









斗彩开光折枝莲纹盖罐 / 雍正4.釉里红又名釉下红,瓷器釉下彩装饰手法之一,创烧于元代。


磁胎洋彩锦上添花喜相逢双环腰圆瓶 / 台北故宫博物院6.粉彩也叫“古彩”,是釉上彩的一个品种。


豇豆红釉菊瓣瓶 / 清康熙8.综合彩是采用多种技法相结合的一种新的装饰形式。











沙光铁:Textured fine-textured 或者sand blast 亚油:Matt varnish皱纹油:Wrinkle varnish光油:Glossy Varnish 印刷表面透明油:Transparent varnish clean lacquer白瓷;White coat 整版印刷透铁效果;Metallic effect爆炸油:Blasting oil橙皮油:Orange peel oil珍珠油:天地盖:扣底:Clinched bottom罗底:Sealed bottom散货:Less than container loadAttn:联系人电放提单:cable release or telex release保函:telex letterORC:本地码头费BAF:燃油附加费CAF:17.1%×海运费DOC:文件费STS:苏伊士运河费CIF的保险费用为总货值的0.15%到0.3%Freight prepaid:海运费预付Freight collect:海运费到付石印油墨lithographic printing ink 适用于石版印刷的油墨。

胶版油墨offset printing ink适用于各种胶印机的油墨总称。

胶印亮光油墨high gloss offset ink 印迹具有高度光泽的胶版油墨。

胶版树脂油墨resinous offset ink 以合成树脂为主要原料所制成的胶版油墨。

胶版卷筒纸油墨web-fed-offset ink 适用于卷筒纸胶印机的油墨。

胶版单张纸油墨sheet-fed offset ink 适用于单张纸胶印机的油墨。

胶版四色油墨four colors process offset ink 适用于四色胶印机或一般胶印机,采用四色印刷工艺的,黄、品红、青、黑成套油墨,印制彩照或彩画原稿之用。

胶版快固着油墨quick-set offset ink 印在涂料纸上由于溶剂渗入使墨层迅速凝固达到轻触不沾的胶版油墨。





制罐的基本工艺包括以下几个方面:1. 材料选择:制罐常用的材料有不锈钢、铝合金、冷轧板和镀锌板等。


2. 制罐工艺:制罐的主要工艺包括切割、弯曲、冲压、焊接和组装等。


3. 表面处理:制罐产品通常需要经过表面处理,以提高产品的外观质量和耐腐蚀性。



4. 检验和质量控制:制罐过程中需要进行一系列的检验和质量控制,以确保产品的质量和规格符合要求。















































1. “吹制”,就像吹气球一样把玻璃原料吹成各种形状,你看那些精美的玻璃瓶不就是这样被制造出来的吗?
2. “模具”,这可是玻璃瓶罐成型的关键啊,就如同给玻璃穿上了一件合适的衣服,让它有了特定的模样,想想看是不是很神奇?
3. “退火”,哎呀呀,这就像是让玻璃瓶罐去蒸个桑拿放松一下,消除它的内应力,不然它可容易出问题哟!
4. “配料”,这不就是给玻璃瓶罐准备食材嘛,各种原料搭配好才能做出完美的作品呀!
5. “成型”,哇哦,这可是玻璃瓶罐诞生的重要时刻,从一堆原料变成了有型的罐子,厉害吧!
6. “切割”,就好像给玻璃瓶罐做个精准的手术,把它切成需要的大小和形状,多了不起!
7. “抛光”,这就像给玻璃瓶罐化个美美的妆,让它变得光滑亮丽,招人喜欢呢!
8. “烧制”,这不就是给玻璃来一场热烈的洗礼嘛,经过烧制才能变得更坚固耐用呀!
9. “检验”,哈哈,这就像是给玻璃瓶罐做体检,合格了才能走向市场呢!
10. “包装”,最后给玻璃瓶罐穿上漂亮的外衣,让它们可以安全地到达我们手中,多重要呀!


18、易拉盖(easy open end):
一种在开启部位有刻痕,装有提拉附 件,以方便开启的金属盖,有拉环式、 留片式、按扭式。
19、全开盖(full open end):
一种沿盖周边全部撕开开启,便于取 出食品的一种金属易开盖。
8 2019/7/19
20、密封胶填料(seam compound):
15、二重卷边(double seam):
罐身与盖底通过卷压使3层底盖,2层罐身 相互卷压在一起的卷封形式。
位于罐体上的一种环形加强环,有组合筋 和单列筋。
7 2019/7/19
金属罐的构件,用于三片罐底部的称 罐底,用于三片罐、两片罐顶部的称为 罐盖。
7110#ຫໍສະໝຸດ 300/300/300*406



中⽂:⽊箱wooden case,wooden boxes

中⽂:⽊桶wooden barrel

中⽂:菱镁砼箱magnesite concrete box

中⽂:两⽚罐two-piece can

中⽂:蜡丸wax pill of chinese medicine




中⽂:⾦属桶metal drum,keg

中⽂:⾦属罐metal can



前言1 范围2 基本术语2.1 铸造casting, founding, foundry2.2 砂型铸造sand casting process2.3 特种铸造 special casting process2.4 铸件 casting2.5 毛坯铸件 rough casting2.6 砂型铸件 sand casting2.7 试制铸件 pilot casting2.8 铸态铸件 as-cast casting2.9 铸型[型] mold2.10 铸造工艺 casting process,foundry technology2.11 铸造用材料 foundry materials2.12 铸造工艺材料 consumable materials2.13 铸造设备 foundry equipment ,foundry facilities2.14 铸工 caster,founder,foundry worker2.15 铸造工作者 foundryman2.16 铸造车间 foundry shop2.17 铸造厂 foundry2.18 铸造分厂 attached foundry,captive foundry,tied foundry 2.19 铸造三废 foundry effluent2.20 一批abatch2.21 一炉 a cast,a heat,a melt2.22 铸焊 cast welding,flow welding2.23 铸锭 ingot3 铸造合金及熔炼、浇注3.1 铸造合金基本术语3.1.1 铸造合金 cast alloy3.1.2 共晶合金系 eutectic alloy system3.1.3 共晶合金eutectic alloy3.1.4 亚共晶合金hypoeutectic alloy3.1.5 过共晶合金hypereutectic alloy3.1.6 共晶团eutectic cell3.1.7 共晶温度eutectic temperature3.1.8 共晶转变eutectic reaction,eutectic transformation3.1.9 共晶组织eutectic structure3.1.10 铸造复合材料cast composite3.1.11 定向共晶复合材料directional eutectic composite3.1.12 非晶态合金noncrystalline alloy3.1.13 合金元素alloying element3.1.14 杂质元素tramp element3.1.15 合金遗传性alloy heredity3.1.16 铸态组织as-cast structure3.1.17 铁碳相图iron-carbon phase diagram3.1.18 碳化物carbide3.1.19 渗碳体cementite3.1.20 碳化物形成元素carbide forming element3.1.21 单铸试块separated test bar of casting3.1.22 附铸试块test lug3.1.23 本体试样test specimen from casting itself3.1.24 过热superheating3.1.25 过冷supercooling,undercooling3.1.26 成分过冷constitutional supercooling3.1.27 过冷度degree of undercooling3.1.28 加热相变点[Ac相变点] Ac transformation temperature3.1.29 冷却相变点[Ar相变点] Ar transformation temperature3.1.30 结晶crystallization3.1.31 形核[成核] nucleation3.1.32 均质形核[自发形核] homogeneous nucleation3.1.33 非均质形核[非自发形核] heterogeneous nucleation3.1.34 动力形核dynamic nucleation3.1.35 大冲击形核big bang nucleation3.1.36 形核剂nucleant3.1.37 形核率nucleation rate3.1.39 内生生长endogenous growth3.1.40 外生生长exogenous growth3.1.41 共生生长coupled growth3.1.42 小平面型生长faceted growth3.1.43 非小平面型生长nonfaceted growth3.1.44 晶体生长界面[界面] growth interface of crystal,interface3.1.45 吸气(金属)gas absorption(metal)3.2 铸钢3.2.1 铸钢cast steel3.2.2 铸造碳钢carbon cast steel3.2.3 铸造合金钢alloy cast steel3.2.4 低合金铸钢low alloy cast steel3.2.5 微量合金化铸钢micro-alloying cast steel,trace alloying cast steel 3.2.6 铁素体铸钢ferritic cast steel3.2.7 奥氏体铸钢austenitic cast steel3.2.8 不锈钢stainless steel3.2.9 无磁性铸钢non-magnetic cast steel3.2.10 高锰钢austenitic manganese steel,high manganese steel3.2.11 高强度铸钢high strength cast steel3.2.12 超高强度铸钢ultra high strength cast steel3.2.13 耐磨铸钢wear resisting cast steel3.2.14 耐热铸钢heat resisting cast steel3.2.15 耐蚀铸钢corrosion resisting cast steel3.2.16 石墨钢graphitic steel3.2.17 铸造锚链钢cast steel for chain cables3.3 铸铁3.3.1 铸铁cast iron3.3.2 合成铸铁synthetic cast iron3.3.3 共晶铸铁eutectic cast iron3.3.4 亚共晶铸铁hypoeutectic cast iron3.3.5 过共晶铸铁hypereutectic cast iron3.3.6 灰铸铁[片墨铸铁] flake graphite cast iron,gray cast iron3.3.7 球墨铸铁[球铁] ductile iron,nodular graphite iron,spheroidal graphite cast iron3.3.8 高韧性球墨铸铁high ductility nodular graphite iron3.3.9 中锰球墨铸铁medium manganese ductile iron3.3.10 中硅球墨铸铁medium silicon nodular graphite iron3.3.11 可锻铸铁[马铁] malleable cast iron3.3.12 白心可锻铸铁white heart malleable cast iron3.3.13 黑心可锻铸铁black heart malleable cast iron3.3.14 花心可锻铸铁partially graphitized malleable cast iron3.3.15 铁素体可锻铸铁ferritic malleable cast iron3.3.16 珠光体可锻铸铁pearlitic malleable cast iron3.3.17 球墨可锻铸铁spheroidal graphite malleable cast iron3.3.18 蠕墨铸铁[蠕铁,紧密石墨铸铁] vermicular graphite cast iron, compacted graphite cast iron3.3.19 白口铸铁white cast iron3.3.20 麻口铸铁mottled cast iron3.3.21 奥氏体铸铁austenitic cast iron3.3.22 贝氏体铸铁bainitic cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron,austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron,austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.23 贝氏体球墨铸铁bainitic ductile cast iron,austferritic ductile cast iron3.3.24 等温热处理球墨铸铁austempered ductile iron ,ADI3.3.25 贝氏体白口铸铁bainitic white cast iron3.3.26 针状铸铁acicular cast iron3.3.27 马氏体铸铁martensitic cast iron3.3.28 铁素体铸铁ferritic cast iron3.3.29 珠光体铸铁pearlitic cast iron3.3.30 索氏体铸铁sorbitic cast iron3.3.31 合金铸铁alloy cast iron3.3.32 低合金铸铁low alloy cast iron3.3.33 铬铸铁chromium cast iron3.3.34 高铬铸铁high chromium cast iron3.3.35 高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.3.36 中硅铸铁medium silicon cast iron3.3.37 高磷铸铁high phosphorus cast iron3.3.38 铝铸铁aluminum cast iron3.3.39 高铝铸铁high aluminum cast iron3.3.40 镍铸铁nickel cast iron3.3.41 硼铸铁boron cast iron3.3.42 高级铸铁high grade cast iron3.3.43 高强度铸铁high duty cast iron,high strength cast iron3.3.44 工程铸铁engineering cast iron3.3.45 特种铸铁special cast iron3.3.46 抗磨铸铁abrasion resistant cast iron3.3.47 冷硬铸铁[激冷铸铁] chilled cast iron3.3.48 耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron3.3.49 耐热铸铁heat resisting cast iron3.3.50 耐蚀铸铁corrosion resistant cast iron3.3.51 耐酸铸铁acid resisting cast iron3.3.52 密烘铸铁Meehanite cast iron3.3.53 孕育铸铁inoculated cast iron3.3.54 总碳量total carbon3.3.55 碳当量carbon equivalent3.3.56 碳当量仪eutectometer3.3.57 共晶度carbon saturation degree3.3.58 硅碳比silicon-carbon ratio3.3.59 锰硫比manganese-sulphur ratio3.3.60 铸铁石墨形态graphite morphology of cast iron3.3.61 片状石墨[片墨] flake graphite3.3.62 球状石墨[球墨] nodular graphite,spheroidal graphite3.3.63 絮团状石墨[退火碳] temper graphite ,annealing carbon3.3.64 团絮石墨quasi-spheroidal temper graphite3.3.65 蠕虫状石墨[蠕墨,紧密石墨] compacted graphite,vermicular graphite 3.3.66 开花状石墨exploded graphite3.3.67 初生石墨primary graphite3.3.68 过冷石墨undercooled graphite3.3.69 共晶石墨eutectic graphite3.3.70 共晶碳化物eutectic carbide3.3.71 游离碳free carbon3.3.72 石墨化graphitization3.3.73 石墨化退火graphitizing annealing3.3.74 石墨化度graphitizing grade3.3.75 石墨化因子graphitizing factor3.3.76 石墨面积率percentage of graphite area3.3.77 阻碍石墨化元素hindered graphitizing element3.3.78 墨化剂graphitizer3.3.79 石墨球化处理[球化处理] nodularizing treatment of graphite3.3.80 球化率percent of spheroidization3.3.81 石墨球数[球墨数] number of nodular graphites3.3.82 球化剂nodulizer,nodulizing alloy,spheroidal agent,spheroidizer3.3.83 镁焦magcoke,impregnated coke3.3.84 型内球化in-mold nodularization3.3.85 密容加镁包sealed spheroidizing treatment ladle3.3.86 干扰元素interference element3.3.87 石墨蠕化处理[蠕化处理] vermiculation of graphite3.3.88 蠕化剂vermicular agent3.3.89 蠕化率percent of vermiculation3.3.90 铸铁净化purification of cast iron3.3.91 三角试块wedge test-piece3.4 铸造有色合金3.4.1 铸造有色合金〔铸造非铁合金〕nonferrous cast alloy 3.4.2 铸造铝合金cast aluminum alloy3.4.3 高强度铸造铝合金high strength cast aluminum alloy3.4.4 铝硅合金aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.5 共晶铝硅合金eutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.6 亚共晶铝硅合金hypoeutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.7 过共晶铝硅合金hypereutectic aluminum-silicon alloy3.4.8 初生硅primary silicon phase3.4.9 共晶硅eutectic silicon phase3.4.10 铝镁合金aluminum-magnesium alloy3.4.11 铝铜合金aluminum-copper alloy3.4.12 铝锌合金aluminum-zinc alloy3.4.13 铝锂合金aluminum-lithium alloy3.4.14 铸造铜合金cast copper alloy3.4.15 铸造黄铜cast brass3.4.16 硅黄铜silicon brass3.4.17 高强度黄铜high strength brass3.4.18 青铜bronze3.4.19 锡青铜tin bronze3.4.20 铝青铜aluminum bronze3.4.21 铅青铜lead bronze3.4.22 硅青铜silicon bronze3.4.23 铸造铜铬合金[铬青铜] cast copper-chromium alloy3.4.24 高阻尼铜合金high damping copper alloy3.4.25 螺旋桨用铸造铜合金cast copper alloy for propeller3.4.26 铸造镁合金cast magnesium alloy3.4.27 铸造锌合金cast zinc alloy3.4.28 低熔点合金fusible alloys3.4.29 轴承合金[减摩合金] antifrictional alloys,bearing alloys 3.4.30 巴氏合金babbitt metal ,white metal3.4.31 钛合金titanium alloy3.4.32 铸造高温合金cast superalloy3.4.33 镍基铸造高温合金nickel-base cast superalloy3.4.34 蒙乃尔合金Monel metal3.4.35 钴基铸造高温合金cobalt-base cast superalloy 3.4.36 铁基铸造高温合金iron-base cast superalloy 3.4.36 铁基铸造高温合金iron-base cast superalloy 3.4.37 压铸合金diecast alloy3.4.38 压铸铝合金aluminium diecast alloy3.4.39 压铸镁合金magnesium diecast alloy3.4.40 压铸铜合金copper diecast alloy3.4.41 压铸锌合金zinc diecast alloy3.4.42 锌当量zinc equivalent3.5 熔炼基本术语3.5.1 熔炼smelting3.5.2 熔化率melting rate3.5.3 熔炼损耗[熔损,烧损] total melting loss3.5.4 挥发损耗volatilizing loss3.5.5 元素烧损melting loss of alloying element3.5.6 元素增加gain of element3.5.7 熔池bath3.5.8 熔剂flux3.5.9 除气剂degassing flux3.5.10 覆盖剂covering flux3.5.11 炉料charge3.5.12 金属炉料metallic charge3.5.13 中间合金[母合金] master alloy3.5.14 回炉料foundry returns3.5.15 废金属料scrap3.5.16 炉料计算[配料] charge calculation3.5.17 熔渣[炉渣] slag3.5.18 沉渣sludge3.5.19 浮渣cinder,dross,scum3.5.20 碱性渣basic slag3.5.21 酸性渣acid slag3.5.22 造渣slag forming3.5.23 出渣deslagging3.5.24 出渣口slag hole,slag notch3.5.25 炉衬furnace lining3.5.26 碱性炉衬basic lining3.5.27 酸性炉衬acid lining3.5.28 耐火粘土fireclay3.5.29 碱度[碱性指数] index of basicity3.5.30 补炉patching3.5.31 炉龄[炉衬寿命] furnace campaign3.5.32 开炉blowing in,power on3.5.33 炉内气氛furnace atmosphere3.5.34 炉气分析flue gas analysis3.5.35 控制气氛controlled atmosphere3.5.36 炉前分析on-the-spot sample analysis3.5.37 出炉口tap hole3.5.38 出炉温度tapping temperature3.5.39 重熔remelting3.5.40 真空自耗电弧重熔consumable electrode vacuum arc refining3.5.41 喷射冶金injection metallurgy3.5.42 区域熔炼zone melting3.5.43 悬浮熔炼levitation melting,suspension melting3.5.44 真空熔炼vacuum melting3.5.45 坩埚炉crucible furnace3.5.46 坩埚crucible,pot3.5.47 保温炉holding furnace3.5.48 反射炉reverberatory furnace3.5.49 感应电炉electric induction furnace3.5.50 凝壳炉skull furnace3.5.51 增碳recarburizing3.5.52 增碳剂carburetant,carburetting agent,carburizer3.6 铸钢熔炼3.6.1 铸钢熔炼smelting of cast steel3.6.2 不氧化熔炼法dead melting3.6.3 氧化熔炼法oxidizing melting3.6.4 氧化期[沸腾期] oxidizing stage, boil stage3.6.5 氧化气氛oxidizing atmosphere3.6.6 氧化渣oxidizing slag3.6.7 还原期blocking stage,deoxidizing stage3.6.8 还原气氛reducing atmosphere3.6.9 还原渣reducing slag3.6.10 白渣white slag3.6.11 电弧炉electric arc furnace, direct electric arc furnace3.6.12 碱性电弧炉basic electric arc furnace3.6.13 酸性电弧炉acid electric arc furnace3.6.14 电渣熔炼electro-slag melting3.6.15 电渣炉electro-slag furnace3.6.16 氩氧脱碳法[AOD法] AOD process,Argon-Oxygen Decarburization process 3.6.17 脱碳decarburization3.6.18 脱氧deoxidation3.6.19 脱氧剂deoxidizer3.6.20 脱磷dephosphorization3.6.21 脱硫desulphurization3.6.22 脱硫剂desulphurizer3.7 铸铁熔炼3.7.1 铸铁熔炼smelting of cast iron3.7.2 双联熔炼duplexing smelting3.7.3 冲天炉cupola3.7.4 大间距双排风口冲天炉spacious twin-tuyeres cupola,twin-wind blast system cupola 3.7.5 多排小风口冲天炉multiple row small tuyeres cupola3.7.6 卡腰冲天炉waist shaped cupola3.7.7 热风冲天炉hot blast cupola3.7.8 水冷冲天炉water-cooled cupola3.7.9 水冷热风无炉衬冲天炉hot blast liningless cupola with water cooling3.7.10 无焦冲天炉cokeless cupola3.7.11 碱性冲天炉basic cupola3.7.12 酸性冲天炉acid cupola3.7.13 生铁pig iron3.7.14 铸造生铁foundry pig iron3.7.15 焦炭coke3.7.16 铸造焦炭[铸造焦] foundry coke3.7.17 固定碳fixed carbon3.7.18 铁焦比[焦比] iron coke ratio3.7.19 底焦coke bed3.7.20 层焦coke split3.7.21 隔焦extra coke3.7.22 接力焦buffer coke charge3.7.23 铁合金ferro-alloy3.7.24 有效高度effective height3.7.25 炉缸cupola well3.7.26 前炉forehearth3.7.27 密筋炉胆ribbed preheating jacket3.7.28 出铁槽cupola spout3.7.29 熔化带melting zone3.7.30 风带air belt,air box,wind box3.7.31 风口tuyere3.7.32 风口比tuyere ratio3.7.33 炉壁效应cupola wall effect3.7.34 冲天炉特性曲线cupola operation chart3.7.35 冲天炉炉前控制front control of molten iron of cupola,inspection in front of cupola 3.7.36 冲天炉检控仪tester and controller for cupola melting3.7.37 熔化强度melting intensity3.7.38 风量blast volume3.7.39 送风强度blast intensity3.7.40 送风压力blast pressure3.7.41 富氧送风oxygen enriched blast3.7.42 脱湿送风dehumidification blast3.7.43 预热送风hot blast3.7.44 送风预热器blast preheater3.7.45 火花捕集器spark arrestor3.7.46 冲天炉加料机cupola charging machine3.7.47 爬式加料机skip hoist3.7.48 冲天炉自动加料机automatic cupola charging equipment3.7.49 电磁盘electromagnetic chuck3.7.50 电磁配铁秤electromagnetic weighing balancer3.7.51 吸碳carbon pick-up3.7.52 棚料[搭棚] bridging3.7.53 封炉banking the cupola3.7.54 打炉cupola drop3.7.55 碎铁机breaker3.8 金属液处理3.8.1 精炼refining3.8.2 真空精炼vacuum refining3.8.3 炉外精炼ladle refining3.8.4 精炼熔剂[精炼剂] refining flux3.8.5 除气[去气] degassing3.8.6 真空除气vacuum degassing3.8.7 吹气净化blow purifying3.8.8 多孔塞法porous plug process3.8.9 变质modification3.8.10 变质剂modification agent,modificator3.8.11 磷变质phosphorus modification3.8.12 钠变质sodium modification3.8.13 长效变质剂permanent modificator3.8.14 型内变质in-mold modification3.8.15 孕育inoculation3.8.16 瞬时孕育[后孕育] instantaneous inoculation,late stage inoculation,post inoculation 3.8.17 随流孕育metal-stream inoculation3.8.18 型内孕育in-mold inoculation3.8.19 浇口盆孕育pouring basin inoculation3.8.20 孕育剂inoculant,inoculating agent3.8.21 孕育期inoculation period3.8.22 孕育衰退inoculation fading3.8.23 孕育不良abnormal inoculation,under-inoculation3.8.24 合金化处理alloying treatment3.8.25 喂线法[喂丝法] CQ process,wire feeding process,wire injection process3.8.26 摇包shaking ladle3.8.27 电磁搅拌electromagnetic agitation3.8.28 静置holding,stewing3.8.29 扒渣slagging-off3.8.30 型内过滤in-mold filtering3.8.31 型内合金化in-mold alloying3.8.32 晶粒细化grain refinement3.8.33 晶粒细化剂grain refiner3.9 浇注3.9.1 浇注pouring3.9.2 保护气氛浇注pouring under controlled atmosphere 3.9.3 真空浇注vacuum pouring3.9.4 自动浇注装置automatic pouring device3.9.5 自动浇注机automatic pouring machine3.9.6 电磁浇注机electromagnetic pouring machine3.9.7 捣冒口churning,pumping3.9.8 点冒口[补注] hot topping up,teeming3.9.9 浇包ladle3.9.10 底注包bottom pouring ladle3.9.11 转运包transfer ladle3.9.12 金属残液heel3.9.13 冷金属cold metal3.9.14 压铁weight4 造型材料4.1 基本术语4.1.1 造型材料molding material4.1.2 铸造用砂[砂] foundry sand,sand4.1.3 原砂[新砂] base sand,new sand,raw sand4.1.4 旧砂used sand4.1.5 回用砂reconditioned sand4.1.6 再生砂reclaimed sand4.1.7 枯砂[焦砂] burned sand4.1.8 热砂hot sand4.1.9 废砂waste sand4.2 原砂4.2.1 标准砂standard sand4.2.2 硅砂[石英砂] silica sand4.2.3 刚玉砂alumina sand4.2.3 刚玉砂alumina sand4.2.4 镁砂magnesite sand4.2.5 锆砂zircon sand4.2.6 镁橄榄石砂[橄榄石砂] fosterite sand,olivine sand 4.2.7 铬铁矿砂chromite sand4.2.8 煤矸石砂coal gangue sand4.2.9 熟料砂chamotte sand4.2.10 炭粒砂carbon sand4.2.11 石灰石砂limestone sand4.2.12 天然砂natural sand4.2.13 人工砂[人造砂] artificial sand4.2.14 水洗砂washed-out sand4.2.15 擦洗砂scrubbed sand4.2.16 浮选砂[精选砂] floated sand4.2.17 松散密度(型砂) aerated density,riddled density4.2.18 原砂细度[AFS平均细度] AFS fineness number,fineness number,grain fineness number 4.2.19 原砂粒度[原砂颗粒尺寸] particle size of base sand4.2.20 原砂颗粒分布grain size distribution of base sand4.2.21 原砂角形因数[原砂角形系数,原砂粒形系数] angularity of base sand4.2.22 原砂颗粒形状grain shape of base sand4.3 粘结剂4.3.1 粘结剂binder4.3.2 无机粘结剂inorganic binder4.3.3 粘土clay4.3.4 高岭土kaolin4.3.5 膨润土bentonite4.3.6 钠基膨润土sodium bentonite4.3.7 钙基膨润土calcium bentonite4.3.8 活化膨润土activated bentonite4.3.9 有机膨润土organic bentonite4.3.10 有效粘土effective clay4.3.11 活粘土active clay4.3.12 枯粘土[死粘土] burned clay4.3.13 白泥white clay4.3.14 水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder,water glass binder4.3.15 水玻璃波美浓度Be concentration of water glass4.3.16 水玻璃模数sodium silicate modulus4.3.17 有机粘结剂organic binder4.3.18 纸浆废液[纸浆残液,亚硫酸盐纸浆废液] lignin liquor4.3.19 油类粘结剂oil based binder4.3.20 干性油drying oil4.3.21 合脂粘结剂synthetic fat binder4.3.22 渣油粘结剂residual oil binder4.3.23 自硬粘结剂[冷硬粘结剂] cold setting binder,no bake binder,self-hardening binder 4.3.24 树脂粘结剂resin binder4.3.25 热固性树脂粘结剂thermosetting resin binder4.3.26 热塑性树脂粘结剂thermoplastic resin binder4.3.27 铸造用树脂foundry resin4.3.28 自硬树脂系[非烘树脂系] no-bake resin system,self-hardening resin system4.3.29 气硬树脂系gas cured resin system4.3.30 热硬树脂系hot hardening resin system4.3.31 呋喃树脂furan resin4.3.32 酚醛树脂phenol-formaldehyde(PF)resin4.3.33 碱性酚醛树脂alkaline phenolic resin4.3.34 糠醇furfuryl-alcohol4.3.35 游离甲醛含量free formaldehyde content。































例如目前我司使用的金黄色内壁涂料: 苏州PPG公司的PPG2004-
环氧胺基是环氧树脂和胺基树脂(混合而成的。 具有一定化学、物理性能的无色涂料,能耐高温
杀菌,在烘烤后色泽不变。它的特点是无色透明、 气味小,漆膜耐深冲性好。
例如目前我司常用的底盖外涂涂料: PPG公司的PL1801-02 扬瑞公司的MC6914-803
苏州PPG公司的PPG2875-801/A 扬瑞公司的MC6875-801
苏州PPG公司的PPG2567-801/A ICI公司的FQ190-68055 安格公司IS310-055 ICI公司的ICI46900
①保护镀锡板不受内容物的作用而发生腐蚀及脱锡 变色等现象。
②保证食品不受镀锡板的作用而影响其品质或营养 价值。
江苏统一 海南海宇 中山中粤
我司的 主要马口铁
福建中日达 韩国(DR材)
我司的 主要铝板 供应商
展伸材料分非热处理合金及热处理合金 1.1 非 热处理合金: 纯铝—1000系,铝锰系合金— 3000系,铝矽系合金—4000系,铝镁系合金— 5000系。 1.2 热处理合金: 铝铜镁系合金— 2000系,铝镁矽系合金—6000系,铝锌镁系合 金—7000系。 制罐行业常用的铝合金为铝镁合 金:如5052和5182。
乙烯涂料是将乙烯共聚体溶解于溶剂中制成。 乙烯涂料的主要特点是柔韧性好、无臭、无味、耐油、
耐醇性优良,透气性小,耐深冲性好。因此,对易受金 属(锡铁)影响而使食品的色、香味发生变化的饮料罐 和啤酒罐,是必不可少的内壁涂料,其缺点是耐焊锡热 差,对镀锡薄板的附着力差,一般作面料和喷涂涂料。

















































铸造行业术语A.F.S.粒度指数 A.F.S grain fineness number ASTM弯曲试杆 arbituration barA型石黑 A type graphiteB型石墨 B type graphiteCO2造模法,二气化碳造模法 CO2 process,carbon dioxide processDM转炉 DM converterF.S.造模法,流砂造模法 F.S.process,fluid sand mixture molding processF-M造模法,全模法 F-M process,full-mold processLD(转炉盗氧炼钢)法 LD processLD转炉 LD converterL形吊骨 jaggerN造模法,西山氏硬化法 N-ProcessPH值,离标值 pH valueSAE钢 SAE steelS形钩 S hookX光(X射线),检验 X-ray inspectionX光(X射线),绕射线X-ray diffraction methodX光(X射线),透视法 X-ray radiographyX光(X射线),显微分析器 X-ray microanalyser X光,X射线 X-rayX脱模法(包模铸造法)(三氯乙烯蒸气脱蜡) X-processY合金 Y-alloy阿达麦辊 Adamite roll阿伐固溶体 alpha(a)solid solution阿伐黄铜 alpha(a)brass阿伐青铜 alpha(a)bronze阿伐铁 alpha(a)iron阿姆可铁,工业级纯铁 Armco iron埃(10-10米) Angstron unit埃鲁电弧炉 Heroult electric arc furance艾氏冲击试验 Izod impact test艾氏冲击试验机 Izod impact testing machine 艾素丘法 Isocure process爱玛炉(碳化硅电阻炉) Elema furnace安定化退火 stabilizing anneal安全布置 safety layout安全护目镜 safety goggles安全帽 helmet安全设施 protection and safety equipment安全限应力 proof stress安全楔 safety wedge岸砂 shore sand按钮选择 push button selection胺基甲酸乙脂 urgthane胺类 amine胺气 amine gas暗冒口 blind feeder暗冒口 blind head暗冒口 blind riser暗冒口 bob暗冒口 closed riser盎司合金(85-5-5-5铜合金) ounce metal 凹口 notch凹口半径 radius of notch凹口感度 notch sensibility凹口试片 notch bar凹口试片 notched bar凹口作用 notch effect凹陷(铸疵) sink head巴氏合金 Babbitt metal扒炉渣 raking out the slag扒渣 slagging off扒渣 slag-off扒渣,结渣 slagging拔模螺丝 pattem screw拔模斜度 pattern draft钯(Pd) palladium白[口]生铁 white pig iron白[口]铸铁 white cast iron白[口]铸铁 white iron白粉料(涂模用) white facing白合金 white metal白金,铂(Pt) platinum白黏土 white clay白铁皮,锌板 zinc plate白心展性铸铁(白心可锻铸铁) white heart malleable cast iron白杨木 poplar白缘(黑心展性铸铁) pearlite rim白云,母石黏土 illite clay白云石 dolomite白云石 magnesia limestone白云石砖 dolomite brick百万分之一 ppm柏努利定理 Bernoulli's theorem柏思麦酸性转炉生铁 Bessemer pig iron柏思麦转炉 Bessemer converter摆m线(造模) storing line斑面(铸疵) pitting surface斑蚀,点食 pitting搬运,手操作 handling板 board板片捆 sheet pack板手 spanner板条结构模型 grounds and lags板条输送机 slat conveyor半合成模砂 semi-compounded molding sand 半焦 semi-coke半径 radius半静钢 semi-killed steel半离心铸造法 semi-centrifugal casting 半龙门起重机 semi-goliath crane半圈补给口 half-feeder半熔未型撑 unfused chaplet半软钢 semi-mild steel半硬钢 medium hard steel半永久铸模 semi-permanent mold棒磨粉机 bar mill棒状砂心 slab core磅/平方吋 PSI(1bs per square in) 包晶变态 peritectic transformation 包晶反应 peritectic reaction包曼试验 Baumann test包模涂料 precoating material包模造模法 investment molding包模铸造法 investment casting包贴 en-casement包析 peritectoid包析反应 peritectoid reaction剥落 spall剥落 spalling剥落,剥皮 peeling剥砂痕(铸疵) rat tail剥砂面(铸疵) buckle剥砂线(铸疵) sand kneader保持时间 holding time保持温度 holding temperature保磁力 coercive force保护蒙气 protective atmosphere保护手套 protective glove保温电力 holding power保温净化,焖热,均热 soaking保温净化,焖热烧透均热 stewing保温炉 holding furnace保温炉 receiving furnace保险杠,缓冲器 bumper保证试验 proof test饱和度 degree of saturation饱和度 saturatin degree爆炸状石墨 exploded graphite贝他黄铜 beta(B)brass贝他石墨 beta(B)graphite贝他铁 beta(B) iron背板 backpa backplate,die cast 背板榇砂造模法 back plate molding 背层泥浆 back-up coating slurry 背砂 back sand,back-up-sand背砂 backing sand背压 back pressure备用砂心条 stock core钡(Ba) barium本智周万物夹渣(由金属本身引成) endogenous slag inclusion畚箕,篮 basket崩散 collapse崩散性 collapsibility绷索 rope比电阻 specific resistance比例碱度 proportional basicity比例限界 limit of proportionality比例限界 proportional limit比热 specific heat比色定量分析 colorimetric analysis比色定量学 colorimetry比色高温计 color comparator pyrometer比色计 colorimeter比色温度 color temperature比重 specific gravity闭附气 occluded gas铋(Bi) bismuth边材(木材) sap wood边线,轮缘,胎环 rim边线效果 eddge effect边续式台车轮模机 car type mold conveyor 扁块,平板 slab扁刷 flat brush扁形进模口 flat gate扁凿 flat chisel变<<hap003>>铁,变<<hap003>>体 bainite 变态 transformation变态[温度]范围 transformation range变态点 transformation point变态温度 transformation temperature变态温度 transition temperature变态温度范围 transformation temperature range变形 deformation变形模型 distoted pattern变形铸件 strained castings变质剂 leavening agent杓 dipper杓,小铲 scoop标称定律 nominal rating标称应力 nominal stress标称直径 nominal diameter标称资本 nominal capital标点 gage point标点(抗拉试样) gage mark标距 gage length标准成分,标准分析法 standard analysis 标准模型 standard pattern标准砂 standard sand标准试样 standard sample标准预测值 normal expected value标准圆筒试样(模砂) standard cylindrical specimen标准砖 standard square[bick]表面保护 surface protection表面处理 surface treatment表面粗糙(铸疵) rough surface表面浮松(铸疵) scum defect表面光制 surface finish表面烘干 skin drying表面烘干模 skin dried mold表面烘干砂模 flared mold表面烘干砂模 roast sand mold表面冷硬 surface chill表面烧着 furface vitrification表面硬化 case hardening表面硬化 surface hardening表面针孔(铸疵) surface pinholes冰晶石 cryolite冰糖形断面(铸疵) rock candy[fracture] 丙铜 acetone丙烯树脂 acrylic resin并流 parallel flow波来铁,波来体 pearlite波来铁展性(可锻)铸铁 pearlite malleable iron波来铸铁 pearlite cast iron波美 Baume波美比重计 Baume's hydrometer波纹 ripple玻璃过滤器 glass fabric filter玻璃化 virtrification玻璃纤维 glass fiber玻璃纤维布 glass cloth勃氏硬度 Brinell hardness勃氏硬度试验 Brinell hardness test薄壁铸件 thin section castings薄壁铸件 thin-wall cstings薄型砖 split brick捕尘器 arrester补偿导线 compensation lead补充焦 coke booster补充焦炭,补充煤焦 extra coke补给,进料,补浇 feed补给环 feed ring补给距离 feeding distance补给口(冒口) feeder补给口带 feeding zone补给口发热剂 exothermic feeding compound 补给口发热剂(冒口) feeding compound补给口套 feeder bush补给口效果 feeder effect补给用冒口 feed riser补浇 repouring补强带,炉箍 strengthening band补绕(冒口) feeding补缀,补修,补修料 patch补缀,补修,搪补 patching不规则合模面 irregular joint不规则形分模面 stepped joint不合尺寸 off-dimension不良件数,退件数 rejection number不良品 rejects不良铸造 faulty casting不列颠合金 Britania metal不熔[化]性 infusibility不透气性 impermeability不稳定平衡图 unstable equilibrium diagram 不锈钢 stainless steel部分还原铁矿 partially reduced iron ore 部分混合性 partial miscibility部分模型 department pattern擦光 buffing擦光机 buffing machine擦光剂 buffing compound擦光轮 buff擦光轮 buffing wheel擦伤 galling材料试验 material test材料试验 material testing材料试验机 material testing machine采购部 purchase department采购价,原价 purchase price踩紧 track tramping参考分析 reference analysis参数 parameter残磁 residual magnetism残留波来铁 residual pearlite残留尘量 residual dust content残留磁气 remanent magnetism残留活斯田铁 retained austenite残留金属液 remaining melt残留强度(铸砂) retained strength(sand) 残留物 residue残留物,筛留物 residues残留雪明碳铁 residual cementite残留应变 residual strain残留应力 residual stress仓 bin仓储 storage仓库 store house操作,作业 operation操作钮 operating knob糙斑铁,糙斑体 sorbite糙斑铁铸铁 sorbitic cast iron槽(槽型炉) loop槽带输送机 trough conveyor槽形感觉电炉 channel typee induction furance草绳 braided straw草绳 straw rope草图 sketching侧流道 side runner侧冒口 side riser侧装机 side loader测高温学 pyrometry测厚黏土 thickness piece搀炉,秋千炉,倾转熔铁炉 tilting cupola 铲,砂铲 shovel铲斗 shovel loader测深尺 depth scale测深规 depth gage测微放射线像 microradiography测温漆 thermal paint测隙规,厚度规 thickness gage层,片 lamella层焦 coke charge层流 laminar flow层状波来铁 laminar pearlite层状腐蚀 lamellar corrosion插模钉 sprag查马克(商品名,压帮用锌铝铜合金) Zamak 茶壶嘴式浇斗 tea pot spout ladle长柄导杆long shaft pendulum tool长抹刀,柳叶抹刀 long spatula长石 feldspar长统手套 gauntlet glove长焰煤 long flame coal长凿 long chisel常态分布 normal distribution常温裹贴法 cold coated process常温试验 cold test常温自硬 air setting常温自硬法 air set process常温自硬黏接剂 air setting binder常温自硬树脂粘结风 airbond常温自硬性合成树脂 cold-hardening synthetic resin常温自硬性黏结剂 cold-setting binder 常温自硬油 air setting oil常温自硬铸造模 air setting mold场内熔接 shop weld敞模,露天模 open mold敞模铸造 open sand casting敞砂模 open sand mold敞砂模法 open sand molding超高电力 super-high power超轻合金 ultra-light alloy超细粉 sub-sieve powder超音波检验 ultra-sonic testing车 car车床 lathe车床床身,车床床台 lathe bed车屑 turning scraps车屑 turnings尘量测定器 dust extraction device榇边 bush,bushing榇垫,填料 packing榇炉用期 lining campaign榇砖 lining brick成本 cost成本 prime cost成长 rowth成堆比重 bulk specific gravity成堆密度 bulk density成堆容积 bulk volume成孔期(电弧炉),搪孔 boring成模台(压铸) holding block成品量,产量 output成品铸件区 finished castings department 成熟度 degree of normality成形 forming成形性 forming property程序图 routing routing diagram弛力退火 stress relief annealing池,浴槽 bath持久比 endurance ratio持久试验 endurance test持久性 endurance匙形抹刀 slicker spoon迟延装置 delay screen尺,规则 rule尺寸 dimension尺寸安定性 dimensional stability尺寸精度 dimensional accuracy齿轮吊车浇 geared crane ladle齿轮缘 gear rim赤铁矿 hematite赤铁矿生铁 hematite pig iron,hematite iron 赤杨木 alder充氮 nitrogen charge冲砂(铸疵) cut冲砂(铸疵) cuts冲砂(铸疵) cuts and washed冲砂(铸疵),涂浆 wash冲蚀 erosion冲蚀结疤(铸疵) erosion scab冲板洗涤机 impingement plate scrubber冲层 stampings冲床,冲头 punch冲击磨耗 pounding wear冲击强度 impact strength冲击式硬度试验机 impact hardness testin machine冲击试验 impact test冲击试验机 impact tester冲击速度 striking velocity冲击值 impact value冲孔废料 punched scrap冲射射式集尘器 impingement dust collector 冲销 drift冲屑 punchings虫 lac虫胶 shellac抽取用皮带输送机 draw off belt conveyor 抽吸罩 suction hood抽吸装置 sucking-off plant抽烟气设备 fume extraction equipment抽样 sampling抽样规则 sampling prescription抽样检验 samplimg inspection稠渣 sluggish slag出口 outlet出模机构 knock-out gear出气管(旋风集尘器) exit pipe出清(熔炉) depletion出铁 tapping出铁杆 tap out bar出铁杆 tapping bar出铁口,流出孔 tapping hole出铁口熔渣 flux出铁口塞杆 tap hole plug stick 出铁温度 tapping temperature出渣 slag-out出渣,脱渣 deslag,deslagging 出渣槽 slag notch出渣槽 slag spout出渣槽 slagging spout出渣孔 scum hole出渣孔 slag hole初步清理台 rough dressing table 初步试验 preliminary test初级线圈 primary air初加料,起熔料 initial charge初晶 primary constituent初晶活斯田铁 proeutectic austenite 初晶石墨 primary crystal初裂 incipient crack初凝结 initial condensation初生吐粒铁 primary troostite除尘 dedusting除尘 dust extraction除尘器 dust separator除尘设备 dust removal除尘设备 dust removal plant除尘装置 dust separation plant除铝剂 aluminium removal除气 degasification除气 degasifying除气 degassing除气剂 degasifier除气熔剂 degassing flux除气退火 degassing anneal除氢,脱氢 degassing of fydrogen 除湿 dehumidification除湿,脱水,干燥 dehydration除湿器 dehumidifier除渣 drossing除脂 degreasing储仓 bunker储仓 silo储仓 storage bunker处理楔值 processing wedge value处理用浇桶 theatment ladle穿透,贯穿 penetration穿透能力(X光试验) penetrating power 船用钢板 ship plate传导度 conductivity传递气 carrier gas传递液 carrier fluid传热流体 thermal fluid吹板(吹砂机) blow plate吹板(吹砂机) blowing plate吹疵 blow吹风淬火 air blast quenching吹管 blow-pipe吹净用空气(冷厘法) scavening air吹气,通气处理(金属液),冲洗 flush slag 吹枪 blow gun吹砂机(造砂心用) blowing machine吹氧炼钢法 oxygen steel making吹氧嘴管 oxygen lance吹制砂心 blow a core吹制砂心 blowing吹制砂心 blown core吹制用砂心盒 core box for blowing锤 hammer锤鳞,鍜鳞 hammer scale锤平,轻敲 peening锤球,落锤球 tup锤碎机 hammer mill纯度 degree of purity纯度 purity纯铁 pure iron瓷土,高岭土 china clay磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspection,magnetic crack detection磁化力 magnetizing force磁力带轮(磁选机用) magnetic pulley磁力探伤 magnzflux磁力探伤检验 magnaflux inspection磁力探伤检验 magnetic crack detection磁力筒(磁选机用) magnetic drum磁力造模法 magnet molding process磁铁矿 magnetite磁性变态 magnetic transformation磁选机 magnetic separator磁滞损失 hysteresisloss枞木 fir粗度,粗糙度 roughness粗钢 raw steel粗晶面(铸疵) facet tracture粗粮波来铁 coarse pearlite粗面凝固 rough wall solidification粗磨 snag粗磨机 rough grinding machine粗泥浆砂 roughing loam粗砂 coarse sand粗砂 roughing sand粗砂锥辗硅砂 concial sand from coarse sand 粗筛 riddle粗松组织 coarse structure粗松组织 open-grain structure粗铜 blister copper粗轧辊 roughing roll催化剂 accelerator催化剂,触媒,冷化剂 catalyst脆化 embrittlement脆性 brittleness脆性 shortness淬火 quenching淬火机 hardening machine淬火裂痕 quench crack淬火裂痕 quenching crack淬火能力(淬火液) quenching intensity淬火时间 quenching time淬火时效 quench aging淬火应力 quenching stress淬火硬化 quench hardening淬裂 hardening crack错模,偏合,毛边(铸疵),工作班制 shift错配(模型,铸模,心型) mismatch,in pottern mold,core鎝(Tc) technetium打包机 packer打孔卡片 punch card打孔纸带 puch tape打磨(磨毛边,打浇冒口等) fettle shagging 打磨滚筒 rattler打散筛孔 breaker screen打铁球 skull cracker打铣球,落锤 drop ball大浇斗 bulbs大气,蒙气(炉内气氛) atmosphere大气泡(铸疵) gross blowhole大气熔化 air melting大气铸造 air casting大型铸件 large castings带 band带,皮带 belt带锯 band saw带色防护镜 filter glass带式磁选机 magnetic belt separator带式运送机 belt conveyor带铁 fillet iron带缘导销 collared pin带运送机 band conveyor袋滤器 bag filter袋滤器 bag house袋形端承 pocket print单边心型端承,单边砂心头 single core print 单轨系统 monorail system单件模型 one-piece pattern单面模型板 single-strand casting machine 单色光学高温计 monochromatic optical pyrometer单体肥粒铁 free ferrite单体碳 free carbon单体雪明碳铁 free cementite单条[连续]铸造机 sink单位负载 unit load单向凝固 unidirectional solidification单元砂,整体砂 unit sand单支进模口本堰 single gate氮硬化 nitrogen hardening氮(N) nitrogen氮化 nitriding氮化法 nitriding process弹动清砂 spring release弹簧心型撑 spring chaplet弹能模数 modulus of resilience弹壳黄铜(三七黄铜) cartridge brass弹性 elasticity弹性变形 elastic deformation弹性模数,弹性系数 elastic modulus弹性能 resilience弹性切割砂轮 elastic slitting wheel弹性系数,弹性模数 modulus of elasticity 弹性限界 elastic limit弹性限界 limt of elasticity当量,等价系数 coefficient of equivalent 挡板 baffle挡板 baffle plate挡板 damper挡渣坝 dam挡渣口浇桶 dam type lip ladle档渣浇池 pouring basin with buffles刀形进模口 knife gate倒角,去角 rounded sand grain捣成炉榇 rammed lining捣成用料 ramming compound捣动盛桶(脱硫用) shaking device捣紧,填塞剂 tamping捣紧度,槌紧度 degree of ramming捣砂,捣制 rramming捣砂锤 bench rammer捣砂锤 rammer捣砂杆 sand rammer捣砂走样 ram off捣制砂心 ram up core捣制走样 ramaway导股(连续铸造) strand guiding导气管 air duct导入,导件 guide导套 guide bushing导销 guide pin导销 leader pin导销榇套 leader pin bushing得板 screen plate德拉瓦离心铸管法 De-lavaued processdelay relase德他固溶体 dendrite德他合金 delta solid solutin德他黄铜 delta bronze德他青铜 delta iron德他铁 delta metal德银,铜 German silver等吹熔铸炉 equi-blast cupola等价因子 equivalence factor等温变态 isothermal transformation等温退火 isothermal annealing等温线图 isothermal diagram等温硬化 isothermal hardening低合金钢铸件 low alloy steel castings 低磷生铁 low phosphorus pig iron低摩擦金属 anti-friction metal低黏天然砂 meager sand低黏性砂 lean sand低黏性砂 weak sand低黏性硅砂,硅砂 unbonded silica sand 低碳钢 low carbon steel低碳生铁 low carbon pig iron低温脆性 cold shortness低温熔化 cold melt低温退火 low temperature annealing低压风扇 low pressure fan低周波 main frequency低周波感应电炉 line frequency induction furnace低周波感应电炉 low frequency electric induction furance迪沙式自动造模机(丹麦制高压高速无箱式造模机) Disamatic molding machine底(炉),(造模) bed底板 acking board底板 bed plate底板 bottom board底板 bottom plate底层装料 bed charge底焦 coke bed底浇法 bottom casting底浇法 bottom pouring底浇式浇桶 bottom pour ladle底浇铸模 bottom pour mold底进模口法 bottom gating底面 basal plane底炭 bed coke底炭高度 bed coke height底特律式电弧炉 Detroit electric furnace 地坑 pit地坑炉 pit furnace地坑造模法 pit molding地坑铸造 pit casting地面砂,背砂 floor sand地模 floor mold地模法,地面造模法 floor molding碲(Te) tellurium碘(I) iodine点火 firing点火 ignition点火 ligh up点火 lighting up点火 light-off点火孔 breast door点火孔 lighting hole点火器 igniter点燃点 ignition point电池,组 battery电磁搅拌 electric magnetic agitation电磁循环 electric magnetic circulation 电动吊车 electric hoist电动发电机 motor generator电动加气硬化机 automatic gassing machine 电动推高机 electric lift truck电动造模机 electric molding machine电镀 electro-gilding电镀 electro-plating电焊条,电熔接条 arc welding electrode 电弧长度 arc length电弧截割 arc cutting电弧炉 arc furnace电弧炉 electric arc furance电弧气吹铲平 arc-air gouging电弧气吹切割 arc-air cutting电弧熔接 arc welding电弧熔接,电焊 electric arc welding电极,电熔接条,电焊条 electrode电极耗用量(电弧炉) electrode consumption 电极夹具,电熔接条夹把,电焊条夹把electrode holder电极控制系统 electrode control system 电极清洁法 electrol-cleaning电极熔接,电极焊接 electrode welding 电极头 stub end电解精炼 electrolytic refining电解铁 electrolytic iron电解铜 electrolytic copper电解锌 electroplytic zinc电开关装置 electric switchgear电炼生铁 electric furance iron电炉 electric furance电炉钢 electric steel电滤尘器 electro-filter电木,胶木 bakelite电热熔化 electric smelting电子 electron电子显微镜 electron microscope电阻高温计 resistance pyrometer电阻合金 electro-resistance alloy电阻炉 electric resistance furance电阻炉 resistance furnace电阻系数,电阻力 resistivity垫板,底板 base plate垫厚(铸造技术) padding,reinforcement 垫厚(铸造技术) reinforcement,paddling 垫圈,洗涤机 washer淀粉 starch吊车 hoist吊车浇桶 crane ladle吊车盘 hoist pan吊钩 lifting hook吊骨,撑条,插条 gagger吊骨,撑条,插条 slodier吊骨,吊具,吊架 hanger吊环 bail吊梁 lifting beam吊砂条 clack吊运车 trolley吊钩 load hook吊骨 anchoring调合模砂 blended molding sand调节设备 controlled means调辙车 transfer car调整器 regulator调质处理 quenching with Subsequent tempering调质砂 tempering sand调质水分 tempering water调质铸铁 modified cast iron蝶形阀 butterfly valve迭边浇道 Connor runner bar迭边进模口 kiss gate迭边进模口 lap gate迭边冒口 kiss riser迭模 multiple mold迭模 stack boxes迭模 stack mold迭模法 multiple molding迭模法 stack molding迭模浇铸法 stack pouring迭箱 stack钉 nail顶板 ejection plate顶板 lifting plate顶板 top board顶板 top plate顶出 ejection顶出板(压铸) ejector plate顶出杆 knock-out bar顶出力 ejector force顶出器,喷射器 ejector顶出销 knock-out pin顶出销(压铸) ejector顶浇法 top pouring顶浇进模口 top gate顶冒口 top riser顶销,起销 lifting pin顶铸法 top casting process定量分析 quantitative analysis 定量仪 quantometer定模(压铸) cover die定模板(压铸),平台 platen定盘式混砂机 fixed pan mill定时淬火 time quenching定时器 timer定位垫 locating pad定位孔 locating hole定位销 locating pin定位销钉 positioning dowel定位锥 locating cones定心毂 centering boss定心针 centering pin定性分析 qualitative analysis订货铸造工场 jobbing foundry铥(TM) thulium冻汞法(精密铸造) Mercast process动力滚子输送机 powered roller conveyor 动力试验 dynamic test动叶轮 impeller动叶轮摔砂 impeller ramming动作,工作 working都市煤气 town gas陡震试验 shock test斗,箕斗,桶装载机 bucket毒性度 toxicity rating读数式分光仪 digital spectrometer堵口砖 nozzle brick堵塞 bott堵塞 botting堵塞出铁口(熔铁炉) stopping up堵塞杆 bott stick堵塞器 stopper堵塞式浇桶 stopper ladle堵塞砖 stopper and nozzle brick杜具纳转炉 Tropenas converter杜维利化碳转浇铸法 Durville pouring杜维利化碳转浇铸法 Durville process镀镍 nickel plating镀锡铁皮,马口铁皮 tin plate镀锌 galvanizing镀锌 sherardizing镀锌 zinc coating镀锌 zinc plating镀锌,浸锌 zinc galvanizing镀锌脆性 galvanizing embrittlement镀锌铁板,白铁皮 galvanized iron sheet 镀锌铁皮,白铁皮 zinc-coated sheet短暂退火炉 short anneal furnace锻造用合金 wrought alloy断口检验 fracture test断口金相检验 fractography断裂点 point of rupture断面收缩 necking断面缩率 area contraction,percentage of 断面缩率 area reduction,percentage of断续浇铸 interrupted pouring堆 heap堆高机 fork lift truck堆积密度 packing density堆料场 stock ground堆料场 stock-yard堆砂 heap sand堆渣场 slag tip堆重 piled weight对合开放砂心盒 split open ended core box 对合模型,分割模型 split pattern对合模型板,分割模型板 split plate对合铸模 split mold对流 convection对准 alignment钝气 inert gas钝气电弧熔接 inert-gas arc welding多边形筛 polygonal screen多段风口,多段风嘴 multiple tuyere多角形砂 angular sand多孔塞 porous plug多孔塞搅拌法 porous-plug method多孔性,气孔率,气孔巢(铸疵) porosity 多石英砂 quartzose sand多水高岭土 halloysite锇(Os) osmium鹅颈浇道,鹅颈管 goose neck而酸铸铁 acid resistant cast iron耳轴,挂耳 trunnion二次风口,二次风嘴 secondary tuyere二次合金 secondary alloy二次空气 secondary air二钙硬化法 Di-Cal process二氧化锆 zirconia二氧化碳造模法,碳酸气硬模法,CO2造模法carbon dioxide process(CO2 process)二氧化铁(FeO2) ferrous oxide二元合金 binary alloy发火合金 pyrophoric alloys发热反应 exothermic reaction发热覆盖?冒口用) exothermic shield发热冒口 exothermic riser发热套筒 exothermic sleeve发热性缩颈砂心(冒口用) exothermic breaker core发热性缩孔防止粉 exothermic antipiping powder发生炉 producer发生炉煤气 power gas发生炉煤气 producer gas发生炉燃气,瓦斯 generator gas阀 valve珐琅面,上釉 glassy surface翻举装置 rollover and lifting device翻模 rolling over翻模板 rollover board翻模板 rollover plate翻箱索具 beam and sling翻箱造模机 rollover molding machine翻转(壳模制造) peel back翻转,翻模 rollover翻转顶销脱模机 turnover and pinliftmachine翻转式砂心机 rockover core making machine 翻转脱模式造模机 frame-rollover machine 翻转脱模装置 turn-draw device翻转造模机 turnover molding machine钒(V) vanadium钒铁 ferro-vanadium钒铸铁 vanadium cast iron反复冲击试验 repair反复横断冲击试验 repeated impact test反喇叭形浇口 reverse horn gate反射炉 air furnace反射炉 reverberatory furnace反跳硬度计 scleroscope反跳硬度试验 rebound hardness test反跳硬度试验 scleroscope hardness test反斜度 back draft反应带 reaction zone反应度 reactivity反应模斜度 inverse draft反应速率 rate of reaction反转起模 draw on turnover方锉 square file方解石 calcite方向性凝固 directional solidification 防尘面具,口罩 respirator防护套管 protection tube防裂筋 cracking strip防裂片,散热片 cooling fin防蚀 anti-corrosion防缩暗冒口 shrink bob防缩剂,冒口保温用 anti-piping compound 防缩孔粉剂 pipe eliminator防缩冒口 shrink head防缩冒口 shrinker防锈 anti-rust防锈剂 rust-preventing agent防锈涂层 rust preventive coating放射线检验 radiographic inspection放射线检验 radiographic testing放射线透视 radioscopy放射线照片 radiographic film放射线照像术 radiography放射性同位素 radioactive isotope放样板 lay out board放置器 set-down device非磁性铸铁 non-magnetic cast iron非焦性煤 non-coking coal非金属夹杂物 non-metallic inclusion非金属夹杂物 sonims非均质组织 heterogeneous structure非破坏试验 non-destructive testing(NDT) 非铁金属 non-ferrous metal非氧化气孔(银白色气孔)(铸疵) unoxidized blowholes飞边(铸件) feather飞边,闪光 flash飞边清除 flash removal飞边现象(合模或模裂形成) finning飞灰 fluxing肥粒铁,肥粒体 ferrite肥粒铸铁 ferritic cast iron沸腾 boil沸腾 boiling沸腾期 boiling period肺尘埃沉着病 pneumoconiosis费德曼组织(金相) Widmannstaetten structure 废(钢)片 sheet scrap废电极 electrode scrap废钢 scrap steel废料 scrap废品率 arate of rejects废品率,退件率,不良率 reject ratio废品率,退件率,不良率 rejection rate,reject atio废气 exhaust gas废气 waste gas废热 waste heat废铁 iron scrap废铁 scrap iron废铸料 cast scrap分布 distribution分部模型 section pattern分部心型 sectional core分层浇口 side step gating分层进模口 side step gate分层精炼法 zone refining分次式混合机 batch mixer分次式火炉 batch type annealing furnace 分次式磨粉机 batch mill分次式配砂场 batch sand plant分次式熔炉 batch furnace,batch-type furnace)分次退火炉 periodic annealing furnace 分道砖 runner core分度盘 dividing plate分度圈 limb分段淬火 interrupted quenching分段淬火 stage hardening分段淬火 step quenching分段时效 interrupted aging分段退火 stepped annealing分级,刻度 graduation分级节(模砂) classifying screen分级进模口 steeped sprue分级进模口 step gate分级进模口 stepped side gate分级进模口铸造 step gate casting分级筛 grading screen分级筛 size screen分级摇动筛 size jigging screen分级硬度 gradient hardness分件图 parts drawing分解 resolution分离器 separator分离筛 sepaating screen分离型波来铁(球状云明碳机) divorced pearlite分模粉 parting powder分模剂 parting agent分模剂 parting compound分模面 mold joint分模面 parting surface分模面进模口 parting gate分模砂 parting sand分模线 parting line分模纸 parting paper分配流槽 distributing launder分配销(压铸) sprue pin分支砂心,分支心模 branch core分铸试验 separately cast test bar 分子 molecule。



Pressure Vessel 压力容器Drain Clique 放料阀Blind Flange 法兰盖Loose Flange 活套法兰Gasket 垫片Handrail 护栏Nut 螺母Bolt 螺栓Screws 螺钉Shafts 轴Handwheel 手轮Anchor foundation bolt 地脚螺栓Stud Bolt 螺柱Jacket 夹套Tank Body 罐体Pad 垫板Rib 筋板Flexible graphite gasket 柔性石墨垫片G-L Agitator 搪玻璃的搅拌器G-L Manhole 搪玻璃入孔grind away allowance 搪烧磨光减薄量equipment technical data 设备技术特性表Epoxy paint 灰色环氧树脂漆Magnetic Particle 磁粉Liquid Penetration 渗透Clamp 卡子Tank Cover 罐盖Washer 垫圈Flat Steel 扁钢Soleplate 底板,Mechanical Seal 机械密封Drive Unit 活动装置Thermometer Sleeve 温度计套Assembly 组合件Vent 排气口Earth lugs 接地扳U-Ring U形环Nozzle Blind Plate 接管盲板Pothook 挂钩G-L sight Glass 搪玻璃视镜Sight Glass 视镜Sight lamp 视镜灯Switch Diameter 异径法兰Insulation Support 保温支撑Insulation Nut 保温螺母Assembly Drawing 装配图Support auris 支承耳Lifting lugs 吊耳Head 封头Scale 比例Motor 电机Abutment 支座Coil 盘管Dimensions 尺寸Rolling 轧制Designed 设计Checked 校核Approved 审核Reviewed 审定Glass 合格级别Agitator 搅拌器Full volume 全容积Proportion 探伤比例Issued for 发图用途Welds Type 焊缝种类Fluid Name 物料名称Vessel Category 容器类别NDE Methods 探伤方法Welding Material 焊接材料Surface Treatment 表面处理Hydro test Weight 充满水重量Earthquake Intensity 地震烈度Basic Wind load 基本风压Thickness of Insulation/Density 保温层厚度/密度Weight of Equipment 设备净重Weight of full water 充满水重量Flammable and Explosive 易燃易爆Medium Toxic 中度毒性oxalic acid 草酸Guarantees 担保fabrication drawing, 创造图Pre-welded plate drawing 预焊板图Material For Pressure 主要受压元件材料Fillet welds for nozzle 接管角焊缝pressure parts 受压元件heat exchanger 换热器floating head heat exchanger 浮头式换热器U-tube heat exchanger U-形管式换热器Shell and tube heat exchanger 管壳式换热器Fixed tube sheet heat exchange固定管板式换热器Shell 壳体Nameplate 铭牌Cylinder 筒节Nozzle 接管Tube side 管程Liquid Distributor 液体分布器Upper Channel 上管箱Channel 管箱Upper Tube sheet 上管板Spacer 定距管Pass partition分程隔板Earth lug 接地扳Ring Support 圈座Baffle Plate 挡板Baffle 折流板Tie-Rod/pull rod 拉杆Tie 拉杆Ear Support 耳座Argon-arc welding yarn 氩弧焊焊丝Reinforcement Pad 补强圈Tube 换热管Stud bolt 带肩螺柱Equipment Lifting 设备吊耳hexagonal Plug 六角头丝堵Half coupling 单头螺纹外接头Bottom Tube sheet 下管板Expansion Joint 膨胀节Bottom Channel 下管箱Stud 双头螺栓Washer 垫圈Manhole/hatch 人孔Hand hole 手孔Elbow 弯头Pipe 直管Bundle 管束Rib 筋板Passes No. 程数Shellside 壳程Tubeside 管程Impingement Plate 防冲板Sliding Saddle 滑动鞍座Tolerance of OD 外径偏差Stuffing-box 填料箱Skirt support 裙式支座Support lug 耳式支座Flange 凸缘Reinforcing pad 补强圈MR 采购技术要求Take over 接管weld scale (C.S.) 焊渣(CS)calculation sheet 计算书Positive triangle 正三角形Transfer Area 换热面积Pitch of tube hole 管孔间距Empty 净重Capacity 容积Item No 位号Wind load 风载MR. No 采购号Project No. 项目号No. of passes 程数304 & Graphite. 304缠绕柔性石墨Data Sheets 数据表Light expand 贴胀Code stamp 规范钢印Impact test 冲击试验Strength weld 强度焊PWHT 焊后热处理Seismic zone 地震区域array symmetrically 对称Fire proofing cleats 防火栓MAWP 最大允许工作压力MDMT 最低设计金属温度MAEWP 最大允许外压力Design external pressure 设计外压力Nominal thickness 名义厚度Certificate of compliance with codes 应用规范Welding qualification tests 焊接工艺评定Radiographic examination A&B A、B类射线检测Strength welding with strength expansion 强度焊加强度胀Nozzles Orientation 管口方位Tolerance 公差Element 元件Nozzle 管口Cylindrical 圆柱的Codes 规范Manufacture 制造Inspection 检验Accept 验收galvanized zinc 镀锌axis line 轴线stainless steel 不锈钢attachment weld 连接焊缝butt/jam weld 对接焊缝butt joint weld 对接焊fillet weld 填角焊缝reinforcement butt 补强对接焊缝tight weld 密封焊缝argon-are welding 氩弧焊(接)arc welding(SMAW)电弧焊manual arc welding 手工电弧焊submerged are automatic welding 埋弧自动焊not-penetration/incomplete penetration 未焊透air hole/porosity in weld joint 气孔unfitness of butt joint 对口错边量non destructive examination(NDE) 无损探伤safety helmet 安全帽anchor hole 地脚螺栓孔hone out 磨光I&C 检查与检测/安装与检测igelite 聚四氯乙烯IIW 国际焊接学会Cinder/dirt inclusion 夹渣Sealing interface 密封面DN—公称直径PN—公称压力DW—罐盖法兰的外径Spiral wound type gasket 缠绕垫片Rubber gasket 橡胶垫片Asbestos gasket 石棉垫片PTFE Wrapped Graphite 四氟包覆垫Asbestos-rubber gasket 橡胶石棉垫片Effective gasket seating width 垫片有效密封宽度Spiral wound gasket with inner supporting ring 带内环缠绕垫片Inner diameter 内径Nominal thickness 名义厚度Material designation 物料名称Allowable stress 许应用力Yield point at static pressure text temperature 压力试验温度下的屈服点Mill under tolerance of material 钢材厚度负偏差Negative thickness tolerance 厚度附加量Joint efficiency 焊接接头系数Type of pressure text 压力试验类型Text pressure 试验压力Design condition of cylindrical shell 筒体设计条件Length of cylindrical shell 筒体长度Calculated length of inner cylinder under external pressure 内筒外压计算长度Design condition of head 封头设计条件Upper head of inner cylinder 内筒上封头Lower head of inner cylinder 内筒下封头Jacket head 夹套封头Type of head 封头形式Elliptical 椭圆形Nominal thickness 名义厚度Allowable stress at design temperature 设计温度下的许用应力Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕量Main result of calculation 主要计算结果Checking result 校核结果Mass 质量Calculated diameter of agitator shaft 搅拌轴计算轴径Remark 备注Cal. of inner cylinder subjected to int. press 内筒体内压计算Calculation unit 计算单位Cylinder sketch 筒体简图Allowable stress at text temperature 试验温度许用应力Allowable stress at design temperature 设计温度许用应力Yield point at text temperature 试验温度下屈服点Effective thickness 有效厚度Stress checking at pressure text 压力试验时应力校核Text value 试验压力值Allowance stress level at pressure text 压力试验允许通过的应力水平Cylinder stress at static pressure text 试验压力下圆筒的应力Maximum allowance working pressure 最大允许工作压力Calculated stress at design temperature 设计温度下计算应力It is safe. 合格Depth of curved surface of head 曲面高度Shape factor 形状系数Ellipsoidal head sketch 椭圆封头简图Calculation of opening and reinforcement 开孔补强计算Joint efficiency at opening of shell 壳体开孔处焊缝系数Insider diameter of shell 壳体内直径Nominal thickness of shell at opening 壳体开孔处名义厚度Mill under tolerance of shell 壳体厚度负偏差Allowable stress of shell 壳体材料许用应力Di/(2*hi) of ellipsoidal head 椭圆形封头长短轴之比Included angle between nozzle axis and surface normal of shell 开孔中心到壳体轴线的距离Actual inward extended length of nozzle 接管实际外伸长度Actual outward extended length of nozzle 接管实际内伸长度Distance from opening center of convex head to axial line of head凸形封头开孔中心至封头轴线的距离Mill under tolerance of nozzle 接管厚度负偏差Allowable stress of nozzle material 接管材料许用应力Outside diameter of reinforcement Pad 补强圈外径Material designation of reinforcement Pad 补强圈材料名称Joint efficiency of nozzle 接管焊缝系数Material and type of nozzle 接管材料名称及类型Calculations for opening reinforcement 开孔补强计算Calculated thickness of shell 壳体计算厚度Strength reduction factor of reinforcement Pad 补强圈强度削弱系数Effective outward extended length of nozzle 接管有效外伸长度Strength reduction factor of nozzle material 接管材料强度削弱系数Effective inward extended length of nozzle 接管有效内伸长度Calculated section 计算截面Section as shown in sketch图示截面Section perpendicular to plan view as shown 与图示成90度Stress correction factor 应力校正系数Opening diameter 开孔直径Effective width of reinforcement 补强区有效宽度Required reinforcement area of opening 开孔削弱所需的补强面积Area excess thickness of shell 壳体多余金属面积Area excess thickness of nozzle 接管多余金属面积Cross sectional area of various welds available for reinforcement 补强区内的焊缝面积Area of reinforcement Pad 补强圈面积Check result for calculated section 计算截面的校核结果The opening is safe 补强满足要求Design code 计算方法equivalency-Area reinforcement method 等面积补强法Single opening 单孔Thickness factor 厚度系数Vessel for reaction 反应容器Vessel subjected to ambient pressure 常压容器First category vessel 一类容器Convex head 凸形封头Lubricant 滑润剂Baffle space 折流板间距Heat transfer area 换热面积Empty weight 设备净重Vessel category 容器类别Manufacture license 制造许可证Product ser 设备位号Equipment item no. 产品编号Full liquid penetrate examination 渗透检测Distillation column 精馏塔Absorption column 吸收塔Extraction tower 萃取塔Packed tower 填料塔thin-film absorption 膜式吸收塔reboiler 再沸器vessel subjected to ambient pressure常压容器Argon-arc welding yarn 氩弧焊焊丝Jalousie 百叶窗Silicone jelly 硅胶Petroleum jelly 凡士林Erection joint 现场安装焊接On-site welded equipment 现场焊接设备Surface preparation 表面处理Delivered as raw material 以原材料交付Hot dip galvanized 热镀锌Priming 涂底Final painting 涂面漆Touch-up of damaged coats is needed 修补损坏的漆膜Priming and final painting in this specification 按本规范涂底漆和面漆Priming and final painting in manufacture’s standard按制造厂标准涂底漆和面漆Packing glands 填料函machined surface 机加工面gauge glass 玻璃液位计grease fittings 润滑管件fire system sprinkler heads 消防喷头spring hanger level graduation graduations 弹簧吊架刻度Value position indicators 阀门位置指示器Value stem 阀杆Instruments dials 仪表刻度盘spare part list 备件清单purchase order 定购单Mounting Gasket 设备法兰垫片Liquidated damaged 违约金Advance payment 预付款Force majeure 不可抗力工艺流程图Process flow diagram(PFD)管道仪表流程图Process piping & instrument flow diagram(PID) 公用工程流程图Utility balance diagram(UFD)框图Block flow diagram公用工程介质平衡图Utility balance diagram(UBD)平面布置图Plot plan立面布置图General arrangement总图General plot plan规划图Planning drawing管道研究图Piping study drawing管道布置图(配管图)Piping arrangement drawing分区图Key plan管道走向研究图Piping routing study drawing地下管道图Underground piping drawing管道特殊管件图Piping special parts drawing管架详图Piping hanging drawing预制图Prefabrication drawing参考图Reference drawing通用图Typical drawing制造厂图Vendor’s drawing管道轴测图Isometric piping drawing竣工图As-built drawing模型Model管线表Line schedule计算书Calculation sheet图纸目录Drawing schedule发图阶段Issue stage版次Revision number编号体系Numbering system比例Scale工厂北向Plant north海平面标高Over-sea mean level(OSL)标高Elevation(EL)已有钢结构Existing structure公用工程站Utility station柱号Column number净空headroom装货区Loading area通道Access way小通道Cat way钢结构顶部标高Top of structure elevation 管底标高Bottom of piping elevation主管口径Run size顶平偏心异径管Eccentric reducer top flat 中心到面的距离Center to face工作点标高Working point elevation管架标注Hanging marking冷拉Cold spring管线记号Line symbol管线接口Line connection物流号Stream NO.管线号Line NO.管道等级号(1) class designation(2) spec designation阀门号Valve NO.等级分界Specification break重要管道Critical piping总管Header pipe仪表管道Instrument piping排放管道Blowdown piping火炬气管道Flare piping输送管线Transfer line入口管线Suction line排水管Effluent line旁通管Bypass line吹扫系统Purge system放空接口Vent connection软管接口Hose connection双切断阀及排放阀Double block and bleeder 污水沟Sewer ditch冷凝液池Condensate pit积水坑Sump box漏斗Drip funnel管段Spool piece垫环Space ring限流孔板Restriction orifice流量喷嘴Flow nozzle液体混合用三通Mixing tee喷头Spray nozzle粗滤器Strainer临时粗滤器Temporary strainer疏水阀Steam trap爆破膜Rupture disk蒸汽伴热管道Steam-traced piping夹套管道Jacketed piping地下管道Underground piping管道要素钢管Steel pipe螺纹端管Threaded pipe法兰端管Flanged pipe锻制的Swage光滑弯管Smooth bendU型弯管U-bend弯管Bending pipe波纹管膨胀节Expansion bellows柔性管Flexible pipe管件接头Pipe fitting joint机械连接Mechanical joint活套连接Lapped joint环行垫连接Ring type joint扩口接头Flare type joint非扩口接头Flareless type joint承插连接Bell and spigotVictaulic 接头Victaulic joint弯头Elbow异径管Reducer管接头Coupling活接头Union短管Nipple法兰Flange配对法兰Companion flange法兰盖Blind flange异径法兰Reducing flange八字盲板(1) spectacle blind(2) reversible blind平板式法兰Plate flange带颈法兰Hubbed flange对焊法兰Welding flange松套法兰Loose flange管端突缘Stub end法兰面Flange face垫片沟槽Gasket groove满平面Full face突面Raised face大准槽面Large tongue and groove face 双凹凸面Double male & female face大凹凸面Large male & female face金属垫片Metallic gasket非金属垫片Non-metallic gasketO型环Semi-metallic gasket透视垫O-ring对焊Lens ring承插焊接Butt weld滑套焊接Socket weld焊接支管台Slip-on weld插入环Insert ring管帽Cap材料表Bill of material材料统计Take-off管段表Line bill of material估算汇总表Estimation summary sheet备品备件表Spare parts list报价单Quotation sheet订货表Purchase order schedule材料汇总表Bill of material summary状态报告Status report分布报告Distribution report价格、重量一览表Cost & weight summary 价格、重量汇总表Cost & weight total定货管理表Order control管道材料管理表Piping material control sheet 元件代码Item code标记号Tag number标准形态Standard shape轴测图Isometric drawing管线号Line reference批号Batch reference管子下料表Piping cutting list制作件表Fabrication parts list组装件表Erection part list固定架Anchor滑动架Resting support导向架Guide限位架Directional stop减振架Dampener支架Support管托Shoe保冷管托cradle鞍座Saddle耳轴Trunnion吊架Hanger刚性吊架Rigid hanger弹簧吊架Spring hanger恒力吊架Constant hanger阀门Valve截止阀Globe valve闸阀Gate valve针行阀Needle valve球阀Ball valve止回阀Check valve隔膜阀Diaphragm valve三通阀Three-way valve角阀Angle valve蝶阀Butterfly valve旋塞阀Cock伸长杆操作Extension stem-operation 链操作Chain-operated齿轮操作Gear-operated扳手操作Wrench-operated电动操作Motor-operated阀芯Trim阀盖Bonnet焊接支管Weld branch偏置Offset焊缝根部间隙Weld root gap现场调整后再下料和焊接Cut and weld after adjusting坡度Slope工作点Working point管架说明Notes for piping hanging部门间校核版Interdepartmental check print平端Plain end坡口端Beveled管道联接图Piping hook-up drawing管道图说明Notes for piping drawing标题栏Title block询价单Piping requisition sheet1 管道组成件Piping component1.1 管子Pipe管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube钢管steel pipe铸铁管cast iron pipe]衬里管lined pipe复合管clad pipe碳钢管carbon steel pipe合金钢管alloy steel pipe不锈钢stainless steel pipe奥氏体不锈钢管austenitic stainless steel pipe铁合金钢管ferritic alloy steel pipe轧制钢管wrought-steel pipe锻铁管wrought-iron pipe无缝钢管seamless (SMLS) steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe电阻焊钢管electric-resistance welded steel pipe电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe 螺旋焊接钢管spiral welded steel pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe热轧无缝钢管hot-rolling seamless pipe冷拔无缝钢管cold-drawing seamless pipe水煤气钢管water-gas steel pipe塑料管plastic pipe玻璃管glass tube橡胶管rubber tube直管run pipe; straight pipe1.2 管件Fitting弯头elbow异径弯头reducing elbow带支座弯头base elbowk半径弯头long radius elbow短半径弯头short radius elbow长半径180°弯头long radius return短半径180°弯头short radius return带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向)side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand)双支管弯头(形)double branch elbow三通tee异径三通reducing tee等径三通straight tee带侧向口的三通(右向或左向)side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)异径三通(分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on outlet)异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)带支座三通base tee异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式)reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head) 45°斜三通45° lateral45°斜三通(支管为异径)45° lateral (reducing on branch)45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)Y型三通(俗称裤衩)true “Y”四通cross等径四通straight cross异径四通reducing cross异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet) 异径四通(两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet)异径管reducer同心异径管concentric reducer偏心异径管eccentric reducer锻制异径管reducing swage螺纹支管台threadolet焊接支管台weldolet承插支管台sockolet弯头支管台elbolet斜接支管台latrolet镶入式支管嘴sweepolet短管支管台nipolet支管台,插入式支管台boss管接头coupling, full coupling半管接头half coupling异径管接头reducing coupling活接头union内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯)bushing管帽cap (C)堵头plug短节nipple异径短节reducing nipple; swage nipple1.3 弯管Bend预制弯管fabricated pipe bend跨越弯管(^ 形)cross-over bend偏置弯管(~ 形)offset bend90°弯管quarter bend环形弯管cirele bend单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形)single offset quarter bendS形弯管“S” bend单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形)single offset “U” bendU形弯管“U” bend双偏置U膨胀弯管double offset expansion “U” bend斜接弯管mitre bend三节斜接弯管3-piece mitre bend折皱弯管corrugated bend圆度roundness1.4 法兰Flange (FLG)整体管法兰integral pipe flange钢管法兰steel pipe flange螺纹法兰threaded flange滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰)slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange 承插焊法兰socket welding flange松套法兰lap joint flange (LJF)对焊法兰welding neckflange (WNF)法兰盖blind flange, blind孔板法兰orifice flange异径法兰reducing flange盘座式法兰pad type flange松套带颈法兰loose hubbed flange焊接板式法兰welding plate flange对焊环welding neck collar (与stub end相似)平焊环welding-on collar突缘短节stub end, lap翻边端lapped pipe end松套板式法兰loose plate flange压力级pressure rating, pressure rating class压力—温度等级pressure-temperature rating法兰密封面,法兰面flange facing突面raised face (RF)凸面male face (MF)凹面female face (FMF)榫面tongue face槽面groove face环连接面ring joint face全平面;满平面flat face; full face (FF)光滑突面smooth raised face (SRF)法兰面加工facing finish粗糙度roughness光滑的smooth齿形serrated均方根root mean square (RMS)算术平均粗糙高度arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)配对法兰companion-flange螺栓圆bolt circle (B.C.)1.5 垫片Gasket (GSKT)垫片的型式type of gasket平垫片flat gasket环形平垫片flat ring gasket平金属垫片flat metal gasket夹棉织物的橡胶elastomer with cotton fabric insertion夹石棉织物的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement无石墨压缩白石棉垫片non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket天然白橡胶垫片natural white rubber gasket压缩石棉垫片compressed asbestos class gasket浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler内环inner ring外环,外定位环outer ring波纹金属垫片corrugated metal gasket波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket 双夹套垫片double jacketed gasket金属包石棉平垫片flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket整体金属齿形垫片solid metal serrated gasket槽形金属垫片grooved metal gasket环形连接金属垫片ring joint metal gasket八角环形垫片octagonal ring gasket椭圆环形垫片oval ring gasket透镜式垫片lens gasket非金属垫片non-metallic gasket1.6 阀门Valve1.6.1 阀门结构、零件阀轭yoke外螺纹阀杆及阀轭outside screw and yoke (OS & Y) 阀杆stem内螺纹inside screw (IS)阀轭套yoke sleeve阀杆环stem ring阀座valve seat (body seat)阀座环、密封圈seat ring整体(阀)座integral seat堆焊(阀)座deposited seat阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件)trim阀盘disc阀盘密封圈disc seat阀体body阀盖bonnet阀盖衬套bonnet bush螺纹阀帽screw cap螺纹阀盖screw bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted bonnet (BB)活接阀盖(帽)union bonnet (cap)螺栓连接的阀帽bolted cap (BC)焊接阀盖welded bonnet (WB)本体阀杆密封body stem seal石棉安全密封asbestos emenen seal倒密封back seal压力密封的阀盖pressure-tight bonnet动力操纵器powered operator电动操纵器electric motor operator气动操纵器pneumatic operator液压操纵器hydraulic operator快速操纵器quick-acting operator滑动阀杆sliding stem正齿轮传动spur gear operated伞齿轮传动bevel gear operated扳手操作wrench operated链轮chain wheel手轮hand wheel手柄hand lever (handle)气缸(或液压缸)操纵的cylinder operated链条操纵的chain operated等径孔道full bore; full port异径孔道reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port 短型short pattern紧凑型(小型)compact type笼式环lantern ring压盖gland阀杆填料stem packing阀盖垫片bonnet gasket升杆式(明杆)rising stem (RS)非升杆式(暗杆)non-rising stem (NRS)指示器/限位器indicator/stopper注油器grease injector可更换的阀座环renewable seat ring1.6.2 常用阀(1)闸阀gate valve平行双闸板double disc parallel seat开口楔形闸板split wedge挠性整体楔形闸扳flexible solid wedge整体楔形闸板solid wedge塞型闸阀plug gate valve直通型闸阀through conduit gate valve(2) 截止阀globe valve球心型阀盘globe type disc塞型阀盘plug type disc可转动的阀盘swivel disc(3) 节流闪阀throttle valve针阀needle valve(4) 角阀angle valve(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)(6) 球阀ball valve三通球阀3-way ball valve装有底轴的trunnion mounted耐火型fire safe type浮动球型floating ball type防脱出阀杆blowout proof stem(7) 蝶阀butterfly valve对夹式(薄片型)wafer type凸耳式lug type偏心阀板蝶阀offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve 斜阀盘蝶阀canted disc butterfly valve连杆式蝶阀link butterfly valve(8) 柱塞阀piston type valve(9) 旋塞阀plug valve三通旋塞阀three-way plug valve四通旋塞阀four-way plug valve旋塞cock衬套旋塞sleeve cock(10) 隔膜阀diaphragm valve橡胶衬里隔膜阀rubber lined diaphragm valve直通式隔膜阀straight way diaphragm valve堰式隔膜阀weir diaphragm valve(11) 夹紧式胶管阀pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)(12) 止回阀check valve升降式止回阀lift check valve旋启式止回阀swing check valve, flap check valve落球式止回阀ball check valve弹簧球式止回阀spring ball check valve双板对夹式止回阀dual plate wafer type check valve无撞击声止回阀non-slam cheek valve底阀foot valve切断式止回阀stop check valve; non-return valve活塞式止回阀piston check valve斜翻盘止回阀tilting disc check valve蝶式止回阀butterfly check valve1.6.3 其它用途的阀安全泄气阀safety valve (SV)安全泄液阀relief valve (RV)安全泄压阀safety relief valve杠杆重锤式lever and weight type引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀pilot operated safety valve复式安全泄气阀twin type safety valve罐底排污阀flush-bottom tank valve电磁阀solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve电动阀electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve 气动阀pneumatic operated valve低温用阀cryogenic service valve蒸汽疏水阀steam trap机械式疏水阎mechanical trap浮桶式疏水阀open bucket trap, open top bucket trap浮球式疏水阀float trap倒吊桶式疏水阀inverted bucket trap自由浮球式疏水阀loose float trap恒温式疏水阀thermostatic trap金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀metal expansion steam trap液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀liquid expansion steam trap双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀bimetallic expansion steam trap压力平衡式恒温疏水阀balanced pressure thermostatic trap热动力式疏水阀thermodynamic trap脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀impulse steam trap放气阀(自动放气阀)air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)平板式滑动闸阀slab type sliding gate valve盖阀flat valve换向阀diverting valve, reversing valve热膨胀阀thermo expansion valve自动关闭阀self-closing gate valve自动排液阀self-draining valve管道盲板阀line-blind valve挤压阀squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)呼吸阀breather valve风门、挡板damper减压阀pressure reducing valve, reducing valve控制阀control valve膜式控制阀diaphragm operated control valve执行机构actuator背压调节阀back pressure regulating valve差压调节阀differential pressure regulating valve压力比例调节阀pressure ratio regulating valve1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀切断阀block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve调节阀regulating valve快开阀quick opening valve快闭阀quick closing valve隔断阀isolating valve三通阀three way valve夹套阔jacketed valve非旋转式阀non-rotary valve排污阀blowdown valve集液排放阀drip valve排液阀drain valve放空阀vent valve卸载阀unloading valve排出阀discharge valve吸入阀suction valve多通路阀multiport valve取样阀sampling valve手动阀hand-operated valve; manually operated valve 锻造阀forged valve铸造阀cast valve(水)龙头bibb; bib; faucet抽出液阀(小阀)bleed valve旁路阀by-pass valve软管阀hose valve混合阀mixing valve破真空阀vacuum breaker冲洗阀flush valve第一道阀;根部阀primary valve根部阀root valve总管阀header valve事故切断阀emergency valve1.7 管道特殊件Piping Specialty1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)粗滤器strainer过滤器filter临时粗滤器(锥型)temporary strainer (cone type)y 型粗滤器y-type strainerT型粗滤器T-type strainer永久过滤器permanent filter丝网粗滤器gauze strainer洗眼器及淋浴器eye washer and shower视镜sight glass阻火器flame arrester喷嘴;喷头spray nozzle取样冷却器sample cooler消声器silencer膨胀节expansion joint波纹膨胀节bellow expansion joint单波single bellow双波double bellow多波multiple bellow压力平衡式膨胀节pressure balanced expansion带铰链膨胀节hinged expansion joint轴向位移型膨胀节axial movement type expansion joint 自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint 带接杆膨胀节tied expansion joint万向型膨胀节universal type expansion joint球形补偿器ball type expansion joint填函式补偿器slip type (packed type) expansion joint单向滑动填料函补偿器single actionpacked slip joint1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element软管接头hose connection (HC)快速接头quick coupling金属软管metal hose橡胶管rubber hose挠性管flexible tube鞍形补强板reinforcing saddles补强板reinforcement pad特殊法兰special flange漏斗funnel排液环drip ring排液漏斗drain funnel插板blank垫环spacer8字盲板spectacle blind; figure 8 blind限流孔板restriction orifice爆破片rupture disk法兰盖贴面protective disc费托立克接头victaulic coupling1.8 端部连接End Connection法兰端flanged end坡口端beveled end (BE)对焊端butt welded end平端plain end (PE)承插焊端socket welding end螺纹端threaded end (TE)承口bell end焊接端welding end法兰连接(接头)flanged joint对焊连接(接头)butt welded joint螺纹连接,管螺纹连接threaded joint, pipe threaded joint 锥管螺纹密封焊连接seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint 承插焊连接(接头)socket welded joint承插连接(接头)bell and spigot joint环垫接头ring joint (RJ)万向接头universal joint软钎焊连接(接头)soldered joint搭接接头,松套连接lapped joint外侧厚度切斜角bevel for outside thickncss内侧厚度切斜角bevel for inside thickness内外侧厚度切斜角bevel for combined thickness法兰式的flanged (FLGD)对焊的butt welded (BW)螺纹的threaded (THD)承插焊的socket welded (SW)小端为平的small end plain (SEP)大端为平的large end plain (LEP)两端平both ends plain (BEP)小端带螺纹small end thread (SET)大端带螺纹large end thread (LET)两端带螺纹both end thread (BET)一端带螺纹one end thread (OET)支管连接branch connection焊接支管branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe2 管道用紧固件及螺纹2.1 紧固件螺栓bolt六角头螺栓hexagonal head bolt方头螺栓square head bolt螺柱,双头螺栓stud bolt环头螺检eye bolt沉头螺栓countersunk (head) screw 地脚螺栓anchor bolt; foundation bolt 松紧螺旋扣(花篮螺丝)turnbuckle U形螺栓U-boltT形螺栓T-bolt圆头螺钉round head bolt机螺栓,机螺钉maehine bolt顶开螺栓,顶起螺栓Jack screw自攻螺钉self tapping screw膨胀螺栓expansion bolt粗制的coarse精制的finished, fine螺母nut六角螺母hexagonal nut方螺母square nut蝶形螺母wing nut扁螺母flat nut锁紧螺母lock nut垫圈washer平垫圈plain washer球面垫圈spherical washer弹簧垫圈spring washer方垫圈square washer斜垫圈slant washer销轴pinned shan销pin开口销cotter pin定位销dowel pin带孔销pin with hole圆锥销taper pin铆钉rivet键key2.2 螺纹左螺纹left hand thread右螺纹right hand thread管螺纹pipe thread锥管螺纹taper pipe thread直管螺纹straight pipe thread梯形螺纹trapezoid thread螺距pitch of thread粗牙螺纹coarse thread细牙螺纹fine thread特细牙螺纹extra fine thread通长螺纹full thread惠氏螺纹whitworth thread公制螺纹metric ibread美国标准锥管螺纹American standard taper pipe thread (NPT) 螺孔tap3 材料、型钢及填料3.1 金属材料3.1.1 黑色金属Ferrous Metal碳素钢carbon steel (CS)低碳钢low-carbon steel中碳钢medium-carbon steel高碳钢high-carbon steel普通碳素钢general carbon steel优质碳素钢high-quality carbon steel普通低合金结构钢general structure low-alloy steel合金结构钢structural alloy steel合金钢alloy steel低合金钢low alloy steel中合金钢medium alloy steel高合金钢high alloy steel耐热钢heat resisting steel高强度钢high strength steel复合钢clad steel工具钢tool steel弹簧钢spring steel钼钢molybdenum steel镍钢nickel steel铬钢chromium steel铬钼钢chrome-molybdenum steel铬镍钢chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢stainless steel (S.S.)奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢Martensitic stainless steel司特来合金(钨铬钴台金)Stellite耐蚀耐热镍基合金Hastelloy铬镍铁合金inconel耐热铬镍铁合金incoloy20合金20 alloy平炉钢(马丁钢)Martin steel镇静钢killed steel半镇静钢semi-killed steel沸腾钢rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel 锻钢forged steel铸钢cast steel铸铁cast iron (C.I.)灰铸铁grey cast iron可锻铸铁malleable iron (MI)球墨铸铁nodular cast iron; nodular graphite iron 生铁pig iron熟铁,锻铁wrought iron铸件casting高硅铸铁high silicon cast iron3.1.2 镀层及制造方法渗铬钢,镀铬钢chromized steel。



中⽂:胶囊capsule,gelatin capsule

中⽂:胶合板桶plywood drum

中⽂:集装袋flexible freight container

中⽂:滑⽊箱skiden wooden case


中⽂:固定纸盒set-up box


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