中职教育-国际商务英语写作课件:第十三、四章 商务信函.ppt

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8. 表示“特此奉告”: (1) We are pleased to inform you that… (2) We have the pleasure in informing you that… (3) May we ask your attention to… பைடு நூலகம்4) We have to advise you of….
January1,2016, enclosing…
3. 表示“随函附上”: (1)Enclosed pleased find…. (2)Enclosed we hand you… (3)We enclose herewith… (4)We are enclosing… (5)Attached you will find…
information. (3) Please call me at this phone number at any time.
15.信结尾希望尽快收到回复: (1) Looking forward to hearing from you soon. (2) We would be very much obliged to you if you could… (3) We very much appreciate it if you could… (4) We look forward to receiving your earliest answer. (5) Please could you… as soon as possible. (6) Please send your earliest reply.
13.表示“遗憾…”: (1) We regret to tell you that… (2) We are so sorry to hear that… (3) Much to our regret we … (4) It is with great regret that we…
10. 表示“以回复”: (1) In reply to your previous letter of July 17,2016. (2) In answer to your…. (3) In response to your inquiry of… (4) Answering your letter dated… (5) Replying to your letter of…
advertized in…
2. 表示“收到来函”: (1) Thank you very much for your letter dated (of) March 28,2016,
concerning… (2) We have duly received your letter dated…,asking if… (3) We are very much obliged for your letter of…,enquiring about… (4) We are pleased to acknowledge receipt of your favour dated
11.表示“如……”: (1) As shown in the enclosed document, (2)As stated in the following, (3) As you can see from my enclosed CV, I… (4) As already mentioned in the above,… (5) As indicated in the previous letter,… (6) As detailed in the previous e-mail,… (7) As particularized in the attached sheet,…
1.表示“今来函……”: (1) We are writing concerning… (2) We are writing to enquire about… (3) I am writing with reference to your advertisement of… (4) The object of this letter is to … (5) We are writing in connection with… (6) We are interested in your latest product. (7) I am writing to apply for the Sales Manager position you
12.表示提请对方注意: (1) I’d like to draw your attention to the fact that… (2) I’d like to remind you that. (3) I should like to point out that… (4) May we ask your attention to…
16. 其他: (1)This is owing to… (2)This is due to the fact that… (3)This is as a result of… (4)This is because of… (5)However, when we... (6)Unfortunately, when we checked the goods, we
1. Conciseness 简短 众所周知,时间就是金钱。商人们没有时 间去读冗长的来信。只要将需要传达的信 息包含在信中,尽可能使信简明扼要。所 以,写信时用词要简练,多用简单句,避 免长而复杂的复合句和复杂复合句。
2. Correctness 正确
“正确”的意思是:不仅语言语法正确,意 思也要表达正确,如果涉及到数据,该数 据必须正确。例如:US$ 200,000 不能写成 US$200.000,这两个数目相差太大,前者是 20万美元,后者是200美元。
7.表示抱歉: (1) Please accept our apologies for… (2) We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused by us. (3) We apologize for… (4) Please excuse this error. It is certainly our fault. (5) We must apologize for the delay of … (6) With apologies once again.
4. 表示“有关详情”: (1)I will write you particulars in my next (letter). (2)I will inform you more fully in my next. (3)I will go into further details in my next. (4)Particulars will be related in the following letter.
5.表示“按你方要求”: (1)As required in your last letter, … (2)In accordance with the instructions in your e-mail,… (3)According to you instructions of your previous letter
3. Clarity 清楚 “清楚”的意思是,必须将要传达的信息用 语言明白无误地表达出来,不能有模棱两 可的语言出现,如果信让人费解,就没有 达到写信目的,由此还可能失去商机。
4. Completeness 完整
“完整”的意思的是:应该包括在信中的内 容不能遗漏。例如,如果来信中提及寄送 样品和装船日期等,回信中必须对它们做 出积极的反应,否则,该信不完整。另外, 公司老板授意让你为他写信,你必须将老 板的要点全部包括在信中,否则该信就不 完整。在国际商务英语证书考试中也是如 此,考生必须将所要求的几点包含在信中, 否则,将失去分数。
14. 表示“若……, 请随时联系” (1) Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. (2) Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any further
5. Courtesy 客气 中国人说“和气生财”。写信必须客气。只有 让读信人感到舒服,生意才有可能进行下去。 因此,写信时用词必须委婉、礼貌。有时即使 不满意,但写信最好客气一些,例如:
If you don’t pay us by the end of this month, we will be forced to resort to our lawyer though we really don’t want to go that far. 这句比“If you…, we will take legal action against you.”更委婉客气些。
dated… (4)In compliance with your request, we…
6. 表示“关于……”: (1)With (In) reference to your last letter…. (2)Further to your inquiry of… (3)With regard to the damaged goods, we… (4)Referring to our telephone yesterday, I’d like to… (5)With reference to our meeting last week, I…
9. 表示“惠请告知”: (1) Kindly inform me that…(of…) (2)Please inform us of… (3)We should be very pleased if you could tell us…. (4)We shall deem it a favor if you could advise us of… (5)You will greatly oblige me by informing that…
第十三章、第十四章 商务信函
国际商务英语写作的信函主要指在从事国际 商务活动中所需要的各种信函、电子邮件。 这些信函涉及到国际商务各个方面,如建 立贸易联系、发出邀请、提出投诉、解决 问题等。
商务信函写作原则 国际商务英语信函的写作原则是5Cs,即5个
found… (7)Please remember me to your General Manager. (8)Please give my regards to Joan.
The end