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本章重点是了解一些大型整体结构零件加工过程和设备,而对常规机 械加工内容不予介绍。
第二节 整体壁板的制造
由于现代高速飞机要求薄翼型并有足够的强度、刚度和疲劳性能,因此 广泛采用整体壁板和变厚度蒙皮。能大量地减少零件数量、简化连接形 式,同时有如下优点: 1.结构设计上:
(1)剖面可按等强度设计成理想的承力形式,所以壁板的强重比高,总 体和局部刚性好;
由于成形工具头半径远远小于板料的尺寸,所以每次产生的变形仅 集中在成形球头的周围,是靠变形的积累而得到整体变形的。变形区材 料受双向拉应力,导致板料变薄,极限情况就是产生拉伸失稳而破裂。 (3)重要的研究方向
单点渐进成形法要解决的重要课题是Байду номын сангаас形工艺规划和加工路径的设 计问题。 (4)优点
非常适合新产品的快速开发、设计验证和小批量、多品种产品的生 产,并且能成形比较复杂、延伸率更高的零件。
Figure 10 Principal of Dieless NC Forming
Forming starts on the top of the piece, where also the support tool is placed. The Z-tool makes a round path around the support tool and after one round, lowers itself down for defined pitch and continues forming. The tool path as well as the vertical pitch are defined by the convertion software based on the CADmodel of the product. The tool changes the moving direction after each round to prevent material twisting around the Z-axis of the product. The forming process is illustrated in Figure 11.
Most authors used in their experimental study on incremental forming regular 3 axis milling machine. Figure 7 presents the incremental forming process.
半开的铸型中,合拢机架使金属液面上升充满模腔,挤出多余的金 属。 特点:铸造金属的机械性能较差,但能适应复杂形状,成本低、机加 工作量小,为等强度设计提供了可能。 铸造壁板一般内外表面都铸成最后尺寸,机械加工只限于接头部分和 对外形的修光,生产效率高。
Figure 8 The control system of Dieless NC Forming machine.
Figure 9 Equipment for Dieless NC Forming process
The blank sheet is attached to a blank holder. The blank holder moves in vertical direction according to descending of Ztool and along X- and Y-planes.
对塑性较差的材料加工意义很大。 缺点: (1)挤压毛坯只能是等剖面有纵向加强筋 或桁条的整体壁板; (2)毛坯仍受挤压设备及校平设备限制; (3)模具寿命低。
挤压法制造整体壁板的两种方法: (1)先挤出带筋的筒形(U或V形)毛坯,然后沿轴线剖开展平
优点:能挤出较宽的壁板; 缺点:展开工序较为复杂。 (2)直接挤出带筋的平直壁板 缺点:宽度尺寸不大。 挤压毛坯在淬火后一般需要在拉伸机上校正,以消除壁板在挤压及淬火 过程中产生的纵向波纹度和横向翘曲(“马刀形”变形),消除内应力, 然后在滚床(水压机)上进行校平。 3.自由锻毛坯和热轧平板 实质上是在一块经过自由锻造 初步接近于零件形状的立体形状 毛坯或在一块轧制的厚板上“雕刻” 出所需零件的形状来。
still some limitations with the method in geometry, product size
and surface quality.
第三章 飞机整体结构机械加工制造工艺
第一节 概述
过去飞机机体的主要结构件都是由钣金零件装配而成,而近年来随着 数控加工技术的普遍应用,整体框、梁、肋结构大量出现,同时整 体壁板结构更为常见,因此机械加工零件的比重已经超过钣金件。
一.整体壁板毛坯 主要为铝合金,另有钛合金、镁合金。整体壁板毛坯的主要制造方法: 热摸锻、挤压、自由锻板坯、热轧平板毛坯和特种铸造。
1.大吨位液压机和锻模生产壁板毛坯 优点:生产率高、锻件纤维组织连续,晶粒致密,强度高,可制造复杂 形状筋肋和对接接头。
热模锻毛坯接近于成品尺寸,厚度和桁 条间距误差小于0.6mm,锻造斜度小, 对铝合金简单形状最小壁厚可达4mm。 但模锻需要吨位极大的机床,铝合金壁 板每平方米投影面积约需3万吨压力, 精锻时要5~6万吨。且锻模制造困难、 周期长、劳动量大。如某飞机整体壁板 的锻模重量达50~60吨。 这些问题限制了热模锻方法的广泛应用。
An approximate deformation analysis for the incremental bulging of sheet metal using a ball roller is developed . The incremental bulging method has been applied for non-symmetric shallow shells.
Figure 7 Schematic diagram of the incremental sheet metal forming process
Dieless NC Forming is a cold forming technology that is developed in Japan for the needs of automotive industry. It has been commercialised by Japanese company Aimono Corporation. Dieless NC Forming is a numerically controlled incremental forming process that can form various materials into complex shapes. The method allows forming without large and expensive dies, using only a simple support tool under the formed piece. This makes the method very cost effective. Dieless NC Forming is an alternative manufacturing method to small lot production and prototyping.
characteristics of the incremental forming process are pointed out:
- the sheet is formed according to a given locus - the deformation of the sheet is point-by-point - the deformation of every step is small.
成形时首先将被加工板料置于芯模上,在托板四周用压板夹紧,该托板 可沿导柱上下滑动。然后把该装置固定在三轴联动的数控成形机上。加 工时,工具先走到指定位置,并给板料以设定的压下量,并根据控制系 统的指令,按照第一层轮廓的要求,按等高线的方式对板料进行单点渐 进成形。一层结束后再按第二层截面轮廓要求加工第二层,以此类推, 直到整个工件成形结束。 (2)变形机理
(2)疲劳寿命长; (3)外形准确、表面光滑; (4)可简化整体油箱的密封,腾出最大的有效空间。 2.工艺方面: (1)简化了互换性问题、减轻了装配工作量; (2)减少模具和装配型架数量、缩短生产准备周期; (3)可采用锻、挤、轧、铸等加工方法,在大批量生产时提高生产效率。 3.存在缺点: (1)要切除大量金属,须配备大型加工设备和专用机床; (2)除热碾平板毛坯外,其他形式毛坯供应困难且费用较高; (3)从“破损”角度看,裂纹扩展速度较快,不如铆接、更不如胶接结
Figure 11 Dieless NC forming process
Dieless NC Forming is suitable for one-piece and low volume production. It can also be used as a prototyping method for sheet metal products produced in large series. The maximum production capacity of the Dieless NC Forming machine is about 500 pieces a month, varying widely on the size and geometry of formed products. The method is slow when compared to for example deep drawing, and it is not competing with traditional forming methods. There are
平直度较高,板坯提供状态最好是上下表面预先经过铣平,并裁切 成与零件外形接近的形状; (2)加强筋不可设计成T形或比较复杂的形式; (3)加强筋最好设计成等距平行排列。
4.特种铸造制毛坯 对尺寸不大、有敞开斜角内筋,且壁板厚度大于2~4mm时,可采用
挤铸和低压铸造法加工整体壁板毛坯。 图3-5就是用挤铸法原理成批生产的铝合金导弹翼面,把金属液注入
2.热挤和冷挤压毛坯 优点: (1)能获得比模锻更大的壁板,因为正挤压方法在理论上不受加工厂长
度的限制; (2)与模锻相比,要求设备功率小、模具制造费用低、生产率高、材料
利用率可达70%以上; (3)挤压件尺寸精度和光洁度较好,除形状复杂部位需表面修整外,不
需进一步加工; (4)挤压时材料处于三向压应力状态,
优点: (1)厚板供应来源广; (2)且允许设计者比较自由地布置筋条和凸台; (3)准备周期短,制造精度及光洁度高。 缺点: (1)加工量大,材料利用率低(~10%); (2)需配备大型高效切削加工设备; (3)经过切削加工后,材料纤维被切断,机械性能变差; (4)机械加工中发生翘曲程度大,消除困难。 用板坯或板料加工整体壁板时,必须考虑: (1)由于机加过程通常使用真空平台来定位和夹紧板料,所以要求
Some machines only allow moving along X-plane. The support tool is placed under the workholder and the blank sheet is moulded against the support tool. The Z-tool is computer controlled. The forming principle is shown in Figure 10.