
Ask people to name someone they find charming and the answers are often predictable. There’s James Bond, the fictional spy with a penchant for shaken martinis. Maybe they’ll mention Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton or a historical figure, like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi. Now ask the same people to describe, in just a few seconds, what makes these charmers so likable.要是你让人说出一个他心目中有魅力的人的名字,答案通常都可以预测。
那么现在再让同一个人来用区区几秒钟描述,到底是什么特质让这些魅力十足的人物如此受人爱戴呢?It’s here, in defining what exactly charisma is, that most hit a wall. Instinctually, we know that we’re drawn to certain people more than others. Quantifying why we like them is an entirely different exercise.到此为止,在魅力到底是什么的确切定义过程中,通常就是到这里走进了死胡同。

2016考研英语阅读真题:考研英语(一)第2篇For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country.In Britain this has had a curious result.While polls show Britons rate the countryside alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save the beauty of natural places for everyone forever.It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience a refreshing air.Hill s pressures later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.They don t make countryside any more, and every year concrete consumes more of it.It needs constant guardianship.At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment.The Conservatives planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation, even authorizing off-plan building where local people might object.The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development.The Liberal Democrats are silent.Only Ukip, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local Conservative parties.The sensible place to build new houses, factories and offices is where people are, in cities and towns where infrastructure is in place.The London agents Stirling Ackroyd recently identified enough sites for half a million houses in the London area alone, with no intrusion on green belt.What is true of London is even truer of the provinces.The idea that housing crisis equals concreted meadows is pure lobby talk.The issue is not the need for more houses but, as always, where to put them.Under lobby pressure, George Osborne favours rural new-build against urban renovation and renewal.He favours out-of-town shopping sites against high streets.This is not a free market but a biased one.Rural towns and villages have grown and will always grow.They do so best where building sticks to their edges and respects their character.We do not ruin urban conservation areas.Why ruin rural ones?Development should be planned, not let rip.After the Netherlands, Britain is Europe s most crowded country.Half a century of town and country planning has enabled it to retain an enviable rural coherence, while still permitting low-density urban living.There is no doubt of the alternative the corrupted landscapes of southern Portugal, Spain or Ireland.Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.与乡村人口相比,人类历史上第一次有更多的人居住在城镇。

Diageo last week took a majority stake in Seedlip, a non-alcoholic spirit sold as an alternative to gin — a move seen by analysts as the drinks giant’s attempt to grab more of the growing teetotal market. The young are more abstemious than their elders, and manufacturers and marketers need to keep up.帝亚吉欧(Diageo)不久前收购了Seedlip的多数股权,这是一种被作为金酒替代品出售的无酒精型烈酒——市场分析师们将此举解读为酒业巨头试图在日益扩张的无酒精饮料市场中分一杯羹。
For those of us who don’t drink or, in my case, only occasionally, a reduction in others’ drinking, along with a fall in the antisocial consequences, is a welcome development. At a wedding in Italy this summer, I marvelled as a group of Italian and French guests partied under a hot afternoon sun and late into the night, without anyone staggering or slurring in the way they would inevitably have done in the UK.对于我们当中那些不喝酒——或者以我自己为例——仅偶尔喝一杯的人来说,他人饮酒量的下降,以及与之相随的危害社会公共利益问题的减少,是一种令人愉快的新变化。

本篇时文阅读来自英国《金融时报》,原文标题为《强硬欧元区仍给予希腊最后机会》Unyielding eurozone gives Athens last chance。
在这种情境下,希腊该怎样获得救赎?来看下面这篇文章: Athens will be given a final chance to present a new reform plan to eurozone leaders on Tuesday night despite a hardening attitude to Greece in many capitals after theemphatic rejection of previous bailout terms in Sunday’s referendum.雅典将被给予在周二晚向欧元区领导人提交新的改革计划的最后机会,尽管在希腊周日公投明确拒绝早先的纾困条款后,许多国家政府对希腊的态度转为强硬。
But eurozone officials said leaders were unlikely to agree to restart rescue talks to keep Greece in the currency union at a hastily-convened summit in Brussels despite the Greek overture.但欧元区官员表示,尽管希腊摆出合作姿态,但在匆忙安排的布鲁塞尔峰会上,各国领导人不太可能同意重启让希腊留在欧元区的纾困谈判。

第三篇阅读理解选自2015年6月27日The Economics(《经济学人》)发表的名为“Halo Effect”的文章,其副标题是Do-gooding policies help firms when they get prosecuted(行善策略会使公司在面临诉讼时得到帮助),属于经济类题材的文章。
首先,第一段作者通过引用Miltion Friedman的话引出了本文探讨的话题是CSR(企业的社会责任感),并在二句转折之后提出自己的观点,认为Friedman对CSR的界定含糊不清,实际上CSR能够给企业带来金钱价值,特别是面对贪污腐败案件的指控时。

The outbreak of the first world war was, we are told,greeted with confidence and jubilation by thepeoples of Europe. Something similar seems to behappening after years of economic crisis and politicalturmoil in Greece. A growing number of people feelthat enough is now enough. The strident viewsexpressed in these pages by the Italian economist,Francesco Giavazzi, **are shared by many in highoffice. Meanwhile, Alexis Tsipras, the Greek primeminister, accuses Greece’s creditors of “pillaging” hiscountry. 据说,一战爆发时,欧洲各国民众自信而喜悦地欢呼这个消息。
意大利经济学家弗朗西斯科?贾瓦齐(Francesco Giavazzi)在本报表达的尖锐观点,在高层引发了很多同感。
与此同时,希腊总理亚历克西斯?齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)指责希腊债权人“掠夺”他的国家。
Olivier Blanchard, the International Monetary Fund’s sober chief economist, indicates that a dealmight still be reached. But many are beginning to long to see the knot cut. Whatever game theGreeks thought they were playing, their government may now just desire an end to thehumiliation. Similarly, whatever game the eurogroup may have been playing, it may now justwant an end to the frustration. If so, Greek default, exit and devaluation could be fairly close. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)一向头脑清醒的首席经济学家奥利维尔?布兰查德(Olivier Blanchard)暗示,仍有可能达成协议。
2016考研英语一答案:阅读理解Text 3

2016考研英语一答案:阅读理解Text 3
31: B. skepticism
32: A. winning trust from consumers
33: C. less severe
34: A. has an impact on their decision
35: B. The necessary amount of companies' spending on it is unknown.
本文节选自《经济学人》(The Economist)名为The Halo Effect的文章。
文章主要谈论的是企业社会责任政策(Corporate social responsibility,CSR)。
开篇先从诺贝尔经济学家Milton Friedman的评论引出作者对CSR的看法,“CSR的政策并不是对股东财富的浪费,新的研究表明——CSR很可能对公司产生货币价值(至少在他们被指控腐败时)。

A global house-price slump is coming全球房价即将暴跌It won’t blow up the financial system, but it will be scary虽然不会摧毁金融体系,但仍然令人恐慌Over the past decade owning a house has meant easy money. Prices rose reliably for years and then went bizarrely ballistic in the pandemic. Yet today if your wealth is tied up in bricks and mortar it is time to get nervous.过去十年里,拥有一套房就意味着轻松赚钱。
House prices are now falling in nine rich economies. The drops in America are small so far, but in the wildest markets they are already dramatic. In condo-crazed Canada homes cost 9% less than they did in February.九个发达经济体的房价都在下跌。
As inflation and recession stalk the world a deepening correction is likely—even estate agents are gloomy. Although this will not detonate global banks as in 2007-09, it will intensify the downturn, leave a cohort of people with wrecked finances and start a political storm.随着通货膨胀和经济衰退的风险在全球范围内蔓延,房价或将迎来一场深度调整——甚至房地产经纪人也对此感到悲观。

2017考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希腊和欧元凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!2017考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希腊和欧元Greece and the euro希腊和欧元Crisis revisited危机重现The euro is still vulnerable, and Greece is not theonly problem欧元仍然脆弱不堪,而希腊不是其中唯一的问题。
IT WAS almost exactly five years ago that the eurocrisis erupted, starting in Greece.凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!Investors who had complacently let all euro-zone countriesborrow at uniformly low levels abruptly woke up to the riskiness of an incompetentgovernment borrowing money in a currency which it could not depreciate. There is thus adismal symmetry in seeing the euro crisis flare up again in the place where it began.距上一次由希腊引爆的欧债危机已经过去整整五年了。
The proximate cause of the latest outbreak of nerves was the decision by the凯程考研,为学员服务,为学生引路!Greekgovernment, now headed by the generally competent Antonis Samaras, to advance thepresidential election to later this month. The presidency is largely ceremonial, but if Mr Samarascannot win enough votes in parliament for his candidate, Stavros Dimas, a general election willfollow. Polls suggest the winner would be Syriza, a populist party led by Alexis Tsipras.Although Mr Tsipras professes that he does not want to leave the euro, he is making promisesto voters on public spending and taxes that may make it hard for Greece to stay. Hence themarkets' sudden pessimism.导致投资者精神突然紧张的直接原因是希腊政府的决定。

2016考研英语阅读题源:预算趣录考研频道分享《经济学人》文章预算趣录,希望大家平时多练习英语阅读,争取考试时拿高分!2016考研英语阅读题源:预算趣录Fun on a budget预算趣录Congress is incapable of restraining spending. Itshould let the president try国会无力控制开支,也许该放手让总统一试AT THE end of Barack Obama's budget, which waspublished on February 2nd, the administration thanks 614 people by name for putting thething together. It adds that “hundreds, perhaps thousands” of nameless others also helped.There is some thing depressing about the effort that went into producing the document. Thebudget is an admirable piece of work which contains many good ideas, from cuts in farmsubsidies to an increase in tax credits for childless workers. There is, however, a grammatica lmistake repeated throughout it. “The budget will”, the president writes, when what he means isthat his budget would, in the unlikely event that Congress were ever to pass it.奥巴马总统的财政年度预算于2月2日公布,在预算案的最后,政府向614人致谢,感谢他们为预算案形成所作出的贡献。

考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希腊和欧元————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ2017考研备考英语阅读题源经济学人文章:希腊和欧元Greeceand the euro希腊和欧元Crisisrevisited危机重现The eurois still vulnerable, and Greece is nottheonlyproblem欧元仍然脆弱不堪,而希腊不是其中唯一的问题。
IT WAS almost exactly five yearsagothat the eurocrisis erupted, starting in Greece. Investorswho hadcomplacentlylet alleuro-zone countriesborrowat uniformly lowlevels abruptly wokeupto the riskiness of an incompetentgovernment borrowingmoney inacurrencywhichit could notdepreciate. There is thusadismalsymmetryin seeingthe euro crisis flare up again in theplacewhere it began.距上一次由希腊引爆的欧债危机已经过去整整五年了。
The proximate cause of the latest outbreak of nerves was the decision by t heGreekgovernment, now headed bythegenerally competent Antonis Samaras,toadvance thepresidentialelection to later this month. The presidency is largelyceremonial, but ifMr Samarascannotwin enoug hvotes inparliamentfor hiscandidate,StavrosDimas, a general electionwillfollow.Polls suggest the winnerwould be Syriza, a populist party ledby AlexisTsipras.Although MrTsipras professes thathedoes not want toleave the euro,he ismaking promisestovoterson public spending and taxes thatmay make it hardfor Greece tostay. Hence themarkets' sudden pessimism.导致投资者精神突然紧张的直接原因是希腊政府的决定。

A new study finds preschool can be detrimental to children一项新的研究发现,学前教育对孩子可能并没有好处But the picture may not be as gloomy as it seems但前景或许并不那么悲观Free, universal preschool for three- and four-year-olds is a key component of the Democrats’ agenda. Proponents say pre-kindergarten, or pre-K, education can be transformative for children, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. A new study seems to contradict this.为三、四岁儿童提供免费、普及的学前教育是民主党议程的一个关键组成部分。
It finds that children who attended a pre-K programme in Tennessee actually scored worse on a range of education and behavioural measures. Yet this might reflect general improvements in early education rather than the impact of one programme.该研究发现,在田纳西州参加学前教育项目的儿童实际上在一系列教育和行为指标上得分更低。
2016考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:Building blocks

2016考研英语阅读题源经济学人文章:Building blocks感谢凯程考研李老师对本文做出的重要贡献大学毕业,又即将面临着多种选择,对于考研,留学,还是去创业,我们该如何选择?选择考研的朋友,如果你的想法是:第一,我就喜欢这个方向,我清晰地知道这个方向我的知识不够,我知道我要学什么,我方向很明确,学习的目的也很坚定;第二,我就喜欢这个方向,并且未来这个方向也很有前景,所以我想在这个方向上深造,那么,就去读吧。
New homes新家Building blocks添砖加瓦The government makes a lame attempt to boosthouse-building政府促进房地产建设的步伐跌跌撞撞AS GEORGE OSBORNE prepared to deliver hisautumn statement, on December 2nd, Danny Alexander, his Liberal Democrat deputy at theTreasury, announced a slew of investments in infrastructure. These included a much-needed15 billion (24 billion) for roads, as well as 2.3 billion for flood defences. Mr Alexander tried tomake much of the coalition's plans on housing, too, trumpeting 13,000 new homes to be builtat Bicester, a town in Oxfordshire, which would then be designated as a garden city. Thegovernment will need to do much more, however, to solve Britain's housing problem.随着乔治·奥斯本准备发表其秋日宣言,12月2日,来自自由民主党的英国财政部第一副大臣丹尼·亚历山大宣布了拉动基础建设的投资计划。

文章概要:提前掌握文章标题:The paradox of the ghetto文章来源:《经济学人》近来,杜克大学的一项研究证明,生活在富人区的穷孩子们更容易惹麻烦。
原文阅读:读懂文意I①Britain has prized the ideal of economically mixed neighbourhoods since the19th century.②Poverty and disadvantage are intensified when poor people cluster,runs the argument;conversely,the rich are unfairly helped when they are surrounded by other rich people.③Social mixing ought to help the poor.④It sounds self-evident—and colours planning regulations that ensure much social and affordable housing is dotted among more expensive private homes.⑤Yet“there is absolutely no serious evidence to support this,”says Paul Cheshire,a professor of economic geography at the London School of Economics(LSE).II①And there is new evidence to suggest it is wrong.②Researchers at Duke University in America followed over1,600children from age five to age12in England and Wales.③They found that poor boys living in largely well-to-do neighbourhoods were the most likely to engage in anti-social behaviour,from lying and swearing to such petty misdemeanours as fighting,shoplifting and vandalism,according to a commonly used measure of problem behaviour.④Misbehaviour starts very young and intensifies as they grow older.⑤Poor boys in the poorest neighbourhoods were the least likely to run into trouble.⑥For rich kids,the opposite is true:those living in poor areas are more likely to misbehave.III①The researchers suggest several reasons for this.②Poorer areas are often heavily policed,deterring would-be miscreants;it may be that people in wealthy places are less likely to spot misbehaviour,too.③Living alongside the rich may also make the poor more keenly aware of their own deprivation,suggests Tim Newburn,a criminologist who is also at the LSE.④That,in turn,increases the feelings of alienation that are associated with anti-social conduct and criminal behaviour.IV①All this does not in itself prove that economically mixed neighbourhoods are a bad thing.②They may be good in other ways—making politicians more moderate,for example.③But the research does suggest that the benefits of such districts are far from straightforward.④Patterns of social segregation reflect broader social inequality,argues Mr Cheshire,who has written a book about urban economics and policy.⑤Where mixed neighbourhoods flourish,house prices rise,overwhelmingly benefiting the rich.⑥Spending more money on schools in deprived areas and dispatching the best teachers there would do more to help poor children.⑦Assuming that a life among wealthy neighbours will improve their lot is too complacent.重点词汇:着重掌握1.intensify[ɪn'tensɪfaɪ]vt.使加强,使强化2.cluster['klʌstə]vt.使聚集3.affordable housing经济适用房4.dot[dɒt]vt.在……打点5.swear[sweə]vt.诅咒,咒骂6.*misdemeanor[ˌmɪsdɪ'mi:nə]n.不法行为;(相对于重罪的)轻罪,小罪7.*shoplifting['ʃɒplɪftɪŋ]n.入店行窃8.*vandalism['vændəlɪzəm](尤指对公共财产的)故意破坏,捣毁9.*misbehavior[ˌmɪsbɪ'heɪvjə]n.<美>不礼貌,品行不端;违反军规10.*deter[dɪˈtə:]vt.阻止,制止;使不敢;使踌躇11.*miscreant[ˈmɪskriənt]n.恶棍,歹徒12.deprivation[deprɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]n.贫困,匮乏;剥夺13.*criminologist[ˌkrɪmɪ'nɒlədʒɪst]n.犯罪学家;犯罪学者,刑事学家14.alienation[eɪlɪə'neɪʃ(ə)n]n.异化;疏远15.segregation[,segrɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]n.隔离,分离.16.*dispatch[dɪˈspætʃ]vt.派遣,调度17.*complacent[kəmˈplesənt]adj.自满的;自鸣得意的原文翻译:强化语感自19世纪以来,英国人就非常重视贫富混住社区理念。

2016年考研英语阅读材料:finance ministerALMOST every recent Greek finance minister has been an Athens university economics professor moonlighting as a politician. Yanis Varoufakis is no exception. But unlike his predecessors, Mr Varoufakis has become a global celebrity, to the annoyance of many in Syriza, the leftist party in power. To his critics, Mr Varoufakis's li festyle―riding a powerful motorbike, spending evenings in chic bars and weekends at a smart island villa belonging to his wife―is embarrassingly close to that of the rich Greeks he castigates for avoiding taxes by stashing cash abroad.The leather-jacketed Mr Varoufakis is not much liked by his euro-zone colleagues either. He lectures them and shows little interest in the details of reforms demanded by Greece's creditors. The pace of negotiations has picked up as Greece's cash crunch gets more acute. But Mr Varoufakis continues to raise obstacles, say officials in Brussels and Frankfurt. He is deeply reluctant to cross any of Syriza's “red lines”: no more cuts in pensions, no more labour reforms, no increases in value-added tax and no privatisations beyond the handful that are already under way.Divisions within Syriza's economic team do not help. Amazingly, Mr Varoufakis is often away on the international conference circuit. In his absence Yannis Dragasakis, the deputy prime minister, who is close to Mr Tsipras but not to Mr Varoufakis, takes over. His messages to the “institutions”, as the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission are nowknown (in place of the hated “troika”), are more conciliatory than those of Mr Varoufakis. But their senior officials are still banned by Mr Varoufakis from holding discussions in the finance ministry inAthens.Greeceis unlikely to reach a deal this month with its creditors. Mr Varoufakis is trying to buy more time. The latest wheeze was to get local authorities and other public agencies to transfer their cash reserves to the central bank. But without a deal,Greece seems certain to run out of money to repay its debts to the IMF and ECB. Some fret that Mr Varoufakis's half-hearted negotiating tactics show a lack of commitment to keeping Greece in the euro. As a fellow economics professor puts it: “Unlike his predecessors, Yanis isn't interested in managing the economy. What he really enjoys is brinkmanship.”参考译文:希腊近几任财政部长皆为希腊大学的经济学教授,业余职业是政治家。

What are the keys to a successful life?成功的关键是什么?No matter what your goals are in life, there is one great law that you need to obey in order to be successful: No one else is going to climb the ladder of success for you. No one else is responsible for your health, wealth, happiness, or success. From the day you leave your parents’ house and start to make your own choices, you are responsible for your life and the choices you make.无论你的人生目标是什么,要想成功,你必须遵守一条伟大的法则:没有人会替你登上成功的阶梯。
You choose the job you work in, the person you live with, and how much you exercise every day. Only you can choose how you spend your time, and the decisions you make on a consistent basis will make or break your life.你可以选择你的工作、与你一起生活的另一伴以及每天的运动量。

World economy世界经济Past and future tense过去和未来时The world economy in 2015 will carry troublingechoes of the late 1990s世界经济在2015年将出现20世纪90年代晚期令人烦恼的相似困境A FINANCIAL crash in Russia; falling oil prices and a strong dollar; a new gold rush in SiliconValley and a resurgent American economy; weakness in Germany and Japan; tumblingcurrencies in emerging markets from Brazil to Indonesia; an embattled Democrat in the WhiteHouse. Is that a forecast of the world in 2015 or a portrait of the late 1990s?俄罗斯发生了金融危机;油价和强势美元下跌;硅谷出现了新的淘金热,并且美国实现经济复苏;德国和日本则经济疲软;从巴西到印度尼西亚的新兴市场货币呈动荡;民主党在白宫四面楚歌。
那是对2015年世界的预测或上世纪90年代末的景象描绘?Recent economic history has been so dominated by the credit crunch of 2008-09 that it is easyto forget what happened in the decades before. But looking back 15 years or so is instructive —in terms of both what to do and what to avoid.近期的经济已经由2008-09年的信贷紧缩所主导,很容易忘记在十年前所发生的事情。

The 19th century French philosopher Auguste Comte got it wrong: demography is not destiny.19世纪法国哲学家奥古斯特•孔德错了:人口并不决定命运。
Population trends are some of the strongest forces in economics, affecting global prosperity, the growth of individual nations and the strength of public finances. But reducing the success of countries and regions to their trends in births, deaths and migration is a simplification too far.各种人口趋势是经济学中最强大的一些力量,影响着全球繁荣、单个国家的增长和公共财政的实力。
As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, the confident predictions in 2020 of a lockdown baby boom followed by the 2021 fear of a Covid baby bust demonstrate that demographic trends are far less stable than often imagined. Small changes in fertility, mortality and migration can have immense effects.正如新冠疫情所显示的那样,2020年对疫情封锁会带来一波婴儿潮的自信预测,以及接下来的2021年对疫情会造成婴儿荒的担忧,表明人口趋势远没有通常想象的那么稳定。
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Greece and the euro希腊和欧元Crisis revisited危机重现The euro is still vulnerable, and Greece is not theonly problem欧元仍然脆弱不堪,而希腊不是其中唯一的问题。
IT WAS almost exactly five years ago that the eurocrisis erupted, starting in Greece. Investors who had complacently let all euro-zone countriesborrow at uniformly low levels abruptly woke up to the riskiness of an incompetentgovernment borrowing money in a currency which it could not depreciate. There is thus adismal symmetry in seeing the euro crisis flare up again in the place where it began.距上一次由希腊引爆的欧债危机已经过去整整五年了。
The proximate cause of the latest outbreak of nerves was the decision by the Greekgovernment, now headed by the generally competent Antonis Samaras, to advance thepresidential election to later this month. The presidency is largely ceremonial, but if Mr Samarascannot win enough votes in parliament for his candidate, Stavros Dimas, a general election willfollow. Polls suggest the winner would be Syriza, a populist party led by Alexis Tsipras.Although Mr Tsipras professes that he does not want to leave the euro, he is making promisesto voters on public spending and taxes that may make it hard for Greece to stay. Hence themarkets' sudden pessimism.导致投资者精神突然紧张的直接原因是希腊政府的决定。
现任希腊领导人Antonis Samaras相对还比较有能力,他将在本月晚些时候提前进行总统选举。
本次选举基本上是仪式性的,但如果Samaras不能在议会为其接班人Stavros Dimas赢得足够多的选票,接下来还会进行一次普选。
民意调查显示,由Alexis Tsipras 领导的民粹主义政党左翼联盟将会赢得普选。
As it happens, there is a good chance that Mr Dimas, a former EU commissioner, will win thepresidential vote at the end of this month (see article). But the latest Aegean tragicomedy is atimely reminder both of how unreformed the euro zone still is and of the dangers lurking in itspolitics.刚巧,对于前欧盟委员Dimas来说是在本月底赢得总统选举的好机会。
It is true that, ever since the pledge by the European Central Bank's president, Mario Draghi inJuly 2012 to “do whatever it takes”to save the euro, fears that the single currency might breakup have dissipated. Much has been done to repair the euro's architecture, ranging from theestablishment of a bail-out fund to the start of a banking union. And economic growth acrossthe euro zone is slowly returning, however anaemically, even to Greece and other bailed-outcountries.现实是,自从2012年7月欧洲央行主席Mario Draghi发誓要不惜一切代价拯救欧元之后,人们对于单一货币可能会崩溃的担忧消除了。
But is that good enough? Even if the immediate threat of break-up has receded, the longer-term threat to the single currency has, if anything, increased. The euro zone seems to betrapped in a cycle of slow growth, high unemployment and dangerously low inflation. MrDraghi would like to respond to this with full-blown quantitative easing, but he is running intofierce opposition from German and other like-minded ECB council members (see article). Fiscalexpansion is similarly blocked by Germany's unyielding insistence on strict budgetarydiscipline. And forcing structural reforms through the two sickliest core euro countries, Italyand France, remains an agonisingly slow business.但是这就够了么?即使当下分崩离析的危险暂时解除了,欧元这一单一货币的长期危险反而增加了。
Draghi 希望能通过全面的量化宽松对这一困境做出反应。
Japan is reckoned to have had two “lost decades”; but in the past 20 years it grew by almost0.9% a year. The euro zone, whose economy has not grown since the crisis, is showing no signof dragging itself out of its slump. And Japan's political set-up is far more manageable thanEurope's. It is a single political entity with a cohesive society; the euro zone consists of 18separate countries, each with a different political landscape. It is hard to imagine it livingthrough a decade even more dismal than Japan's without some political upheaval.日本被认为已经经历了“失去的二十年”,但是在过去的20年中,日本基本保持了0.9%的年增长率。
Greece is hardly alone in having angry voters. Portugal and Spain both have elections next year,in which parties that are fiercely against excessive austerity are likely to do well. In Italythreeof the four biggest parties, Forza Italia, the Northern League and Beppe Grillo's Five Starmovement, are turning against euro membership. France's anti-European National Frontcontinues to climb in the opinion polls. Even Germany has a rising populist party that is againstthe euro.希腊不是唯一一个有着愤怒选民的国家。