Chinese Culture-exercises
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Individual homework for Chinese Culture
Unit 2 The Chinese Language
I. Find out the English equivalents of the following Chinese terms from the passage.
1. 汉字
Chinese character/Han character
2. 珠江三角洲
Pearl River delta
II. Interpret the following sentences into English
1.华夏文明起源于黄河流域,它融合了许多民族独特的文化,最终形成了汉民族。Huaxia civilization starts from Yellow River region. It combines the unique culture of a variety of people and forms the Han People.
As Huaxia culture spread from the Yellow River Basin, it absorbed many distinct ethic groups which then came to be identified as Han Chinese
2. 许多地区融合了拥有不同文化的民族,从而形成了汉民族文化和语言的多样性。Many region combine people in different culture and that leads to the diversity of Han culture and Languages
Many areas involve the absorption of different cultural groups, which contributes to the diversity of culture and language throughout Han ethnic group.
Oracle found in Anyang in Henan Province is the oldest character unearthed in china. Oracle Bone Inscriptions are the earliest Chinese writing scripts discovered so far
4. 早在公元前三世纪,秦始皇就统一了中国的文字。
Early in 3rd century B.C., Emperor Qin had generalized Chinese character.
As early as 3rd century B.C, Qin Shi Huang had united the writing forms that existed in China at that time
5. 书法是一种抽象而崇高的艺术形式,也能反映出一个人的个性特征。
Calligraphy is an abstract and noble art style which reflect the personality
Calligraphy is an abstract and sublime form of art, which reveal the writer’s personality
6. 琴棋书画是中国古代文人必须掌握的四项技能。
Lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy, drawing are 4 required skills for ancient Chinese scholars.
Qin, Qi, Shu and Hua are the 4 basic skills of ancient Chinese literati.( intellectual )
Unit 3 Chinese Food and Drink
Interpret the following sentences into English.
1. 中国传统文化认为冷饮对热食物的消化有害,所以吃饭时一般不会上冰水和饮料。
2. 在中国婚宴上,鸡爪被称为“凤爪”,而龙虾代表“龙”。这两道菜一起上,寓意“龙凤呈祥”。
3. 中国菜肴有八大菜系。受其所在地区的地理、气候、物产和饮食习惯的影响,八大菜系各具特色。
4. 中国是礼仪之邦,沏茶、敬茶是必不可少的待客之礼。
5. 药膳既可治病,又可强身防病,这是它有别于药物治疗的特点之一。
Unit 4 Ancient Capitals and Heritages
I. Find out the English equivalents of the following Chinese terms from the passage.
II.Interpret the following sentences into English.
1. 天安门是中华人民共和国的象征,被展示在了国徽上。
2. 南京现存的城墙主要建于明代初期,这是世界上保存下来的最长的城墙。
3. 孙中山领导的辛亥革命推翻了清朝的统治,终结了持续了两千多年的帝制,建立
4. 杭州以其手工艺术品闻名于世,如丝绸、雨伞和折扇。