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What is posterior ▲ of neck
Boundary of posterior triangle:
• bounded by the SCM, trapezius and middle third of the clavicle • Two△ by omohyoid m: supraclavicular△ & occipital △ • Apex: its apex where the SCM and trapezius meet on the
❖ Cervical part of spinal column
❖ Hyoid bone ❖ Cartilage of the
respiratory tracts larynx and trachea ❖ lower border of mandible & mandibular angle ❖ Mastoid process
Arteries of posterior triangle
The accessory nerve CNⅪ
❖ crosses the posterior △ , superficial to the deep fascia covering the floor
The accessory nerve CNⅪ
Bones and cartilages of neck
Palpate following structures on your own neck: ➢Hyoid bone ➢Thyroid cartilage: laryngeal prominence ➢Cricoid cartilage ➢Trachea ➢SCM
Posterior triangle of the neck
Deep fascia of the neck Boundary of posterior triangle Contents of posterior triangle: muscles, vessels, nerves
Skeleton of neck & Important landmarks
• Vessels external jugular vein, subclavian a and its branches & v (root of neck) and thyrocervical trunk
• Cervical lymph nodes .
Muscles in the posterior △
the cervical fascia.
Main contents in posterior △
• Muscles scalenus anterior, medius, posterior; levator scapulae, splenius
• Nerves : cervical plexus, brachial plexus (root of neck), and accessory N.
❖ crosses the SCM in the superficial
fascia, at a point about 3~5cm above the clavicle, usually end by emptying into the subclavian vein.
Subclavian v.: being continuous with axillary v., Ant. to the scalenus Ant., uniting with internal jugular v. to form brachiocephalic v. posterior to the sternoclavicular joint
superior nuchal line of the occipital bone.. • A roof is formed deeply by investing layer of the cervical fascia. • A floor is formed by muscles covered by the prevertebral layer of
scaБайду номын сангаасenus (ant., medius, post.) splenius
levator scapulare
the external jugular vein
❖the junction of the posterior auricular vein and the posterior division of the retromandibular vein.
• The floor of the posterior △ of neck is formed by scalenus anterior, medius ,& posterior , levator scapulae, splenius .
• The scalenus anterior is key structure
❖ Subclavian a. Post. to the subclavian v. Anteroinferior to the brachial
plexus in scalenus space ❖ Transverse cervical a. from thyocervical trunk superior to the clavicle deep to the omohyoid ❖ Suprascapular a. from thyrocervical trunk Posterior to clavicle
Superficial structure----platysma
Deep fascia
✓Investing Layer ✓Pretracheal Layer ✓Prevertebral Layer
Deep fascia
Deep fascia
Superficial Muscles of the Neck