
Face Considerations in China and the US and its Influence for cross-cultural business negotiationAbstractWith the rapid development of economy and China’s entry into the WTO, the trade between China and America and its economic cooperation has increased significantly. Sino-US business negotiation, as an indispensable activities for promoting economic exchanges to realize cooperation and mutual benefits, are becoming more and more important.China and the US both have its unique and culture. Face considerations are an important aspect of culture. The differences between China and America in their perspective of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues often bring difficulties in understanding or even misunderstanding in Sino-US business negotiation, becoming obstacles to negation. How to conduct cross-culture business negotiation better is a question that needs to be resolved for negotiators of China and the US. The thesis makes a relatively detailed study of the influence of the different face consideration in China and the US on business negotiators and give suggestions for Chinese and America negotiators in the last. Key words: face consideration; business negotiation; China andAmerica;culture differences摘要随着中国经济的快速发展以及中国加入世界贸易组织,中美贸易往来与经济合作显著增长。

跨文化交际下的中西方“面子”观作者:余乐来源:《课程教育研究·学法教法研究》2016年第19期【中图分类号】G04 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)19-0246-01对于第二语言教学者来说,了解中西方的文化差异、实现有效的跨文化交际是非常有必要的;而中西方对“面子”的不同解读造成的交际冲突,也是跨文化交际中一个十分有趣的现象。

美国人类学家Brown&Levinson拓展了Goffman的定义,称面子为“ 每一个社会成员意欲为自己树立的一种公众自我形象,通过与他人的交际,这种形象可以被损害,保持或增强”。

在西方,Brown和Levinson 提出了以面子观为中心的礼貌理论,包括面子、威胁面子的行为以及面子保全论三个概念。
而在中国,面子是个体社会地位、社会价值关键词:面子理论;中西差异;文化差异AbstractChina and the western countries have different face theories due to their different historical development and cultural values.In western countries,represented by Brown and Levinson,they have put forward politeness principle centered on “face'’, including face,face—threatening acts and face—saving acts.While in China,face is related with traditional etiquette,which is the combination of ideal requirement and personal identity.This paper attempts to compare face concepts between western countries and China, which will be beneficial for cross.cultural communication.Key words: Face Theory; Differences between China and the West;Cultural Differences要面子是全世界各个民族普遍存在的社会现象,但是不同的民族对面子问题有着不同的理解。

1. 面子与个人主义:中国文化中,面子很重要,个人主义相对较弱。
2. 沟通方式:中国人普遍倾向于含蓄和间接的沟通方式。
3. 社交场合:在中国文化中,社交常常以团体为单位进行,比如家庭、朋友圈、同学组织等。
4. 尊重和礼貌:在中国文化中,尊重长辈和上级是一种重要的价值观。



"Face Problems" Consideration in Chinese and AmericanChina and the United States both have its unique culture. Face considerations are an important aspect of culture. The differences between china and the United State in their perspectives of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues often bring about difficulties in communication.First I’d like to list some classical differences in daily life between Chinese and American 1.greet2.Farewell3、Provide4、ThanksSo ,why the people from these countries has such large different when that talking and living. I think it’s all because of the different way treat “face problem”.China and the United States both have its unique culture. Face considerations are an important aspect of culture. The differences between china and the United State in their perspectives of face, degrees of concern with face and ways of dealing with face issues often bring about difficulties in communication.Major Characteristics of Chinese Concept of “Face”Chinese concept of "face" has a lot of special characteristics according to traditional culture.In Chinese, “face” has to do with the image or credibility of the person you are dealing with. You should never, insult, embarrass, shame, yell at or otherwise demean a person. If you do, they will lose "face". For example, in ancient times, a Chinese warrior chief may commit suicide after losing a battle, because he has lost face. While this may no longer occur, the concept of "face" remains alive and in China. Awareness of face and it's impact has been an extremely important cultural issue.In addition, face has a significant business impact. For example, in the business world, negotiations should be conducted to assure that the person at the other end of the table maintains face even if the deal should not conclude successfully, and his "face" may be dependent upon his ability to conclude the deal.Major Characteristics of American Concept of “Face”In American culture I think people value individualism. Especially, young people are concerned with being “individuals” nowadays.Concerns for face exist in the United States but remain out of most people's awareness. Life in North America has been relatively mobile from the earliest days of European colonization and is highly mobile today, and the composition of one's community and friendship groups changes often during one's lifetime, and even relatives can be left behind when somebody decides to search for opportunity elsewhere. Rarely is the maintenance of group integrity and harmony paramount in a lasting way, so to make face-saving seems to be less critical.In the west, humanity is largely defined theologically. The concept of humanity is largely separable from society. Since humanity is endowed by God, loss of “lian” would thus hardly equal loss of personhood or humanity. Human dignity is regarded as profound, and an individual still has a stronghold of God-endowed humanity that provides alternatives by which to sustain meaningful living in the culture after the loss of face. This may explain why western politicians still appeared dignified, self-confident, and friendly to opponents who have defeated them in political campaigns. In the west, loss of face is similar to loss of mianzi in China. But the former may produce fewer undesirable consequences than the later. Loss of face in the west only slightly undermines one’s individual social worth.conclusionFirst of all, Chinese and Americans understand face in different ways and show different degrees of concern with face. In the US, most people do not worry about face. Only a small number of people are relatively concerned with face. In china, people are more sensitive to face. If a Chinese loses face, he will feel that his dignity is offended.Another difference between Chinese and American views of face is that Chinese value collective face more while American value individual face more. In china, individuals belong to a certain collective. Americans are different. They have strong individualistic values, stressing individual role and value.ReferencesCheng C. The concept of face and its Confucian roots[M]Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 1986. Ho, D. Y. On the Concept of Face[J].American Journal of Sociologist, 1976: 867-884.杨丹丹.中西面子文化的语用策略分析[A].黑龙江大学硕士论文集.黑龙江昂:黑龙江大学出版社,2009.车云芳,郑娟.中西面子观差异及维护面子方略[J].中国电力教育,2009(2):11-13.黄金德,试论中西方面子文化的差异[J].琼州学院学报,2009(6):21-24。

跨文化交际作业The differences in “Face”between China and the westThe differences in “ Face” between China and the westAll Asians have this quality of face , honor , integrity and pride . In return , all Asians respect the face of their people, familyetc. Their values are to be truthful but discreet and considerate; caring without being weak ;and never lose your face or cause an Asian to lose face . Face cannot be underestimated. Asians have long memories, and any loss of face will be remembered.How can we Chinese measure Face ?Face is the measure of one’s self pride, integrity, character and good name, but it is much more than personal pride; it involves the entire group (the family, the school, the neighborhood, the work place, the city and the country). Face keeps relationships in order as it allows the longevity of group harmony, and it promotes group solidarity. It measures the social standing of the person within the group and the social standing of the group as well. If one person loses face, the whole group loses face, so it is much deeper and stronger than a simple embarrassment. The theory of face allows the group to have social control over the behavior of the individual. It is most evident in communication between superiors and subordinates.Do Westerners have Face ?Westerners have a face component in their society, but appear to place more value on privacy as they have ever written books on privacy and adamantly guard their right to it. Through the actions of many Westerners, the absence of the Asian—type face is visible. There is no timidity with a Westerner in regards to speaking theirmind, asking questions in the classroom or challenging their superiors, to say an outright no to friends or colleagues, this end result of their actions does not affect the group in any manner, just the individual. Westerners sometimes refer to having a loss of face as a form of slight awkwardness, but shame is usually not a large part of it. When a Westerner does something wrong, he or she feels more guilty than shame. If an individual does something wrong, he will take full responsibility for himself .Thus the group is not held responsible for the action of the individual. Westerners think it is an important part of a democratic culture where every individual has his own personal rights.The reason analysis of different attitudes towards FaceThe different attitudes towards Face between Chinese and westerners reflect two different values: “ We-culture” and“I-culture”, also called Collectivism and Individualism.The Confucian ideal for handling the relationship of the country and the individual is: self—cultivation for the harmony of the family, for the order of the country and for the peace of the world. What’s more, this ideal has become a belief and practice of the whole Chinese people. Influenced by this tradition, Chinese tend to maintain the collective interest even by sacrificing his owninterest. Thus, one must take the responsibility for the family,society, race and nation. It is also embodied in the famous couplet: Concern for the world comes first, joy for the self comes last.Western tradition cultivates the Individualism , the essence of culture values in western countries. In western history and culture , Individualism is praised as high as liberty, democracy, freedom and human rights.It is obvious, when we think about it, that people of different cultures and backgrounds , have different values, attitudes andbehaviors towards the same thing.关键词:面子集体主义个人主义儒家文化传统哲学民主平等自由人权中文摘要:以中国为代表的亚洲人重视面子和荣誉,他们也同样尊重家人和他人的面子,在公共场合,尤其谨慎,不轻易表露自己的感情和态度,以免自己丢面子,同时造成家人或单位乃至集体跟着没面子。

【关键词】文化;面子观;语用策略;跨文化交际1 面子理论面子在中国社会是一种既复杂又微妙的文化现象,中外学者从未间断对其探索。
根据Brown和Levinson (1987)的礼貌理论,面子是社会成员希望他人认可的公众自我形象。
美国社会语言学家Erving Goffman把面子定义为在交际中根据他人的臆测为自己有效争取的肯定的社会价值。
Stella Ting-Toomey认为面子是在特定的社会情境下,个人所声讨的一种积极的社会自我意象。

1. 面子观在家庭关系中的表现在电影中,大侠与绿雨的婚礼筹备中,两个家庭的观念差异凸显出来。
2. 面子观在社交圈的建立中的表现中西方文化中,面子观在社交圈的建立中也有着不同的表现。

老外如何理解中国人的面子问题第一篇:老外如何理解中国人的面子问题2011年4月20日12:18:15署名—Jacky一In China, there are many unspoken rules.Do's and don'ts…And what you don't know…could even cause someone else to 'lose face.' It brings feelings of pride, embarrassment, humiliation, flattery and humility….Thankfully, there are answers.Luo Weijia is a Chinese language and culture teacher at Beijing Hutong School.In her class, she teaches foreigners this complex component o f Chinese culture.“Face stands for reputation and position of a person.Also, I think it's very important in Chinese culture.” It sounds simple enough.After all, we try to maintain a sense of dignity in the West, too, don't we? No one wants to be humiliated.But it goes much deeper than that in China.Fabrizio Franciosi from Rome, Italy has been living here for a year and is studying Chinese at Beijing Hutong School.He says that the social rules in Italian culture are more obvious, so he's more cautious here.“China, it's really not the same.The rules are stricter, so you have to carefully follow some basic Chinese traditions.” In the West, culturally, we make fun of ourselves and maybe even other people.It's even OK to ridicule ourselves lightly in front of a group.This is not so much the case in China.In fact, it's possible to 'lose face' on your own entirely by accident.Beijinger Liang Cheng has lived in the USA for many years and just returned for university here.Her Chinese friends can't understand why Westerners would lose face on purpose.“Say, I'm American, and you're sitting next to a Chinesefriend and then you hear something on the news for example about Americans doing something that, in your opinion, is really stupid.But to them, they don't know anything about the situation.And you say, 'Oh look at us, America is just going down the drain.' He would maybe look at you in a very strange way, you don't talk about this, and you don't talk about your own country in China.You don't joke like this.” Confrontin g people is also a delicate matter.Michael Cain from North Carolina arrived two years ago to study Chinese language and culture.Back then, his understanding was that “face” was somewhat related to ego.Through studying business practices in China, he's learned that good business has to respect these cultural norms.“I would say that being a Westerner, we are much more direct.And in China, directness can actually lead to a loss of face for the locals.If you're a foreign manager and you have2011年4月20日12:18:15署名—Jacky local workers, especially in front of someone else, especially being so direct, like, 'Why are you late? Why don't you do it in this manner?,' can cause a loss of face for a Chinese person, because it's like taking away their standing in front of their peers.” In the workplace, Luo Weijia explains that this is because what westerners consider group feedback could be viewed as public criticism in China.Likewise, people who want to save face may not like to admit mistakes.One of Luo's students is con stantly frustrated by this issue.“She's already been working here for three years and can normally get used to everything, so she can get along very well with her colleagues.But there is one problem she can't stand for.They can never admit they made a mistake, they pretend like nothing happened.So, that really annoys her.” Sometimes not understanding the rules may causeothers to lose face at dinners and outings.Unfortunately, as Cain points out, sometimes it's hard to know exactly how to behave.“I would say that I've had the experience of going out to dinner with a Chinese person, and they offer to pay, and you say, 'No, no,' but then they insist.And really, you're supposed to pay, but it kind of gets lost in who should be giving face to the other one.And I've caused those situations to happen, when I let them pay when I should have paid to give them face.And I've definitely taken someone to a place thinking it's the cool thing to do when it would have been better to take them to a Hong Kong restaurant that costs a load.” There are also rules in the classroom.By accident, foreigners questioning a teacher can cause him or her to lose face unintentionally.Luo teaches a small group of foreigners and adds that she is still learning to grasp this cultural differen ce.“In China, we really, really, respect Chinese teachers, like when I was in high school or university, we'd never tell my teacher, 'I don't trust you or I don't think you are right;I don't agree with you.' But sometimes, in my class, we maybe talk about some problem and they correct my opinion or correct my mistake.So, I feel a little bit humiliated in front of my class.But I think it's very normal for foreigners to say, 'You are wrong, I have a different opinion.' But for Chinese, it's a little bit weird, so it's better to be careful about that.” This doesn't mean you have to walk around scared to offend the Chinese people all the time.After all, Luo says that foreigners aren't expected to know these rules all the time.Thankfully, most Chinese people will be much more forgiving even if they are a bit confused by your actions.It's a different culture.So, many things get lost in translation.Or, in this case, lost in face.For CRI, I'm Andrea Hunt.2011年4月20日12:18:15署名—Jacky unspoken [,ʌn'spəukən]adj.无言的;未说出口的;不言而喻的 unspoken:未说出口的 | 欲言又止 | 不能说 do's [du:z]n.行为规范;(英)欢庆会;应该做的事(do的复数形式)Do's:什么; don'ts n.不该做的事Don'ts:不应该做的 | 不可做embarrassment [im'bærəsmənt] n.窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物;拮据Embarrassment:尴尬 | 困窘 | 障碍humiliation [hju:,mili'eiʃən] n.丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑humiliation:羞辱| 丢脸| 蒙耻humiliated v.屈辱(humiliate [hju:'milieit]的过去式);使丢脸,使蒙羞adj.羞辱的humiliated:感到受侮辱 | 乡村蓝调flattery ['flætəri] n.奉承;谄媚;恭维话Flattery:灌迷汤 | 谄媚 | 奉承 humility [hju:'miləti]n.谦卑,谦逊Humility:谦卑 | 谦逊 | 谦虚 component [kəm'pəunənt] n.成分;组件;[电子] 元件adj.组成的,构成的component:组件 | 成分 | 零件maintain [mein'tein] vt.维持;继续;维修;主张;供养maintain:保持 | 维修 | 维护保养供给stricteradj.strict的变形(strict [strikt])stricter:更加严密culturally ['kʌltʃərəli] adv.从文化角度,文化意义上;在人文学方面culturally:文化意义上ridicule ['ridikju:l] n.嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄vt.嘲笑;嘲弄;愚弄Ridicule:荒谎无稽 | 嘲笑 | 愚弄drain [drein] n.排水;下水道,排水管;消耗vt.喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水vi.排水;流干drain:排水 | 漏极 | 排水管confrontingv.面对;对抗(confront的ing形式);对立Confronting:对照delicate ['delikət]adj.微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的delicate:精致的 | 精美的 | 细软的directness [di'rektnis, dai-]n.直接;率直;笔直directness:笔直 | 直接性feedback ['fi:dbæk]n.反馈;成果,资料;回复Feedback:意见反馈 | 反馈 | 回输 criticism ['kriti,sizəm] n.批评;考证;苛求criticism:评论 | 评鉴 | 批判主义 likewise ['laikwaiz]adv.同样地;也likewise:也 | 同样地 | 同样的 issue ['iʃju:, 'isju:] n.问题;流出;期号;发行物vt.发行,发布;发给;放出,排出vi.发行;流出;造成结果;传下kind of(副词性短语)有点儿;有几分;一种 | 稍微unintentionally [,ʌnin'tenʃənəli] adv.无意地;非故意地;非存心地第二篇:中国人面子问题探究中国人面子问题探究:人情可以实现权力再生产2014年05月21日10:11 中国青年报我有话说(1,178人参与)收藏本文翟学伟著作《中国人的脸面观:形式主义的心理动因与社会表征》封面江南贡院翟学伟在自己收藏的清代红木太师椅前。


中国面子文化英文作文英文:In Chinese culture, face is a very important concept. It refers to a person's reputation, dignity, and honor. It is a reflection of one's social status and personal worth. Face can be gained, lost, given, and taken away. It can be seen in many aspects of Chinese life, such as business, relationships, and social interactions.For example, in business, it is important to maintain face by showing respect to your business partners and clients. This can be done by using proper titles and formal language, giving gifts, and showing appreciation for their contributions. Losing face in business can have serious consequences, such as losing the trust and respect of your partners or clients.In relationships, face is also important. It is important to show respect and consideration for yourpartner's feelings and opinions. Losing face in a relationship can lead to hurt feelings and damaged trust.In social interactions, face can be gained by showing generosity, kindness, and respect to others. It is important to maintain face by avoiding causing embarrassment or shame to others. Losing face in social situations can lead to humiliation and social ostracism.中文:在中国文化中,面子是一个非常重要的概念。



中国人的面子观英语作文There is an old saying in China“people need face while the trees need skin”.the meaning is that Chinese people pay special attention on the dignity.Loving face is most people’s behavior,so they like to brag,they enjoy being adored by others.About the face problem.I think we should not take it serious,we are not living for other people,we are living for ourselves.The real self-esteem is from our hearts,not from other people.Chinese people like to brag,they brag about their property,hoping that people will respect him.The funny thing is that only the fake successful people will brag,the real one is silent,they keep working hard,the successful career supports their self-esteem.If we want people to respect us,we should show our reality,be nice to them,never brag about ourselves.Keqi not only means considerate.polite.and well mannered.but also represents humbleness and modesty.It is impolite to be arrogant and brag about oneself or one's inner circle.The expression is most often used in the negative,as in buyao keqi,meaning‘you shouldn't be so kind and polite to me,or you're welcome.’Besides,Chinese seldom express what they think directly and they prefer a roundabout way.Neither show their emotions and feelings in public.They rarely greet people with a handshake.though it is very popular among foreigners,say nothing of embracing or kissing when greeting or saying good-bye.Consequently,it is better not to behave too carefree in public.even though you are well-intentioned.Also,it is advisable to be fairly cautious in political discussions.Do not particularly push yourself forward,or else you are unwelcome.。

---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英文论文中西面子观体现的文化差异_英语论文AcknowledgmentsMy writing of this thesis has smoothly come to an end, and I hereby would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis.5701My profound gratitude first goes to Associate Prof. Xu Jing, my supervisor, for her constant guidance and encouragement in the process of my writing. She offered me considerable and constructive advice, practical and profound suggestions on the completion of my paper. Just under her careful and patient guidance, I begin to get a clear idea of the paper and fully frame it out.Without her support and help, the completion of the present thesis is impossible.1 / 22I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have ever taught me throughout my college years, especially Cao Xia, my British and American Culture course teacher. Her profound knowledge of western cultures led me into the world of culture, and also inspired me to make efforts in English learning. I am also very grateful to all other teachers of the School of Foreign Languages who gave me direct or indirect help during my study in the college.I am also grateful to my classmates and roommates for their encouragement, support, comments and wise advice.Last, I wish to devote this paper to my parents for their everlasting dedication that they have shown since I was just---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ a little child.AbstractWith the progress of globalization and the development of science & technology, there are more and more intercultural interactions during daily life. However, due to the differences of cultures and customs, people from different countries often suffer from culture shock or collision, which does harm to communication. Politeness is required in all kinds of languages while face theory, as an important part of politeness, has great influence on the communication in daily life.China and Western Countries have different views on face due to their different modes of thinking and value systems. In the western countries, Brown and Levinson3 / 22proposed politeness principle centering on face, including face, face-threatening acts and face saving acts. In China, face is a conception which includes personal identity and social value. In this paper, I will make a comparison of face attitudes between China and Western Countries, then illustrate different behaviors caused by different face values, and offer some suggestions on how to avoid the collision on face, which will be helpful to avoid conflicts during cross-cultural communication.本篇论文共分为六部分。

面子在社会文化中的体现:中西方国家之间语言方面的比较研究运韵【期刊名称】《海外英语(上)》【年(卷),期】2010(000)005【摘要】This paper comparatively analyzes the different interpretations of 'face' in China and the western countries.While China and the western countries share some similar aspects in the interpretation of face-giving,they are obviously different.On one hand,China has a deeper focus on the hierarchical social order,while the west on individuality.The differences have led many,on both sides,to believe that the practices of the other are neither understandable nor appropriate.However,these differences seem to divide the cultures of different nations,common sense and good manners can help bridge differences and actually achieve the salne ends,and those ends are namely,respect.【总页数】3页(P274-275,277)【作者】运韵【作者单位】天津农学院,人文社会科学系,天津,300204【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G04【相关文献】1.从面子礼貌体系角度探析中西方面子观的差异 [J], 李秋2.面子在社会文化中的体现:中西方国家之间语言方面的比较研究 [J], 运韵3.论跨文化交际中的中西方面子文化差异 [J], 范婉琳4.中西方面子观差异——以电影《喜宴》为例 [J], 刘虞婷5.基于不礼貌视角对比中西方面子观念的差异 [J], 曲轩仪因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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参考文献:[1]Brown,P. & S. Levinson, Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. C a mbridge: CUP, 1987,(61).[2]He, Zhaoxiong, Study of politeness in Chinese and English Cultures[J].外国语, 1995,(05).[3]Hu, Wengzhong & C. L. Grove, Encountering the Chinese: A Guide for Americ a ns. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural press, 1991.[4]Hudson, R. A, Sociolinguistics[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching a n d Research Press, 2000.[5]Scollon, R. & S. W. Scollon, Intercultural Communication: A Discourse App roa ch. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.[6]Wardhaugh, R. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Beijing: Foreign Langu age T eaching and Research Press, 2000.[7]Yule, G., Pragmatics[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language and Educ at ion Press, 2000.[8]何兆熊. 语用学概要[M ]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1987.[9]何自然. 语用学与英语学习[M ]. 上海:上海教育出版社, 1996.[10]陈融. 面子•留面子•丢面子[J].外国语, 1986,(04).[11]陈治安等. 英汉对比语用学与英语教学[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2 002.[12]周榕,胡永红.Politeness Strategies in English and Chinese [M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002.[13]祝畹.社会语言学概论[M]. 长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1994.Chinese and American Language Communication in the face view of explorationAbstract: The politeness is a common phenomenon in human communication. Brown and Levinson's politeness in 1978 proposed the principle of high-impact theo ry in the face. Of different nationalities of people's views vary widely on the face. Face in the smooth and successful social interaction plays a key role, regardless o f losing face, interpersonal communication would be impossible.Keywords: language communication; politeness; faceFirst, politeness, face and communicationCommunication politeness can be defined as' a kind of used to display the m eans to realize that other people face. '(Yule) in social interaction to identify a num ber of different principles of courtesy which is possible. Including tact, generosity, h umility and compassion for others. Communicative activities of the participants are usually aware of these norms and principles in social life abound. Hello, shaking h ands and send gifts, all of which show some kind of established the existence of g oodwill and friendship. People behave politely to show that they began to communi cative activities, friendship and sincere desire to, or already exists to maintain a ha rmonious relationship with others, or when such relations are facing an injury to fix it. To maintain a harmonious interpersonal relationships and achieving a smooth a nd effective communication, courtesy is an important tool at all times. However, in a communicative activities, there is sometimes a more narrow type of courtesy, but is even more necessary to describe this type of courtesy is necessary to use the concept of face.Face of this argument in the late 1950s made by Goffman. He believes that everyone face the most sacred thing is that all communication must be of concern to those who are a key factor. On the face of the demand is mutual. If a person i s to obtain a face, he should pay attention to someone else's face. This can be 't he Bible' in a concise and comprehensive proof of principle: If we want other peopl e to treat you, how you should treat others. Therefore, individuals face is a kind of social consciousness. In which individuals have devoted feelings, I hope every oth er individual on this recognition. Face may be lost in the communicative activities t o restore, maintain or strengthen, we must keep attention. Usually, people will cons ciously or unconsciously cooperate in communication to demonstrate their interest in enhancing each other's face, because everyone of us want to achieve their own purposes. Only individuals are taking and the protection of other people's face, until the success of communication activities may be carried out smoothly; only this, so ciety can be relatively stable development, interpersonal skills, was able to expand, business transactions can be carried out smoothly. Communicative activities can b e defined as a place, including among the different texts and contexts of the broad concept. Is a place for at least two communication of information among those wh o transfer process. Language as the main communication channel, or tools, the lan guage information from the starting point / sender transmitted to the destination / r ecipient. Information issued by the hope that the information or language would have an effect on the listener. However, the communication is not only an exchange of information, not just a kind of communication that both sides should actively orga nize and construct information on the cooperation, which includes all of these peopl e are interactive process. All behavior can be described as communicative in natur e. Meals discussions, telephone conversations and provided little information on the road greeting, but for the maintenance of harmonious interpersonal relationships is an extremely important tool. Generally speaking, we must know what is being res pected, and what is not; when and where we are on how to behave appropriately and courtesy as a way to safeguard themselves and others face.Second, the Chinese concept of face communicationFor thousands of years. Face in Chinese culture have always played a very i mportant role. It is no exaggeration to say that, not to each other face communicat ion activities would be difficult to smooth and efficient manner. Chinese people hav e a sense of attention to communication in the face. As a well-known as the Chin ese saying goes: 'people have to face the tree to be leather. 'A lost face, the Chin ese people will be involved in the communicative activities of his losing interest. W hich result in a person losing face is also very likely to endanger the person in the hierarchy inherent in the status. Loss of face is not just an embarrassing problem for individuals, but also may affect the cohesion of a group or a whole face, it als o has the potential to disrupt social order risk.The reason why the Chinese people attach importance to face the problem t here are two main reasons: First, the Chinese people in their own habitat for thous ands of years have been hard to survive on land, and the surrounding friends, nei ghbors and relatives to live together, rarely have the opportunity to migrate. When a particular group's daily lives and when to maintain a harmonious relationship amo ng members is particularly important. Therefore, to maintain harmonious relations, to avoid conflict and protect each individual and collectively we face has become a natural and necessary choice. Second, Confucius stressed that most of the human nature of the relationship is unequal. He did not think that what is wrong with this inequality, because the bottom of hierarchy exists between the different inter-genera tional obligations. He believes that only when some kind of social scene Katsumi S hurei all parties, social harmony can be realized. But one of the ways to achieve t his goal is to accept and respect the right of every individual to protect their face needs. The party in high positions are often the exercise of power, but should also equip itself with the moral compassion and sense of justice. Similarly, the lower w ere required to respect and obey their superiors and also look forward to higher au thorities for their protection, care and guidance.When a difficult to deal with unpleasant things arise, face the problem even more to consider. Exchanges with the Chinese of course have to be careful when you face problems, but too casual conversation would always worry about offending each other's face is totally unnecessary. In order to better and the Chinese peopl e contacts, Hu Wenzhong and Grove proposed the following eight principles:First, for those in age and position higher than themselves respectful humility. The second is to treat those in age and position lower than themselves. Third, do not expect the Chinese people will act in a manner contrary to the principle of col lective. Fourth, do not insist that you respect your superiors of their rights and vie ws. Fifth, the challenges do not in any way approved by higher moral standards. 6 is not to show anger, it is necessary to avoid confrontation. 7 is that if you have to say 'no', as the euphemism that roundabout. Eighth, if you have to criticize and blame, preferably in private, while the other's claim be affirmed.Although the Chinese people did not take into account in each case both face problems, but to take such strategies are still safe and beneficial. Modern China h as been the impact of foreign culture, the Chinese people in the material life and t hought patterns have undergone tremendous changes, many Chinese people are a djusting and the formation of a new concept of face. If, however, decided that it n o longer care about the Chinese people face the problem wrong.If you contact convinces the other side and the Chinese lost face, how do y ou respond? If you find a Chinese friend or colleague on your attitude and behavio r that has significant negative changes, or you find that you have from a trusted fri end of China, where information becomes more difficult to get help, and then you have to take seriously this case scenario. Reason may be that you bring the other side lost face, the following approach will help to save face: first, to stop anything that might continue to cause loss of face behavior; secondly, to find a relationship, and we have a good acquaintance, invited him to mediate between you; Again, regardless of whether you do the second step, you should be the person you offend ed an apology and a request for understanding; Finally, the future should respect a nd understanding each other, we must take into account all aspects of each other's status, needs and aspirations of inner secret . In short, we must find ways to rest ore once you've hurt each other's face.Third, the Americans face problems in communicationOf different nationalities of people's views vary widely on the face. Few Amer icans are talking about face, some argue that the Americans do not care about fac e. But the fact is not true. Face the problem of social studies scholars and linguist s have proved to save the face of human communicative activities of common con cern, so Americans are no exception. We need to note that the communication in t he Chinese and Americans face the concept of understanding the difference. In the third section, we have already talked about the Chinese people face the problem exists in most people's consciousness. The Americans may be viewed as a sort of personal privacy, freedom, independence, human rights, independence, wealth and reputation, and so related to things. These things is not the same face, but the A mericans they are very valued.In addition to native American Indians, they are all from around the world es pecially in Europe, immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Their lives since the colonial period has been in a flow into. If they are tired of a place, or found in the way of life no longer feel comfortable, then they will not hesitate to move to forei gn land in pursuit of a better life, so that they life friends, neighbors, colleagues and acquaintances will be non-stop to change. It is precisely because of this collective members of the ever-changing, Americans are more concerned about the individu al rather than collective. For them, to preserve and protect the collective cohesion and harmonious relations will naturally not as good as Chinese people think that's l ess important.In the U.S., with a relatively low and the maintenance of a centralized syste m for a particular hierarchy of the relative neglect of the country, loss of face woul d result in embarrassment for the individual and not necessarily a threat to group s olidarity, or lead to the disintegration of the structure of social life. Although the Un ited States also has caste system, but people always try to shorten the life of this social gap to show the equality of this doctrine. They also blur as much as possibl e the differences between power and status that all people are essentially the sam e. In addition, the high mobility of society as a whole has always been the United States a major feature of social life, and most people think that this is a good thin g.In most ordinary social interactions, Americans like straightforward. They appr eciate the straight to the point and direct express one's mind. When they do not k now, they say: 'I do not know'; when they have not been given certain rights, they say: 'I can not do that'. Of course they know the real answer to such a direct em otional will make other people unhappy, but they still tell the truth. They believed t hat only the current situation in a language understood by the most direct interpret ation of clear, we can better protect their interests. Either they do not attach import ance to good manners and the feelings of others, on the contrary, they are very c oncerned about. Whenever other people's feelings and reputation would be at risk, they will be aware of as much as possible. However, they highly recognized straig htforward, so in sensitive cases, their duty is to use a direct but tactful way possibl e to provide complete information.4 ConclusionAny person who will face the risk of interpersonal relationships, which both fa ce communication as well. The two sides of the communication, the face must be handled with care. Face as an important aspect of identity has been regarded as a ll the communication activities in a critical component of. Linguists have done a gre at deal of research, the participants would like to know how to determine their own communicative relative position, what language they use to illustrate the difference between this status, taking into account the participants face. Since the concept of face in different forms of interpersonal communication exist to varying degrees, pa rticipants must be aware of before starting communication. In short, they do not co nsider the face of the communication activities does not exist.。