributing resources to people who need them most? To people who wantthem most? Explain.ESSAY QUESTIONS1. Sketch a diagram to show how markets and prices link households and businesses to solve the three economic prob-lems. Explain the direction of money flows and the accompanying flows of goods and factor inputs.2. Prices in a market system have sometimes been described as fulfilling a “rationing” function.a. In what sense do prices “ration?” Why is rationing needed in an economic system as productive as ours?b. In the market for energy, what are the factors determining to whom the world’s supply of oil is distributed?c. Suppose a shortage of wheat exists. How does the price system react to bring about anincrease in wheat production?3. Indicate the manner in which the market system provides a solution to the for whom question in a free enterpriseeconomy. In the present American economy, what other factors are important?4. “The U.S. economic system is mixed in at least two senses.” Elaborate on this statement.5. List and discuss (a) the various factors inherent in our economy that make perfect competitionan unrealistic description of our economic system; (b) the factors responsible for the existence of monopoly elements in our society.6. “The bulk of all economic activity is directed toward the future.” What would be the significance of this for oursociety? Is it true?7. Government in a mixed society can (a) purchase goods and services, (b) produce goods and services, (c) transferincome from one group of people to another, (d) tax its citizens, and (e) borrow and/or lend money. Pick examples of each and discuss how equity, efficiency, and stabilization objectives are met in your examples.8. In The Zero Sum Society, Lester Thurow speculates on how economic interaction can take placewithout one person’s gain resulting in another’s loss. What do you think of that notion? How might it relate to globalization?9. Contrast the use of barter and money in a modern mixed economy that uses many capital goods and involves muchspecialization and interdependence. Concentrate on the efficiency of transactions—the cost involved in conducting business.10. “Specialization gives rise to di fferences in skill; differences in skill give rise to s pecialization.” Can both statementsbe true? Would specialization be worthwhile if everyone were identical?11. In what sense do specialization and division of labor depend on the size of the market? Does this help explainthe phenomenon of continuing economic growth?12. Specialization is not entirely problem-free. Discuss some of the troublesome effects of specialization on workers,the workplace, and society as a whole.13. Country A can produce all goods more efficiently than Country B. The opportunity costs of production, however,are different. Can trade ever benefit Country A?14. Discuss the fundamental difference between Milton Friedman’s ideas about a market economy and John MaynardKeynes’ ideas about a market economy. What are their major points of disagreement?15. Discuss the problems associated with providing the service of a lighthouse to ships.。



第4章 供给和需求的应用4.1 复习笔记一、需求弹性和供给弹性1.需求的价格弹性(1)含义需求价格弹性是指需求量相对于价格变化作出的反应程度,即某商品价格下降或上升百分之一时所引起的对该商品需求量增加或减少的百分比。


D D D Q P E P Q ∆=⋅∆②点弹性表示的是需求曲线上某一点的弹性,其计算公式为:。

d d D D DQ P E P Q =⋅③计算需求的弧弹性时,两点之间的变动率既可以以起点为基础,也可以以终点为基础,还可以以中点为基础。

也就是,弧弹性公式中(,)取起点、终点与中点的坐标P D Q 都成立。

一般地,以中点为基准计算弧弹性,其公式为:()()1212/2/2D Q PE Q Q P P ∆∆=÷++(3)类型①,称为完全无弹性,表明需求量为一常量,即需求量不随价格变化而变化,0D E =需求曲线和纵轴平行,其斜率为无穷大。


图4-1 完全无弹性与完全弹性②,称为无穷大弹性或完全弹性,表明价格为一定的情况下,需求量无限大,D E =∞此时,需求曲线斜率为零。


③,称为富有弹性,表明需求量的变动率快于价格的变动率,即需求量对价1D E <<∞格变化反应强烈,此时,需求曲线斜率为负。

这类商品称之为奢侈品,一般指高档消费品,如图4-2(a )所示。

④,称为单一弹性或单位弹性,表明需求量的变动率等于价格的变动率,即需1D E =求和价格以相同幅度变动,这是一种特例,如图4-2(b )所示。

⑤,称为缺乏弹性,表明需求量的变动率小于价格的变动率,即需求量变化01D E <<对价格变化反应缓和。


这类商品为生活必需品,如图4-2(c )所示。



第5章需求和消费者行为5.1 复习笔记一、选择和效用理论1.消费者的选择在解释消费行为的过程中,经济学依赖于一个基本的前提假定,即人们倾向于选择他们认为最具价值的那些物品和服务。










二、边际效用分析1.边际效用与总效用(1)边际效用的定义边际效用是消费者在一定时间内增加一单位商品的消费所得到的效用量的增量,其表达式为:()TU Q MU Q∆=∆其中,为消费者对商品的消费数量,为总效用函数。

当商品的增加量趋Q ()TU f Q =于无穷小,即时,边际效用也可以表示为:0Q ∆→()()d lim d Q TU Q TU Q MU Q Q ∆→∆==∆(2)边际效用与总效用的关系总效用是消费者在一定时期,从一定数量的商品和劳务的消费中所得到的总的满足。


萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案5

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案5

C H A P T E R 5A P P E N D I XG e o m e t r i c a l A n a l y s i so f C o n s u m e r E q u i l i b r i u mAPPENDIX OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPSThis appendix is designed to explain how consumers can use their fixed incomes to create the most utility possible, given their own personal tastes and prices dictated by the market. It begins with the same styliz ed description of the consumer’s dilemma that your students have seen in the chapter, and it reaches the same results. In fact, only the method of description is different; the problem of maximizing satisfaction subject to a budget constraint is illustrated using a diagram.If your students are like mine, they will ask, “So, why bother?” To be sure, the graph will deal with the very simple case in which only two goods are involved. Y ou will need to argue that the model helps to describe consumer behavior in a simple case, and it can be used to untangle more difficult questions. The simple geometry will clarify the general nature of making choices over many goods in the face of scarcity. The content of the analysis is not confi ned to the two- good case that can be drawn on a piece of graph paper.It is important to impress upon your students that the geometric approach frees us from having to make the assump- tion that consumers’utility functions are cardinal. The geometry assumes, instead, that people can display their prefer- ences simply by ranking different possible combinations of goods. Constructing the geometry of consumer decision making requires only that consumers are able to express a preference between two or more alternatives; i.e., they are able to say which combination of goods they want. Students generally find this ordinal notion far easier to swallow thana theory that suggests that consumers are able to quantitatively evaluate consumption bundles.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Define an indifference curve and an indifference map.2. Explain why indifference curves may vary from one individual to the next.3. Show how it would be impossible for an indifference curve representing normal preferences to run in the southwest-to-northeast direction.4. Describe what is meant by a budget constraint.5. Explain how the budget constraint shifts when income changes or when one of the two prices changes. SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1. Indifference curves for complementary goods should be L-shaped. Indifference curves between perfect substitutesshould be downward-sloping and linear, with slope = -1.2. See diagram (top of page 24).DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Using an indifference map and a budget line, derive the law of downward-sloping demand.2. What is an indifference curve? Why is it convex to the origin? What is the significance of its slope at any point?2324 C HAPTER 5 A PPENDIX: G EOMETRICAL A NALYSIS OF C ONSUMER E Q UILIBRIUMFig ure5-1Will two indifference curves intersect? Why or why not?3. Using a set of indifference curves between food and clothing and a budget line, show the consumer’s new equilibri-um relative to her old equilibrium position when (a) her income increases, but both prices remain constant; (b) the price of food falls, but her income and other prices are fixed.4. The theory of consumer behavior may be applied to the choice between labor and leisure as wellas the choice among physical commodities. Each individual may choose between daily income and leisure (equal to 24 hours less the hours slept per day). Both income and leisure are positively valued. Derive the supply curve of labor forthe individual, using the indifference-curve analysis.ESSAY QUESTIONS1. Draw a budget constraint for an individual who has $400 to spend on sweaters and sweatshirts, when the price of asweater is $50 and the price of a sweatshirt is $30. If sweaters and sweatshirts are perfect substitutes, how does the consumer choose which to buy? Explain your diagram.2. Suppose the consumer in question 1 experiences a $100 decrease in her budget. How will this affect the budgetconstraint? Show in your diagram and explain.3. Suppose the consumer in question 1 notices that the price of a sweatshirt has increased to $50. How will this affectthe budget constraint? Show in your diagram and explain.4. Why do you need both an indifference map and a budget constraint to solve the consumer problem? What informa-tion do you get from the budget constraint that you do not have in the indifference map?5. Suppose you have an individual who loves jelly but who hates peanut butter. In fact, this consumer is allergic topeanut butter. Draw some indifference curves that represent these preferences over peanut butter and jelly.6. Suppose you have an individual who believes that Coke and Pepsi are perfect substitutes. That is, theconsumer gets exactly the same utility from consuming a can of Coke or a can of Pepsi. Draw some indifference curves that represent these preferences.7. Use an indifference map and a budget constraint to show why the tangency solution is preferred to any other pointon the budget constraint or under the budget constraint.。










完全竞争的HHI 接近零,而完全垄断的HHI则是10000。












第17章促进市场更富效率17.1 复习笔记一、企业管制:理论与实践1.管制及其种类管制的基本内容是制定政府条例和设计市场激励机制,以控制厂商的价格、销售或生产等决策。





















第3章供给与需求的基本原理3.1 复习笔记一、需求概述1.需求表与需求曲线(1)需求的概念需求是指在一定的条件下,消费者在一系列可能的价格水平下愿意而且能够购买的商品的数量与价格之间的对应关系。

















萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案4

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案4

C H A P T E R 4A p p l i c a t i o n s o fS u p p l y a n d D e m a n dCHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPSIn Chapter 3 you explained the laws of supply and demand, and you familiarized students with the effects of changes in supply and demand. This leads naturally to the related question, “By how much?” How large are the responses to changes in the market, and on what does this responsiveness depend? This chapter introduces students to the concept of elasticity and exposes them to two types of elasticities: price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply. These concepts are difficult for students, particularly for those who have math anxiety. Emphasize the importance of percent- age changes in the numerator and denominator of the elasticity equations, and distinguish between price elasticity of demand and the slope of the demand curve. Do not hesitate to spend class time working through examples that illustratethe relationships between the price elasticity of demand and supply, and the demand and supply curves.The final section of the chapter provides students with the opportunity to apply market analysis and elasticity concepts in the arena of public policy-making. Distinguish carefully between the party who writes the check to the gov- ernment for a tax and the party who bears the economic burden of taxation. Just because taxes are often “paid” to the government by sellers does not mean that the sellers actually experience reduced incomes when new taxes are imposed. Price ceilings and price floors describe another type of government intervention into the operation of markets.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Define the term price elasticity of demand.2. Discuss the factors that determine whether price elasticity of demand is elastic, unitary-elastic, orinelastic, and compare consumer behavior in the short run and the long run. Describe elastic and inelastic regions that exist along any demand curve.3. Calculate price elasticity of demand using a method of averages, ant interpret your result.4. Explain, using diagrams, the relationship between total revenue and price elasticity of demand.5. Define the term price elasticity of supply.6. Discuss the factors that determine whether price elasticity of supply is elastic, unitary-elastic, orinelastic, and compare consumer behavior in the short run and the long run.7. Calculate price elasticity of supply using a method of averages, and interpret your result.8. Apply supply, demand, and elasticity concepts to the following situations and markets: (a) agriculture markets, (b)gasoline taxes, (c) minimum wages, and (d) energy price controls.SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1. A good harvest shifts a fairly inelastic supply curve to the right. Equilibrium moves down alonga relatively inelastic demand curve to support a (much) lower price, and hence lower farm revenues.2. More price elastic: perfume and ice cream because they are closer to luxuries than necessities; chocolate icecream and automobiles because there are more substitutes for these goods than there are for ice cream and automobile tires, respectively.3. Demand would be inelastic, with E D = .5.4. Assume that demand and supply both show some price elasticity.a. Output and price up along supply curve (demand-curve shift), assuming apartments are normal goods.b. Output down and price (paid by renters) up along demand curve (supply shift).c. If this price is below equilibrium (which makes sense if the policy is to have an impact), this is a price ceiling,established to protect buyers. A shortage of apartments will result, with quantity demanded greater than quantity supplied.1516 C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND d. Output up and price down along demand curve (supply shift).e. Output down and price up along demand curve (supply shift).5. According to the text, a 10% increase in the minimum wage would decrease employment of teenagers between 1and 3 percent. The impact on the adult population is even smaller. Thus, income for teenagers and adults would rise. Thus, if I had to make a decision on increasing the minimum wage, and if raising wages for low-wage workers were important to me, I would certainly vote to increase the minimum.6. Minimum wages can increase the quantity of labor supplied and decrease the quantity of labor demanded. Abind- ing minimum wage therefore creates a surplus of labor. Price ceilings can have the opposite effect. A legal maximum interest rate can lead to a shortage of loanable funds, with lenders willing to supply fewer funds than demanders would like to borrow. See Figure 4-1 for an illustration of the impact of a minimum wage on the marketfor unskilled workers when the demand is relatively elastic for those workers. Area B is lost due to the minimumwage, area A is gained, resulting in smaller earnings overall.Figure 4-1 7. The $2000 tariff on imported automobiles will act like a tax in that market, shifting the supply curve to the left by the amount of the tariff and resulting in lower quantities exchanged at a higher price. This will encourage con- sumers to substitute into autos produced by domestic firms, increasing the demand for those cars. The price and quantity exchanged of autos produced by domestic firms will rise, resulting in greater revenues for domestic automakers. 8. a. Supply down by 5 percent with elasticity of 0.05 means that price must increase by 100 percent. b. Elasticity is a ratio of percentages; it is thus unitless. c. Supply down by 50 percent means that price must increase by 100 percent to keep the price elasticity equal to 0.5. Crime should increase if addicts steal to feed their habits. A successful rehab program would shift demand in; quantity would fall by 50 percent and price would stay the same (the shifts would match). d. This policy would shift the supply of pork to the left, raising market prices. If, as argued in this chapter, the demand for agriculture products is inelastic, higher prices will result in higher farm incomes. e. The income rectangle is larger after the minimum wage is increased. This tells us that the price elasticity of demand for unskilled workers if very low; changes in the wage have little impact on the quantity of these laborers demanded. 9. a. See diagram. Figure 4-2C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND 17b. The vacancy rate will fall, there will be a shortage of apartments at the ceiling price.Figure 4-3c. The government might subsidize landlords in order to provide higher compensation for apartments.d. Rent controls limit the amount of compensation that landlords can receive for their property. This limits theirwillingness to maintain property, thus giving rise to the concerns of the European critic.10. The demand curve is given by P = 6.56 -.08Q, the supply curve is perfectly elastic at a price of $2.40 and then at aprice of $2.80. See diagram. The appropriate constant elasticity demand curve is Q = 87.2P-59.Figure 4-4DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Define the term elasticity. How does this concept help to explain the general shape and slope of a demand curve?2. True or false: The price elasticity of demand changes as price changes along a linear demand curve.Carefully explain your answer.3. If price elasticity of demand changes along a demand curve, how can we say that a demandcurve is relatively elastic or inelastic? Explain.4. It is easy to understand why a large harvest of corn should lower the per unit price. Explain how that could actuallylower the total receipts farmers get from the corn harvest.5. Oil prices increased more than tenfold between 1973 and 1981 as a result of strategies employed by OPEC, an inter-national cartel. Are you surprised that even the richest societies chose to conserve their oil and related energy products? How might people conserve and economize when gasoline, heating fuels, and electricity have become more expensive per unit? How might the increase in gasoline prices in summer 2000 affect behavior?6. “Any demand curve is almost certain to have both an elastic and an inelastic range.” Can you give an exception? Isit realistic through the range of all prices and quantities?7. How does the introduction of the time element affect price elasticities of supply and demand?18 C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND 8. “Knowing how to calculate the slope of a straight line enables you to calculate the elasticity for any point on anycurve.” Discuss the relationship between price elasticity of demand and the slope of the demand curve.9. What is the difference between the price elasticity of demand and the price elasticity of supply?10. Governments interested in maximizing their total revenue have often taxed products like salt, tobacco, andalcohol. What does this suggest about the elasticity of demand for these goods? Why would they be good targets for taxation?11. Evaluate the following charge: If the government grants an industry a subsidy of $1 per unit and the price does notfall by the full $1, then the industry is cheating the consumer.12. Under what circumstances might black markets arise? What can be done about them? Are black markets necessari-ly bad?13. Suppose the government wishes to set a lower bound on the price of wheat. Compare and contrast the methods itcan use to achieve this goal with respect to the what, how, and for whom questions.14. Many economists are against minimum-wage laws. Discuss why a legal minimum wage set above equilibriummay lead to unemployment. How do the price elasticities of demand and supply help to determine the extent of this unemployment? Can people who earn lower wages be helped in ways that will not lead to unemployment?(Think about both sides of the market as you answer this question.)15. According to some estimates, the total revenues from the sale of pornography in Denmark declined by 25 percent inthe year immediately following the liberalization of the censorship laws. From this evidence, some sociologists have determined that legalizing this type of activity reduces the demand for it. Do you agree?Why or why not? What effects on the supply side might be deduced?16. What factors are likely to make demand for a commodity either elastic or inelastic? What factorsare likely to influence elasticity of supply?17. How do you think a minimum-wage law might affect the market for unskilled labor? For skilled labor?ESSAY QUESTIONS1. The Brazilian government used to destroy a substantial portion of its coffee harvest to increase its revenue fromcoffee exports. What conditions are essential to make this type of policy economically beneficial for the country? 2. A witness in a recent congressional hearing argued that consumers budgeted a fixed amount of expenditure for theproducts of his industry. Assuming his statements to be correct, what is the elasticity of demand for the industry’s products? Why?3. On a straight-line demand curve, point out the ranges where demand is elastic, inelastic, and unitary elastic.Why does the elasticity vary along a straight-line demand curve? Draw a graph that relates these regions to the slope of a total revenue curve.4. Consider two markets, the apple market and the orange market. Draw a supply-and-demanddiagram for each market. Indicate the equilibrium price and quantity of P0 and Q0, respectively.a. If there were an outbreak of an apple disease, illustrate the new equilibrium price and quantity in the applemarket by P1, Q1.b. How might this affect the orange market? Show these effects on your diagram.Redraw the original diagram for the apple market. Now suppose the government wishes to encourage the production of apples and gives the producers of apples a subsidy of x dollars per apple.c. Indicate the new equilibrium price and quantity in the apple market by P2, and Q2, respectively.d. Explain whether the equilibrium price will increase or decrease by more or less than the amount of the subsidyper apple.e. Shade in the total subsidy the government will pay to the apple industry each period.f. Describe how this subsidy will be shared between consumers and producers.5. The supply and demand curves for wheat are very inelastic. Those for sugar are very elastic. If a sales tax of $1per unit is put on each of these goods, in which case will the incidence fall largely on the consumer and in which case largely on the producer? In which case is the revenue raised by the tax higher? Use diagrams to illustrate your answers.6. Elasticity is the same as slope. Comment on the validity of this statement.7. Explain the relationship between the elasticity of demand and revenue of a business.。



13.1复习笔记 13.2课后习题详解 13.3考研真题详解
14.1复习笔记 14.2课后习题详解 14.3考研真题详解
第16章政府税收和 支出
第15章比较优势和 贸易保护主义
第17章促进市场更 富效率
第18章环境保 护
第19章效率与 公平:重大权 衡
15.1复习笔记 15.2课后习题详解 18.3考研真题详解
4.1复习笔记 4.2课后习题详解 4.3考研真题详解
5.1复习笔记 5.2课后习题详解 5.3考研真题详解
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8.1复习笔记 8.2课后习题详解 8.3考研真题详解
这是《萨缪尔森《微观经济学》(第18版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)》的读书笔记模板,可以替 换为自己的精彩内容摘录。
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这是《萨缪尔森《微观经济学》(第18版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)》的读书笔记模板,可以替 换为自己的心得。
本书特别适用于参加研究生入学考试指定考研参考书目为萨缪尔森《微观经济学》的考生,也可供各大院校 学习萨缪尔森《微观经济学》的师生参考。萨缪尔森所著的《经济学》是有史以来发行量最大、至今在全球范围 内仍然被广泛采用的经济学教科书。为了帮助学生更好地学习这本教材,我们有针对性地编著了它的配套辅导用 书(均提供免费下载,免费升级):1.萨缪尔森《微观经济学》(第18版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题) 2.萨缪尔森《微观经济学》(第19版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)[视频讲解]3.萨缪尔森《微观经济 学》配套题库【名校考研真题(视频讲解)+课后习题+章节练习+模拟试题】4.萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》(第19 版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)[视频讲解]5.萨缪尔森《宏观经济学》配套题库【名校考研真题(视 频讲解)+课后习题+章节练习+模拟试题】萨缪尔森《微观经济学》(第18版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真 题)严格按照第18版教材内容进行编写,共分19章,每章由三部分组成:第一部分为复习笔记,总结本章的重难 点内容;第二部分是课(章)后习题详解,对第18版的所有习题都进行了详解的分析和解答;第三部分为考研真 题详解,精选近年考研真题,并提供了详细的解答。



第9章不完全竞争及其极端形式——垄断9.1 复习笔记一、不完全竞争模式1.不完全竞争的含义如果一个企业能够明显地影响其产品的市场价格,那么,该企业就是一个“不完全竞争者”。








图9-1 完全竞争与不完全完全竞争与不完全竞争的具体比较如表9-1所示。

表9-1 完全竞争与不完全竞争市场的比较3.不完全竞争的三种类型(1)垄断生产者,同时,没有任何一个行业能够生产出相近的替代品。














第2章现代经济中的市场与政府2.1 复习笔记一、市场——看不见的手1.市场市场是与社会分工和商品生产紧密联系在一起的,是商品经济的产物。

























第12章市场如何决定收入12.1 复习笔记一、收入与财富1.收入(1)个人收入与国民收入在衡量一个人或一个国家的经济状况时,最常用的两个指标是收入和财富。
























Unit11)经济学economics 研究的是一个社会如何利用稀缺的资源生产有价值的商品,并将它们在不同的人中间进行分配2)经济学两大核心思想:物品和资源是稀缺的,社会必须有效地加以利用两大主题稀缺和效率3)经济品economic goods4)稀缺scarcity 相对于需求,物品总是有限的5)效率efficiency 最有效地利用社会资源以满足人类的愿望和需要在不会使其他人境况变坏的前提下,如果一项经济活动不再有可能增进任何人的经济福利,则该项经济活动就被认为是有效率的6)经济学的精髓之一承认稀缺性是一种现实存在,并探究一个社会如何进行组织才能最有效地利用其资源7)微观经济学microeconomics 主要研究作为单个实体的市场、企业、家庭的行为;宏观经济学macroeconomics 研究经济的总体运行二者共同构成现代经济学的核心8)科学方法scientific approach计量经济学econometrics后此谬误the post hoc fallacy不能保持其他条件不变failure to hold other things constant合成谬误the fallacy of composition9)经济学的最终目的:改善人们的日常生活条件10)经济组织的三个经济问题:生产什么,如何生产,为谁生产生产什么和生产多少,如何生产,为谁生产11)实证经济学(positive economics)经济社会的事实规范经济学(normative economics)涉及价值判断12) 配置稀缺资源的制度和机制市场经济market economics 主要由个人和私人企业决定生产消费的经济制度自由放任经济laissez-faire 政府不对经济决策施加任何影响指令经济command economics 政府作出有关生产和分配的所有重大决策混合经济mixed economics 既带有市场经济的成分也带有指令经济的成分13)投入inputs 生产物品和劳务的过程中使用的物品或者劳务;另一个名称为生产要素factors of production土地自然资源,生产过程中大自然赋予人的礼物劳动人们花费在生产过程中的时间和精力资本一个经济体为了生产其他的物品而生产出来的耐用品专业化的资本品积累是经济发展必不可少的要素产出outputs 生产过程中创造的各种有用的物品或者劳务产出什么,产出多少?如何产出?为谁生产和分配这些产出?14)生产可能性边界production-possibility frontier PPF在知识技术和可投入品数量既定的条件下,一个经济体所能得到的最大产量。

















4.有效率的一般均衡的关键条件:边际效用(S MU )与价格(S P )成比例;边际成本(S MC )与价格(S P )成比例;所以边际效用(S MU )与投入品的边际成本(S MC )成比例。

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案7

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案7

C H A P T E R 7A n a l y s i so f C o s t sCHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPSThis chapter brings into focus the wide range of cost measures used by economists: total cost, fixed cost, variable cost, average total cost, average fixed cost, average variable cost, and marginal cost.Minimum production costs for a firm are represented along a total cost schedule, which is a function of the level of output. Inputs used in their least-cost combination link the production function with the cost curves, and it is the ability to adjust the employment of inputs that provides the distinction between the two components of short-run total cost: variable cost and fixed cost. The major objective here is for students to obtain a solid understanding of an economist’s perspective of cost accounting, so that subsequent descriptions of market structure will make sense. The student is expected to use tables and diagrams to develop an understanding of both specific examples and more general representa- tions of cost concepts.Chapter 7 also provides a brief introduction to accounting practices. The introduction here is short, covering only two basic tools—the balance sheet and the income statement. The balance sheet is a snapshot of financial health; it reflects the economic condition of an economic entity at some prescribed point in time. The income statement, by wayof contrast, is a motion picture, reflecting growth over a given period of time; it describes the path a firm takes between two different balance sheets.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Define and describe total cost, fixed cost, variable cost, marginal cost, and average cost, explainingwhat these measures of cost are designed to reflect and how they are related to one another.2. Derive the associated average and marginal cost statistics from total, fixed, and variable cost.3. Explain the link between productivity and cost.4. Demonstrate precisely why marginal cost always intersects average cost at the minimum of any U-shaped averagecost curve.5. Demonstrate why production costs are minimized when inputs are hired in combinations such that the ratios of theirmarginal products to their prices are all equal.6. Explain carefully the information that a balance sheet is intended to convey. List the major categories appearing onthe two sides of a balance sheet, and indicate the meaning (or definition) of each of those categories.7. List the major items appearing on an income statement. Indicate the information that an incomestatement is intended to convey.8. Explain the role of depreciation and opportunity cost in the correct and accurate construction ofan income statement.9. Define the term opportunity cost and apply it to management decisions made by firms and individuals SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1. a. .344b. At the end of 1959 his average was .346. His average for 1960 was .316. Since his average in 1960 was belowhis lifetime average the 1960 average pulled his lifetime average down.2. MC and AVC do not change; TC, AC, and AFC shift up. Minimum occurs where MC = AC = $60 at 5 units.2930 C HAPTER 7: A NALYSIS OF C OSTS 3. AC above (below) MC means that the next increment lowers (increases) the average; i.e., AC is falling (climbing).Only when MC = AC is AC neither rising nor falling; i.e., it is at its minimum.4. With a volunteer army the government must be concerned about attracting soldiers. People will agree to enlistonly when the wages they are paid cover their opportunity costs. If service is compulsory, the government has no such constraints on its wage scheme.5. a. Fixed cost equals 15 $12 = $180. MC is the cost of the labor required for each unit increase in output: $30,$25, $20, $30, $50, $70, $90. Variable cost is total labor times the wage: $30, $55, $65, $l05, $l55, $225, $315.b.Doubling the wage increases AC and MC (doubles, in fact, MC but not AC).c.Doubling productivity cuts MC and AC in half. (Factor prices and productivity both influence cost curves.)6. a.Average costs are minimized when marginal cost equals average cost; AC is falling where MC is minimized.b.AFC = FC/output; FC is fixed so as output increases AFC falls.c.AC is rising whenever MC>AC, but AC is falling when MC<AC, even if MC is rising.d.The absence of a market does not imply the absence of value.e.The least-cost rule collapses to this only in very special circumstances. The firm minimizes costs when theratios of marginal product to input price are equal for all inputs.7. The income statement would look something like:Net sales $10 millionLess: costs $9million Net income $1million Less: dividends $0Addition to retained earnings $1 million8.Assets Liabilities and net worth(end of year, millions) (end of year, millions)1999 2000 1999 2000Liabilities 0Net worth$50$51Total$50$51Total$50$51DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Explain what is meant by the terms fixed cost, variable cost, marginal cost, and average cost.2. Define the following concepts of costs and discuss how they are related to one another: TC, VC, FC, MC, AC, AFC,AVC.3. Why is it that the MC curve always intersects the AC curve at the minimum point of the AC curve? Why is thisimportant?4. “Opportunity cost is a construction of academia that has no relevance to the daily life of a firm, an entrepreneur, orthe average individual.” Discuss this statement and provide examples to illustrate your a rguments.5. What is the purpose of the income statement? What steps are necessary to translate a figure for sales into a figurefor net earnings after taxes? A figure for sales to a figure for retained earnings? Explain.6. What is depreciation? Outline several ways in which it might be computed for accounting purposes and for tax pur-poses. Can different tax accountings actually favor more rapid growth for a firm? Explain.7. Does an income statement always provide a true summary of a firm’s cash transactions? Why or why not?8. What does a balance sheet show? Describe how the fundamental accounting identity comes into play.9. “The law of diminishing returns is a production principle; hence it has nothing to do with the cost curves.” Is thisstatement true? Discuss.10. What are the opportunity costs of a new parking garage that your university is considering building? Explain.11. Is it true that in the long run fixed costs are always zero? Explain why or why not.ESSAY QUESTIONS1. Suppose that it is known that FC = $10 and that TVC = 0, 1, 5, 8, 15 for Q = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Derive aproduction table with columns depicting TC, FC, VC, MC, AC, AFC and AVC.C HAPTER 7: A NALYSIS OF C OSTS 312. Draw a U-shaped AC curve and then draw its corresponding MC curve. Describe the relationship between thesetwo curves. If marginal cost is rising, must it be above average costs?3. Define the term marginal cost. What is the relationship between diminishing returns and the marginal cost curve?Explain.4. How is AC computed? How do AFC and AVC differ? Illustrate these relationships graphically.5. Why should price equal opportunity costs in a well-functioning market?6. “The concept of marginal cost has great importance for welfare economics. The resources ofsociety are being efficiently allocated and used only if there is an equality of marginal costs across goods produced everywhere in the country.” Discuss why this statement is true.7. a.What is a balance sheet? Explain what it means for a balance sheet to balance.b.What is an income statement? How, if at all, is it related to the balance sheet?c.Does a year-end addition to earnings retained in a business necessarily imply an equalincrease in thecompany’s cash? Why or why not?8. The balance sheet of Simplified Corporation contains the following items: common stock $8000, inventory $700,cash $500, accounts payable $1000, plant and equipment (less allowance for depreciation) $7000, bonds payable $3000.a. Calculate retained earnings (the only item missing above).b. What other information would you need to calculate Simplified Corporation’s net earnings after taxes?c. Arrange these items in proper balance-sheet form.9. An oil company buys a tanker at a cost of $200 million. It is estimated that the tanker will be obsolete in 8 yearsand will have a scrap value of $1.6 million.a. If the straight-line method of depreciation is used, how much depreciation will be charged each year on theincome statement?b. How will this asset be shown on the balance sheet at the end of 5 years?10. Particular Engines Ltd. is incorporated as of January 1, 1985. It sells 10,000 shares of common stock at$100 per share. It buys new a plant and equipment worth $500,000 and pays $250,000 for a small engine-manufacturing company whose net assets, consisting only of plant and equipment, are valued at $200,000.During the year, the company purchases $200,000 of material, pays wages of $100,000, and makes sales of $500,000-all in cash. It depreciates its plant and equipment on an assumed average life of 10 years.At year end, its inventory is valued at$50,000, and a dividend is paid of $50,000.Draw up (a) an income statement for 1985 for Particular Engines Ltd. and (b) a balance sheet as of December 31, 1985.11. a. Arrange the following items into a balance sheet, under the appropriate headings and subheadings. (Figuresrefer to thousands of dollars.)Accounts Payable = 80 Accounts receivable = 120Cash = 40 Common stock = 150Inventories = 60 Plant and equip = 200Depreciation allowance = 70 Retained earnings = ?Bonds payable = 50b. What is the net worth of the company?c. No dividend was paid during the last year. A stockholder suggested that retained earnings beingwhat they were, a dividend of $50 should be declared. Comment.d. Bond interest of $5 was paid during this last year. Another stockholder suggested that if dividends were beingpassed over, then bond interest ought not to have been paid either. Comment on this suggestion.12. Discuss the sense in which depreciation allowances on the asset side of the balance sheet do or do not representan available pool of liquid assets to retire debt or replace equipment. Compare and contrast a sinking fund to retire debt with an allowance for depreciation.13. Explain the relationship between MC and AC. Explain what happens when MC equals AC.14. Explain what happens to AC when MC is greater than AC.15. Is it possible for AC to be falling and MC to be increasing?。



第1章经济学基础知识1.1 复习笔记一、经济学概述1.经济学的定义经济学是研究人与社会如何使用稀缺的生产性资源,生产出有价值的物品或劳务,并把它们分配给社会的各个成员的一门学科。















萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案18

萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案18

CHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPS This chapter applies the microeconomic theory that we have developed throughout the text to a “real world” problem:How does an economy decide how to use its natural resources? Societies have addressed this question for centuries,some deciding that nature is wild and in need of taming through technology, and others fearing the inherent power of nature and its mysterious forces. In either case, the situation calls for allocation of scarce resources, so economists should be able to provide some answers!Section I kicks off with discussion of Malthus and population growth, and the impact of increasing population on living standards and environmental quality. Section II presents some alternative ways of categorizing natural resources and describes market allocation mechanisms. The final section addresses the problem of externalities, which occur when production imposes costs on outside individuals or on society at large. When externalities occur, the market has failed because demand or supply cannot capture the true costs and benefits of actions. As we learned in the last two chapters,this tends to lead to a role for government in the marketplace.Chapter 18 ties together many of the themes that you have been developing all semester. It relies on an understand-ing of allocation through the market mechanism, on industrial structure and the impact of market failure on resource allocation, and on the role of government when externalities occur and those externalities extend beyond local, state, and national borders. Y ou can use this material as a sort of capstone to the course, and as a review of the concepts that you have taught.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1.Discuss reasons why the theory on overpopulation growth developed by Malthus has had such a great impact on the way people think about resource use. Explain why Malthus’s somewhat gloomy predictions have not come about.2.Describe the relationship between the economy and the environment, as well as the relationship between a country’s development and the quality of its natural environment.3.Differentiate between appropriable and inappropriable resources, and between renewable and nonrenewable resources. Explain how decisions concerning the optimal use of environmental resources differ depending on the category in which they fall.4.Review the path of resource prices over the past several decades. Respond to the notion that resource prices should tend to increase as population increases and demand for those resources shifts to the right.5.Define the term externality . Describe the mechanism by which inefficiencies develop in markets when external costs and benefits are present.6.Use cost-benefit analysis to find the socially efficient quantity of pollution that will occur. Construct a diagram that illustrates this decision-making process. Explain how contingent valuation might be used to place values on envi-ronmental resources.7.Review alternative government policies that are designed to correct externalities, such as emission fees, markets for pollution permits, private contracts, and liability rules. Compare the pros and cons of these alternatives.8.Discuss the difficult problems raised by global public goods .SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1.Renewable resources are those whose services are replenished regularly; nonrenewable resources are fixed in total supply. Renewable = water, forests; nonrenewable = fossil fuels.87C H A P T E RP r o t e c t i n g t h eE n v i r o n m e n t1888C HAPTER18: P ROTECTING THE E NVIRONMENT 2.An inappropriable resource is one whose use is free to the individual but costly to society. Long Island Sound is aninappropriable resource, because firms can dump trash in it for free, but this dumping imposes a cost on the rest of society. This is inefficient, because externalities are imposed on a third-party group that must pay a portion of the production costs even though they may not be involved in the market transaction.pare the arithmetic progression 2,4,6,... with the geometric progression 2,4,8,16,32... As long as the multipleused in the geometric progression is greater than 1, the geometric progression will always be greater than the arithmetic progression. As the numbers get larger, any multiple of those numbers will get larger.Hence, with a geometric progression the difference between the numbers is getting larger; with an arithmetic pro-gression the difference between the numbers is constant.4.Food production per capita would be given by the equationFPC = Total Food Production / Total PopulationIf the numerator is increasing arithmetically while the denominator is increasing geometrically, by your answer to #4 above the food per capita will eventually fall.5.Yes, towns may have an incentive to compete for “high quality” residents using local public goods. Towns withgood schools and nice beaches will be more attractive to residents and firms that are looking to relocate. Towns want to attract residents and firms that are going to bring tax dollars and other inputs to enhance the life of the com-munity. This indicates that we should return responsibility for these local public goods to the hands of local policy-makers. However, in some areas, inner-city neighborhoods for example, it is difficult to return responsibility to the residents, who may be besieged by crime and other problems. In Hartford, Connecticut, for example, the local school board at one point turned responsibility for schools over to a private firm. The point here is that local author-ity in these areas is good but is not the answer for all communities.e your own judgment on these.7.This technique is not too reliable, since people have a tendency to overvalue an item that they do not actually haveto pay for.8. a.Although many economists in the U.S. like to rely on the market to solve problems, most are willing to agreethat externalities occur when markets fail. That is, environmental problems often occur when property rights are difficult, if not impossible, to define.b.Economists often recommend market solutions because they cause smaller distortions in the distribution ofresources than would occur in a setting with full information. However, this does not mean that many economists fail to recognize the need for government-mediated solutions in some cases.c.Economists often rely on the price mechanism because, as mentioned above, it leads to a more efficient alloca-tion of resources. However, economists do recommend other sorts of solutions, such as emissions fees, in some instances.d.The most difficult economic questions involve achieving a balance between these two goals in distributingresources. On the one hand, most economists want to “make the most” out of a system’s endowment of resources.On the one hand, many of us are concerned with distributing that endowment of resources in a fair way.9.See Figure 18-1. In this case, what is “best” for each country individually leaves the world with a level of pollutionthat is higher than the social optimum. In such cases, a cooperative solution is more efficient than the competitive solution.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1.Review the ideas that Thomas Malthus had about population growth. What important factor did Malthus ignore?2.Consider the relationship between population and living standards. Think of some areas of the world that have highpopulations and poor living standards; think of some areas of the world that have high populations and high living standards.3.If a resource is inappropriable, will market failure always occur? Does the government always have to step in toallocate an inappropriable resource efficiently?4.Why is it that the prices of natural resources have not skyrocketed over the course of this century, as a greater worldpopulation is now demanding greater and greater amounts of these resources?5.What is the difference between public and private goods? Why can’t private markets provide a good like nationaldefense?C HAPTER18: P ROTECTING THE E NVIRONMENT89Figure 18-1e a diagram to illustrate the determination of a socially optimal level of pollution. Does this mean that societydesires some amount of pollution? Why would this be?pare alternative government policies designed to correct externalities. What are the pros and cons of each?8.Why have markets for tradeable pollution permits become a popular solution for pollution problems? Whathappens if a single firm buys all of the permits that exist?9.What is a global public good? Explain why these externalities are so difficult to manage. How did the KyotoProtocol attempt to deal with the problem of a global public good?10.David Roodman writes, “But if the market’s spontaneous origin has led many to underestimate its value, the mar-ket’s power has dazzled others into overlooking its shortcomings.” [The Natural Wealth of Nations. New York: W.W.Norton, 1998.] Interpret this statement. What have market forces done for the standard of living in the U.S.this century? What are the shortcomings of this progress?ESSAY QUESTIONS1.Throughout history, technology has had incredibly important impacts on the way that we live and work. In spite ofthe tremendous advantages technology brings, it also carries problems and responsibilities. What are some of these? Why might unchecked technological advance cause social problems?2.What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? During the 1970s, OPEC, an internationaloil cartel, dominated the market for oil and controlled the world supply so as to keep prices high. What happened to this cartel? If oil is a nonrenewable resource, how did OPEC lose control over the world market?3.Why has the world price of oil not skyrocketed in this century, as more and more people are using this source ofenergy? What are the sources of the recent price increases that occurred in the spring 2000?4.Is health care a public good? Are significant externalities generated by the provision of health care? What are thenature of these externalities?5.If health care is a public good, why does government not provide health-care services for everyone? Explain.pare direct controls with economic incentives as alternative methods for government to use in limiting (or pro-moting) externalities. Which type of incentive do you find most appealing?7.State the Coase theorem. Why did Coase believe that private individuals could take care of externalities?8.What important assumptions underlie the Coase theorem? Do these assumptions characterize markets in the UnitedStates today? If so, should we get the government out of the business of regulating externalities and allow private markets to operate?9.Do you think that contingent valuation is a good way to place value on our natural resources? Do individuals havean incentive to be truthful?。

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11.1 复习笔记











































































正常价格的结果,D 是双方均选择低价战价格的结果;B 和C 则是一方采用正常价格,而另一方采取低价战价格的结果。

图11-1 价格战的支付矩阵

左下角的数字是对弈者Amazing 公司的获利;右上角的数字则表示nEwBooks 公司的获利。



在双寡头垄断价格战博弈中,这两家公司在图11-1中的A 格有着共同的最大利益。




例如,在结果C 中,nEwBooks 公司坚持正常的价格战略,而Amazing 公司却采取降价战略。

于是,Amazing 公司拥有了市场,可它却损失了大笔的金钱,因为它的售价低于成本。

nEwBooks 公司一直以正常价格销售,而不是对Amazing 公司的策略以牙还牙,其处境反倒要好一些。

